
TV Program - Sobota 4. srpna

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BBC Entertainment BBC Entertainment
Discovery Investigat Discovery Investigat
Bargain Hunt XLI (8/32)
Hexham 11. Tim Wonnacott heads to Hexham in Northumberland, with Anita Manning and David Harper.
Bargain Hunt XLIII (31)
Lincoln 15. Paul Laidlaw takes the hunt for bargains to Lincoln. Twin sisters take on twin brothers ...

Lincoln 15. Paul Laidlaw takes the hunt for bargains to Lincoln. Twin sisters take on twin brothers to see who will make the most profit at auction.

Bargain Hunt XLIII (32)
Lincoln 16. Paul Laidlaw presents from Lincoln with experts Raj Bisram and Kate Bliss on hand to hel...

Lincoln 16. Paul Laidlaw presents from Lincoln with experts Raj Bisram and Kate Bliss on hand to help the teams.

Antiques Roadshow XXXVIII

Další díl/opakování:
07.03.2019 v 13:40 (BBC Entertainment)
08.03.2019 v 06:00 (BBC Entertainment)
09.03.2019 v 04:20 (BBC Entertainment)
13.03.2019 v 06:00 (BBC Entertainment)
16.03.2019 v 12:30 (BBC Entertainment)
17.03.2019 v 06:00 (BBC Entertainment)
18.03.2019 v 07:30 (BBC Entertainment)
19.03.2019 v 06:00 (BBC Entertainment)

Bolsover Castle 2. The Antiques Roadshow returns to Bolsover Castle in Derbyshire, where treasures i...

Bolsover Castle 2. The Antiques Roadshow returns to Bolsover Castle in Derbyshire, where treasures include a rare jade pendant found in a garden and a painting by novelist DH Lawrence

TV program: Příběhy starožitností aneb Víte, co máte... (Antiques Roadshow)
African Voices
An in-depth show highlighting engaging personalities from across the continent of Africa; from news ...

An in-depth show highlighting engaging personalities from across the continent of Africa; from news makers in politics and business to the pioneers of music, arts, and sport.

Talk Asia
CNN Newsroom
A roundup of the latest news and global events.
Living Golf
Hosted by Justin Armsden, this weekly program looks at the business, technology, travel and fashion ...

Hosted by Justin Armsden, this weekly program looks at the business, technology, travel and fashion of the game. New show airs every month, but each week tournament results are updated.

CNN Newsroom
A roundup of the latest news and global events.
Erin Burnett OutFront
She's smart, entertaining and ahead of the news. Erin Burnett goes from the bottom line to the front...

She's smart, entertaining and ahead of the news. Erin Burnett goes from the bottom line to the front line.

Willi wills wissen
Und die Kuh sagt muh dazu!
Wissen macht Ah!
Lumpi! Aus!
Abenteuer Wilder Westen (7/10)
Das Survivaltraining / Der Westernfilmdreh. Deutschland (2013)
Paula und die wilden Tiere
Hallo Erdmännchen! Deutschland (2013)
Anna und die Haustiere
Wellen- und Nymphensittich, Deutschland (2014)
Checker Tobi
Entdeckershow mit Tobias Krell. Der Schwimm-Check
BBC Entertainment
Antiques Roadshow XXXVIII

Další díl/opakování:
07.03.2019 v 13:40 (BBC Entertainment)
08.03.2019 v 06:00 (BBC Entertainment)
09.03.2019 v 04:20 (BBC Entertainment)
13.03.2019 v 06:00 (BBC Entertainment)
16.03.2019 v 12:30 (BBC Entertainment)
17.03.2019 v 06:00 (BBC Entertainment)
18.03.2019 v 07:30 (BBC Entertainment)
19.03.2019 v 06:00 (BBC Entertainment)

RAF Coningsby 2. The Antiques Roadshow makes a return visit to RAF Coningsby in Lincolnshire, where ...

