
TV Program - Čtvrtek 2. září

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Cartoon+TCM Cartoon+TCM
Gumballův úžasný svět

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 13:40 (Cartoon+TCM)
04.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
05.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
06.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
07.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
08.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
09.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
10.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)

Seznam. Když děti zjistí, že se mámin život nevyvíjel přesně tak, jak doufala, snaží se jí ulehčit d...

Seznam. Když děti zjistí, že se mámin život nevyvíjel přesně tak, jak doufala, snaží se jí ulehčit den tím, že jí pomůžou s domácími pracemi. Místo seznamu úkolů ale vezmou omylem seznam jejích přání a pokusí se naplnit všechny Nicoliny životní cíle.

TV program: Gumballův úžasný svět (The Amazing World of Gumball)
Gumballův úžasný svět

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 13:40 (Cartoon+TCM)
04.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
05.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
06.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
07.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
08.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
09.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
10.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)

Dohoda. Když máma získá cenu Zaměstnanec měsíce v Továrně na duhy, má Richard pocit, že za práci, kt...

Dohoda. Když máma získá cenu Zaměstnanec měsíce v Továrně na duhy, má Richard pocit, že za práci, kterou doma dělá, není dostatečně oceněn. Nicole pochybuje o tom, co všechno Richard skutečně dělá, ale když začne Richard stávkovat, je hned jasné, jak je jeho role důležitá.

TV program: Gumballův úžasný svět (The Amazing World of Gumball)
Gumballův úžasný svět

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 13:40 (Cartoon+TCM)
04.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
05.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
06.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
07.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
08.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
09.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
10.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)

Fronta. Rodina čeká celou noc ve frontě před kinem. Jsou zdrcení, když jim Larry řekne, že se na prv...

Fronta. Rodina čeká celou noc ve frontě před kinem. Jsou zdrcení, když jim Larry řekne, že se na první promítání Hvězdné odyssey nedostanou. Ale zarytí fanoušci, jako jsou Wattersonovi, jsou odhodlaní vidět film jako první, a tak se musí probojovat do čela řady.

TV program: Gumballův úžasný svět (The Amazing World of Gumball)
Gumballův úžasný svět

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 13:40 (Cartoon+TCM)
04.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
05.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
06.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
07.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
08.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
09.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
10.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)

Zpěv. Elmore se promění v rozezpívané a roztančené město. Každý má ve svém nitru nějakou píseň, ale ...

Zpěv. Elmore se promění v rozezpívané a roztančené město. Každý má ve svém nitru nějakou píseň, ale je vážně třeba, aby všechny spatřily světlo světa?

TV program: Gumballův úžasný svět (The Amazing World of Gumball)
Gumballův úžasný svět

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 13:40 (Cartoon+TCM)
04.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
05.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
06.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
07.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
08.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
09.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
10.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)

Maňásci. Gumball a Darwin se vypraví na půdu, kde hledají věci, které by se daly prodat při garážové...

Maňásci. Gumball a Darwin se vypraví na půdu, kde hledají věci, které by se daly prodat při garážovém výprodeji, a narazí při tom na svoje staré hračky. Zvlášť Darwin má radost, když najde svoje staré loutky, Franka a Howdyho. Začne si s nimi hrát a Gumball si postupně uvědomí, že to naopak Frank a Howdy si hrají s Darwinem.

TV program: Gumballův úžasný svět (The Amazing World of Gumball)
Mladí Titáni do toho!

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 11:20 (Cartoon+TCM)
04.01.2022 v 06:00 (Cartoon+TCM)
05.01.2022 v 06:00 (Cartoon+TCM)
06.01.2022 v 06:00 (Cartoon+TCM)
07.01.2022 v 06:00 (Cartoon+TCM)
08.01.2022 v 06:00 (Cartoon+TCM)
09.01.2022 v 06:00 (Cartoon+TCM)
10.01.2022 v 06:00 (Cartoon+TCM)

Pravý význam Vánoc. Titáni jsou naštvaní, že jim Santa nikdy nenosí dárky, tak vyrazí na Severní pól...

Pravý význam Vánoc. Titáni jsou naštvaní, že jim Santa nikdy nenosí dárky, tak vyrazí na Severní pól, aby se vyškrtli ze seznamu zlobivých.

TV program: Mladí Titáni do toho! (Teen Titans Go!)
Mladí Titáni do toho!

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 11:20 (Cartoon+TCM)
04.01.2022 v 06:00 (Cartoon+TCM)
05.01.2022 v 06:00 (Cartoon+TCM)
06.01.2022 v 06:00 (Cartoon+TCM)
07.01.2022 v 06:00 (Cartoon+TCM)
08.01.2022 v 06:00 (Cartoon+TCM)
09.01.2022 v 06:00 (Cartoon+TCM)
10.01.2022 v 06:00 (Cartoon+TCM)

Garážový výprodej. Robin donutí ostatní Titány prodat své poklady z předchozích epizod.
TV program: Mladí Titáni do toho! (Teen Titans Go!)
Mladí Titáni do toho!

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 11:20 (Cartoon+TCM)
04.01.2022 v 06:00 (Cartoon+TCM)
05.01.2022 v 06:00 (Cartoon+TCM)
06.01.2022 v 06:00 (Cartoon+TCM)
07.01.2022 v 06:00 (Cartoon+TCM)
08.01.2022 v 06:00 (Cartoon+TCM)
09.01.2022 v 06:00 (Cartoon+TCM)
10.01.2022 v 06:00 (Cartoon+TCM)

Beast Boyův Štastný den Svatého Patricka, i jeho smůla. Titáni, až na Beast Boye, jsou na Svatého Pa...

Beast Boyův Štastný den Svatého Patricka, i jeho smůla. Titáni, až na Beast Boye, jsou na Svatého Patrika prokletí a pro lék musí až na konec duhy.

TV program: Mladí Titáni do toho! (Teen Titans Go!)
Mladí Titáni do toho!

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 11:20 (Cartoon+TCM)
04.01.2022 v 06:00 (Cartoon+TCM)
05.01.2022 v 06:00 (Cartoon+TCM)
06.01.2022 v 06:00 (Cartoon+TCM)
07.01.2022 v 06:00 (Cartoon+TCM)
08.01.2022 v 06:00 (Cartoon+TCM)
09.01.2022 v 06:00 (Cartoon+TCM)
10.01.2022 v 06:00 (Cartoon+TCM)

Tajná zahrada. Když Kyborg začne zuřit, Starfire ho zavede do tajné zahrady, aby se uvolnil.
TV program: Mladí Titáni do toho! (Teen Titans Go!)
Craig od potoka

Další díl/opakování:
02.01.2022 v 06:50 (Cartoon+TCM)
03.01.2022 v 06:50 (Cartoon+TCM)
04.01.2022 v 06:50 (Cartoon+TCM)
05.01.2022 v 06:50 (Cartoon+TCM)
06.01.2022 v 06:50 (Cartoon+TCM)
07.01.2022 v 06:50 (Cartoon+TCM)
08.01.2022 v 06:50 (Cartoon+TCM)
09.01.2022 v 06:50 (Cartoon+TCM)

Zkratka. Během velice parného dne stihne Kit u potoka velká tragédie - roztají jí všechny nanuky.
TV program: Craig od potoka (Craig of the Creek)
Craig od potoka

Další díl/opakování:
02.01.2022 v 06:50 (Cartoon+TCM)
03.01.2022 v 06:50 (Cartoon+TCM)
04.01.2022 v 06:50 (Cartoon+TCM)
05.01.2022 v 06:50 (Cartoon+TCM)
06.01.2022 v 06:50 (Cartoon+TCM)
07.01.2022 v 06:50 (Cartoon+TCM)
08.01.2022 v 06:50 (Cartoon+TCM)
09.01.2022 v 06:50 (Cartoon+TCM)

Záchranná mise. Náš trojlístek nalézá v bahnitých hlubinách potoka zlato.
TV program: Craig od potoka (Craig of the Creek)
Bakugan II
Útok na Dusk Industries. Zlý Dan vezme útokem Dusk Industries a tentokrát mu v ničení a rozpoutávání...

Útok na Dusk Industries. Zlý Dan vezme útokem Dusk Industries a tentokrát mu v ničení a rozpoutávání chaosu pomáhají Sophie, McQ, Everett, Storm i Haavik. Na místo rychle přispěchá i Super parta, aby všemu tomu ničení učinila přítrž.

TV program: Bakugan (Bakugan Battle Brawlers)
Bakugan II
Chceme Dana zpátky. Zlý Dan a Haavikova banda pokračují pomocí svých spojených Bakuganů v řádění v D...

Chceme Dana zpátky. Zlý Dan a Haavikova banda pokračují pomocí svých spojených Bakuganů v řádění v Dusk Industries. Super parta spolu s pomocí Magnuse je rozhodnutá, že jejich ničení ukončí a vezme si svého přítele zpět.

TV program: Bakugan (Bakugan Battle Brawlers)
Gumballův úžasný svět

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 13:40 (Cartoon+TCM)
04.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
05.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
06.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
07.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
08.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
09.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
10.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)

Zlá. Gumball a Darwin se snaží najít na své sousedce, paní Robinsnové, alespoň jednu dobrou vlastnos...

Zlá. Gumball a Darwin se snaží najít na své sousedce, paní Robinsnové, alespoň jednu dobrou vlastnost.

TV program: Gumballův úžasný svět (The Amazing World of Gumball)

Další díl/opakování:
03.08.2024 v 22:20 (Disney Channel)
04.08.2024 v 05:40 (Disney Channel)
05.08.2024 v 05:40 (Disney Channel)

Silence of the Slams. Mrs. M is laid out. Her ears are sooooo sensitive that the slightest sound in ...

Silence of the Slams. Mrs. M is laid out. Her ears are sooooo sensitive that the slightest sound in the air makes her howl with pain. Anyone who makes a sound will be banished. Taffy sees this as the perfect opportunity to get rid of Bentley forever. So, he sets traps around the house designed to make Bentley shriek.

TV program: Taffy

Další díl/opakování:
03.08.2024 v 22:20 (Disney Channel)
04.08.2024 v 05:40 (Disney Channel)
05.08.2024 v 05:40 (Disney Channel)

Enter The Kitty. Scraggs the raccoon disguises himself as a cute cat to enter the luxurious Muchmore...

Enter The Kitty. Scraggs the raccoon disguises himself as a cute cat to enter the luxurious Muchmore manor. Bentley, the dog of house, isn't fooled and tries to kick him out of the house in every possible way.

TV program: Taffy

Další díl/opakování:
03.08.2024 v 22:20 (Disney Channel)
04.08.2024 v 05:40 (Disney Channel)
05.08.2024 v 05:40 (Disney Channel)

A Minor Problem. Addie comes to visit her grandmother, but Mrs Muchmore has to rush off and leaves t...

A Minor Problem. Addie comes to visit her grandmother, but Mrs Muchmore has to rush off and leaves the toddler with Forsythe and the pets. To Bentley's delight, Addie seems to know that Taffy is a raccoon. Taffy tries to get rid of her before Mrs Muchmore return...

TV program: Taffy

Další díl/opakování:
03.08.2024 v 22:20 (Disney Channel)
04.08.2024 v 05:40 (Disney Channel)
05.08.2024 v 05:40 (Disney Channel)

Mrs Muchmore receives the great Mr Fuffernin for an inspection of the house. If anything goes wrong,...

Mrs Muchmore receives the great Mr Fuffernin for an inspection of the house. If anything goes wrong, Mrs Muchmore would see her reputation destroyed! But a shock to her head leaves her unable to lead the visit… Bentley and Taffy team up to save their beloved mistress reputation.

TV program: Taffy

Další díl/opakování:
03.08.2024 v 22:20 (Disney Channel)
04.08.2024 v 05:40 (Disney Channel)
05.08.2024 v 05:40 (Disney Channel)

The Highest Bidder. At a luxurious auction, Mrs. Muchmore enters a bidding war with a charming young...

The Highest Bidder. At a luxurious auction, Mrs. Muchmore enters a bidding war with a charming young man to acquire a priceless ruby brooch. She invites the young man for tea and discovers he's allergic to dogs, to Bentley's despair and Taffy's excitement!

TV program: Taffy

Další díl/opakování:
03.08.2024 v 22:20 (Disney Channel)
04.08.2024 v 05:40 (Disney Channel)
05.08.2024 v 05:40 (Disney Channel)

I Now Pronounce You Dog And Cat. It's movie night! Mrs. M screens her old wedding video for her pets...

I Now Pronounce You Dog And Cat. It's movie night! Mrs. M screens her old wedding video for her pets. As she steps away, the pets get in one of their usual fights and destroy the videotape. Bentley and Taffy team up to make the movie again not to upset their beloved Mrs Muchmore.

TV program: Taffy

Další díl/opakování:
03.08.2024 v 22:20 (Disney Channel)
04.08.2024 v 05:40 (Disney Channel)
05.08.2024 v 05:40 (Disney Channel)

Bentley's Girlfriend. Taffy witnesses Bentley and Mrs Muchmore sobbing in front of a romance scene o...

Bentley's Girlfriend. Taffy witnesses Bentley and Mrs Muchmore sobbing in front of a romance scene on television. What would happen to Bentley if he met his true love?

TV program: Taffy

Další díl/opakování:
03.08.2024 v 22:20 (Disney Channel)
04.08.2024 v 05:40 (Disney Channel)
05.08.2024 v 05:40 (Disney Channel)

Dna. Mrs. Muchmore wants to find out her pet's lineage so she send Taffy and Bentley's hair to be te...

Dna. Mrs. Muchmore wants to find out her pet's lineage so she send Taffy and Bentley's hair to be tested. Taffy, anxious that she finds out he's a raccoon struggles to destroy the hair before it's tested.

TV program: Taffy

Další díl/opakování:
03.08.2024 v 22:20 (Disney Channel)
04.08.2024 v 05:40 (Disney Channel)
05.08.2024 v 05:40 (Disney Channel)

Staycation. When Forsythe loads the limo up for Mrs Muchmore and the pets' vacation, Taffy and Bentl...

Staycation. When Forsythe loads the limo up for Mrs Muchmore and the pets' vacation, Taffy and Bentley get accidentally locked in the basement. The pets must use twice as much imagination to get out unharmed by the tenacious security system.

TV program: Taffy
Be Cool, Scooby-Doo!

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 11:00 (BOOMERANG)
04.01.2022 v 11:00 (BOOMERANG)
05.01.2022 v 11:00 (BOOMERANG)
06.01.2022 v 11:00 (BOOMERANG)
07.01.2022 v 11:00 (BOOMERANG)
08.01.2022 v 11:00 (BOOMERANG)
09.01.2022 v 11:00 (BOOMERANG)
10.01.2022 v 11:00 (BOOMERANG)

Mystery 101. Velma's got an interview at the prestigious Kingston University, the most selective sch...

Mystery 101. Velma's got an interview at the prestigious Kingston University, the most selective school in the country. The only catch? The Dean wants her and the rest of the Scooby gang to figure out why the ghost of Elias Kingston, the school's founder, is haunting Kingston's book-filled halls!

TV program: Buď v klidu, Scooby Doo! (Be Cool, Scooby-Doo!)
Be Cool, Scooby-Doo!

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 11:00 (BOOMERANG)
04.01.2022 v 11:00 (BOOMERANG)
05.01.2022 v 11:00 (BOOMERANG)
06.01.2022 v 11:00 (BOOMERANG)
07.01.2022 v 11:00 (BOOMERANG)
08.01.2022 v 11:00 (BOOMERANG)
09.01.2022 v 11:00 (BOOMERANG)
10.01.2022 v 11:00 (BOOMERANG)

Party Like It's... Daphne brings the Gang to a Victorian murder mystery party so they can dress up a...

Party Like It's... Daphne brings the Gang to a Victorian murder mystery party so they can dress up and solve a fake mystery for once.

TV program: Buď v klidu, Scooby Doo! (Be Cool, Scooby-Doo!)
The Tom and...

Další díl/opakování:
02.09.2023 v 06:10 (NOVA)
03.09.2023 v 06:10 (NOVA)
09.09.2023 v 06:10 (NOVA)

Splinter of Discontent. Tom & Jerry help Tyke with a splinter.
TV program: Show Toma a Jerryho (The Tom and Jerry Show)
The Tom and...

Další díl/opakování:
02.09.2023 v 06:10 (NOVA)
03.09.2023 v 06:10 (NOVA)
09.09.2023 v 06:10 (NOVA)

Uncle Pecos Rides Again. Tom and Jerry are in the middle of it when Tom hears someone singing the ta...

Uncle Pecos Rides Again. Tom and Jerry are in the middle of it when Tom hears someone singing the tale of a cat who met his unfortunate, painful end chasing a much superior opponent. The song is about underestimating your opponent. Every time Tom stops chasing Jerry, the music stops. When Tom resumes, the music resumes. This back and forth continues until the chase takes Tom right past a Singing Uncle Pecos. Tom skids to a stop causing Uncle Pecos to stop singing. Tom wants to prove the lyrics of Uncle Pecos song wrong, but in the end, Tom's ego proves to everyone, including himself, that he is very much the subject of Uncle Pecos cautionary tale.

