
TV Program - Čtvrtek 19. července

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BBC Entertainment BBC Entertainment
Discovery Investigat Discovery Investigat
Doctors XIX (90)
The Good Mother. Drama about the turbulent lives and loves of the staff and patients of a busy medic...

The Good Mother. Drama about the turbulent lives and loves of the staff and patients of a busy medical practice.


Další díl/opakování:
28.11.2019 v 09:50 (BBC Entertainment)
29.11.2019 v 01:20 (BBC Entertainment)
03.12.2019 v 09:50 (BBC Entertainment)
04.12.2019 v 01:00 (BBC Entertainment)
05.12.2019 v 09:35 (BBC Entertainment)
06.12.2019 v 01:25 (BBC Entertainment)
07.12.2019 v 14:15 (BBC Entertainment)
08.12.2019 v 10:15 (BBC Entertainment)

Kat returns and is furious to hear that Mo, Hayley, Jean and Stacey plan on keeping Charlie's cab an...

Kat returns and is furious to hear that Mo, Hayley, Jean and Stacey plan on keeping Charlie's cab and demands they all vote whether to keep it or not.

TV program: EastEnders
In the Club (1/6)
At the local parentcraft class, six women are preparing for the arrival of their babies.
Stella V (1/10)
Stella and Michael are managing the London/Pontyberry juggling act well - until Michael finds out St...

Stella and Michael are managing the London/Pontyberry juggling act well - until Michael finds out Stella's been visiting Beyonce behind his back.

Cardinal Burns II (1/6)
New Guy and Charlie try out new flirting tricks, and Banksy attempts to bond with his stepson.
Cardinal Burns II (2/6)
Paranormal investigators Phil and Jase get more than they bargained for when they attend a routine d...

Paranormal investigators Phil and Jase get more than they bargained for when they attend a routine demon extraction.

Burton & Taylor
Starring Helena Bonham Carter and Dominic West, this tempestuous, nostalgic drama tells the tale of ...

Starring Helena Bonham Carter and Dominic West, this tempestuous, nostalgic drama tells the tale of Hollywood's most glamorous couple.

Quest Means Business
Richard Quest presides over a cast of experts and correspondents to deliver unrivaled facts, figures...

Richard Quest presides over a cast of experts and correspondents to deliver unrivaled facts, figures and analysis from the business world, a nightly wealth check.

Christiane Amanpour provides her powerful interview skills and provocative analysis on global storie...

Christiane Amanpour provides her powerful interview skills and provocative analysis on global stories that matter to you.

World Sport
A comprehensive review of sports news from around the world, including all the key highlights, profi...

A comprehensive review of sports news from around the world, including all the key highlights, profiles and interviews with the newsmakers and stars of sport.

State of America with Kate Bolduan
Hosted by Kate Bolduan from New York, State of America offers a lively take at the day's top US poli...

Hosted by Kate Bolduan from New York, State of America offers a lively take at the day's top US political stories.

CNN Today (with World Sport)
Asia's morning show, anchored by Michael Holmes and Amara Walker from Atlanta, will set the agenda f...

Asia's morning show, anchored by Michael Holmes and Amara Walker from Atlanta, will set the agenda for the day's most important news, business and sport stories.

42. Internationales Zirkusfestival von M...
Auch in diesem Jahr öffnet das berühmteste Zirkusfestival der Welt wieder die Tore für das "42. Inte...

Auch in diesem Jahr öffnet das berühmteste Zirkusfestival der Welt wieder die Tore für das "42. Internationale Zirkusfestival von Monte-Carlo". Bereits zum 42. Mal werden Artisten, Clowns und Tierdresseure aus der ganzen Welt das Publikum und eine internationale Fach-Jury mit ihren spektakulären und beeindruckenden Darbietungen in den Bann ziehen und begeistern. Traditionell werden am Ende des Festivals die begehrten monegassischen Clowns verliehen - die höchste Auszeichnung der Zirkuswelt. 1974 wurde das Zirkusfestival von Fürst Rainer III. ins Leben gerufen und steht heute unter der Schirmherrschaft seiner jüngsten Tochter, Prinzessin Stéphanie von Monaco. Das Erste zeigt die Höhepunkte des zehntägigen Festivals mit der Gala zur Verleihung der Clowns in Gold, Silber und Bronze. Tauchen Sie ein in eine zauberhafte Welt der Artistik, Clownerie und Dressurkunst.

Moderation: Anja Reschke. Berichte - Analysen - Meinungen
Moderation: Ingo Zamperoni. mit Wetter
Carolin Kebekus: PussyTerror TV - Best o...
Michael Altinger live!
"Das Helle, das sind immer die anderen", wusste schon Jean Paul Sartre ? Oder war es Franz Beckenbau...