RAF Coningsby 2. The Antiques Roadshow makes a return visit to RAF Coningsby in Lincolnshire, where treasures include an aristocratic harp that survived the French Revolution

TV program: Příběhy starožitností aneb Víte, co máte... (Antiques Roadshow)
Doctors XIX (97)
Baby Steps. Al's date backfires when he is the one left feeling sorry for himself. Elsewhere, the po...

Baby Steps. Al's date backfires when he is the one left feeling sorry for himself. Elsewhere, the police make a significant breakthrough thanks to Zara.

Doctors XIX (98)
The Girl In The Headscarf. Shak has a confession to make, but it puts Heston in a difficult situatio...

The Girl In The Headscarf. Shak has a confession to make, but it puts Heston in a difficult situation. Ayesha tries to get through to a friend with a dangerous hobby.

Doctors XIX (99)
Remorse. Mrs Tembe worries about Sid being exploited, but Al sees it as an opportunity for some fun....

Remorse. Mrs Tembe worries about Sid being exploited, but Al sees it as an opportunity for some fun. Zara finds something in Joe's school bag that could be a warning.

Doctors XIX (100)
Impulse Control. Sid returns from holiday to find his recent PR exercise has horribly backfired. Zar...

Impulse Control. Sid returns from holiday to find his recent PR exercise has horribly backfired. Zara and Daniel face their worst nightmare when Joe has goes missing.

Doctors XIX (101)
The Talking Cure. Mrs Tembe comes up with a new way for Sid to use his voice, and Rob tells Heston h...

The Talking Cure. Mrs Tembe comes up with a new way for Sid to use his voice, and Rob tells Heston he is struggling to talk about his feelings.

Bargain Hunt XLIII (31)
Lincoln 15. Paul Laidlaw takes the hunt for bargains to Lincoln. Twin sisters take on twin brothers ...

Lincoln 15. Paul Laidlaw takes the hunt for bargains to Lincoln. Twin sisters take on twin brothers to see who will make the most profit at auction.

CNN Newsroom
A roundup of the latest news and global events.
Christiane Amanpour provides her powerful interview skills and provocative analysis on global storie...

Christiane Amanpour provides her powerful interview skills and provocative analysis on global stories that matter to you.

CNN Talk
CNN Talk tackles the political issues which matter to you. Join Max Foster and his guests for an int...

CNN Talk tackles the political issues which matter to you. Join Max Foster and his guests for an interactive debate.

CNN Newsroom
A roundup of the latest news and global events.
Inside the Middle East
Hund, Katze, Nagetier - Welches Haustier passt zu mir?
Tiere bis unters Dach

Další díl/opakování:
09.05.2021 v 08:05 (ARD)

Rinderwahn. Familienserie Deutschland (2012)
TV program: Dům plný zvířátek (Tiere bis unters Dach)
Tiere bis unters Dach

Další díl/opakování:
09.05.2021 v 08:05 (ARD)

Fuchsjagd. Familienserie Deutschland (2012)
TV program: Dům plný zvířátek (Tiere bis unters Dach)
Tiere bis unters Dach

Další díl/opakování:
09.05.2021 v 08:05 (ARD)

Trüffelschweine. Familienserie Deutschland (2012)
TV program: Dům plný zvířátek (Tiere bis unters Dach)
Pressetext zu Start. Ziel. Sieg? Deutschlands beste Läuferinnen und ihr Traum vom EM-Triumph Film vo...

