
TV Program - Sobota 12. října

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BBC Entertainment BBC Entertainment
Discovery Investigat Discovery Investigat
Bargain Hunt XLIII (15)
Norfolk 27. Thomas Plant takes the reins as the hunt for bargains heads to the Norfolk Antiques Fair...

Norfolk 27. Thomas Plant takes the reins as the hunt for bargains heads to the Norfolk Antiques Fair.

Doctor Who X (6/12)
Extremis. The Vatican appeals to the Doctor to investigate The Veritas, an ancient book which throug...

Extremis. The Vatican appeals to the Doctor to investigate The Veritas, an ancient book which throughout history, has caused the reader to immediately take their own life. Will he read The Veritas?


Další díl/opakování:
28.11.2019 v 09:50 (BBC Entertainment)
29.11.2019 v 01:20 (BBC Entertainment)
03.12.2019 v 09:50 (BBC Entertainment)
04.12.2019 v 01:00 (BBC Entertainment)
05.12.2019 v 09:35 (BBC Entertainment)
06.12.2019 v 01:25 (BBC Entertainment)
07.12.2019 v 14:15 (BBC Entertainment)
08.12.2019 v 10:15 (BBC Entertainment)

Visit the residents of Albert Square in Walford for another dose of domestic drama and excitement.
TV program: EastEnders

Další díl/opakování:
28.11.2019 v 09:50 (BBC Entertainment)
29.11.2019 v 01:20 (BBC Entertainment)
03.12.2019 v 09:50 (BBC Entertainment)
04.12.2019 v 01:00 (BBC Entertainment)
05.12.2019 v 09:35 (BBC Entertainment)
06.12.2019 v 01:25 (BBC Entertainment)
07.12.2019 v 14:15 (BBC Entertainment)
08.12.2019 v 10:15 (BBC Entertainment)

Visit the residents of Albert Square in Walford for another dose of domestic drama and excitement.
TV program: EastEnders

Další díl/opakování:
28.11.2019 v 09:50 (BBC Entertainment)
29.11.2019 v 01:20 (BBC Entertainment)
03.12.2019 v 09:50 (BBC Entertainment)
04.12.2019 v 01:00 (BBC Entertainment)
05.12.2019 v 09:35 (BBC Entertainment)
06.12.2019 v 01:25 (BBC Entertainment)
07.12.2019 v 14:15 (BBC Entertainment)
08.12.2019 v 10:15 (BBC Entertainment)

Visit the residents of Albert Square in Walford for another dose of domestic drama and excitement.
TV program: EastEnders

Další díl/opakování:
28.11.2019 v 09:50 (BBC Entertainment)
29.11.2019 v 01:20 (BBC Entertainment)
03.12.2019 v 09:50 (BBC Entertainment)
04.12.2019 v 01:00 (BBC Entertainment)
05.12.2019 v 09:35 (BBC Entertainment)
06.12.2019 v 01:25 (BBC Entertainment)
07.12.2019 v 14:15 (BBC Entertainment)
08.12.2019 v 10:15 (BBC Entertainment)

Visit the residents of Albert Square in Walford for another dose of domestic drama and excitement.
TV program: EastEnders
Inside Africa
Inside Africa takes its viewers on a journey across Africa, exploring the true diversity and depth o...

Inside Africa takes its viewers on a journey across Africa, exploring the true diversity and depth of different cultures, countries and regions.

Marketplace Africa
The Africa-Asia Profit Point. From infrastructure to help boost trade to technology that could help ...

The Africa-Asia Profit Point. From infrastructure to help boost trade to technology that could help catapult Africa into the future, billions have been invested into the partnership between Africa and Asia.

Michael Smerconish tackles the American political and news stories of the week.
CNN Newsroom
A roundup of the latest news and global events.
African Voices Changemakers
African Voices starts a new chapter as we focus on some of the Changemakers who are coming up with i...

African Voices starts a new chapter as we focus on some of the Changemakers who are coming up with innovative ways to have a positive impact on their communities.

CNN Newsroom
A roundup of the latest news and global events.
Marketplace Africa
Marketplace Africa offers unique access to the latest African market information, with a look at eve...