TV program: Show Toma a Jerryho (The Tom and Jerry Show)
The Tom and...

Další díl/opakování:
02.09.2023 v 06:10 (NOVA)
03.09.2023 v 06:10 (NOVA)
09.09.2023 v 06:10 (NOVA)

Out with the Old. Jerry thinks that Tom is going to be replaced.
TV program: Show Toma a Jerryho (The Tom and Jerry Show)
The Tom and...

Další díl/opakování:
02.09.2023 v 06:10 (NOVA)
03.09.2023 v 06:10 (NOVA)
09.09.2023 v 06:10 (NOVA)

While using a wand to make inanimate objects come to life to attack Jerry, Tom accidentally zaps a m...

While using a wand to make inanimate objects come to life to attack Jerry, Tom accidentally zaps a marionette (Marie Antoin-marionette). Now the cat and mouse have more on their hands than either one of them can handle! Sure the marionette pulls Hildie and Beatie's heart-strings when they are around (both are thrilled to have another girl in the house even if she is made of wood), but the doll delights in getting Tom into trouble when the witch sisters aren't looking. When Marie becomes too much for even Jerry to bear, Tom and Jerry have to figure out how to get rid of the little hellion! They brought her into this world, now they've got to take her out!

TV program: Show Toma a Jerryho (The Tom and Jerry Show)
The Tom and...

Další díl/opakování:
02.09.2023 v 06:10 (NOVA)
03.09.2023 v 06:10 (NOVA)
09.09.2023 v 06:10 (NOVA)

Forget Me Not. Jerry brings Tom to consciousness. His partner has an aluminum bat on his head, arrow...

Forget Me Not. Jerry brings Tom to consciousness. His partner has an aluminum bat on his head, arrow in his butt, bee stings on his arm, tire treads on his back, lipstick on his cheek and a terrible case of amnesia. Jerry must help Tom use the investigative clues on his body to solve what happened. The clues will take them to some destinations that may leave Tom more physically abused than when he started but in better mental shape (as each stop causes a little more memory to return).

TV program: Show Toma a Jerryho (The Tom and Jerry Show)
The Tom and...

Další díl/opakování:
02.09.2023 v 06:10 (NOVA)
03.09.2023 v 06:10 (NOVA)
09.09.2023 v 06:10 (NOVA)

Move It or Lose It. Spike gives Tom an impossible task.
TV program: Show Toma a Jerryho (The Tom and Jerry Show)

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 12:45 (BOOMERANG)
04.01.2022 v 01:50 (BOOMERANG)
05.01.2022 v 01:50 (BOOMERANG)
06.01.2022 v 01:50 (BOOMERANG)
07.01.2022 v 01:50 (BOOMERANG)
08.01.2022 v 01:50 (BOOMERANG)
09.01.2022 v 01:50 (BOOMERANG)
10.01.2022 v 01:50 (BOOMERANG)

Rival Doc. Lamput has escaped yet again, and yet again, Specs and Skinny are in serious trouble with...

Rival Doc. Lamput has escaped yet again, and yet again, Specs and Skinny are in serious trouble with the Boss. He’s so fed up with their constant failure that he hires an out-of-towner: a super cool, hi-tech Doc who has all the moves and the attitude to match. The new guy’s hip to all of Lamput’s tricks, and before long, the shape shifting blob is safely back at the Lab. Specs and Skinny, robbed of their whole gig, end up on the streets, while Rival Doc gets all the glory. With glory comes blame, though, and when Lamput stages yet another signature crafty escape, the Boss turns all his fury on Rival Doc. Who hired this guy, anyway!? Lamput just wants things to be how they were. The orange blob helps the Docs get back their jobs at the Lab, Rival Doc is sent packing, and Lamput prepares yet another daring escape.

TV program: Lamput
Gumballův úžasný svět

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 13:40 (Cartoon+TCM)
04.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
05.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
06.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
07.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
08.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
09.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
10.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)

Zrádce. Alan se vykašlal na Gumballa aby se věnoval něčemu zábavnějšímu a tak se ho Gumball ze všech...

Zrádce. Alan se vykašlal na Gumballa aby se věnoval něčemu zábavnějšímu a tak se ho Gumball ze všech sil snaží vypátrat a potrestat za jeho zradu. Gumball se sebezapřením připravil pro Alana báječnou večeři jako omluvu za to jak se k němu dříve choval. Když Alan večeři odvolá je Gumball radostí bez sebe. Pak ale příspěvek na Elmore Plus odhalí že Alan jen lhal že je jeho máma nemocná a místo toho si s rodinou užívá den plný zábavy. Gumball zrádce vystopuje aby mu to vytmavil ale když zjistí že jeho máma je nemocná doopravdy musí mu to nějak vynahradit.

TV program: Gumballův úžasný svět (The Amazing World of Gumball)
Gumballův úžasný svět

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 13:40 (Cartoon+TCM)
04.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
05.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
06.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
07.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
08.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
09.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
10.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)

TV program: Gumballův úžasný svět (The Amazing World of Gumball)
Gumballův úžasný svět

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 13:40 (Cartoon+TCM)
04.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
05.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
06.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
07.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
08.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
09.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
10.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)

TV program: Gumballův úžasný svět (The Amazing World of Gumball)
Gumballův úžasný svět

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 13:40 (Cartoon+TCM)
04.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
05.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
06.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
07.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
08.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
09.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
10.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)

TV program: Gumballův úžasný svět (The Amazing World of Gumball)
Gumballův úžasný svět

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 13:40 (Cartoon+TCM)
04.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
05.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
06.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
07.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
08.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
09.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
10.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)

Nejlepší. Ať se Gumball snaží sebevíc, Carmen má za každých okolností se svým názorem navrch. Gumbal...

Nejlepší. Ať se Gumball snaží sebevíc, Carmen má za každých okolností se svým názorem navrch. Gumball se snaží získat morální převahu, ale při tom zoufale selže. Rozhodne se, že vylepšení sebe sama není jeho styl. Zbývá mu jediná možnost, dostat Carmen na jeho úroveň.

TV program: Gumballův úžasný svět (The Amazing World of Gumball)
Gumballův úžasný svět

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 13:40 (Cartoon+TCM)
04.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
05.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
06.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
07.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
08.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
09.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
10.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)

Nejhorší. Každý člen rodiny si myslí, že to má nejhorší. Gumball a Darwin si myslí, že nejhorší to m...

Nejhorší. Každý člen rodiny si myslí, že to má nejhorší. Gumball a Darwin si myslí, že nejhorší to mají kluci. Máma si myslí, že ženy. Anais si myslí, že děti a táta si myslí, že dospěláci. Dojdou k závěru, že rozhodnout jejich při může jedině to, že každý stráví den v kůži někoho jiného, bez ohledu na to, jestli je moc malý, moc velký nebo nosí podpatky.

TV program: Gumballův úžasný svět (The Amazing World of Gumball)
Gumballův úžasný svět

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 13:40 (Cartoon+TCM)
04.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
05.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
06.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
07.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
08.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
09.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
10.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)

Seznam. Když děti zjistí, že se mámin život nevyvíjel přesně tak, jak doufala, snaží se jí ulehčit d...

Seznam. Když děti zjistí, že se mámin život nevyvíjel přesně tak, jak doufala, snaží se jí ulehčit den tím, že jí pomůžou s domácími pracemi. Místo seznamu úkolů ale vezmou omylem seznam jejích přání a pokusí se naplnit všechny Nicoliny životní cíle.

TV program: Gumballův úžasný svět (The Amazing World of Gumball)
Gumballův úžasný svět

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 13:40 (Cartoon+TCM)
04.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
05.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
06.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
07.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
08.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
09.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
10.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)

Dohoda. Když máma získá cenu Zaměstnanec měsíce v Továrně na duhy, má Richard pocit, že za práci, kt...

Dohoda. Když máma získá cenu Zaměstnanec měsíce v Továrně na duhy, má Richard pocit, že za práci, kterou doma dělá, není dostatečně oceněn. Nicole pochybuje o tom, co všechno Richard skutečně dělá, ale když začne Richard stávkovat, je hned jasné, jak je jeho role důležitá.

TV program: Gumballův úžasný svět (The Amazing World of Gumball)
Gumballův úžasný svět

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 13:40 (Cartoon+TCM)
04.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
05.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
06.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
07.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
08.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
09.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
10.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)

Fronta. Rodina čeká celou noc ve frontě před kinem. Jsou zdrcení, když jim Larry řekne, že se na prv...

Fronta. Rodina čeká celou noc ve frontě před kinem. Jsou zdrcení, když jim Larry řekne, že se na první promítání Hvězdné odyssey nedostanou. Ale zarytí fanoušci, jako jsou Wattersonovi, jsou odhodlaní vidět film jako první, a tak se musí probojovat do čela řady.

TV program: Gumballův úžasný svět (The Amazing World of Gumball)
Gumballův úžasný svět

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 13:40 (Cartoon+TCM)
04.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
05.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
06.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
07.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
08.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
09.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
10.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)

Zpěv. Elmore se promění v rozezpívané a roztančené město. Každý má ve svém nitru nějakou píseň, ale ...

Zpěv. Elmore se promění v rozezpívané a roztančené město. Každý má ve svém nitru nějakou píseň, ale je vážně třeba, aby všechny spatřily světlo světa?

TV program: Gumballův úžasný svět (The Amazing World of Gumball)
Gumballův úžasný svět

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 13:40 (Cartoon+TCM)
04.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
05.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
06.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
07.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
08.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
09.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
10.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)

Maňásci. Gumball a Darwin se vypraví na půdu, kde hledají věci, které by se daly prodat při garážové...

Maňásci. Gumball a Darwin se vypraví na půdu, kde hledají věci, které by se daly prodat při garážovém výprodeji, a narazí při tom na svoje staré hračky. Zvlášť Darwin má radost, když najde svoje staré loutky, Franka a Howdyho. Začne si s nimi hrát a Gumball si postupně uvědomí, že to naopak Frank a Howdy si hrají s Darwinem.

TV program: Gumballův úžasný svět (The Amazing World of Gumball)
Gumballův úžasný svět

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 13:40 (Cartoon+TCM)
04.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
05.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
06.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
07.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
08.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
09.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
10.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)

Naivka. Darwin skončí po škole s obávaným Juliusem, který si z Darwina chce udělat svou novou oběť. ...

Naivka. Darwin skončí po škole s obávaným Juliusem, který si z Darwina chce udělat svou novou oběť. Jeho plán se mu ale vymstí a Darwin mu převrátí život naruby.

TV program: Gumballův úžasný svět (The Amazing World of Gumball)
The Mr. Bean...

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 13:00 (BOOMERANG)
04.01.2022 v 13:00 (BOOMERANG)
05.01.2022 v 13:00 (BOOMERANG)
06.01.2022 v 13:00 (BOOMERANG)
07.01.2022 v 13:00 (BOOMERANG)
08.01.2022 v 13:00 (BOOMERANG)
09.01.2022 v 13:00 (BOOMERANG)
10.01.2022 v 13:00 (BOOMERANG)

Bean Hypnotised. Mr Bean goes to the theatre to see a performance by a celebrated hypnotist Dr Daze....

Bean Hypnotised. Mr Bean goes to the theatre to see a performance by a celebrated hypnotist Dr Daze. Bean is super keen to come up on stage and be part of the show. But after being hypnotized Bean unknowingly leaves the theatre not realizing that he is still under the influence and certain trigger sounds have him doing silly things at unexpected and embarrassing moments.

TV program: Mr. Bean: Animované příběhy (Mr. Bean: The Animated Series)
The Mr. Bean...

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 13:00 (BOOMERANG)
04.01.2022 v 13:00 (BOOMERANG)
05.01.2022 v 13:00 (BOOMERANG)
06.01.2022 v 13:00 (BOOMERANG)
07.01.2022 v 13:00 (BOOMERANG)
08.01.2022 v 13:00 (BOOMERANG)
09.01.2022 v 13:00 (BOOMERANG)
10.01.2022 v 13:00 (BOOMERANG)

Car Wash. Mr Bean's car is filthy so he gives it a good wash. His sparklingly clean car attracts the...

Car Wash. Mr Bean's car is filthy so he gives it a good wash. His sparklingly clean car attracts the attention of other drivers who offer to pay Mr Bean to wash their cars too. Bean cannot resist and builds a car-washing contraption to help him out. But when a certain very posh visitor’s car gets damaged Bean thinks he’s for the chop.

TV program: Mr. Bean: Animované příběhy (Mr. Bean: The Animated Series)
The Mr. Bean...

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 13:00 (BOOMERANG)
04.01.2022 v 13:00 (BOOMERANG)
05.01.2022 v 13:00 (BOOMERANG)
06.01.2022 v 13:00 (BOOMERANG)
07.01.2022 v 13:00 (BOOMERANG)
08.01.2022 v 13:00 (BOOMERANG)
09.01.2022 v 13:00 (BOOMERANG)
10.01.2022 v 13:00 (BOOMERANG)

Where Did You... Mr Bean chases Scrapper around Mrs Wicket’s flat but her sideboard tumbles over and...

Where Did You... Mr Bean chases Scrapper around Mrs Wicket’s flat but her sideboard tumbles over and when Bean sees a bit of fur poking out from under it he is horrified to think he has squashed poor Scrapper. Not realizing that it’s only his landlady’s furry hat Bean rushes what he thinks is a flattened cat across town to the vets in a desperate attempt to save his feline friend’s life.

TV program: Mr. Bean: Animované příběhy (Mr. Bean: The Animated Series)
The Mr. Bean...

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 13:00 (BOOMERANG)
04.01.2022 v 13:00 (BOOMERANG)
05.01.2022 v 13:00 (BOOMERANG)
06.01.2022 v 13:00 (BOOMERANG)
07.01.2022 v 13:00 (BOOMERANG)
08.01.2022 v 13:00 (BOOMERANG)
09.01.2022 v 13:00 (BOOMERANG)
10.01.2022 v 13:00 (BOOMERANG)

Valuable Lessons. Mr Bean helps Mrs Wicket collect up all her money together after she witnesses a r...

Valuable Lessons. Mr Bean helps Mrs Wicket collect up all her money together after she witnesses a robbery. With all her cash safely locked in a bank vault Mrs Wicket suddenly finds she has a new admirer but Mr Bean doesn’t trust this smooth operator one bit. With wedding bells ringing Mr Bean races against time to solve the mystery and save Mrs Wicket…and her money.

TV program: Mr. Bean: Animované příběhy (Mr. Bean: The Animated Series)
Mush Mush And The Mushables
The Art of Friendship. When Chanterelle sees how good Lilit is at painting, she offers to help her d...

The Art of Friendship. When Chanterelle sees how good Lilit is at painting, she offers to help her dig into her talent. But Lilit’s art lessons conflict with the fun project she has been working on with Mush-Mush and Chep. And when she sees that her friends are having a great time without her, Lilit is seriously annoyed which her paintings start showing…

TV program: Muchomůrek a Muchlíci (Mush-Mush & the Mushables)
Mush Mush And The Mushables
What a Stinker. Chep is very excited: tonight, a rare and extremely stinky plant is going to bloom! ...

What a Stinker. Chep is very excited: tonight, a rare and extremely stinky plant is going to bloom! But he already promised Mush-Mush to play their favourite game. When he chooses the flower instead, Mush-Mush is angry and the two friends stop talking. But when Mush-Mush realises that Chep is about to miss the blooming, he decides he won’t let that happen and helps his friend!

TV program: Muchomůrek a Muchlíci (Mush-Mush & the Mushables)
Pat the Dog

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 14:30 (BOOMERANG)
04.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
05.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
06.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
07.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
08.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
09.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
10.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)

Pat Academy. Lola decides to register Pat in a beauty contest. But for our hero Hoodie is the real s...

Pat Academy. Lola decides to register Pat in a beauty contest. But for our hero Hoodie is the real star. Lola agrees on registering Hoodie instead and starts to prepare her kitten for the show with a trip to the grooming salon. But Victor has found out about Lola's plan and has every intention of making sure Tank wins. So he tampers with the kitten’s hair-care product to spoil Hoodie's chances of winning. Pat has to do everything he can to save Hoodie and help him win the contest. Anything to make his best friend happy!

TV program: Paf le Chien
Pat the Dog

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 14:30 (BOOMERANG)
04.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
05.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
06.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
07.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
08.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
09.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
10.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)

Trick or Treat Terror. Lola, Hoodie and Paf are trick or treating on Halloween night. For Victor, it...

Trick or Treat Terror. Lola, Hoodie and Paf are trick or treating on Halloween night. For Victor, it's the best opportunity to scare the little girl and her pets, but his attempts fail miserably. Instead, he charges Tank of scaring them. Meanwhile, the Guanos try to take hold of the candies. Pat will foil Tanks attempts to scare them, all while saving the candy and Hoodie from the Guanos.

TV program: Paf le Chien
Pat the Dog

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 14:30 (BOOMERANG)
04.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
05.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
06.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
07.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
08.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
09.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
10.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)

Punk Rock. Lola has won a prize to see one of her favorite singers Lady Kawai in concert. But Victor...