Pressetext zu Start. Ziel. Sieg? Deutschlands beste Läuferinnen und ihr Traum vom EM-Triumph Film von Konrad Willem und Ben Wozny Gesa Krause und Gina Lückenkemper sind die Stars unter den deutschen Läuferinnen. Zwei unterschiedliche Persönlichkeiten mit einem gemeinsamen Ziel: dem Triumph bei der Europameisterschaft in Berlin. Die Reportage zeigt, wie sich Krause (3000m Hindernis) und Lückenkemper (Sprint) auf den Saisonhöhepunkt vorbereiten. Der Film fesselt durch Einblicke in den Spitzensport, private Momentaufnahmen und vor allem durch die außergewöhnlichen Charaktere zweier doch so unterschiedlicher Sportlerinnen. Gesa Krause (25): Sie gehört schon zu den etablierten Läuferinnen Deutschlands. Krause trumpft vor allem beim 3.000-m-Hindernislauf auf. In dieser Disziplin holte sie 2015 bei der WM die Bronzemedaille. 2016 lief sie zum Europameistertitel. Eigentlich wollte sie auch bei dem WM 2017 aufs Podest. Der Traum von einer weiteren Medaille platzte aber schon zu Beginn des Rennens, als Krause über eine gestürzte Läuferin fiel. Trotz großer Schmerzen machte sie weiter und eroberte immerhin noch den neunten Platz. Gut zwei Wochen später lief sie beim Berliner ISTAF in ihrer Spezialdisziplin zu einem neuen deutschen Rekord. Gesa Krause ist Familienmensch, reiste schon als Jugendliche mit ihren Eltern um die Welt. Um sich stetig zu verbessern, trainiert die Sportsoldatin regelmäßig in Afrika. Gina Lückenkemper (21): So schnell war in Deutschland seit über 20 Jahren keine Frau mehr. Das Kunststück, die 100 m unter 11 Sekunden zu laufen, gelang zuletzt Katrin Krabbe 1991. Im Vorlauf bei der Leichtathletik-WM in London benötigte Lückenkemper nur 10,95 Sekunden. Sie ist schnell - nicht nur auf der Laufbahn - Lückenkemper legt einfach immer sofort los, selbstbewusst und ohne Scheu vor der großen Bühne. Neben dem Sport absolviert sie ein Studium der Wirtschaftspsychologie an der Ruhr-Universität Bochum. Erholung holt sie sich bei ihrem Pferd Picasso. Es ist ihr Ruhepol.

Discovery Investigat
BBC Entertainment
Bargain Hunt XLIII (32)
Lincoln 16. Paul Laidlaw presents from Lincoln with experts Raj Bisram and Kate Bliss on hand to hel...

Lincoln 16. Paul Laidlaw presents from Lincoln with experts Raj Bisram and Kate Bliss on hand to help the teams.

Harry's Arctic Heroes (2/2)
The team are dropped 160 miles from the North Pole and pull their own sledges across pressure ridges...

The team are dropped 160 miles from the North Pole and pull their own sledges across pressure ridges and boulder fields in freezing temperatures.


Další díl/opakování:
28.11.2019 v 09:50 (BBC Entertainment)
29.11.2019 v 01:20 (BBC Entertainment)
03.12.2019 v 09:50 (BBC Entertainment)
04.12.2019 v 01:00 (BBC Entertainment)
05.12.2019 v 09:35 (BBC Entertainment)
06.12.2019 v 01:25 (BBC Entertainment)
07.12.2019 v 14:15 (BBC Entertainment)
08.12.2019 v 10:15 (BBC Entertainment)

Carmel seeks Hayley's help with an idea but Hayley makes an excuse at the last minute leaving Carmel...

Carmel seeks Hayley's help with an idea but Hayley makes an excuse at the last minute leaving Carmel to proceed alone.

TV program: EastEnders

Další díl/opakování:
28.11.2019 v 09:50 (BBC Entertainment)
29.11.2019 v 01:20 (BBC Entertainment)
03.12.2019 v 09:50 (BBC Entertainment)
04.12.2019 v 01:00 (BBC Entertainment)
05.12.2019 v 09:35 (BBC Entertainment)
06.12.2019 v 01:25 (BBC Entertainment)
07.12.2019 v 14:15 (BBC Entertainment)
08.12.2019 v 10:15 (BBC Entertainment)

It's the day of Shakil's funeral and Darius, Umar and Kush prepare for the emotional day ahead. Desp...