"Das Helle, das sind immer die anderen", wusste schon Jean Paul Sartre ? Oder war es Franz Beckenbauer? Michael Altinger hat sich dem heutzutage so dringenden Wunsch vieler Menschen gewidmet, eine Lichtgestalt werden zu wollen. Mit "Hell" startet Michael Altinger seine erste Kabarett-Trilogie. Es geht um den Aufstieg aus der Monotonie der Vorstadt. Raus aus der immer gleichen Abfolge von Arbeit, Alkohol, verpasstem Sport und eheähnlichen Endzeitgegnern. Man könnte sich doch noch etwas Bleibendes für die Ewigkeit schaffen, etwas, das über die Dauer der eigenen Existenz hinausreicht. Also zumindest irgendwie doch noch mehr aus sich machen, als man bis heute ist. Dazu wird Michael Altinger erst einmal Verantwortung übernehmen. Und zwar für sich. Allein damit stellt er sich einer Herausforderung, der heutzutage nur die wenigsten gewachsen sind. Zusammen mit seiner Ein-Mann-Band, Martin Julius Faber, führt er ins Helle. Ob das der Himmel ist oder die lodernde Höllenglut, wird sich zeigen. Also, "Bon voyage" ? um noch einmal mit Sartre zu sprechen.

BBC Entertainment
Doctors XIX (90)
The Good Mother. Drama about the turbulent lives and loves of the staff and patients of a busy medic...

The Good Mother. Drama about the turbulent lives and loves of the staff and patients of a busy medical practice.


Další díl/opakování:
28.11.2019 v 09:50 (BBC Entertainment)
29.11.2019 v 01:20 (BBC Entertainment)
03.12.2019 v 09:50 (BBC Entertainment)
04.12.2019 v 01:00 (BBC Entertainment)
05.12.2019 v 09:35 (BBC Entertainment)
06.12.2019 v 01:25 (BBC Entertainment)
07.12.2019 v 14:15 (BBC Entertainment)
08.12.2019 v 10:15 (BBC Entertainment)

Kat returns and is furious to hear that Mo, Hayley, Jean and Stacey plan on keeping Charlie's cab an...

Kat returns and is furious to hear that Mo, Hayley, Jean and Stacey plan on keeping Charlie's cab and demands they all vote whether to keep it or not.

TV program: EastEnders
In the Club (1/6)
At the local parentcraft class, six women are preparing for the arrival of their babies.
Stella V (1/10)
Stella and Michael are managing the London/Pontyberry juggling act well - until Michael finds out St...

Stella and Michael are managing the London/Pontyberry juggling act well - until Michael finds out Stella's been visiting Beyonce behind his back.

Cardinal Burns II (1/6)
New Guy and Charlie try out new flirting tricks, and Banksy attempts to bond with his stepson.
Cardinal Burns II (2/6)
Paranormal investigators Phil and Jase get more than they bargained for when they attend a routine d...

Paranormal investigators Phil and Jase get more than they bargained for when they attend a routine demon extraction.

Bargain Hunt XLIII (19)
Wetherby 22. Anita Manning and the team are at Wetherby Racecourse. The reds and blues battle it out...

Wetherby 22. Anita Manning and the team are at Wetherby Racecourse. The reds and blues battle it out alongside experts Charles Hanson and Kate Bliss.

Anderson Cooper 360
Anderson Cooper goes beyond the headlines to tell stories from many points of view, so you can make ...

Anderson Cooper goes beyond the headlines to tell stories from many points of view, so you can make up your own mind about the news.

Cuomo Prime Time
Chris Cuomo gets after it with newsmakers in Washington and around the world.
CNN Tonight with Don Lemon
A live hour of the day's biggest stories brought to you by host Don Lemon.
Christiane Amanpour provides her powerful interview skills and provocative analysis on global storie...

Christiane Amanpour provides her powerful interview skills and provocative analysis on global stories that matter to you.

State of America with Kate Bolduan
Hosted by Kate Bolduan from New York, State of America offers a lively take at the day's top US poli...

Hosted by Kate Bolduan from New York, State of America offers a lively take at the day's top US political stories.

CNN Newsroom (with World Sport)
A roundup of the latest news and global events, followed by the latest in sporting news.
42. Internationales Zirkusfestival von M...
The Music never stopped

Další díl/opakování:
06.02.2021 v 20:00 (Seznam.cz TV)
07.02.2021 v 14:20 (Seznam.cz TV)

Spielfilm USA (2011).
TV program: Hudba hrát nepřestala (The Music Never Stopped)
Carolin Kebekus: PussyTerror TV - Best o...
Discovery Investigat
Naposled navštívené:Přesunout nabok | Vymazat historii
Magdalena Šittová

Šittová Magdalena

Naposled navštívené:
Magdalena Šittová

Šittová Magdalena