Punk Rock. Lola has won a prize to see one of her favorite singers Lady Kawai in concert. But Victor and the Guanos are determined to get hold of the ticket. Pat has to use every trick in his box to retrieve the ticket from the Guanos so that Lola can get to the concert. But first he has to face down Lady Kawai’s dog which is far from mild-mannered to return the ticket to his best friend.

TV program: Paf le Chien
PURST: Agent Binky
Adventures in Pet Sitting. When a new back-up human (aka "New Human") shows up to pet sit the agents...

Adventures in Pet Sitting. When a new back-up human (aka "New Human") shows up to pet sit the agents, they'll have to discover whether she's a friend or foe before it's too late. The fact that New Human plays with aliens (code name: butterflies) in outer space and dresses Gordon up like one (a knitted caterpillar outfit) is bad enough. But with "Chirpy" along for the ride, the agents have their paws full.

TV program: Agent Binky: Pets of the Universe
PURST: Agent Binky
The Pumpkeen. The PURST agents are in awe when the humans bring in a big pumpkin. It's like a small ...

The Pumpkeen. The PURST agents are in awe when the humans bring in a big pumpkin. It's like a small planet that Small Human loves! But when they take a closer look, Binky and friends discover tiny aliens (codename: cucumber beetles) have set their sights on taking over the mini-planet the humans call "Pumpkeen". PURST gears up and gets to work saving the pumpkin. With Gordon’s help, they soup up the mini-planet with wheels and ride it right out of the station like a pumpkin carriage.

TV program: Agent Binky: Pets of the Universe
Grizzy and the Lemmings
Remote Control. Grizzy's TV remote control is stolen by a partridge who collects high-tech objects i...

Remote Control. Grizzy's TV remote control is stolen by a partridge who collects high-tech objects in his nest perched high up in a tree. This is a case of absolute urgency! Grizzy has no other choice but to requisition the Lemmings' propulsion game to recover his possession. But try and make a Lemming understand that!

TV program: Méďa a lumíci (Grizzy et les Lemmings)
Grizzy and the Lemmings
The Bear and the Butterfly. Grizzy has got it into his head to offer a butterfly to the she-bear he'...

The Bear and the Butterfly. Grizzy has got it into his head to offer a butterfly to the she-bear he's in love with. But the Lemmings fight with him over the rare specimens he's spotted, for they want to play helicopter. The butterfly hunt is on!

TV program: Méďa a lumíci (Grizzy et les Lemmings)
Grizzy and the Lemmings
Get off My... The Lemmings have discovered an addictive new game based on the astonishing bouncing p...

Get off My... The Lemmings have discovered an addictive new game based on the astonishing bouncing properties of the ranger's new running shoes. Grizzy, who is trying to relax, confiscates the shoes and soon realizes they are far more comfortable than his thongs.

TV program: Méďa a lumíci (Grizzy et les Lemmings)
Alice & Lewis

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 14:00 (BOOMERANG)
04.01.2022 v 04:00 (BOOMERANG)
05.01.2022 v 04:00 (BOOMERANG)
06.01.2022 v 04:00 (BOOMERANG)
07.01.2022 v 04:00 (BOOMERANG)
08.01.2022 v 04:00 (BOOMERANG)
09.01.2022 v 04:00 (BOOMERANG)
10.01.2022 v 04:00 (BOOMERANG)

Dodson’s Egg. Dodson has been “couch-surfing” in Lewis’ living-room for a whole three days now: he n...

Dodson’s Egg. Dodson has been “couch-surfing” in Lewis’ living-room for a whole three days now: he needs to hatch his egg with lots of “tea, cookies and luxurious leisure!” But he’s getting in the rabbit’s way and hindering him in his work. So, to help her friend get the dodo to leave, Alice makes the Queen jealous. The plan works and the monarch invites Dodson to the castle, launching a challenge at the same time: the castle has to be the coziest place to hang! Dodson accepts the invitation but insists on having Alice and Lewis come with, as his assistants. There’s work for them in store, as the Queen is ready to go to any lengths to win her bet!

TV program: Alice & Lewis
Alice & Lewis

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 14:00 (BOOMERANG)
04.01.2022 v 04:00 (BOOMERANG)
05.01.2022 v 04:00 (BOOMERANG)
06.01.2022 v 04:00 (BOOMERANG)
07.01.2022 v 04:00 (BOOMERANG)
08.01.2022 v 04:00 (BOOMERANG)
09.01.2022 v 04:00 (BOOMERANG)
10.01.2022 v 04:00 (BOOMERANG)

The Play. Alice turns up in Wonderland super excited: she’s written a play and wants to stage it, wi...

The Play. Alice turns up in Wonderland super excited: she’s written a play and wants to stage it, with Lewis. Her Majesty loves the idea and demands they perform it in her castle. Our two little friends run to ask Di and Dum to play the leading characters. But both of them are adamant about playing the part of the knight, and there’s no way to make them see eye to eye. So, to settle the matter, Lewis suggests they organize an audition. Sounds good… except Alice’s ego kicks in and, refusing to have her lines changed in the slightest, she goes out of her way to make sure Dum gets the part.

TV program: Alice & Lewis
Baby Looney Tunes

Další díl/opakování:
23.12.2021 v 09:30 (BOOMERANG)
24.12.2021 v 09:30 (BOOMERANG)
25.12.2021 v 09:30 (BOOMERANG)
26.12.2021 v 09:40 (BOOMERANG)
27.12.2021 v 09:30 (BOOMERANG)
28.12.2021 v 09:30 (BOOMERANG)
29.12.2021 v 09:30 (BOOMERANG)
30.12.2021 v 09:30 (BOOMERANG)

Band Together. The babies learn about music and improvise their own orchestra.
TV program: Baby Looney Tunes
Baby Looney Tunes

Další díl/opakování:
23.12.2021 v 09:30 (BOOMERANG)
24.12.2021 v 09:30 (BOOMERANG)
25.12.2021 v 09:30 (BOOMERANG)
26.12.2021 v 09:40 (BOOMERANG)
27.12.2021 v 09:30 (BOOMERANG)
28.12.2021 v 09:30 (BOOMERANG)
29.12.2021 v 09:30 (BOOMERANG)
30.12.2021 v 09:30 (BOOMERANG)

War of the Weirds. Marvin the Martian comes to visit and the babies learn to accept differences.
TV program: Baby Looney Tunes
Gumballův úžasný svět

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 13:40 (Cartoon+TCM)
04.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
05.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
06.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
07.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
08.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
09.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
10.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)

Klec. Děti přemluví pana učitele Corneilla, aby se stal zápasníkem s kleci a v ní se utkal se strašl...

Klec. Děti přemluví pana učitele Corneilla, aby se stal zápasníkem s kleci a v ní se utkal se strašlivým ruským zápasníkem.

TV program: Gumballův úžasný svět (The Amazing World of Gumball)
Gumballův úžasný svět

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 13:40 (Cartoon+TCM)
04.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
05.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
06.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
07.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
08.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
09.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
10.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)

Sok. Když byla Anais čerstvě narozené miminko, Gumball a Darwin na ni tak žárlili, až se mezi nimi r...

Sok. Když byla Anais čerstvě narozené miminko, Gumball a Darwin na ni tak žárlili, až se mezi nimi rozpoutala válka.

TV program: Gumballův úžasný svět (The Amazing World of Gumball)
Příšerná pláž
Příšerná pláž
Zataženo občas trakaře II
Seriál Zataženo občas trakaře se odehrává ještě před obřím deštěm jídla který spadne na Swallow Fall...

Seriál Zataženo občas trakaře se odehrává ještě před obřím deštěm jídla který spadne na Swallow Falls. A to v době kdy hlavní zdroj ekonomického rozvoje rybářského městečka stále tvoří sardinky. Flint Lockwood je středoškolský student který trpí NRS: ne-rybími sny. Snaží se stát velkým vynálezcem ve světě kde nejsou hlavní sardinky... a jeho vynálezy jednoho dne možná změní svět. Místo toho aby mu vybuchly přímo do obličeje. S tím mu pomáhá Sam Sparksová – nová dívka ve městě toužící stát se meteoroložkou. Flint se Sam se sblíží díky legračním dobrodružstvím která prožívají se všemi hlavními postavami filmu: s Flintovým otcem Timem; s Flintovým laboratorním asistentem opičákem Stevem; s Earlem nejvytíženějším učitelem; s Mannym vedoucím školního audiovizuálního oddělení; s Brentem místní mladistvou celebritou a kapitánem týmu maskotů; a se starostou Shelbournem který vyhrává všechny volby prosardinkovou politikou (a podplácením... spoustou podplácení).

TV program: Zataženo, občas trakaře (Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs)
Zataženo občas trakaře II
Seriál Zataženo občas trakaře se odehrává ještě před obřím deštěm jídla který spadne na Swallow Fall...

Seriál Zataženo občas trakaře se odehrává ještě před obřím deštěm jídla který spadne na Swallow Falls. A to v době kdy hlavní zdroj ekonomického rozvoje rybářského městečka stále tvoří sardinky. Flint Lockwood je středoškolský student který trpí NRS: ne-rybími sny. Snaží se stát velkým vynálezcem ve světě kde nejsou hlavní sardinky... a jeho vynálezy jednoho dne možná změní svět. Místo toho aby mu vybuchly přímo do obličeje. S tím mu pomáhá Sam Sparksová – nová dívka ve městě toužící stát se meteoroložkou. Flint se Sam se sblíží díky legračním dobrodružstvím která prožívají se všemi hlavními postavami filmu: s Flintovým otcem Timem; s Flintovým laboratorním asistentem opičákem Stevem; s Earlem nejvytíženějším učitelem; s Mannym vedoucím školního audiovizuálního oddělení; s Brentem místní mladistvou celebritou a kapitánem týmu maskotů; a se starostou Shelbournem který vyhrává všechny volby prosardinkovou politikou (a podplácením... spoustou podplácení).

TV program: Zataženo, občas trakaře (Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs)
Totální Dramarama

Další díl/opakování:
10.01.2022 v 16:15 (Cartoon+TCM)
11.01.2022 v 16:15 (Cartoon+TCM)
12.01.2022 v 16:15 (Cartoon+TCM)
13.01.2022 v 16:15 (Cartoon+TCM)

Vraťe se do začátků celého drama! Mrkněnete na vaše oblíbené postavy z Total Drama jako malé prcky v...

Vraťe se do začátků celého drama! Mrkněnete na vaše oblíbené postavy z Total Drama jako malé prcky ve školce. Sice jsou ještě děti ale Duncan Leshawna Owen Beth Noah Izzy Jude Cody Bridgette Gwen a Courtney vyvádějí ještě větší skopičiny než obvykle. Dokáže Šéf tyhle divoké děti zkrotit?

TV program: Totální Dramarama (Total DramaRama)
Totální Dramarama

Další díl/opakování:
10.01.2022 v 16:15 (Cartoon+TCM)
11.01.2022 v 16:15 (Cartoon+TCM)
12.01.2022 v 16:15 (Cartoon+TCM)
13.01.2022 v 16:15 (Cartoon+TCM)

Vraťe se do začátků celého drama! Mrkněnete na vaše oblíbené postavy z Total Drama jako malé prcky v...

Vraťe se do začátků celého drama! Mrkněnete na vaše oblíbené postavy z Total Drama jako malé prcky ve školce. Sice jsou ještě děti ale Duncan Leshawna Owen Beth Noah Izzy Jude Cody Bridgette Gwen a Courtney vyvádějí ještě větší skopičiny než obvykle. Dokáže Šéf tyhle divoké děti zkrotit?

TV program: Totální Dramarama (Total DramaRama)
Totální Dramarama

Další díl/opakování:
10.01.2022 v 16:15 (Cartoon+TCM)
11.01.2022 v 16:15 (Cartoon+TCM)
12.01.2022 v 16:15 (Cartoon+TCM)
13.01.2022 v 16:15 (Cartoon+TCM)

Vraťe se do začátků celého drama! Mrkněnete na vaše oblíbené postavy z Total Drama jako malé prcky v...

Vraťe se do začátků celého drama! Mrkněnete na vaše oblíbené postavy z Total Drama jako malé prcky ve školce. Sice jsou ještě děti ale Duncan Leshawna Owen Beth Noah Izzy Jude Cody Bridgette Gwen a Courtney vyvádějí ještě větší skopičiny než obvykle. Dokáže Šéf tyhle divoké děti zkrotit?

TV program: Totální Dramarama (Total DramaRama)
Totální Dramarama

Další díl/opakování:
10.01.2022 v 16:15 (Cartoon+TCM)
11.01.2022 v 16:15 (Cartoon+TCM)
12.01.2022 v 16:15 (Cartoon+TCM)
13.01.2022 v 16:15 (Cartoon+TCM)

Vraťe se do začátků celého drama! Mrkněnete na vaše oblíbené postavy z Total Drama jako malé prcky v...

Vraťe se do začátků celého drama! Mrkněnete na vaše oblíbené postavy z Total Drama jako malé prcky ve školce. Sice jsou ještě děti ale Duncan Leshawna Owen Beth Noah Izzy Jude Cody Bridgette Gwen a Courtney vyvádějí ještě větší skopičiny než obvykle. Dokáže Šéf tyhle divoké děti zkrotit?

TV program: Totální Dramarama (Total DramaRama)
Totální Dramarama

Další díl/opakování:
10.01.2022 v 16:15 (Cartoon+TCM)
11.01.2022 v 16:15 (Cartoon+TCM)
12.01.2022 v 16:15 (Cartoon+TCM)
13.01.2022 v 16:15 (Cartoon+TCM)

Vraťe se do začátků celého drama! Mrkněnete na vaše oblíbené postavy z Total Drama jako malé prcky v...

Vraťe se do začátků celého drama! Mrkněnete na vaše oblíbené postavy z Total Drama jako malé prcky ve školce. Sice jsou ještě děti ale Duncan Leshawna Owen Beth Noah Izzy Jude Cody Bridgette Gwen a Courtney vyvádějí ještě větší skopičiny než obvykle. Dokáže Šéf tyhle divoké děti zkrotit?

TV program: Totální Dramarama (Total DramaRama)
Totální Dramarama

Další díl/opakování:
10.01.2022 v 16:15 (Cartoon+TCM)
11.01.2022 v 16:15 (Cartoon+TCM)
12.01.2022 v 16:15 (Cartoon+TCM)
13.01.2022 v 16:15 (Cartoon+TCM)

Vraťe se do začátků celého drama! Mrkněnete na vaše oblíbené postavy z Total Drama jako malé prcky v...

Vraťe se do začátků celého drama! Mrkněnete na vaše oblíbené postavy z Total Drama jako malé prcky ve školce. Sice jsou ještě děti ale Duncan Leshawna Owen Beth Noah Izzy Jude Cody Bridgette Gwen a Courtney vyvádějí ještě větší skopičiny než obvykle. Dokáže Šéf tyhle divoké děti zkrotit?

TV program: Totální Dramarama (Total DramaRama)
Victor a Valentino

Další díl/opakování:
22.06.2023 v 06:00 (HBO2)
26.06.2023 v 06:00 (HBO2)
28.06.2023 v 06:00 (HBO2)
29.06.2023 v 06:20 (HBO2)
30.06.2023 v 06:00 (HBO2)

Hrst vodních balonků. Vic byl zrazen během balonkové bitvy.
TV program: Victor & Valentino
Victor a Valentino

Další díl/opakování:
22.06.2023 v 06:00 (HBO2)
26.06.2023 v 06:00 (HBO2)
28.06.2023 v 06:00 (HBO2)
29.06.2023 v 06:20 (HBO2)
30.06.2023 v 06:00 (HBO2)

Láska na první kous. Val se zamiluje do dívky jménem Matty.
TV program: Victor & Valentino
Mladí Titáni do toho!

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 11:20 (Cartoon+TCM)
04.01.2022 v 06:00 (Cartoon+TCM)
05.01.2022 v 06:00 (Cartoon+TCM)
06.01.2022 v 06:00 (Cartoon+TCM)
07.01.2022 v 06:00 (Cartoon+TCM)
08.01.2022 v 06:00 (Cartoon+TCM)
09.01.2022 v 06:00 (Cartoon+TCM)
10.01.2022 v 06:00 (Cartoon+TCM)

Mladí Titáni do toho! je komediální pohled na život superhrdinů. Diváci dostanou možnost sledovat ja...

Mladí Titáni do toho! je komediální pohled na život superhrdinů. Diváci dostanou možnost sledovat jaký život má super mládež.

TV program: Mladí Titáni do toho! (Teen Titans Go!)
Mladí Titáni do toho!

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 11:20 (Cartoon+TCM)
04.01.2022 v 06:00 (Cartoon+TCM)
05.01.2022 v 06:00 (Cartoon+TCM)
06.01.2022 v 06:00 (Cartoon+TCM)
07.01.2022 v 06:00 (Cartoon+TCM)
08.01.2022 v 06:00 (Cartoon+TCM)
09.01.2022 v 06:00 (Cartoon+TCM)
10.01.2022 v 06:00 (Cartoon+TCM)

Mladí Titáni do toho! je komediální pohled na život superhrdinů. Diváci dostanou možnost sledovat ja...