Marketplace Africa offers unique access to the latest African market information, with a look at events and developments that impact the business world.

Marketplace Africa
The Africa-Asia Profit Point. From infrastructure to help boost trade to technology that could help ...

The Africa-Asia Profit Point. From infrastructure to help boost trade to technology that could help catapult Africa into the future, billions have been invested into the partnership between Africa and Asia.

Die Nachrichten der ARD
Die Tierärzte - Retter mit Herz (4)
Aufregung im Paradies, Deutschland (2019). Eine Augenoperation bei einem Känguru, ein chronischer Pa...

Aufregung im Paradies, Deutschland (2019). Eine Augenoperation bei einem Känguru, ein chronischer Patient mit neuen Symptomen in Moosburg und ein Tierarzt mit einer besonderen Liebe zu Reptilien und Vögeln: Die Tierärzte kümmern sich beruflich und privat mit ganzer Leidenschaft um ihre Lieblinge.

Die Nachrichten der ARD
24 Milchkühe und kein Mann
Spielfilm Deutschland (2013). Laufzeit: 88 Min. Die Bäuerin Elli ist keine Frau, die leicht aufgibt....

Spielfilm Deutschland (2013). Laufzeit: 88 Min. Die Bäuerin Elli ist keine Frau, die leicht aufgibt. Deshalb ist sie nach dem überraschenden Tod ihres Mannes fest entschlossen, ihren Hof trotz hoher Verschuldung und gegen den Rat ihrer erwachsenen Kinder weiter zu bewirtschaften. Zugleich träumt sie nach 25 Jahren Ehe, die vor allem aus Arbeit bestanden, endlich von der großen Liebe. Über eine Partneragentur lernt sie den sympathischen und bodenständigen Raymond aus Simbabwe kennen. Bei beiden funkt es auf Anhieb, doch vor allem bei den Männern im Dorf stößt der Afrikaner auf Misstrauen und Vorurteile.

Zimmer mit Tante
Spielfilm Deutschland (2010). Laufzeit: 89 Min. Seit ihrer Kindheit lebt die exzentrische Künstlerin...

Spielfilm Deutschland (2010). Laufzeit: 89 Min. Seit ihrer Kindheit lebt die exzentrische Künstlerin Johanna Seelig in ihrem Elternhaus, einer alten Pension an einem malerischen See. Gästezimmer vermietet sie schon lange nicht mehr, ihr einziger Dauergast ist der schrullige Germanistik-Professor Franz Gmeiner. Als Johanna eines Tages ihre straffällig gewordene Nichte Malu bei sich aufnimmt, wird ihr beschauliches Leben gehörig durcheinandergewirbelt. Mit ihrer rebellischen Art provoziert die 17-Jährige jede Menge Reibereien.

BBC Entertainment
Antiques Roadshow XXXIX (5/26)
Arley Hall 1. Fiona Bruce and the team head for a day at Arley Hall and Gardens. Combing through the...

Arley Hall 1. Fiona Bruce and the team head for a day at Arley Hall and Gardens. Combing through the objects, the experts are excited to discover items that have spent many years hidden from view

Antiques Roadshow XXXIX (7/26)
Broughton Castle 2. Fiona and the team visit Broughton Castle in Oxfordshire. The objects that excit...

Broughton Castle 2. Fiona and the team visit Broughton Castle in Oxfordshire. The objects that excite the team include two large portraits depicting servants who worked at the castle in the 18th century.

Bargain Hunt XLIII (14)
Brackley 30. Christina Trevanion is at the helm as the hunt for bargains heads to the Brackley Antiq...

Brackley 30. Christina Trevanion is at the helm as the hunt for bargains heads to the Brackley Antique Cellar.

Bargain Hunt XLIII (15)
Norfolk 27. Thomas Plant takes the reins as the hunt for bargains heads to the Norfolk Antiques Fair...

Norfolk 27. Thomas Plant takes the reins as the hunt for bargains heads to the Norfolk Antiques Fair.

Atlantis II (12/13)
The Queen Must Die - Part 1. Jason is determined to rescue his fellow prisoners from the amphitheatr...