It's the day of Shakil's funeral and Darius, Umar and Kush prepare for the emotional day ahead. Despite Carmel's orders to Jay, Kush insists the funeral will go ahead as planned.

TV program: EastEnders

Další díl/opakování:
28.11.2019 v 09:50 (BBC Entertainment)
29.11.2019 v 01:20 (BBC Entertainment)
03.12.2019 v 09:50 (BBC Entertainment)
04.12.2019 v 01:00 (BBC Entertainment)
05.12.2019 v 09:35 (BBC Entertainment)
06.12.2019 v 01:25 (BBC Entertainment)
07.12.2019 v 14:15 (BBC Entertainment)
08.12.2019 v 10:15 (BBC Entertainment)

Rainie desperately tries to get Max's attention but when he ignores her, she is left feeling hopeles...

Rainie desperately tries to get Max's attention but when he ignores her, she is left feeling hopeless and desperate, buys drugs from a dealer. Phil spots the exchange and steps in; sending the dealer on his way and offering Rainie support.

TV program: EastEnders

Další díl/opakování:
28.11.2019 v 09:50 (BBC Entertainment)
29.11.2019 v 01:20 (BBC Entertainment)
03.12.2019 v 09:50 (BBC Entertainment)
04.12.2019 v 01:00 (BBC Entertainment)
05.12.2019 v 09:35 (BBC Entertainment)
06.12.2019 v 01:25 (BBC Entertainment)
07.12.2019 v 14:15 (BBC Entertainment)
08.12.2019 v 10:15 (BBC Entertainment)

Cora reluctantly leaves Abi with Max and Rainie for the day and shares her woes with Patrick who enc...

Cora reluctantly leaves Abi with Max and Rainie for the day and shares her woes with Patrick who encourages her to move on and fix her relationship with Rainie.

TV program: EastEnders
Erin Burnett OutFront
She's smart, entertaining and ahead of the news. Erin Burnett goes from the bottom line to the front...

She's smart, entertaining and ahead of the news. Erin Burnett goes from the bottom line to the front line.

Programming to be determined.
Michael Smerconish tackles the American political and news stories of the week.
CNN Newsroom
A roundup of the latest news and global events.
African Voices
An in-depth show highlighting engaging personalities from across the continent of Africa; from news ...

An in-depth show highlighting engaging personalities from across the continent of Africa; from news makers in politics and business to the pioneers of music, arts, and sport.

CNN Newsroom
A roundup of the latest news and global events.
Marketplace Africa
Marketplace Africa offers unique access to the latest African market information, with a look at eve...

Marketplace Africa offers unique access to the latest African market information, with a look at events and developments that impact the business world.

Programming to be determined.
Zweier Männer und Frauen - Finale. Vierer Männer und Frauen - Finale. Doppelvierer Männer und Frauen...

Zweier Männer und Frauen - Finale. Vierer Männer und Frauen - Finale. Doppelvierer Männer und Frauen - Finale. Achter Frauen - Finale

Teamwettbewerb Frauen - Finale
Rad (Bahnrad)
Omnium Herren - Finale. 1 km Zeitfahren Männer - Finale
Discovery Investigat
BBC Entertainment
Bargain Hunt XLI (1/32)
Lincoln 1. Tim Wonnacott and the team head east to the Lincolnshire showground.
Antiques Roadshow XXXVIII

Další díl/opakování:
07.03.2019 v 13:40 (BBC Entertainment)
08.03.2019 v 06:00 (BBC Entertainment)
09.03.2019 v 04:20 (BBC Entertainment)
13.03.2019 v 06:00 (BBC Entertainment)
16.03.2019 v 12:30 (BBC Entertainment)
17.03.2019 v 06:00 (BBC Entertainment)
18.03.2019 v 07:30 (BBC Entertainment)
19.03.2019 v 06:00 (BBC Entertainment)

Bolsover Castle 2. The Antiques Roadshow returns to Bolsover Castle in Derbyshire, where treasures i...