Mladí Titáni do toho! je komediální pohled na život superhrdinů. Diváci dostanou možnost sledovat jaký život má super mládež.

TV program: Mladí Titáni do toho! (Teen Titans Go!)
Mladí Titáni do toho!

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 11:20 (Cartoon+TCM)
04.01.2022 v 06:00 (Cartoon+TCM)
05.01.2022 v 06:00 (Cartoon+TCM)
06.01.2022 v 06:00 (Cartoon+TCM)
07.01.2022 v 06:00 (Cartoon+TCM)
08.01.2022 v 06:00 (Cartoon+TCM)
09.01.2022 v 06:00 (Cartoon+TCM)
10.01.2022 v 06:00 (Cartoon+TCM)

Mladí Titáni do toho! je komediální pohled na život superhrdinů. Diváci dostanou možnost sledovat ja...

Mladí Titáni do toho! je komediální pohled na život superhrdinů. Diváci dostanou možnost sledovat jaký život má super mládež.

TV program: Mladí Titáni do toho! (Teen Titans Go!)
Mr Magoo

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
04.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
05.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
06.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
07.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
08.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
09.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
10.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)

The Gluttons for Punishment. Fizz and Weasel plan to enter Fizz’s revolutionary new condiment in an ...

The Gluttons for Punishment. Fizz and Weasel plan to enter Fizz’s revolutionary new condiment in an international culinary contest. Magoo mistakes them for members of his rock band The Gluttons for Punishment who have reunited to play at a festival.

TV program: Pan Magoo (Mr Magoo)
Mr Magoo

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
04.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
05.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
06.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
07.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
08.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
09.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
10.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)

Brain Washed. While helping Linda clean her attic Magoo gets shrunken and teleported into Fizz’s bra...

Brain Washed. While helping Linda clean her attic Magoo gets shrunken and teleported into Fizz’s brain. Fizz himself had intended for his brain to become a museum in homage to his immense genius.

TV program: Pan Magoo (Mr Magoo)
Mr Magoo

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
04.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
05.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
06.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
07.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
08.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
09.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
10.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)

MAG007. Magoo takes Fizz for a toy containing top secret information which he steals from a secret a...

MAG007. Magoo takes Fizz for a toy containing top secret information which he steals from a secret agent (in reality Weasel). Hell-bent on destroying the toy Magoo manages to stop Fizz from engraving the hamster’s face on the statue of the US President.

TV program: Pan Magoo (Mr Magoo)
Mr Magoo

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
04.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
05.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
06.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
07.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
08.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
09.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
10.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)

Maggie Magoo. A bear has escaped from the zoo and Fizz is hell-bent on making it his pet. Magoo mist...

Maggie Magoo. A bear has escaped from the zoo and Fizz is hell-bent on making it his pet. Magoo mistakes the bear for his niece who’s come to spend the day with him making life difficult for Fizz and Weasel as they try to capture the beast.

TV program: Pan Magoo (Mr Magoo)
Mr Magoo

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
04.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
05.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
06.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
07.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
08.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
09.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
10.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)

Magoo's Best Friend. Magoo mistakes Fizz for his best friend Harry from school and thinks the two of...

Magoo's Best Friend. Magoo mistakes Fizz for his best friend Harry from school and thinks the two of them are visiting their old school. In fact they’ve infiltrated the high-security unit from which Fizz is attempting to steal the President’s joke book.

TV program: Pan Magoo (Mr Magoo)
Mr Magoo

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
04.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
05.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
06.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
07.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
08.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
09.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
10.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)

Welcome to Translovenia. Magoo thinks he’s on a trip to Translovenia and takes shelter in a mansion ...

Welcome to Translovenia. Magoo thinks he’s on a trip to Translovenia and takes shelter in a mansion owned by a vampire. In reality this vampire is Weasel helping Fizz in his attempt to turn the moon into a Fizz-like sun and make the night disappear once and for all.

TV program: Pan Magoo (Mr Magoo)
Looney Tunes Cartoons
The Case of Porky's Pants / Fully Vetted. Porky Pig comes home in a panic and tells his roommate Daf...

The Case of Porky's Pants / Fully Vetted. Porky Pig comes home in a panic and tells his roommate Daffy, that his pants are missing. Donning his fedora, Detective Daffy investigates the missing pants. / Tweety's trip to the veterinarian's office gives Sylvester the perfect opportunity for a lunchtime treat.

TV program: Looney Tunes: Animáky (Looney Tunes Cartoons)
Looney Tunes Cartoons
E-Rabbitcator / Marvin Flag Gag: Planet Split in 2 / The Sales Duck. After Elmer Fudd builds a robot...

E-Rabbitcator / Marvin Flag Gag: Planet Split in 2 / The Sales Duck. After Elmer Fudd builds a robot to catch Bugs, the rabbit must outsmart this new technological foe. / Marvin the Martian plants his flag on a new planet and claims it "in the name of Mars," but each time he does, something new and unexpected happens. / Just as Elmer Fudd prepares for bed, all that stands in his way of a good night's rest is a persistent salesman Daffy Duck at his front door.

TV program: Looney Tunes: Animáky (Looney Tunes Cartoons)
New Looney Tunes

Další díl/opakování:
04.11.2023 v 07:05 (NOVA)
05.11.2023 v 07:05 (NOVA)
11.11.2023 v 07:05 (NOVA)

The Porklight. Daffy is thrown out of a movie house by Porky the usher and decides to get revenge by...

The Porklight. Daffy is thrown out of a movie house by Porky the usher and decides to get revenge by driving Porky crazy.

TV program: Looney Tunes: Nové příběhy (Wabbit: A Looney Tunes Production)
New Looney Tunes

Další díl/opakování:
04.11.2023 v 07:05 (NOVA)
05.11.2023 v 07:05 (NOVA)
11.11.2023 v 07:05 (NOVA)

Best Bugs. Bugs is kidnapped and forced to be best friend to spoiled rich kid Paul Perdy. After a di...

Best Bugs. Bugs is kidnapped and forced to be best friend to spoiled rich kid Paul Perdy. After a difficult afternoon Bugs tries to show Paul how to be a good friend.

TV program: Looney Tunes: Nové příběhy (Wabbit: A Looney Tunes Production)
New Looney Tunes

Další díl/opakování:
04.11.2023 v 07:05 (NOVA)
05.11.2023 v 07:05 (NOVA)
11.11.2023 v 07:05 (NOVA)

Lewis and Pork. President Elmer Fudd orders an expedition to explore the great western frontier and ...

Lewis and Pork. President Elmer Fudd orders an expedition to explore the great western frontier and find the trail to the Pacific Ocean. Who could be better qualified for the mission than pioneer Porky Pig and guide Daffy Duck?

TV program: Looney Tunes: Nové příběhy (Wabbit: A Looney Tunes Production)
New Looney Tunes

Další díl/opakování:
04.11.2023 v 07:05 (NOVA)
05.11.2023 v 07:05 (NOVA)
11.11.2023 v 07:05 (NOVA)

Daffy the Stowaway. Daffy stows away on a cruise liner and it's up to Porky to make sure he's not di...

Daffy the Stowaway. Daffy stows away on a cruise liner and it's up to Porky to make sure he's not discovered before he wreaks havoc on the ship.

TV program: Looney Tunes: Nové příběhy (Wabbit: A Looney Tunes Production)
The Mr. Bean...

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 13:00 (BOOMERANG)
04.01.2022 v 13:00 (BOOMERANG)
05.01.2022 v 13:00 (BOOMERANG)
06.01.2022 v 13:00 (BOOMERANG)
07.01.2022 v 13:00 (BOOMERANG)
08.01.2022 v 13:00 (BOOMERANG)
09.01.2022 v 13:00 (BOOMERANG)
10.01.2022 v 13:00 (BOOMERANG)

Halloween. Mr Bean loves Halloween and prepares to give the neighbourhood kids some tricks and treat...

Halloween. Mr Bean loves Halloween and prepares to give the neighbourhood kids some tricks and treats they won’t forget. But when Mr Bean gets carried away with his spooky pranks he becomes the target of even more fiendish tricks from his neighbours the Bruisers.

TV program: Mr. Bean: Animované příběhy (Mr. Bean: The Animated Series)
The Mr. Bean...

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 13:00 (BOOMERANG)
04.01.2022 v 13:00 (BOOMERANG)
05.01.2022 v 13:00 (BOOMERANG)
06.01.2022 v 13:00 (BOOMERANG)
07.01.2022 v 13:00 (BOOMERANG)
08.01.2022 v 13:00 (BOOMERANG)
09.01.2022 v 13:00 (BOOMERANG)
10.01.2022 v 13:00 (BOOMERANG)

Bean Painting. Mr Bean is painting a picture of Teddy when he accidently squirts some green paint on...

Bean Painting. Mr Bean is painting a picture of Teddy when he accidently squirts some green paint onto his brown wallpaper. Oh no! Bean needs to redecorate his room fast but ends up painting all the walls a garish lime green instead of brown. He’s so terrified of Mrs Wicket finding out that when he goes to bed he has some very weird nightmares – with a rather sickly ending.

TV program: Mr. Bean: Animované příběhy (Mr. Bean: The Animated Series)
The Mr. Bean...

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 13:00 (BOOMERANG)
04.01.2022 v 13:00 (BOOMERANG)
05.01.2022 v 13:00 (BOOMERANG)
06.01.2022 v 13:00 (BOOMERANG)
07.01.2022 v 13:00 (BOOMERANG)
08.01.2022 v 13:00 (BOOMERANG)
09.01.2022 v 13:00 (BOOMERANG)
10.01.2022 v 13:00 (BOOMERANG)

Wrestle Bean. Mr Bean is no fan of wrestling. But he’s promised to take Mrs Wicket and her friend Mr...

Wrestle Bean. Mr Bean is no fan of wrestling. But he’s promised to take Mrs Wicket and her friend Mrs Wince to a big wrestling match in town. Bean finds himself lost backstage at the stadium and accidentally wanders through a door and straight into the wrestling ring where he finds himself up against Side Kick Rick. More by luck than talent Bean wins the match – only to find that now he has to fight the terrifying Bruise Force.

TV program: Mr. Bean: Animované příběhy (Mr. Bean: The Animated Series)
The Mr. Bean...

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 13:00 (BOOMERANG)
04.01.2022 v 13:00 (BOOMERANG)
05.01.2022 v 13:00 (BOOMERANG)
06.01.2022 v 13:00 (BOOMERANG)
07.01.2022 v 13:00 (BOOMERANG)
08.01.2022 v 13:00 (BOOMERANG)
09.01.2022 v 13:00 (BOOMERANG)
10.01.2022 v 13:00 (BOOMERANG)

Rare Bird. Mr Bean needs to see a very rare bird so he can tick off every page in his bird-spotting ...

Rare Bird. Mr Bean needs to see a very rare bird so he can tick off every page in his bird-spotting book. But he soon gets bored as he waits in a hide for the rare bird to appear. Instead he goes home and paints a picture of the bird cuts it out and sticks it high up a tree in the back garden. Soon he is besieged by excited twitchers who think it really is the rare bird. They are all keen to get a snap and they’re willing to pay good money for a peek.

TV program: Mr. Bean: Animované příběhy (Mr. Bean: The Animated Series)
Be Cool, Scooby-Doo!

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 11:00 (BOOMERANG)
04.01.2022 v 11:00 (BOOMERANG)
05.01.2022 v 11:00 (BOOMERANG)
06.01.2022 v 11:00 (BOOMERANG)
07.01.2022 v 11:00 (BOOMERANG)
08.01.2022 v 11:00 (BOOMERANG)
09.01.2022 v 11:00 (BOOMERANG)
10.01.2022 v 11:00 (BOOMERANG)

Game of Chicken. Fred gets a call for help from Chuck, his daredevil of a best friend, which leads t...

Game of Chicken. Fred gets a call for help from Chuck, his daredevil of a best friend, which leads the gang on a rescue mission deep in the caverns of an ancient civilisation. Once there, they learn of the real mystery: a ghost of the Tribal Warrior that still protects the cavern from outsiders!

TV program: Buď v klidu, Scooby Doo! (Be Cool, Scooby-Doo!)
Be Cool, Scooby-Doo!

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 11:00 (BOOMERANG)
04.01.2022 v 11:00 (BOOMERANG)
05.01.2022 v 11:00 (BOOMERANG)
06.01.2022 v 11:00 (BOOMERANG)
07.01.2022 v 11:00 (BOOMERANG)
08.01.2022 v 11:00 (BOOMERANG)
09.01.2022 v 11:00 (BOOMERANG)
10.01.2022 v 11:00 (BOOMERANG)

Poodle Justice. It's Scooby's dream come true as the gang visits the set of his favourite TV show an...

Poodle Justice. It's Scooby's dream come true as the gang visits the set of his favourite TV show and he meets the star, his celebrity crush, a dog actress who plays a detective on the screen. Now all Scooby has to do is work up the courage to actually talk to her while also solving the mystery of the monstrous gargoyle attacking the production!

TV program: Buď v klidu, Scooby Doo! (Be Cool, Scooby-Doo!)
Mladí Titáni do toho!

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 11:20 (Cartoon+TCM)
04.01.2022 v 06:00 (Cartoon+TCM)
05.01.2022 v 06:00 (Cartoon+TCM)
06.01.2022 v 06:00 (Cartoon+TCM)
07.01.2022 v 06:00 (Cartoon+TCM)
08.01.2022 v 06:00 (Cartoon+TCM)
09.01.2022 v 06:00 (Cartoon+TCM)
10.01.2022 v 06:00 (Cartoon+TCM)

Mladí Titáni do toho! je komediální pohled na život superhrdinů. Diváci dostanou možnost sledovat ja...

Mladí Titáni do toho! je komediální pohled na život superhrdinů. Diváci dostanou možnost sledovat jaký život má super mládež.

TV program: Mladí Titáni do toho! (Teen Titans Go!)
Totální Dramarama

Další díl/opakování:
10.01.2022 v 16:15 (Cartoon+TCM)
11.01.2022 v 16:15 (Cartoon+TCM)
12.01.2022 v 16:15 (Cartoon+TCM)
13.01.2022 v 16:15 (Cartoon+TCM)

Čus džus. Jude a Izzy se navzájem vyhecují aby vypili Šéfův energetický nápoj zatímco Duncan a Court...

Čus džus. Jude a Izzy se navzájem vyhecují aby vypili Šéfův energetický nápoj zatímco Duncan a Courtney se vydají do kavárny pro nový než Šéf přijde na to že zmizel.

TV program: Totální Dramarama (Total DramaRama)
Totální Dramarama

Další díl/opakování:
10.01.2022 v 16:15 (Cartoon+TCM)
11.01.2022 v 16:15 (Cartoon+TCM)
12.01.2022 v 16:15 (Cartoon+TCM)
13.01.2022 v 16:15 (Cartoon+TCM)

Mechanický kvokorandž. Po té co se Jude sblíží se zlým kuřetem z dětské zoo následuje ho kur do škol...

Mechanický kvokorandž. Po té co se Jude sblíží se zlým kuřetem z dětské zoo následuje ho kur do školky. Jude však chování ptáká omlouvá dokud to jen jde...

TV program: Totální Dramarama (Total DramaRama)
Totální Dramarama

Další díl/opakování:
10.01.2022 v 16:15 (Cartoon+TCM)
11.01.2022 v 16:15 (Cartoon+TCM)
12.01.2022 v 16:15 (Cartoon+TCM)
13.01.2022 v 16:15 (Cartoon+TCM)

Zachraňte Chillyho. Owen schová vysílačku do svého hot dogu a Harold uvěří že jde o vetřelce kteří c...

Zachraňte Chillyho. Owen schová vysílačku do svého hot dogu a Harold uvěří že jde o vetřelce kteří chtějí zničit zemi.

TV program: Totální Dramarama (Total DramaRama)
Příšerná pláž
Příšerná pláž
Victor a Valentino

Další díl/opakování:
22.06.2023 v 06:00 (HBO2)
26.06.2023 v 06:00 (HBO2)
28.06.2023 v 06:00 (HBO2)
29.06.2023 v 06:20 (HBO2)
30.06.2023 v 06:00 (HBO2)

Roste. Všichni oslavují, že Valovi vyrostl první vous. Závistivý Vic se proto snaží vypěstovat si vo...

Roste. Všichni oslavují, že Valovi vyrostl první vous. Závistivý Vic se proto snaží vypěstovat si vousy pomocí magie.

TV program: Victor & Valentino
Victor a Valentino

Další díl/opakování:
22.06.2023 v 06:00 (HBO2)
26.06.2023 v 06:00 (HBO2)
28.06.2023 v 06:00 (HBO2)
29.06.2023 v 06:20 (HBO2)
30.06.2023 v 06:00 (HBO2)

Nový Don. Vic a Val zjistí, že Don není sám sebou.
TV program: Victor & Valentino
Ben 10 vs. Vesmír: Film
Když se Vilgax vrátí, aby napáchal dvojité škody na týmu Tennyson a planetě Zemi, Ben musí do vesmír...