The Queen Must Die - Part 1. Jason is determined to rescue his fellow prisoners from the amphitheatre. But this means returning to Atlantis, the heart of Pasiphae's power- a feat more dangerous than ever.

World Sport
A comprehensive review of sports news from around the world, including all the key highlights, profi...

A comprehensive review of sports news from around the world, including all the key highlights, profiles and interviews with the newsmakers and stars of sport.

In the Making: South Africa
Crowd-farming apps to meatless burger makers - meet some of the most dynamic businesses in South Afr...

Crowd-farming apps to meatless burger makers - meet some of the most dynamic businesses in South Africa and get a glimpse into established and burgeoning industries in the country.

CNN Newsroom
A roundup of the latest news and global events.
Inside Africa
Inside Africa takes its viewers on a journey across Africa, exploring the true diversity and depth o...

Inside Africa takes its viewers on a journey across Africa, exploring the true diversity and depth of different cultures, countries and regions.

CNN Newsroom with Robyn Curnow
Live from Atlanta, Robyn Curnow presents the latest news and global events.
Vital Signs with Dr. Sanjay Gupta
Saving Thailand’s Monks. Explore the unique approach that Thailand’s health services, public, and mo...

Saving Thailand’s Monks. Explore the unique approach that Thailand’s health services, public, and monks are taking to address the public health issue of obesity and what they are learning can help others.

CNN Newsroom
A roundup of the latest news and global events.
Erin Burnett OutFront
She's smart, entertaining and ahead of the news. Erin Burnett goes from the bottom line to the front...

She's smart, entertaining and ahead of the news. Erin Burnett goes from the bottom line to the front line.

W wie Wissen
Art am Limit - Artenschutz vor unserer Haustür Moderation: Dennis Wilms. Die Artenvielfalt schwindet...

Art am Limit - Artenschutz vor unserer Haustür Moderation: Dennis Wilms. Die Artenvielfalt schwindet dramatisch, so die Botschaft des aktuellen Weltbiodiversitätsberichts. Und das gilt nicht nur für den Regenwald oder die Arktis, sondern auch für Deutschland. Ein Drittel aller heimischen Tier- und Pflanzenarten ist bedroht - Artensterben direkt vor unserer Haustür. Zum Glück gibt es Menschen, die sich dem Schutz selten gewordener Tiere verschrieben haben und mit großem Engagement dafür kämpfen, sie zu retten und ihre Lebensräume zu erhalten. "W wie Wissen" stellt einige dieser Menschen - und Tiere - vor.

Weltspiegel-Reportage: Ruanda - Der lang...
Spielfilm. Der Völkermord kostete fast eine Million Menschen in gerade einmal 100 Tagen das Leben. R...

Spielfilm. Der Völkermord kostete fast eine Million Menschen in gerade einmal 100 Tagen das Leben. Radikale Hutus hetzten die eigene Volksgruppe auf, die Minderheit der Tutsi zu töten. Heute, 25 Jahre später, ist Ruanda auf seinem Weg zur inneren Versöhnung noch lange nicht am Ende angekommen. Aber es passiert etwas in dem Land. Seit dem Ende des Genozids hat sich Ruanda enorm entwickelt. Unter der jetzigen Regierung, die das Morden 1994 beendete, ist das kleine ostafrikanische Land zu einem Vorzeigestaat Afrikas geworden. Wirtschaftswachstum, saubere Straßen, offiziell keine Korruption.

Die Nachrichten der ARD
Träume und Tragödien, menschliche und tierische Schicksale liefern den Stoff für 'Brisant', das tägl...

Träume und Tragödien, menschliche und tierische Schicksale liefern den Stoff für 'Brisant', das tägliche Boulevard-Magazin der ARD. Eine Mischung aus Information und Unterhaltung: schnell, spannend.

Das Wetter im Ersten
Die Nachrichten der ARD
Schwimm-Weltcup. Zusammenfassung aus Berlin. Reporter: Tom Bartels. ca. 18.25: Ironman Hawaii. Übert...