Bolsover Castle 2. The Antiques Roadshow returns to Bolsover Castle in Derbyshire, where treasures include a rare jade pendant found in a garden and a painting by novelist DH Lawrence

TV program: Příběhy starožitností aneb Víte, co máte... (Antiques Roadshow)
Antiques Roadshow XXXVIII

Další díl/opakování:
07.03.2019 v 13:40 (BBC Entertainment)
08.03.2019 v 06:00 (BBC Entertainment)
09.03.2019 v 04:20 (BBC Entertainment)
13.03.2019 v 06:00 (BBC Entertainment)
16.03.2019 v 12:30 (BBC Entertainment)
17.03.2019 v 06:00 (BBC Entertainment)
18.03.2019 v 07:30 (BBC Entertainment)
19.03.2019 v 06:00 (BBC Entertainment)

RAF Coningsby 2. The Antiques Roadshow makes a return visit to RAF Coningsby in Lincolnshire, where ...

RAF Coningsby 2. The Antiques Roadshow makes a return visit to RAF Coningsby in Lincolnshire, where treasures include an aristocratic harp that survived the French Revolution

TV program: Příběhy starožitností aneb Víte, co máte... (Antiques Roadshow)
Last of the Summer Wine XXX (1/11)
Enter The Finger. Barry's fitness-mad neighbour, Boothroyd, outshines him in all things physical. Bu...

Enter The Finger. Barry's fitness-mad neighbour, Boothroyd, outshines him in all things physical. But with karate, however, Barry has friends to help him get even.

Last of the Summer Wine XXX (2/11)
Will The Genuine Racer Please Stand Up? To ease his tormented soul, Howard devises a simple but bril...

Will The Genuine Racer Please Stand Up? To ease his tormented soul, Howard devises a simple but brilliant scheme to change his appearance enough to fool even Pearl.

Last of the Summer Wine XXX (3/11)
A Short Introduction To Cooper's Rules. Just when PCs Cooper and Walsh appear to have mastered crime...

A Short Introduction To Cooper's Rules. Just when PCs Cooper and Walsh appear to have mastered crime fighting, Barry spoils it by taking a retired vicar out for the day.

World Sport
A comprehensive review of sports news from around the world, including all the key highlights, profi...

A comprehensive review of sports news from around the world, including all the key highlights, profiles and interviews with the newsmakers and stars of sport.

Shirley Robertson takes a look at the world of sailing, with all the latest leisure, technology and ...

Shirley Robertson takes a look at the world of sailing, with all the latest leisure, technology and business aspects fo the sport. New show airs every month.

CNN Newsroom
A roundup of the latest news and global events.
Inside Africa
Inside Africa takes its viewers on a journey across Africa, exploring the true diversity and depth o...

Inside Africa takes its viewers on a journey across Africa, exploring the true diversity and depth of different cultures, countries and regions.

CNN Newsroom
A roundup of the latest news and global events.
Talk Asia
CNN Newsroom
A roundup of the latest news and global events.
Programming to be determined.
Start. Ziel. Sieg?
Deutschlands beste Läuferinnen und ihr Traum vom EM-Triumph. Film von Konrad Willem und Ben Wozny
800 m Freistil Frauen - Finale. 100 m Brust Männer - Finale. 50 m Rücken Männer - Finale. 4 x 200 m ...

800 m Freistil Frauen - Finale. 100 m Brust Männer - Finale. 50 m Rücken Männer - Finale. 4 x 200 m Freistil Mixed-Staffel - Finale

3. Liga
Lotto am Samstag
Moderation: Franziska Reichenbacher. Gewinnzahlen der 31. Ausspielung
Discovery Investigat
BBC Entertainment
Atlantis II (4/13)
The Marriage of True Minds. As plans progress for the royal wedding, Ariadne must undertake a journe...