Když se Vilgax vrátí, aby napáchal dvojité škody na týmu Tennyson a planetě Zemi, Ben musí do vesmíru, aby zachránil den.

Ben 10 III
Big Ben 10. Tennysonovi vyrážejí do Londýna. Tam už na ně čekají broučí bratři s ďáelským plánem. Ch...

Big Ben 10. Tennysonovi vyrážejí do Londýna. Tam už na ně čekají broučí bratři s ďáelským plánem. Chtějí zmenšit a ukrást slavný zvon Big Ben.

TV program: Ben 10
Gumballův úžasný svět

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 13:40 (Cartoon+TCM)
04.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
05.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
06.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
07.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
08.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
09.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
10.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)

TV program: Gumballův úžasný svět (The Amazing World of Gumball)
Gumballův úžasný svět

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 13:40 (Cartoon+TCM)
04.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
05.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
06.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
07.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
08.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
09.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
10.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)

TV program: Gumballův úžasný svět (The Amazing World of Gumball)
The Tom and...

Další díl/opakování:
02.09.2023 v 06:10 (NOVA)
03.09.2023 v 06:10 (NOVA)
09.09.2023 v 06:10 (NOVA)

Cat Dance Fever. The Cat's Meow Dance Competition is coming up and Toodles' dance partner has gone m...

Cat Dance Fever. The Cat's Meow Dance Competition is coming up and Toodles' dance partner has gone missing! In the meantime, Toodles needs a new dance partner. Butch and Tom go toe-to-toe for the honour. But when Tom manages to nab the spot, he winds up disappearing, too! Now it's up to Jerry to solve the case!

TV program: Show Toma a Jerryho (The Tom and Jerry Show)
The Tom and...

Další díl/opakování:
02.09.2023 v 06:10 (NOVA)
03.09.2023 v 06:10 (NOVA)
09.09.2023 v 06:10 (NOVA)

Dirty Rat. A little cat and mouse leads Jerry to take refuge in his hole in the wall where he runs i...

Dirty Rat. A little cat and mouse leads Jerry to take refuge in his hole in the wall where he runs into Franky Two-Face the rat, who now calls Jerry's home, HIS home. Tom finds this funny, of course. Franky Two-Face leads Tom to believe the two are working together but Franky's a no-good, dirty rat. He doesn't play fair. He's a liar, a sneak, a dirty player, just an all-around dirty rat. He goes to the cats in the alley, says Jerry thinks they're soft, steals things from Spike and sets Tom up as the thief. Franky Two-Face knows every dirty trick in the book, except one; the one Tom and Jerry use to get rid of Franky Two-Face.

TV program: Show Toma a Jerryho (The Tom and Jerry Show)
The Tom and...

Další díl/opakování:
02.09.2023 v 06:10 (NOVA)
03.09.2023 v 06:10 (NOVA)
09.09.2023 v 06:10 (NOVA)

Tom and Jerry-Geddon. Tuffy and Jerry are brushing their teeth. Tuffy's so tired he uses Jerry's tai...

Tom and Jerry-Geddon. Tuffy and Jerry are brushing their teeth. Tuffy's so tired he uses Jerry's tail instead of his toothbrush. They climb in their respective beds, only Tuffy's not in his bed, he's in the palm of Tom's hand that Tom's made-up to look like a bed. Tom gets walloped for his little stunt but it points out to Jerry that he needs a safer home. What begins with Jerry securing his home from Tom, turns into an arms race between the cat and mouse where they each build their own booby-trapped bunker to protect themselves from each other. They turn out to be their own greatest enemy, with the biggest threat coming from their own creations. In the end, they go back to their relatively safer existence.

TV program: Show Toma a Jerryho (The Tom and Jerry Show)
The Tom and...

Další díl/opakování:
02.09.2023 v 06:10 (NOVA)
03.09.2023 v 06:10 (NOVA)
09.09.2023 v 06:10 (NOVA)

Tic-Tyke-D'oh. Spike hasn't been the best role model for his boy when it comes to being a good sport...

Tic-Tyke-D'oh. Spike hasn't been the best role model for his boy when it comes to being a good sport. You could even say Spike's a sore loser. That's why Spike recruits Tom and Jerry to help teach the little guy how to lose gracefully. When Tom beats Tyke at a game of tic-tac-toe Tyke puts the "sore" into "sore loser" by biting Tom's finger when Tom extends it for a friendly post-game handshake. Tom forces Jerry to take turns playing various games with Tyke (e.g. Checkers, basketball, hopscotch, etc…). Each time they win, Tyke takes it out on them. When Tom and Jerry start throwing the games, Spike's right there to dole out his own punishment for letting Tyke win. Sometimes you just can't win!

TV program: Show Toma a Jerryho (The Tom and Jerry Show)
The Tom and...

Další díl/opakování:
02.09.2023 v 06:10 (NOVA)
03.09.2023 v 06:10 (NOVA)
09.09.2023 v 06:10 (NOVA)

Missing in Traction. When Tom's hit by a trolley while he and Jerry are investigating their latest c...

Missing in Traction. When Tom's hit by a trolley while he and Jerry are investigating their latest case, he's sent to recover at the local animal hospital. But a detective is never off the case! Tom begins to suspect the answer to the case they're working on is right under his broken nose. Problem is, he's in traction and can't move. That's okay, he's got a partner in crime-solving – Doc Jerry makes the rounds at the animal hospital and solves the mystery, but not before sending Tom on the rounds to endure various tests (e.g. x-rays, stress test, physical therapy, etc…) and to do some investigating of his own.

TV program: Show Toma a Jerryho (The Tom and Jerry Show)
The Tom and...

Další díl/opakování:
02.09.2023 v 06:10 (NOVA)
03.09.2023 v 06:10 (NOVA)
09.09.2023 v 06:10 (NOVA)

Cat-titude Adjustment. After another destructive bout of cat and mouse, Hildie and Beatie decide tha...

Cat-titude Adjustment. After another destructive bout of cat and mouse, Hildie and Beatie decide that Tom's bad cat-titude has caused nothing but trouble around the cottage. What Tom needs is an attitude adjustment! With a flick of the wand, Tom becomes a doting cat. Much better! Jerry's loving the change at first, but he soon tires of the touchy-feely feline (even Newt is tiring of Tom's affections). Jerry tries every mouse trick in the book to trigger Tom's animal instincts, but nothing seems to break the spell. Jerry has to sneak Hildie's wand to reverse the spell, but it won't be easy with tag-along-Tom by his side every step of the way!

TV program: Show Toma a Jerryho (The Tom and Jerry Show)

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 12:45 (BOOMERANG)
04.01.2022 v 01:50 (BOOMERANG)
05.01.2022 v 01:50 (BOOMERANG)
06.01.2022 v 01:50 (BOOMERANG)
07.01.2022 v 01:50 (BOOMERANG)
08.01.2022 v 01:50 (BOOMERANG)
09.01.2022 v 01:50 (BOOMERANG)
10.01.2022 v 01:50 (BOOMERANG)

Rival Doc. Lamput has escaped yet again, and yet again, Specs and Skinny are in serious trouble with...

Rival Doc. Lamput has escaped yet again, and yet again, Specs and Skinny are in serious trouble with the Boss. He’s so fed up with their constant failure that he hires an out-of-towner: a super cool, hi-tech Doc who has all the moves and the attitude to match. The new guy’s hip to all of Lamput’s tricks, and before long, the shape shifting blob is safely back at the Lab. Specs and Skinny, robbed of their whole gig, end up on the streets, while Rival Doc gets all the glory. With glory comes blame, though, and when Lamput stages yet another signature crafty escape, the Boss turns all his fury on Rival Doc. Who hired this guy, anyway!? Lamput just wants things to be how they were. The orange blob helps the Docs get back their jobs at the Lab, Rival Doc is sent packing, and Lamput prepares yet another daring escape.

TV program: Lamput
Mush Mush And The Mushables
Compost to Go. When Mush-Mush, Chep and Lilit take their compost meals back to their home-tree to ea...

Compost to Go. When Mush-Mush, Chep and Lilit take their compost meals back to their home-tree to eat, they think they have made a great new discovery – compost to go! They set up a delivery service so everyone can eat at home too. It’s so cool! Except Sushi-Mushi misses hosting everyone at the Food Snail, and everyone starts missing eating together…

TV program: Muchomůrek a Muchlíci (Mush-Mush & the Mushables)
Mush Mush And The Mushables
Dare for more. Mush-Mush, Chep and Lilit are playing dares and having a lot fun. All the Mushables a...

Dare for more. Mush-Mush, Chep and Lilit are playing dares and having a lot fun. All the Mushables are happy for them except Fung and Miff who keep mocking them. When Mush-Mush reply they should play together to see how fun it is, Fung and Miff accept. Mush-Mush surprisingly gets along with Fung and Miff... until one dare too many.

TV program: Muchomůrek a Muchlíci (Mush-Mush & the Mushables)
Pat the Dog

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 14:30 (BOOMERANG)
04.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
05.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
06.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
07.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
08.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
09.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
10.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)

The Real Pat. While Lola is preparing her birthday party the Guanos discover a stray dog that looks ...

The Real Pat. While Lola is preparing her birthday party the Guanos discover a stray dog that looks exactly like Pat. This gives them a great idea. The birds lure the dog into Lola’s house and offer him all the bones he wants if he'll help them get their hands on Hoodie and the birthday cake. The wily pigeons trick Pat and lock him in a cage but Pat's replacement has a tough time fulfilling his part of the deal and win the bones. Pat meanwhile manages to escape from the Guanos' cage and with the stray dog's help saves the little kitten. Back home Lola instantly recognizes her Pat the real Pat. When he sees the Pat look-a-like Hugo is instantly charmed and decides to adopt the stray.

TV program: Paf le Chien
Pat the Dog

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 14:30 (BOOMERANG)
04.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
05.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
06.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
07.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
08.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
09.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
10.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)

Easter Eggs. Lola is organizing an Easter egg hunt and with Pat she is hiding eggs in the garden. Bu...

Easter Eggs. Lola is organizing an Easter egg hunt and with Pat she is hiding eggs in the garden. But seized by some maternal instinct the Guanos decide to steal the eggs and nurture them as their own. When Hoodie approaches the basket containing the eggs the birds trap him inside a cage to protect their future offspring. Seeing what they’ve done Pat hurries to the kitten’s rescue. But now it is Tank’s turn to chase Hoodie. Our hero has to protect the kitten while saving the Easter eggs from the Guanos who are determined to keep their offspring safe.

TV program: Paf le Chien
Pat the Dog

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 14:30 (BOOMERANG)
04.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
05.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
06.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
07.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
08.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
09.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
10.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)

Inspector Pat. On her way back from school, Lola makes a stop to buy a cereal bar. But when leaving ...

Inspector Pat. On her way back from school, Lola makes a stop to buy a cereal bar. But when leaving the store, the manager holds her back and accuses her of theft. Pat leads the investigation to prove his best friend's innocence and finds out who the real thief is… the Guanos. They created a diversion to steal all the stock of cereal bars. After a fierce struggle, Pat sets the record straight!

TV program: Paf le Chien
PURST: Agent Binky
Happy PURSTgiving! It's PURSTgiving and while the humans enjoy their dinner upstairs, the PURST team...

Happy PURSTgiving! It's PURSTgiving and while the humans enjoy their dinner upstairs, the PURST team is enjoying theirs downstairs in the lab. But they miss Amelia who declined the invite because she is patrolling outer space. The team decides to covertly bring the dinner up closer to where Amelia is (perched on the apple tree outside the station) to the Room of Many Boxes (attic). Amelia's happy to join in but when an alien (code name: worm) reveals itself in Gordon's prized mud pie, it's a mission to get it out of the station before it spoils PURSTgiving - and Gordon's pie!

TV program: Agent Binky: Pets of the Universe
PURST: Agent Binky
Lights, Camera, Agents! When Fluffy assigns the team to make an instructional video for future PURST...

Lights, Camera, Agents! When Fluffy assigns the team to make an instructional video for future PURST cadets (i.e.; "Everyone!") they try too hard to be perfect. Stage fright and hammieness leads to comic on-camera fails. But when a real alien arrives and threatens to steal the footage and expose their embarrassing performance, Binky and the agents need to drop the act and do what they do best.

TV program: Agent Binky: Pets of the Universe
Grizzy and the Lemmings
Babysitting. Grizzy babysits for the she-bear he has a crush on, who has entrusted him with the care...

Babysitting. Grizzy babysits for the she-bear he has a crush on, who has entrusted him with the care of her cub. There's no question of Grizzy tripping up, for he has no intention of taking any risks! But he hadn't reckoned on the Lemmings. Captivated by the baby's burps after meals, they dream of making it drink gallons of soda pop to make it do the "Big One."

TV program: Méďa a lumíci (Grizzy et les Lemmings)
Grizzy and the Lemmings
Bear Under Lock and Key. Unwilling to share the food both he and the Lemmings are wild about Grizzy ...

Bear Under Lock and Key. Unwilling to share the food both he and the Lemmings are wild about Grizzy locks it up inside the ranger's brand new and apparently burglar proof safe. He watches the Lemmings' vain attempts to open the safe with amusement until he realizes that the string around his neck with the key is far from indestructible.

TV program: Méďa a lumíci (Grizzy et les Lemmings)
Grizzy and the Lemmings
Lemming Blues. Grizzy is impressed by the TV show of a magician who transforms a partridge into a bo...

Lemming Blues. Grizzy is impressed by the TV show of a magician who transforms a partridge into a bouquet of flowers. To get rid of the Lemmings once and for all, for they exasperate him with their incessant games, Grizzy tries the magic trick on them. And apparently... it works!

TV program: Méďa a lumíci (Grizzy et les Lemmings)
Alice & Lewis

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 14:00 (BOOMERANG)
04.01.2022 v 04:00 (BOOMERANG)
05.01.2022 v 04:00 (BOOMERANG)
06.01.2022 v 04:00 (BOOMERANG)
07.01.2022 v 04:00 (BOOMERANG)
08.01.2022 v 04:00 (BOOMERANG)
09.01.2022 v 04:00 (BOOMERANG)
10.01.2022 v 04:00 (BOOMERANG)

The Unforgettable Trip - Part 1. Alice has just moved into a new neighborhood but is nervous she mig...

The Unforgettable Trip - Part 1. Alice has just moved into a new neighborhood but is nervous she might not be able to make new friends. However, when she finds a little key in the attic of their new house, everything changes. When she tries out the key, it takes her to Wonderland, a place where clocks catch colds and where rabbits drink carrot tea at teatime!... Alice doesn’t know it yet but she’s just opened the door to the finest friendship of her life!

TV program: Alice & Lewis
Alice & Lewis

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 14:00 (BOOMERANG)
04.01.2022 v 04:00 (BOOMERANG)
05.01.2022 v 04:00 (BOOMERANG)
06.01.2022 v 04:00 (BOOMERANG)
07.01.2022 v 04:00 (BOOMERANG)
08.01.2022 v 04:00 (BOOMERANG)
09.01.2022 v 04:00 (BOOMERANG)
10.01.2022 v 04:00 (BOOMERANG)

The Unforgettable Trip - Part 2. Alice has just moved into a new neighborhood but is nervous she mig...

The Unforgettable Trip - Part 2. Alice has just moved into a new neighborhood but is nervous she might not be able to make new friends. However, when she finds a little key in the attic of their new house, everything changes. When she tries out the key, it takes her to Wonderland, a place where clocks catch colds and where rabbits drink carrot tea at teatime!... Alice doesn’t know it yet but she’s just opened the door to the finest friendship of her life!

TV program: Alice & Lewis
Baby Looney Tunes

Další díl/opakování:
23.12.2021 v 09:30 (BOOMERANG)
24.12.2021 v 09:30 (BOOMERANG)
25.12.2021 v 09:30 (BOOMERANG)
26.12.2021 v 09:40 (BOOMERANG)
27.12.2021 v 09:30 (BOOMERANG)
28.12.2021 v 09:30 (BOOMERANG)
29.12.2021 v 09:30 (BOOMERANG)
30.12.2021 v 09:30 (BOOMERANG)

The Harder They Fall
TV program: Baby Looney Tunes
Baby Looney Tunes

Další díl/opakování:
23.12.2021 v 09:30 (BOOMERANG)
24.12.2021 v 09:30 (BOOMERANG)
25.12.2021 v 09:30 (BOOMERANG)
26.12.2021 v 09:40 (BOOMERANG)
27.12.2021 v 09:30 (BOOMERANG)
28.12.2021 v 09:30 (BOOMERANG)
29.12.2021 v 09:30 (BOOMERANG)
30.12.2021 v 09:30 (BOOMERANG)

Business as Unusual
TV program: Baby Looney Tunes
Gumballův úžasný svět

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 13:40 (Cartoon+TCM)
04.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
05.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
06.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
07.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
08.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
09.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
10.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)

TV program: Gumballův úžasný svět (The Amazing World of Gumball)
Gumballův úžasný svět

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 13:40 (Cartoon+TCM)
04.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
05.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
06.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
07.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
08.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
09.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
10.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)

TV program: Gumballův úžasný svět (The Amazing World of Gumball)
Bakugan II
Kdo je falešný? Když Super parta zjistí, že Haavik je mimozemšťan, který umí měnit podobu, začne být...