Schwimm-Weltcup. Zusammenfassung aus Berlin. Reporter: Tom Bartels. ca. 18.25: Ironman Hawaii. Übertragung aus Kailua-Kona. Reporter: Dirk Froberg. ca. 18.45: Turn-WM. Gerätefinals Frauen - Sprung und Stufenbarren. Gerätefinals Männer - Boden, Pauschenpferd und Ringe. Übertragung aus Stuttgart. Reporter: Philipp Sohmer. ca. 19.45: Goalball-EM. Halbfinale Damen und Herren. Zusammenfassung aus Rostock. Reporter: Bodo Boeck

Lotto am Samstag
Gewinnzahlen der 41. Ausspielung Moderation: Franziska Reichenbacher. Moderatorin Franziska Reichenb...

Gewinnzahlen der 41. Ausspielung Moderation: Franziska Reichenbacher. Moderatorin Franziska Reichenbacher präsentiert jeden Samstag um 19.57 Uhr die kurz zuvor gezogenen Gewinnzahlen.

Discovery Investigat
BBC Entertainment
Atlantis II (13/13)
The Queen Must Die - Part 2. Jason is determined to rescue his fellow prisoners from the amphitheatr...

The Queen Must Die - Part 2. Jason is determined to rescue his fellow prisoners from the amphitheatre.

Josh III (5/6)
Friends and Rivals. Josh discovers Geoff is a FIFA genius and persuades him to takeover Joshenham Ho...

Friends and Rivals. Josh discovers Geoff is a FIFA genius and persuades him to takeover Joshenham Hotspur for his annual match against his Uni frenemy.

Friday Night Dinner IV (5/6)
The Funeral. It's Uncle Saul's funeral which means 'Horrible Grandma' is back, leaving a trail of br...

The Funeral. It's Uncle Saul's funeral which means 'Horrible Grandma' is back, leaving a trail of broken furniture in her wake.

Live at the Apollo XIII (2/7)
Nish Kumar. The talented Nish Kumar introduces Luisa Omielan and David O'Doherty to the famous Apoll...

Nish Kumar. The talented Nish Kumar introduces Luisa Omielan and David O'Doherty to the famous Apollo stage.

Ill Behaviour (5/6)
After Charlie's second escape attempt is thwarted, Joel and Tess decide to secure him behind bars in...

After Charlie's second escape attempt is thwarted, Joel and Tess decide to secure him behind bars in the cellar of the house. With Nadia gone, Joel is increasingly spiralling out of control.

Ill Behaviour (6/6)
Joel is increasingly out of control, drowning in an unhealthy concoction of drink, drugs and self-pi...

Joel is increasingly out of control, drowning in an unhealthy concoction of drink, drugs and self-pity. Tess tells Joel to get a grip and focus on what they're there for - to cure Charlie.

Josh III (5/6)
Friends and Rivals. Josh discovers Geoff is a FIFA genius and persuades him to takeover Joshenham Ho...

Friends and Rivals. Josh discovers Geoff is a FIFA genius and persuades him to takeover Joshenham Hotspur for his annual match against his Uni frenemy.

CNN Newsroom with Robyn Curnow
Live from Atlanta, Robyn Curnow presents the latest news and global events.
In the Making: South Africa
Crowd-farming apps to meatless burger makers - meet some of the most dynamic businesses in South Afr...

Crowd-farming apps to meatless burger makers - meet some of the most dynamic businesses in South Africa and get a glimpse into established and burgeoning industries in the country.

World Sport
A comprehensive review of sports news from around the world, including all the key highlights, profi...

A comprehensive review of sports news from around the world, including all the key highlights, profiles and interviews with the newsmakers and stars of sport.

Marketplace Africa
The Africa-Asia Profit Point. From infrastructure to help boost trade to technology that could help ...

The Africa-Asia Profit Point. From infrastructure to help boost trade to technology that could help catapult Africa into the future, billions have been invested into the partnership between Africa and Asia.

Marketplace Africa
Marketplace Africa offers unique access to the latest African market information, with a look at eve...

Marketplace Africa offers unique access to the latest African market information, with a look at events and developments that impact the business world.

World Sport
A comprehensive review of sports news from around the world, including all the key highlights, profi...