The Marriage of True Minds. As plans progress for the royal wedding, Ariadne must undertake a journey to Telemon's homeland of Aegina. But Jason is not the only one who fears for the queen's safety.

Alan Carr: Chatty Man XVI (8/10)
Warm and witty chat show with comedian Alan Carr and guests.
Still Open All Hours II (5/6)
Kevin is the world's most reluctant bridegroom and is still having second thoughts. Can Granville en...

Kevin is the world's most reluctant bridegroom and is still having second thoughts. Can Granville ensure he makes it to the ceremony this time?

Uncle III (1/7)
Father's Day. Andy tries to work up the nerve to confront Teresa about their child.
Live at the Apollo XII (4/7)
Adam Hills, Michelle Wolf, Jamali Maddix. Australian comedy star Adam Hills is your host as he intro...

Adam Hills, Michelle Wolf, Jamali Maddix. Australian comedy star Adam Hills is your host as he introduces US comic Michelle Wolf and sharp-witted Jamali Maddix to the stage.

The Wrong Mans (1/6)
The Wrong Mans. Lowly council employee Sam Pinkett is the sole witness to a shocking car accident an...

The Wrong Mans. Lowly council employee Sam Pinkett is the sole witness to a shocking car accident and soon ends up in all sorts of trouble as a result.

CNN Newsroom
A roundup of the latest news and global events.
Christiane Amanpour provides her powerful interview skills and provocative analysis on global storie...

Christiane Amanpour provides her powerful interview skills and provocative analysis on global stories that matter to you.

World Sport
A comprehensive review of sports news from around the world, including all the key highlights, profi...

A comprehensive review of sports news from around the world, including all the key highlights, profiles and interviews with the newsmakers and stars of sport.

Living Golf
Hosted by Justin Armsden, this weekly program looks at the business, technology, travel and fashion ...

Hosted by Justin Armsden, this weekly program looks at the business, technology, travel and fashion of the game. New show airs every month, but each week tournament results are updated.

Erin Burnett OutFront
She's smart, entertaining and ahead of the news. Erin Burnett goes from the bottom line to the front...

She's smart, entertaining and ahead of the news. Erin Burnett goes from the bottom line to the front line.

African Voices
An in-depth show highlighting engaging personalities from across the continent of Africa; from news ...

An in-depth show highlighting engaging personalities from across the continent of Africa; from news makers in politics and business to the pioneers of music, arts, and sport.

CNN Newsroom
A roundup of the latest news and global events.
World Sport
A comprehensive review of sports news from around the world, including all the key highlights, profi...

A comprehensive review of sports news from around the world, including all the key highlights, profiles and interviews with the newsmakers and stars of sport.

Frag doch mal die Maus
Moderation: Eckart von Hirschhausen. Die große Familienshow
Moderation: Caren Miosga. mit Wetter
Das Wort zum Sonntag
Spricht Pfarrer Wolfgang Beck, Hildesheim
Inas Nacht (6)
Late-Night-Show. Moderation: Ina Müller
Discovery Investigat
BBC Entertainment
The Wrong Mans (2/6)
Bad Mans. Nick Stevens is heavily in debt to Mr Lau, a local gangster who has kidnapped his wife Sca...

Bad Mans. Nick Stevens is heavily in debt to Mr Lau, a local gangster who has kidnapped his wife Scarlett. Phil and Sam are sent to rescue her by Stevens.

Alan Carr: Chatty Man XVI (8/10)
Warm and witty chat show with comedian Alan Carr and guests.
Still Open All Hours II (5/6)
Kevin is the world's most reluctant bridegroom and is still having second thoughts. Can Granville en...

Kevin is the world's most reluctant bridegroom and is still having second thoughts. Can Granville ensure he makes it to the ceremony this time?

Uncle III (1/7)
Father's Day. Andy tries to work up the nerve to confront Teresa about their child.
Live at the Apollo XII (4/7)
Adam Hills, Michelle Wolf, Jamali Maddix. Australian comedy star Adam Hills is your host as he intro...