Kdo je falešný? Když Super parta zjistí, že Haavik je mimozemšťan, který umí měnit podobu, začne být paranoidní, protože Haavik může být přestrojený za kohokoliv. Podezření v nich narůstá a Super parta si nakonec začne myslet, že Haavik je jedním z nich.

TV program: Bakugan (Bakugan Battle Brawlers)
Bakugan II
Krotitelé problémů 2. Malý bojovník Oliver ztratil svého Bakugana, což je přesně práce pro Krotitele...

Krotitelé problémů 2. Malý bojovník Oliver ztratil svého Bakugana, což je přesně práce pro Krotitele problémů. Super parta se rozhodne Bakugana najít a chytit, což vede k divoké honičce po celém Los Volmos.

TV program: Bakugan (Bakugan Battle Brawlers)
Angelovy patálie

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 21:00 (Cartoon+TCM)
04.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
05.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
06.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
07.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
08.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
09.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
10.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)

Přírodní rovnováha. Angelo rozbrečí Tracy a má z toho špatný pocit. Proto vyhlásí příměří. Problémem...

Přírodní rovnováha. Angelo rozbrečí Tracy a má z toho špatný pocit. Proto vyhlásí příměří. Problémem je že jejich začínající přátelství zvrátí přírodní rovnováhu!

TV program: Angelovy patálie (Angelo Rules)
Angelovy patálie

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 21:00 (Cartoon+TCM)
04.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
05.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
06.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
07.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
08.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
09.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
10.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)

Kočka zlodějka. Joe Mama krade věci po celém městě a schovává je u Angela pod postelí. Angelo s přát...

Kočka zlodějka. Joe Mama krade věci po celém městě a schovává je u Angela pod postelí. Angelo s přáteli se vydají na výpravu aby zjistili komu všechny ty věci patří.

TV program: Angelovy patálie (Angelo Rules)
Angelovy patálie

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 21:00 (Cartoon+TCM)
04.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
05.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
06.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
07.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
08.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
09.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
10.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)

Čas na vědu. Na Angela a Lolu zbyde jako partner ve vědeckém projektu Manetti. Jediným způsobem jak ...

Čas na vědu. Na Angela a Lolu zbyde jako partner ve vědeckém projektu Manetti. Jediným způsobem jak uspět je udělat vědecký projekt z Manettiho.

TV program: Angelovy patálie (Angelo Rules)
Angelovy patálie

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 21:00 (Cartoon+TCM)
04.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
05.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
06.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
07.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
08.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
09.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
10.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)

Ruka. Tracy tvrdí že jí Angelo zlomil ruku. Angelovým trestem je stát se Tracyiným sluhou.
TV program: Angelovy patálie (Angelo Rules)
Angelovy patálie

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 21:00 (Cartoon+TCM)
04.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
05.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
06.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
07.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
08.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
09.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
10.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)

Výměna koček. Angelo zjistí že Cathyinu kočku a Joe Mamu u veterináře omylem vyměnili. Ale nikdo Ang...

Výměna koček. Angelo zjistí že Cathyinu kočku a Joe Mamu u veterináře omylem vyměnili. Ale nikdo Angelovi nevěří.

TV program: Angelovy patálie (Angelo Rules)
Angelovy patálie

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 21:00 (Cartoon+TCM)
04.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
05.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
06.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
07.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
08.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
09.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
10.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)

Poštovní přítel. Angelo si vymyslí falešného dopisního přítele z Guatemaly aby ho pan Foot nenechal ...

Poštovní přítel. Angelo si vymyslí falešného dopisního přítele z Guatemaly aby ho pan Foot nenechal propadnout.

TV program: Angelovy patálie (Angelo Rules)
Angelovy patálie

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 21:00 (Cartoon+TCM)
04.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
05.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
06.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
07.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
08.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
09.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
10.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)

Zaměstnanec měsíce. Angelo se stává brigádníkem v zábavním parku. Ale jeho vysněná práce není tak sk...

Zaměstnanec měsíce. Angelo se stává brigádníkem v zábavním parku. Ale jeho vysněná práce není tak skvělá jak se zdálo protože musí doopravdy… pracovat!

TV program: Angelovy patálie (Angelo Rules)
Angelovy patálie

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 21:00 (Cartoon+TCM)
04.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
05.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
06.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
07.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
08.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
09.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
10.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)

Figurky. Slečna Perla změní poškolu v kroužek pracovní terapie kde Angelo vyrábí skvělé sošky s velk...

Figurky. Slečna Perla změní poškolu v kroužek pracovní terapie kde Angelo vyrábí skvělé sošky s velkou hlavou ze kterých se stane ve škole hit. Výsledek: Angelo se dostává záměrně do problémů aby mohl zůstat po škole.

TV program: Angelovy patálie (Angelo Rules)
Power Players
Joyride. Na bazarovém výprodeji se strejdou Andrewem musí Axel se Zoe zastavit Madcapa, který chce u...

Joyride. Na bazarovém výprodeji se strejdou Andrewem musí Axel se Zoe zastavit Madcapa, který chce udělat ze Zoeiny dlouho ztracené bojové hračky, Joyride, jejich nepřítele!

TV program: Power Players
Power Players
Naletěl jsi, brácho! Axel s partou chtějí Galileovi oplatit jeho kanadské žertíky a tak mu namluví, ...

Naletěl jsi, brácho! Axel s partou chtějí Galileovi oplatit jeho kanadské žertíky a tak mu namluví, že je neviditelný. Což má katastrofální následky.

TV program: Power Players
Power Players
Divoký Axel. Baribar učí Axela jak v sobě probudit primitivní instinkty, zatímco Orangutank chce osv...

Divoký Axel. Baribar učí Axela jak v sobě probudit primitivní instinkty, zatímco Orangutank chce osvobodit přírodu a hází květiny v květináčích nejrůznějších velikostí na nevinné kolemjdoucí pod sebou!

TV program: Power Players
Power Players
Pomocnice. Zoe si vytvoří vlastní bojový oblek, aby se mohla přidat k Axelově partě. Jediný problém?...

Pomocnice. Zoe si vytvoří vlastní bojový oblek, aby se mohla přidat k Axelově partě. Jediný problém? Neumí se zmenšit. I přes svoji velikosti ale pomáhá Axelovi proti Pyrantovi a jeho armádě mysl ovládajících dronů.

TV program: Power Players
Gumballův úžasný svět

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 13:40 (Cartoon+TCM)
04.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
05.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
06.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
07.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
08.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
09.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
10.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)

Křoví. Gumball s Darwinem nemají co dělat a tak přichází chvíle slávy pro ostatní obyvatele Elmoru. ...

Křoví. Gumball s Darwinem nemají co dělat a tak přichází chvíle slávy pro ostatní obyvatele Elmoru. Všelijaké postavičky které se v seriálu objevují jen jako křoví se konečně dostanou ke slovu.

TV program: Gumballův úžasný svět (The Amazing World of Gumball)
Looney Tunes Cartoons
The Case of Porky's Pants / Fully Vetted. Porky Pig comes home in a panic and tells his roommate Daf...

The Case of Porky's Pants / Fully Vetted. Porky Pig comes home in a panic and tells his roommate Daffy, that his pants are missing. Donning his fedora, Detective Daffy investigates the missing pants. / Tweety's trip to the veterinarian's office gives Sylvester the perfect opportunity for a lunchtime treat.

TV program: Looney Tunes: Animáky (Looney Tunes Cartoons)
Looney Tunes Cartoons
E-Rabbitcator / Marvin Flag Gag: Planet Split in 2 / The Sales Duck. After Elmer Fudd builds a robot...

E-Rabbitcator / Marvin Flag Gag: Planet Split in 2 / The Sales Duck. After Elmer Fudd builds a robot to catch Bugs, the rabbit must outsmart this new technological foe. / Marvin the Martian plants his flag on a new planet and claims it "in the name of Mars," but each time he does, something new and unexpected happens. / Just as Elmer Fudd prepares for bed, all that stands in his way of a good night's rest is a persistent salesman Daffy Duck at his front door.

TV program: Looney Tunes: Animáky (Looney Tunes Cartoons)
New Looney Tunes

Další díl/opakování:
04.11.2023 v 07:05 (NOVA)
05.11.2023 v 07:05 (NOVA)
11.11.2023 v 07:05 (NOVA)

The Porklight. Daffy is thrown out of a movie house by Porky the usher and decides to get revenge by...

The Porklight. Daffy is thrown out of a movie house by Porky the usher and decides to get revenge by driving Porky crazy.

TV program: Looney Tunes: Nové příběhy (Wabbit: A Looney Tunes Production)
New Looney Tunes

Další díl/opakování:
04.11.2023 v 07:05 (NOVA)
05.11.2023 v 07:05 (NOVA)
11.11.2023 v 07:05 (NOVA)

Best Bugs. Bugs is kidnapped and forced to be best friend to spoiled rich kid Paul Perdy. After a di...

Best Bugs. Bugs is kidnapped and forced to be best friend to spoiled rich kid Paul Perdy. After a difficult afternoon Bugs tries to show Paul how to be a good friend.

TV program: Looney Tunes: Nové příběhy (Wabbit: A Looney Tunes Production)
New Looney Tunes

Další díl/opakování:
04.11.2023 v 07:05 (NOVA)
05.11.2023 v 07:05 (NOVA)
11.11.2023 v 07:05 (NOVA)

Lewis and Pork. President Elmer Fudd orders an expedition to explore the great western frontier and ...

Lewis and Pork. President Elmer Fudd orders an expedition to explore the great western frontier and find the trail to the Pacific Ocean. Who could be better qualified for the mission than pioneer Porky Pig and guide Daffy Duck?

TV program: Looney Tunes: Nové příběhy (Wabbit: A Looney Tunes Production)
New Looney Tunes

Další díl/opakování:
04.11.2023 v 07:05 (NOVA)
05.11.2023 v 07:05 (NOVA)
11.11.2023 v 07:05 (NOVA)

Daffy the Stowaway. Daffy stows away on a cruise liner and it's up to Porky to make sure he's not di...

Daffy the Stowaway. Daffy stows away on a cruise liner and it's up to Porky to make sure he's not discovered before he wreaks havoc on the ship.

TV program: Looney Tunes: Nové příběhy (Wabbit: A Looney Tunes Production)

Další díl/opakování:
03.08.2024 v 22:20 (Disney Channel)
04.08.2024 v 05:40 (Disney Channel)
05.08.2024 v 05:40 (Disney Channel)

Reach Out and Touch Someone. Mrs. M receives a visit from her old friend Coonskin Carl, a famous tra...

Reach Out and Touch Someone. Mrs. M receives a visit from her old friend Coonskin Carl, a famous trapper who holds the world record for most raccoons catched by anybody ever. But Coonskin Carl is old now, and blind. Which means that he will be able to tell if Taffy is a Raccoon just by touching him - bow or no bow! Taffy can't let Coonskin Carl touch him - no matter what!

TV program: Taffy

Další díl/opakování:
03.08.2024 v 22:20 (Disney Channel)
04.08.2024 v 05:40 (Disney Channel)
05.08.2024 v 05:40 (Disney Channel)

The White Gloves. Forsythe can not stand the battle between Taffy and Bentley anymore! He decides to...

The White Gloves. Forsythe can not stand the battle between Taffy and Bentley anymore! He decides to get rid of the pets but that's without counting on the perseverance of the two rivals...

TV program: Taffy

Další díl/opakování:
03.08.2024 v 22:20 (Disney Channel)
04.08.2024 v 05:40 (Disney Channel)
05.08.2024 v 05:40 (Disney Channel)

Machine Dreams. It's time for the annual International Butling Associate inspection. And each year F...

Machine Dreams. It's time for the annual International Butling Associate inspection. And each year Forsythe has received its highest honor the coveted White Glove award. He has never approved of animals in the house and with Taffy and Bentley it's a nightmare. To help him, Bentley and Taffy decide to order a robot which will prepare the mansion for the inspection.

TV program: Taffy

Další díl/opakování:
03.08.2024 v 22:20 (Disney Channel)
04.08.2024 v 05:40 (Disney Channel)
05.08.2024 v 05:40 (Disney Channel)

Taffyzilla. Binikos is concerned about Mrs. M's lack of strength, so he orders a special muscle-buil...

Taffyzilla. Binikos is concerned about Mrs. M's lack of strength, so he orders a special muscle-building machine. But Taffy crashes into it during one of their chases. Taffy emerges, and he's completely hulked out! A gigantic battle begins between the two pets...

TV program: Taffy

Další díl/opakování:
03.08.2024 v 22:20 (Disney Channel)
04.08.2024 v 05:40 (Disney Channel)
05.08.2024 v 05:40 (Disney Channel)

Laughy Taffy. Taffy has been eating too many sweets and has a cavity. He'll have to go to the vet an...

Laughy Taffy. Taffy has been eating too many sweets and has a cavity. He'll have to go to the vet and get a filling. Bentley tries to show to Dr. Hurtz that Taffy is a filthy racoon and not a cat! But for some reason, the normally dour vet keeps bursting into laughter.

TV program: Taffy

Další díl/opakování:
03.08.2024 v 22:20 (Disney Channel)
04.08.2024 v 05:40 (Disney Channel)
05.08.2024 v 05:40 (Disney Channel)

Pet Therapist. The vet comes for a stay at Muchmore Manor. She immediately declares Taffy and Bentle...

Pet Therapist. The vet comes for a stay at Muchmore Manor. She immediately declares Taffy and Bentley have big issues. She knows because she can talk to animals. Or so she says... Bentley really believes this and hopes to expose Taffy's fraud.

TV program: Taffy

Další díl/opakování:
03.08.2024 v 22:20 (Disney Channel)
04.08.2024 v 05:40 (Disney Channel)
05.08.2024 v 05:40 (Disney Channel)

There Kitty Kitty. A new kitten is found into the mansion. Now Mrs. M is in love with the kitten and...

There Kitty Kitty. A new kitten is found into the mansion. Now Mrs. M is in love with the kitten and Taffy must try to do him in but something is weird. Taffy has to find what's going on with this cute lovable kitten.

TV program: Taffy
Grizzy and the Lemmings
Bear Scents. When he realises his beloved she-bear adores the smell of flowers, Grizzy decides to of...

Bear Scents. When he realises his beloved she-bear adores the smell of flowers, Grizzy decides to offer her the geraniums that decorate the window ledges of the ranger's cabin. Can he bring them to her without the Lemmings - who are skating out by the caribou dung pit and rubbish bins - ruining his desired effect?

TV program: Méďa a lumíci (Grizzy et les Lemmings)
Grizzy and the Lemmings
Bear Luck. Decidedly, this is not Grizzy's day: after making a fool of himself in front of the she-b...

Bear Luck. Decidedly, this is not Grizzy's day: after making a fool of himself in front of the she-bear he's in love with, he is ousted from the log cabin by the Lemmings, who are in top form. Grizzy lands in a field of clover where he notices that one of the plants - with four leaves - seems to bring him good luck. Could his fortunes be changing?

TV program: Méďa a lumíci (Grizzy et les Lemmings)
Grizzy and the Lemmings
Magnetic Bear. Grizzy can't believe his eyes when he sees objects moving all by themselves. When he ...

Magnetic Bear. Grizzy can't believe his eyes when he sees objects moving all by themselves. When he realises it's the Lemmings who are playing around with a particularly powerful magnet, he has a stroke of genius. He will design a telekinesis trick to impress his beloved she-bear.

TV program: Méďa a lumíci (Grizzy et les Lemmings)
Grizzy and the Lemmings
Bear Charm. Further to a misunderstanding, Grizzy is persuaded that the she-bear he's in love with h...

Bear Charm. Further to a misunderstanding, Grizzy is persuaded that the she-bear he's in love with has been turned into a frog. While he looks through the ranger's books of fairy tales, searching for a means to return his beloved to her original form, the Lemmings try to recover the frog, with whom they have so much fun playing rodeo games.

TV program: Méďa a lumíci (Grizzy et les Lemmings)
Grizzy and the Lemmings
Bear's Best Friend. Grizzy discovers a baby raccoon not far from the log cabin. When he sees its big...

Bear's Best Friend. Grizzy discovers a baby raccoon not far from the log cabin. When he sees its big, moist eyes, Grizzy melts and adopts the creature. When the Lemmings drag the baby into their dangerous games, the overprotective Grizzy steps in, provoking even more perilous situations!

TV program: Méďa a lumíci (Grizzy et les Lemmings)
Grizzy and the Lemmings
Super Grizzy Bros. By chance, Grizzy discovers the pleasures of video games on the ranger's console....

Super Grizzy Bros. By chance, Grizzy discovers the pleasures of video games on the ranger's console. The Lemmings want to try their hand at the joystick but Grizzy refuses to interrupt his kart racing game. They try everything, including temptation, to get him away from the console but there's nothing doing: Grizzy is addicted.

TV program: Méďa a lumíci (Grizzy et les Lemmings)
Grizzy and the Lemmings
Fake Brothers. Grizzy builds a look-alike robot to keep the Lemmings away while he prepares a popcor...