A comprehensive review of sports news from around the world, including all the key highlights, profiles and interviews with the newsmakers and stars of sport.

Inside Africa
Inside Africa takes its viewers on a journey across Africa, exploring the true diversity and depth o...

Inside Africa takes its viewers on a journey across Africa, exploring the true diversity and depth of different cultures, countries and regions.

CNN Newsroom
A roundup of the latest news and global events.
World Sport
A comprehensive review of sports news from around the world, including all the key highlights, profi...

A comprehensive review of sports news from around the world, including all the key highlights, profiles and interviews with the newsmakers and stars of sport.

Die Nachrichten der ARD
Verstehen Sie Spaß?
Moderation: Guido Cantz. Guido Cantz meldet sich mit einer neuen Ausgabe von "Verstehen Sie Spaß?" z...

Moderation: Guido Cantz. Guido Cantz meldet sich mit einer neuen Ausgabe von "Verstehen Sie Spaß?" zurück. Live aus München präsentiert der Moderator die neusten Spaßfilme mit der versteckten Kamera - und natürlich gingen dabei auch wieder einige Prominente in die Falle oder waren selbst als Lockvogel unterwegs, um arglose Bürger hereinzulegen. Wie sie ihren nicht immer freiwilligen "Verstehen Sie Spaß?"-Auftritt verkraftet haben, verraten die Gäste im Talk mit dem Gastgeber. Einer von ihnen ist diesmal Julius Brink, Weltmeister und Olympiasieger im Beachvolleyball. Auf dem Spielfeld kennt man von ihm keine Schwäche.

Mit Wetter. Die Tagesthemen vermitteln ergänzende Informationen zu den tagesaktuellen Ereignissen un...

Mit Wetter. Die Tagesthemen vermitteln ergänzende Informationen zu den tagesaktuellen Ereignissen und zeigen Zusammenhänge und Hintergründe. Moderation: Pinar Atalay

Das Wort zum Sonntag
Spricht Gereon Alter, Essen
Ironman Hawaii. * Moderation: Ralf Scholt. * Reporter: Dirk Froberg. * Übertragung aus Kailua-Kona
Discovery Investigat
BBC Entertainment
Friday Night Dinner IV (5/6)
The Funeral. It's Uncle Saul's funeral which means 'Horrible Grandma' is back, leaving a trail of br...

The Funeral. It's Uncle Saul's funeral which means 'Horrible Grandma' is back, leaving a trail of broken furniture in her wake.

Live at the Apollo XIII (2/7)
Nish Kumar. The talented Nish Kumar introduces Luisa Omielan and David O'Doherty to the famous Apoll...

Nish Kumar. The talented Nish Kumar introduces Luisa Omielan and David O'Doherty to the famous Apollo stage.

Ill Behaviour (5/6)
After Charlie's second escape attempt is thwarted, Joel and Tess decide to secure him behind bars in...

After Charlie's second escape attempt is thwarted, Joel and Tess decide to secure him behind bars in the cellar of the house. With Nadia gone, Joel is increasingly spiralling out of control.

Ill Behaviour (6/6)
Joel is increasingly out of control, drowning in an unhealthy concoction of drink, drugs and self-pi...

Joel is increasingly out of control, drowning in an unhealthy concoction of drink, drugs and self-pity. Tess tells Joel to get a grip and focus on what they're there for - to cure Charlie.

Atlantis II (13/13)
The Queen Must Die - Part 2. Jason is determined to rescue his fellow prisoners from the amphitheatr...

The Queen Must Die - Part 2. Jason is determined to rescue his fellow prisoners from the amphitheatre.

Josh III (5/6)
Friends and Rivals. Josh discovers Geoff is a FIFA genius and persuades him to takeover Joshenham Ho...

Friends and Rivals. Josh discovers Geoff is a FIFA genius and persuades him to takeover Joshenham Hotspur for his annual match against his Uni frenemy.

Friday Night Dinner IV (5/6)
The Funeral. It's Uncle Saul's funeral which means 'Horrible Grandma' is back, leaving a trail of br...

The Funeral. It's Uncle Saul's funeral which means 'Horrible Grandma' is back, leaving a trail of broken furniture in her wake.