Adam Hills, Michelle Wolf, Jamali Maddix. Australian comedy star Adam Hills is your host as he introduces US comic Michelle Wolf and sharp-witted Jamali Maddix to the stage.

The Wrong Mans (1/6)
The Wrong Mans. Lowly council employee Sam Pinkett is the sole witness to a shocking car accident an...

The Wrong Mans. Lowly council employee Sam Pinkett is the sole witness to a shocking car accident and soon ends up in all sorts of trouble as a result.

The Wrong Mans (2/6)
Bad Mans. Nick Stevens is heavily in debt to Mr Lau, a local gangster who has kidnapped his wife Sca...

Bad Mans. Nick Stevens is heavily in debt to Mr Lau, a local gangster who has kidnapped his wife Scarlett. Phil and Sam are sent to rescue her by Stevens.

Alan Carr: Chatty Man XVI (8/10)
Warm and witty chat show with comedian Alan Carr and guests.
Still Open All Hours II (5/6)
Kevin is the world's most reluctant bridegroom and is still having second thoughts. Can Granville en...

Kevin is the world's most reluctant bridegroom and is still having second thoughts. Can Granville ensure he makes it to the ceremony this time?

Marketplace Africa
Marketplace Africa offers unique access to the latest African market information, with a look at eve...

Marketplace Africa offers unique access to the latest African market information, with a look at events and developments that impact the business world.

World Sport
A comprehensive review of sports news from around the world, including all the key highlights, profi...

A comprehensive review of sports news from around the world, including all the key highlights, profiles and interviews with the newsmakers and stars of sport.

Programming to be determined.
Fareed Zakaria GPS
Fareed Zakaria GPS takes a comprehensive look at foreign affairs and the policies shaping our world....

Fareed Zakaria GPS takes a comprehensive look at foreign affairs and the policies shaping our world.

Christiane Amanpour provides her powerful interview skills and provocative analysis on global storie...

Christiane Amanpour provides her powerful interview skills and provocative analysis on global stories that matter to you.

African Voices
An in-depth show highlighting engaging personalities from across the continent of Africa; from news ...

An in-depth show highlighting engaging personalities from across the continent of Africa; from news makers in politics and business to the pioneers of music, arts, and sport.

Erin Burnett OutFront
She's smart, entertaining and ahead of the news. Erin Burnett goes from the bottom line to the front...

She's smart, entertaining and ahead of the news. Erin Burnett goes from the bottom line to the front line.

Inside Africa
Inside Africa takes its viewers on a journey across Africa, exploring the true diversity and depth o...

Inside Africa takes its viewers on a journey across Africa, exploring the true diversity and depth of different cultures, countries and regions.

CNN Newsroom
A roundup of the latest news and global events.
World Sport
A comprehensive review of sports news from around the world, including all the key highlights, profi...

A comprehensive review of sports news from around the world, including all the key highlights, profiles and interviews with the newsmakers and stars of sport.

Rekruten des Todes

Další díl/opakování:
17.04.2019 v 21:40 (Jednotka)
18.04.2019 v 00:55 (Jednotka)

Spielfilm Frankreich (2008).
TV program: Ochrana státu (Secret défense)
Point Blank - Aus kurzer Distanz

Další díl/opakování:
16.09.2022 v 00:15 (ČT2)

Spielfilm Frankreich (2010).
TV program: Limit (À bout portant)
Rekruten des Todes

Další díl/opakování:
17.04.2019 v 21:40 (Jednotka)
18.04.2019 v 00:55 (Jednotka)

Spielfilm Frankreich (2008)
TV program: Ochrana státu (Secret défense)
Discovery Investigat
Naposled navštívené:Přesunout nabok | Vymazat historii
Joanne D'Antonio

D'Antonio Joanne

Naposled navštívené:
Joanne D'Antonio

D'Antonio Joanne