Fake Brothers. Grizzy builds a look-alike robot to keep the Lemmings away while he prepares a popcorn party for his beloved she-bear. But his double¿s artificial intelligence truly leaves to be desired. If only it were as clever as the original...

TV program: Méďa a lumíci (Grizzy et les Lemmings)
Mr Magoo

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
04.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
05.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
06.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
07.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
08.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
09.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
10.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)

Lost in the Subway. Magoo thinks he is in the subway but actually he’s in a cave. Running into Wease...

Lost in the Subway. Magoo thinks he is in the subway but actually he’s in a cave. Running into Weasel he thinks he’s lost and decides to help him find his way. He thus sabotages Fizz’s plan who is trying to finish a “fake” prehistoric fresco in his effigy.

TV program: Pan Magoo (Mr Magoo)
Mr Magoo

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
04.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
05.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
06.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
07.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
08.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
09.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
10.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)

Baby Steps. Magoo is babysitting the Neighbors' toddler. The baby flees and kidnaps Fizz mistaking h...

Baby Steps. Magoo is babysitting the Neighbors' toddler. The baby flees and kidnaps Fizz mistaking him for a plush toy. Thinking he’s playing hide and seek with the toddler Magoo wanders across the dangers of New York with Mr Cat and Weasel on his heels.

TV program: Pan Magoo (Mr Magoo)
Mr Magoo

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
04.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
05.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
06.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
07.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
08.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
09.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
10.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)

The Golden Fizz. Fizz plans on replacing the statue from an Oscar-like award's ceremony, with a stat...

The Golden Fizz. Fizz plans on replacing the statue from an Oscar-like award's ceremony, with a statue in his effigy. But Magoo grabs it, thinking he has found a magnificent object in a home decoration store. Fizz tries to get it back, but no way Magoo found it first!

TV program: Pan Magoo (Mr Magoo)
Mr Magoo

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
04.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
05.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
06.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
07.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
08.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
09.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
10.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)

Saving the Gnomes of Astroturf. Magoo mistakes some kids at the park for gnomes in a magic forest. F...

Saving the Gnomes of Astroturf. Magoo mistakes some kids at the park for gnomes in a magic forest. Fizz uses a remote to immobilize them to win over their parents. Magoo steals this “magic scepter” that put a spell on the gnomes.

TV program: Pan Magoo (Mr Magoo)
Mr Magoo

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
04.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
05.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
06.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
07.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
08.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
09.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
10.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)

Dusk of the Cucumber. Fizz invents a cucumber that turns whoever is holding it into an object of hum...

Dusk of the Cucumber. Fizz invents a cucumber that turns whoever is holding it into an object of human worship. When Magoo sees hypnotized passers-by being drawn towards Fizz and Weasel he thinks it’s the zombie apocalypse and grabs the cucumber as a makeshift weapon.

TV program: Pan Magoo (Mr Magoo)
Mr Magoo

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
04.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
05.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
06.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
07.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
08.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
09.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
10.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)

Spinning Headlock Elbow Drop. Magoo thinks that he is auditioning for a circus troop but he is actua...

Spinning Headlock Elbow Drop. Magoo thinks that he is auditioning for a circus troop but he is actually in a professional wrestling ring in the middle of a fight against…Fizz who is decked out in a super-muscle-bound outfit ready to knock the little man out for the count.

TV program: Pan Magoo (Mr Magoo)
Gumballův úžasný svět

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 13:40 (Cartoon+TCM)
04.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
05.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
06.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
07.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
08.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
09.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
10.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)

TV program: Gumballův úžasný svět (The Amazing World of Gumball)
Gumballův úžasný svět

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 13:40 (Cartoon+TCM)
04.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
05.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
06.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
07.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
08.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
09.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
10.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)

Dovolená. Wattersonovi si navzájem vyprávějí strašidelné příběhy na rodinné dovolené když se jejich ...

Dovolená. Wattersonovi si navzájem vyprávějí strašidelné příběhy na rodinné dovolené když se jejich auto porouchá v poušti. Nezbývá jim než důvěřovat úplně cizímu člověku který vypadá jako děsivý muž z mámina smyšleného příběhu. Když je přivede k opuštěné čerpací stanici Wattersonovi uvěří vlastnímu děsivým představám.

TV program: Gumballův úžasný svět (The Amazing World of Gumball)
Gumballův úžasný svět

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 13:40 (Cartoon+TCM)
04.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
05.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
06.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
07.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
08.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
09.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
10.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)

Podvodník. Když Gumball s Darwinem odhalí že diplom ředitele Browna je falešný ředitel to hodlá za k...

Podvodník. Když Gumball s Darwinem odhalí že diplom ředitele Browna je falešný ředitel to hodlá za každou cenu udržet to v tajnosti. Snaží se je všemožně podplatit aby mlčeli ale jim ve skutečnosti na pravosti diplomu nezáleží. Ředitel si jejich nezájem vyloží jako tvrdé vyjednávání a nezastaví se ani před zoufalými činy.

TV program: Gumballův úžasný svět (The Amazing World of Gumball)
Gumballův úžasný svět

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 13:40 (Cartoon+TCM)
04.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
05.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
06.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
07.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
08.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
09.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
10.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)

Díra. Gumball s Darwinem si ve škole všímají podivných nesrovnalostí a nakonec jim dojde že mívali s...

Díra. Gumball s Darwinem si ve škole všímají podivných nesrovnalostí a nakonec jim dojde že mívali spolužačku Molly která zmizela a nyní si na ni nikdo nevzpomíná. Pan Small potvrdí jejich podezření a bere je na návštěvu do jiné dimenze kam svět odklízí své omyly.

TV program: Gumballův úžasný svět (The Amazing World of Gumball)
Gumballův úžasný svět

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 13:40 (Cartoon+TCM)
04.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
05.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
06.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
07.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
08.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
09.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
10.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)

Šéf. Gumball s Darwinem pomáhají Rockymu získat kancelářskou práci aby si vydobyl přízeň svého otce....

Šéf. Gumball s Darwinem pomáhají Rockymu získat kancelářskou práci aby si vydobyl přízeň svého otce. Korporace Chanax však skrývá temné tajemství.

TV program: Gumballův úžasný svět (The Amazing World of Gumball)
Angelovy patálie

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 21:00 (Cartoon+TCM)
04.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
05.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
06.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
07.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
08.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
09.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
10.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)

Rodič roku. Táta chodí na rodičovský kurz který funguje! Teď má své děti pod větší kontrolou. Angelo...

Rodič roku. Táta chodí na rodičovský kurz který funguje! Teď má své děti pod větší kontrolou. Angelo v přestrojení za dospělého na kurz proklouzne aby se naučil tátovy nové rodičovské triky.

TV program: Angelovy patálie (Angelo Rules)
Angelovy patálie

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 21:00 (Cartoon+TCM)
04.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
05.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
06.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
07.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
08.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
09.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
10.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)

Hadí jáma. Angelo vymýšlí jedinečné vynálezy aby zvítězil v Hadí jámě v televizní soutěži kde předst...

Hadí jáma. Angelo vymýšlí jedinečné vynálezy aby zvítězil v Hadí jámě v televizní soutěži kde představuje místním investorům nápady v naději že do nich investují.

TV program: Angelovy patálie (Angelo Rules)
Angelovy patálie

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 21:00 (Cartoon+TCM)
04.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
05.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
06.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
07.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
08.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
09.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
10.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)

Profesor Angelo. Angelo se vsadí s pane Footem o to kdo má těžší život a vymění si místa. Angelo se ...

Profesor Angelo. Angelo se vsadí s pane Footem o to kdo má těžší život a vymění si místa. Angelo se stane učitelem a pan Foot neposlušným žákem.

TV program: Angelovy patálie (Angelo Rules)
Angelovy patálie

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 21:00 (Cartoon+TCM)
04.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
05.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
06.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
07.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
08.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
09.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
10.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)

Naše budoucnost. Když výsledky kariérních testů které předpovídají budoucí povolání nedopadnou uspok...

Naše budoucnost. Když výsledky kariérních testů které předpovídají budoucí povolání nedopadnou uspokojivě rozhodne se Angelo s přáteli změnit své osudy.

TV program: Angelovy patálie (Angelo Rules)
Angelovy patálie

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 21:00 (Cartoon+TCM)
04.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
05.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
06.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
07.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
08.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
09.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
10.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)

Falešná zpráva. Fronta na novou atrakci v zábavní parku je moc dlouhá tak Angelo s ostatními rozšíří...

Falešná zpráva. Fronta na novou atrakci v zábavní parku je moc dlouhá tak Angelo s ostatními rozšíří fámu že na lidi v parku útočí vlci. To všechny náramně vyděsí až tak že park musí zavřít. Jej! Je čas na plán B.

TV program: Angelovy patálie (Angelo Rules)
Angelovy patálie

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 21:00 (Cartoon+TCM)
04.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
05.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
06.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
07.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
08.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
09.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
10.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)

Náhradníci. Lola a Sherwood odjeli a Angelo uspořádá konkurz s pohovory na jejich případné náhradník...

Náhradníci. Lola a Sherwood odjeli a Angelo uspořádá konkurz s pohovory na jejich případné náhradníky.

TV program: Angelovy patálie (Angelo Rules)
Angelovy patálie

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 21:00 (Cartoon+TCM)
04.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
05.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
06.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
07.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
08.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
09.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
10.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)

Netvor za dveřmi. Když Angelo zničí Burstovi jeviště musí za trest hrát v jeho neobvyklé umělecké hř...

Netvor za dveřmi. Když Angelo zničí Burstovi jeviště musí za trest hrát v jeho neobvyklé umělecké hře. Se Sherwoodovou a Lolinou pomocí v zákulisí navede Angelo hru úplně novým směrem.

TV program: Angelovy patálie (Angelo Rules)
Angelovy patálie

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 21:00 (Cartoon+TCM)
04.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
05.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
06.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
07.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
08.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
09.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
10.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)

Jako ve videohře. Když omylem rozbijí okno musí Angelo s přáteli udělat na oplátku spoustu pomocných...

Jako ve videohře. Když omylem rozbijí okno musí Angelo s přáteli udělat na oplátku spoustu pomocných prací pro městské centrum. Ale nevadí to protože Angelo chce udělat všechnu práci jako ve videohrách.

TV program: Angelovy patálie (Angelo Rules)
Power Players
Jako roboti. Axel s partou je překvapen, když nad nimi začne Madcap vítězit. Používá totiž elektroni...

Jako roboti. Axel s partou je překvapen, když nad nimi začne Madcap vítězit. Používá totiž elektronický přístroj, který umí předvídat všechny jejich chvaty, a tak parta musí začít bojovat nepředvídatelně.

TV program: Power Players
Power Players
Protiklady se přitahují. Dynamo se snaží přesvědčit Axela a partu, že je v jádru hodný hoch, aby mu ...

Protiklady se přitahují. Dynamo se snaží přesvědčit Axela a partu, že je v jádru hodný hoch, aby mu pomohli najít baterii, která bude napájet jeho centrifugu a on tak nebyl závislý na Madcapovi. Ale Bobbie Blobby mu nevěří ani slovo.

TV program: Power Players
Power Players
Něco je ve zdi. Když Axel a parta obviní Galilea, že si bez dovolení půjčuje jejich věci, ještěří šp...

Něco je ve zdi. Když Axel a parta obviní Galilea, že si bez dovolení půjčuje jejich věci, ještěří špion musí najít skutečného pachatele, záhadného tvora ve zdi, aby očistil své jméno.

TV program: Power Players
Power Players
Madcapova past. Madcap a princezna Cukrsolka uvězní Axela s partou ve zminergizovaném labyrintu, kte...

Madcapova past. Madcap a princezna Cukrsolka uvězní Axela s partou ve zminergizovaném labyrintu, který všem zhmotňuje jejich největší strachy. Aby z něj unikli, budou se muset naučit lépe spolupracovat.

TV program: Power Players
Gumballův úžasný svět

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 13:40 (Cartoon+TCM)
04.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
05.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
06.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
07.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
08.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
09.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
10.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)

Naivka. Darwin skončí po škole s obávaným Juliusem, který si z Darwina chce udělat svou novou oběť. ...

Naivka. Darwin skončí po škole s obávaným Juliusem, který si z Darwina chce udělat svou novou oběť. Jeho plán se mu ale vymstí a Darwin mu převrátí život naruby.

TV program: Gumballův úžasný svět (The Amazing World of Gumball)
Gumballův úžasný svět

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 13:40 (Cartoon+TCM)
04.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
05.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
06.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
07.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
08.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
09.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
10.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)

Klec. Děti přemluví pana učitele Corneilla, aby se stal zápasníkem s kleci a v ní se utkal se strašl...

Klec. Děti přemluví pana učitele Corneilla, aby se stal zápasníkem s kleci a v ní se utkal se strašlivým ruským zápasníkem.

TV program: Gumballův úžasný svět (The Amazing World of Gumball)
Gumballův úžasný svět

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 13:40 (Cartoon+TCM)
04.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
05.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
06.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
07.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
08.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
09.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
10.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)

Sok. Když byla Anais čerstvě narozené miminko, Gumball a Darwin na ni tak žárlili, až se mezi nimi r...

Sok. Když byla Anais čerstvě narozené miminko, Gumball a Darwin na ni tak žárlili, až se mezi nimi rozpoutala válka.

TV program: Gumballův úžasný svět (The Amazing World of Gumball)
Gumballův úžasný svět

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 13:40 (Cartoon+TCM)
04.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
05.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
06.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
07.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
08.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
09.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
10.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)

Jediný. Tobias chce být Gumballovým nejlepším kamarádem.
TV program: Gumballův úžasný svět (The Amazing World of Gumball)
Gumballův úžasný svět

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 13:40 (Cartoon+TCM)
04.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
05.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
06.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
07.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
08.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
09.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
10.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)

Lenošení. Gumball a Darwin chtějí celý den prolenošit, jenže místo toho nakonec zachrání zbytek rodi...

Lenošení. Gumball a Darwin chtějí celý den prolenošit, jenže místo toho nakonec zachrání zbytek rodiny.

TV program: Gumballův úžasný svět (The Amazing World of Gumball)
Gumballův úžasný svět

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 13:40 (Cartoon+TCM)
04.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
05.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
06.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
07.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
08.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
09.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
10.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)

Otec. Děti se snaží pomoct tátovi spřátelit se s Frankiem.
TV program: Gumballův úžasný svět (The Amazing World of Gumball)
Gumballův úžasný svět

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 13:40 (Cartoon+TCM)
04.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
05.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
06.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
07.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
08.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
09.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
10.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)

Děs. Gumball a Párkový kluk zjistí, proč jsou jeden před druhým tak nervózní.
TV program: Gumballův úžasný svět (The Amazing World of Gumball)
Gumballův úžasný svět

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 13:40 (Cartoon+TCM)
04.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
05.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
06.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
07.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
08.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
09.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
10.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)

Soused. Gumball a Darwin se snaží zjistit jméno svého sousedy, Parohového chlápka, a omylem prozradí...

Soused. Gumball a Darwin se snaží zjistit jméno svého sousedy, Parohového chlápka, a omylem prozradí jeho utajení v rámci programu pro utajení svědků.

TV program: Gumballův úžasný svět (The Amazing World of Gumball)
Gumballův úžasný svět

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 13:40 (Cartoon+TCM)
04.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
05.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
06.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
07.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
08.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
09.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
10.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)

Dohoda. Pr Brown make a pact to tell each other’s girlfriends about problems they have.
TV program: Gumballův úžasný svět (The Amazing World of Gumball)
Mighty Mike

Další díl/opakování:
30.09.2021 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
01.10.2021 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)

Stuck On You. Mike accidentally gets handcuffed to Freddy while attempting to eject the raccoons fro...

Stuck On You. Mike accidentally gets handcuffed to Freddy while attempting to eject the raccoons from the house. The two enemies have to find the key and free themselves ASAP. The only problem is that both have very different ideas how they do it. Mike and Freddy will need to find a way to work together if they have any hope of retrieving the key and getting free from each other.

TV program: Všemocný Mike (Mighty Mike)
Mighty Mike

Další díl/opakování:
30.09.2021 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
01.10.2021 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)

Hoverboard. Mike is impressed with Tom's hoverboard tricks and decides to try to master them to impr...

Hoverboard. Mike is impressed with Tom's hoverboard tricks and decides to try to master them to impress Iris. As soon as Tom steps out, Mike tries to get his hands on the board but the turtles have other ideas. In fact, everyone seems to want a turn on the hoverboard, including the raccoons. It's the perfect way for them to get their loot from the house to their den. Mike is going to have to step up if he wants to defeat the raccoons and get Tom's hoverboard back.

TV program: Všemocný Mike (Mighty Mike)
Mighty Mike

Další díl/opakování:
30.09.2021 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
01.10.2021 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)

Duchess In Charge. Mike has a visitor for the afternoon - Duchess - and she's still hopelessly infat...