Live at the Apollo XIII (2/7)
Nish Kumar. The talented Nish Kumar introduces Luisa Omielan and David O'Doherty to the famous Apoll...

Nish Kumar. The talented Nish Kumar introduces Luisa Omielan and David O'Doherty to the famous Apollo stage.

Ill Behaviour (5/6)
After Charlie's second escape attempt is thwarted, Joel and Tess decide to secure him behind bars in...

After Charlie's second escape attempt is thwarted, Joel and Tess decide to secure him behind bars in the cellar of the house. With Nadia gone, Joel is increasingly spiralling out of control.

Erin Burnett OutFront
She's smart, entertaining and ahead of the news. Erin Burnett goes from the bottom line to the front...

She's smart, entertaining and ahead of the news. Erin Burnett goes from the bottom line to the front line.

Business Traveller
100 Years of Travel. Three of the world’s oldest airlines celebrate their 100th Birthday in 2019: KL...

100 Years of Travel. Three of the world’s oldest airlines celebrate their 100th Birthday in 2019: KLM, Avianca Airlines, and British Airways. Richard Quest explores the exclusive 100 club in the skies.

Fareed Zakaria GPS
Fareed Zakaria GPS takes a comprehensive look at foreign affairs and the policies shaping our world....

Fareed Zakaria GPS takes a comprehensive look at foreign affairs and the policies shaping our world.

Marketplace Africa
Marketplace Africa offers unique access to the latest African market information, with a look at eve...

Marketplace Africa offers unique access to the latest African market information, with a look at events and developments that impact the business world.

World Sport
A comprehensive review of sports news from around the world, including all the key highlights, profi...

A comprehensive review of sports news from around the world, including all the key highlights, profiles and interviews with the newsmakers and stars of sport.

Marketplace Africa
The Africa-Asia Profit Point. From infrastructure to help boost trade to technology that could help ...

The Africa-Asia Profit Point. From infrastructure to help boost trade to technology that could help catapult Africa into the future, billions have been invested into the partnership between Africa and Asia.

African Voices Changemakers
African Voices starts a new chapter as we focus on some of the Changemakers who are coming up with i...

African Voices starts a new chapter as we focus on some of the Changemakers who are coming up with innovative ways to have a positive impact on their communities.

Inside Africa
Inside Africa takes its viewers on a journey across Africa, exploring the true diversity and depth o...

Inside Africa takes its viewers on a journey across Africa, exploring the true diversity and depth of different cultures, countries and regions.

CNN Newsroom with Michael Holmes
Live from Atlanta, Michael Holmes presents the latest news and global events.
World Sport
A comprehensive review of sports news from around the world, including all the key highlights, profi...

A comprehensive review of sports news from around the world, including all the key highlights, profiles and interviews with the newsmakers and stars of sport.

Mythos Hawaii
Der härteste Triathlon der Welt Film von Marco Deutmeyer und Sebastian Rieth. Traumurlaub auf einer ...

Der härteste Triathlon der Welt Film von Marco Deutmeyer und Sebastian Rieth. Traumurlaub auf einer fernen Insel, Traumreise an das andere Ende der Welt, körperliche Anstrengung im Extrembereich… all das vereint die Pazifikinsel Big Island/Hawaii jedes Jahr im Oktober, wenn tausende der besten Triathleten der Erde hier zur Ironman-WM antreten. Wenn ein Kanonenschuss den Start für den härtesten Triathlon der Welt frei gibt, dann beginnt auch der längste Tag des Jahres der zahllose Geschichten schreibt. Was 1978 mit 15 Startern begann, ist zu einem absoluten Mega-Event gewachsen.

Deutsche Landschaften, Städte, Inseln
Die Nachrichten der ARD
Träume und Tragödien, menschliche und tierische Schicksale liefern den Stoff für 'Brisant', das tägl...

Träume und Tragödien, menschliche und tierische Schicksale liefern den Stoff für 'Brisant', das tägliche Boulevard-Magazin der ARD. Eine Mischung aus Information und Unterhaltung: schnell, spannend.

Discovery Investigat