Duchess In Charge. Mike has a visitor for the afternoon - Duchess - and she's still hopelessly infatuated with Mike. She's so in love that when the raccoons break in and Mike is forced to do battle, Duchess becomes super overprotective to make sure Mike stays safe during the fight. All her good intentions seem to be getting in Mike's attempt to boot the raccoons from the house.

TV program: Všemocný Mike (Mighty Mike)
Mighty Mike

Další díl/opakování:
30.09.2021 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
01.10.2021 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)

Gone To Pot. It's a beautiful summer day and Mike decides to woo Iris with a refreshing pineapple co...

Gone To Pot. It's a beautiful summer day and Mike decides to woo Iris with a refreshing pineapple cocktail. But the pot he needs to make the drink is up on top of the fridge where Mike can't reach it. Mike is forced to get creative to retrieve the pot. The racoons rush in while Mike's balancing on sticks. Can Mike keep his balance and fight off vertigo and still defeat the raccoons?

TV program: Všemocný Mike (Mighty Mike)
Mighty Mike

Další díl/opakování:
30.09.2021 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
01.10.2021 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)

Animal Magnetism. Mike decides to try to impress Iris by pretending to be a superhero. With the help...

Animal Magnetism. Mike decides to try to impress Iris by pretending to be a superhero. With the help of a huge fridge magnet, Mike intends to attract more than a few metal objects. The raccoons almost lose their mind when they lay their eyes on the magnet.. Imagine the possibilities. They steal it from Mike and have only one thing in mind, moving the fridge with the power of the magnet. Mike's going to have to use all of his imagination to defeat the raccoons.

TV program: Všemocný Mike (Mighty Mike)
Mighty Mike

Další díl/opakování:
30.09.2021 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
01.10.2021 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)

Hypnosis. Mike wakes up in the bathtub, huh? The house has been turned upside down and the other ani...

Hypnosis. Mike wakes up in the bathtub, huh? The house has been turned upside down and the other animals are being weird. They're acting like zombies and carrying food out of the house. Our pug discovers that the raccoons have hypnotised Fluffy, the turtles, and Iris, and are using them to transport the contents of the Mikkelsens fridge to their lair. Our hero will need to confront Iris to save her from the raccoon's dastardly scheme... and refill the Mikkelson's fridge!

TV program: Všemocný Mike (Mighty Mike)

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 12:45 (BOOMERANG)
04.01.2022 v 01:50 (BOOMERANG)
05.01.2022 v 01:50 (BOOMERANG)
06.01.2022 v 01:50 (BOOMERANG)
07.01.2022 v 01:50 (BOOMERANG)
08.01.2022 v 01:50 (BOOMERANG)
09.01.2022 v 01:50 (BOOMERANG)
10.01.2022 v 01:50 (BOOMERANG)

Water. Lamput faints of thirst on a desert highway, so already it’s not a great day for the little o...

Water. Lamput faints of thirst on a desert highway, so already it’s not a great day for the little orange shape-shifter. Add to that the fact that Specs and Skinny just happen by in a lockup van, and things go south pretty promptly. Specs and Skinny learn a valuable lesson: maybe if you’re going to anger a morphing super-blob by throwing them in the back of a van and withholding precious water, you shouldn’t do it whilst driving by a 100 foot cliff drop down to the open ocean. Hopefully these Docs are better swimmers than your average academic.

TV program: Lamput

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 12:45 (BOOMERANG)
04.01.2022 v 01:50 (BOOMERANG)
05.01.2022 v 01:50 (BOOMERANG)
06.01.2022 v 01:50 (BOOMERANG)
07.01.2022 v 01:50 (BOOMERANG)
08.01.2022 v 01:50 (BOOMERANG)
09.01.2022 v 01:50 (BOOMERANG)
10.01.2022 v 01:50 (BOOMERANG)

Future Tense. Skinny might be a man of science, but he’s more than happy to get his fortune told for...

Future Tense. Skinny might be a man of science, but he’s more than happy to get his fortune told for a laugh. The palm-reader sees alarming visions of Skinny’s near future; mostly visions that relate to Skinny being squashed, smooshed or otherwise smeared. It’s kind of Skinny’s own fault; maybe if he paid a bit less attention to chasing Lamput and a bit more attention to not getting squashed, smooshed or smeared, he wouldn’t need constant rescuing by a frazzled mystic.

TV program: Lamput

Další díl/opakování:
03.08.2024 v 22:20 (Disney Channel)
04.08.2024 v 05:40 (Disney Channel)
05.08.2024 v 05:40 (Disney Channel)

Scare Tactics. Overhearing Mrs. M's passion for ghosts and other supernatural things, Bentley at las...

Scare Tactics. Overhearing Mrs. M's passion for ghosts and other supernatural things, Bentley at last hits on the perfect solution to get rid of Taffy. He sets out to haunt Taffy right out of Muchmore Manor! It's working and he's turning Taffy into a quivering puddle. But Bentley wake up real ghosts!

TV program: Taffy

Další díl/opakování:
03.08.2024 v 22:20 (Disney Channel)
04.08.2024 v 05:40 (Disney Channel)
05.08.2024 v 05:40 (Disney Channel)

Petty Shack. Today it's the world's only golf tourney where the pets caddy for their owners. This ye...

Petty Shack. Today it's the world's only golf tourney where the pets caddy for their owners. This year's grand prize is an all-expenses trip for the winning owner and his pet! Bentley is determined to win so he can finally get some quality time alone with Ms. M. Until, that is, he discovers that Mrs. M's decided to give Taffy the honour of being Caddy this year.

TV program: Taffy

Další díl/opakování:
03.08.2024 v 22:20 (Disney Channel)
04.08.2024 v 05:40 (Disney Channel)
05.08.2024 v 05:40 (Disney Channel)

The Rival. Ms. M is being delivered a powerful dog robot: Blaze. Very quickly, Bentley is overwhelme...

The Rival. Ms. M is being delivered a powerful dog robot: Blaze. Very quickly, Bentley is overwhelmed by this super machine with zero defects. To the delight of Taffy, Bentley disappears but is Blaze not a worse enemy for the raccoon? The perfection of the robot becomes a real punishment for all the Manor.

TV program: Taffy

Další díl/opakování:
03.08.2024 v 22:20 (Disney Channel)
04.08.2024 v 05:40 (Disney Channel)
05.08.2024 v 05:40 (Disney Channel)

Mrs Zzz. Mrs. M. starts sleepwalking all over the mansion. While Bentley's trying to wake up his mis...

Mrs Zzz. Mrs. M. starts sleepwalking all over the mansion. While Bentley's trying to wake up his mistress to reveal Taffy's secret, the racoon wants to keep Mrs M. asleep.

TV program: Taffy

Další díl/opakování:
03.08.2024 v 22:20 (Disney Channel)
04.08.2024 v 05:40 (Disney Channel)
05.08.2024 v 05:40 (Disney Channel)

My Fair Puppy. When Bentley realizes that Madame Muchmore is totally in Taffy's spell, he decides to...

My Fair Puppy. When Bentley realizes that Madame Muchmore is totally in Taffy's spell, he decides to ask some seduction lessons to his rival. Bentley offers a deal: in exchange for these lessons, he no longer tries to unmask the racoon. Bentley learning begins!

TV program: Taffy

Další díl/opakování:
03.08.2024 v 22:20 (Disney Channel)
04.08.2024 v 05:40 (Disney Channel)
05.08.2024 v 05:40 (Disney Channel)

Rags to Ostriches. Mrs. Muchmore decides to raise a very rare, expensive ostrich for a feather compe...

Rags to Ostriches. Mrs. Muchmore decides to raise a very rare, expensive ostrich for a feather competition. But by unfortunate chance, the ostrich is wearing Taffy's bow. The latter must absolutely recover it before being discovered by Mrs. M. Then begins a commando operation in front of a bodyguard Bentley who has to keep a close watch on the ostrich who has a virulent temperament.

TV program: Taffy

Další díl/opakování:
03.08.2024 v 22:20 (Disney Channel)
04.08.2024 v 05:40 (Disney Channel)
05.08.2024 v 05:40 (Disney Channel)

The Big Sneeze. Lunch is served and Forsythe cracks some fresh ground pepper on Taffy's meal. Taffy ...

The Big Sneeze. Lunch is served and Forsythe cracks some fresh ground pepper on Taffy's meal. Taffy inhales some pepper and sneezes the entire plate and his ribbon into Forsythe's face! Taffy recovers before Forsythe has the time to clear his face, but the incident hasn't been lost on Bentley: if he can get Taffy to sneeze his ribbon off in front of Mrs. M, Taffy will be exposed.

TV program: Taffy
Grizzy and the Lemmings II
The Bear Next Door. Grizzy and the Lemmings discover a strange gateway to a parallel world. On the o...

The Bear Next Door. Grizzy and the Lemmings discover a strange gateway to a parallel world. On the other side, there is the same cabin, only it doesn't belong to a ranger. It's a chocolate spread museum, where the curators are... another Grizzy and other Lemmings, all with very different personalities.

TV program: Méďa a lumíci (Grizzy et les Lemmings)
Grizzy and the Lemmings II
Wild Zapping. Grizzy and the Lemmings clumsily destroy the TV remote control while fighting over who...

Wild Zapping. Grizzy and the Lemmings clumsily destroy the TV remote control while fighting over who gets to watch his favorite program. While looking for a backup zapper, they happen onto a top secret Canadian Army prototype that enables you to apply the usual controls: "play," "pause" and "fast forward" to living beings.

TV program: Méďa a lumíci (Grizzy et les Lemmings)
Grizzy and the Lemmings II
Warning: Unlimited Lemmings. The Lemmings discover that by changing the speed limit sign on the side...

Warning: Unlimited Lemmings. The Lemmings discover that by changing the speed limit sign on the side of the road, they can accelerate truck traffic and create a huge draft that is just perfect for their extreme kiting game. Grizzy would be more in favor of a "STOP!" or "No Entrance!" sign. A road sign battle begins.

TV program: Méďa a lumíci (Grizzy et les Lemmings)
Grizzy and the Lemmings II
Bouncing Bear. While trying to stop the Lemmings from playing their extreme trampoline game, Grizzy ...

Bouncing Bear. While trying to stop the Lemmings from playing their extreme trampoline game, Grizzy slips on the canvas and unwittingly executes an amazing somersault in front of his beloved she-bear. Seeing that she wants more, Grizzy decides to become a champ in the sport. But for that to happen, the Lemmings will need to let him work out.

TV program: Méďa a lumíci (Grizzy et les Lemmings)
Grizzy and the Lemmings II
Masked Racoon. The Lemmings have hitched up a racoon with a sweet-tooth to their sled and get a ride...

Masked Racoon. The Lemmings have hitched up a racoon with a sweet-tooth to their sled and get a ride by throwing cookies in front of the creature with a sling. To recover the supply of cookies, which were to be his afternoon snack, Grizzy has no qualms about making the Lemmings' sled skid out of control. When the sled hits a superhero's spacecraft, a mysterious costume falls out.

TV program: Méďa a lumíci (Grizzy et les Lemmings)
Grizzy and the Lemmings II
Spinning Lemmings. The Lemmings have unearthed a strange little gadget from amongst the Forest Range...

Spinning Lemmings. The Lemmings have unearthed a strange little gadget from amongst the Forest Ranger's belongings: a hand spinner. Grizzy thinks it's a silly game until he accidentally tries out the contraption for himself and becomes instantly addicted. What is the secret of this seemingly banal object that make the heads of its enthusiasts spin as well?

TV program: Méďa a lumíci (Grizzy et les Lemmings)
Grizzy and the Lemmings II
Game Madness. The Lemmings play with poseable figurines of wild Canadian animals. When Grizzy sees t...

Game Madness. The Lemmings play with poseable figurines of wild Canadian animals. When Grizzy sees that the bear figurine has been put inside a little cage, whereas those of the Lemmings are gathered around a mini-jar of chocolate spread, he decides to join in the party and take control of his own figurine.

TV program: Méďa a lumíci (Grizzy et les Lemmings)
Grizzy and the Lemmings II
Household Avatar. Grizzy discovers a new generation Tamagotchi game on the Ranger's tablet: the came...

Household Avatar. Grizzy discovers a new generation Tamagotchi game on the Ranger's tablet: the camera scans the player and gives him a virtual avatar of himself to take care of. You must feed it, put it to bed, play with it... Grizzy takes his new responsibility as a "parent" very seriously, but the Lemmings decide to complete the virtual Grizzy's education with far more intense activities.

TV program: Méďa a lumíci (Grizzy et les Lemmings)
Grizzy and the Lemmings II
Beastly Genie. Grizzy and the Lemmings find a native American Indian vase with a genie inside that w...

Beastly Genie. Grizzy and the Lemmings find a native American Indian vase with a genie inside that will make anyone's dreams come true, if they only let him out by rubbing the vase. There is nonetheless one little snag: the effects of the genie's magic instantly wear off as soon as he returns to his vase and the lid shuts..

TV program: Méďa a lumíci (Grizzy et les Lemmings)
Mr Magoo

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
04.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
05.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
06.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
07.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
08.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
09.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
10.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)

Ratman. Magoo mistakes Fizz for billionaire Bruce Payne aka the superhero Ratman. When Ratman gets k...

Ratman. Magoo mistakes Fizz for billionaire Bruce Payne aka the superhero Ratman. When Ratman gets kidnapped by his mortal enemy Bozo (in reality Weasel) Magoo turns into MegaMagoo!

TV program: Pan Magoo (Mr Magoo)
Mr Magoo

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
04.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
05.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
06.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
07.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
08.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
09.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
10.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)

Here Kitty. Weasel tends to Fizz’s toothache but Magoo turns up thinking he’s busting into an animal...

Here Kitty. Weasel tends to Fizz’s toothache but Magoo turns up thinking he’s busting into an animal-testing lab where cruel experiments are being carried out on a rabbit (in reality Fizz). Magoo is determined to set the rabbit free.

TV program: Pan Magoo (Mr Magoo)
Mr Magoo

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
04.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
05.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
06.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
07.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
08.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
09.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
10.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)

They Are Among US. Busy observing the sky in search of UFOS Magoo accidentally finds himself wanderi...

They Are Among US. Busy observing the sky in search of UFOS Magoo accidentally finds himself wandering over to Fizz’s house. Thinking that the hamster is none other than an E.T. with plans to destroy earth Magoo decides to save the planet.

TV program: Pan Magoo (Mr Magoo)
Mr Magoo

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
04.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
05.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
06.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
07.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
08.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
09.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
10.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)

Skyfall. When Magoo treats Mr Cat to a parachute jump the two friends land on the top of the AeroFiz...

Skyfall. When Magoo treats Mr Cat to a parachute jump the two friends land on the top of the AeroFizz. Convinced that they are marooned on a desert island Magoo mistakes Weasel for another survivor who needs help while they wait to be rescued.

TV program: Pan Magoo (Mr Magoo)
Mr Magoo

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
04.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
05.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
06.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
07.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
08.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
09.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
10.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)

Nice Little Doggy. Magoo is handing out food to the local neighborhood animals when he stumbles on a...

Nice Little Doggy. Magoo is handing out food to the local neighborhood animals when he stumbles on a gigantic horrific hamster that Fizz has released from some parallel dimension. Magoo thinks it’s some poor homeless dog with difficulties eating.

TV program: Pan Magoo (Mr Magoo)
Mr Magoo

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
04.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
05.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
06.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
07.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
08.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
09.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
10.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)

Hats Off Magoo!! Magoo thinks that Fizz is a hat he is going to wear for his romantic date with Marn...

Hats Off Magoo!! Magoo thinks that Fizz is a hat he is going to wear for his romantic date with Marnie. The hamster is going to have a heck of a time saving the planet from a fake meteorite and becoming a world-renowned hero as long as he is a hat!

TV program: Pan Magoo (Mr Magoo)
Mr Magoo

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
04.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
05.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
06.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
07.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
08.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
09.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
10.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)

Firefighter for a Day. Magoo is a part-time firefighter reservist whose rescue mission for the day i...

Firefighter for a Day. Magoo is a part-time firefighter reservist whose rescue mission for the day is to save a cat in a tree. In reality the cat is none other than Fizz who is systematically incapable of activating his new Fizzsounds machine.

TV program: Pan Magoo (Mr Magoo)
Mr Magoo

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
04.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
05.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
06.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
07.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
08.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
09.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
10.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)

Lend Me Your Earpiece. Magoo finds himself shrunk and then dragged inside the President’s head along...

Lend Me Your Earpiece. Magoo finds himself shrunk and then dragged inside the President’s head along with Fizz. He thinks the hamster is a little lost boy and decides to help him find his way home preventing him from taking control of the President’s brain.

TV program: Pan Magoo (Mr Magoo)
Mighty Mike

Další díl/opakování:
30.09.2021 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
01.10.2021 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)

Fluffystein. While Mike is distracted by flirting with Iris, the raccoons sneak into the house and b...

Fluffystein. While Mike is distracted by flirting with Iris, the raccoons sneak into the house and begin mixing up a foul concoction in the kitchen. They spill the mixture everywhere and an unsuspecting Fluffy laps it all up. Poor Fluffy is instantly transformed into a psychotic ball of chaos. Fluffy has just become the raccoon's worst nightmare. Mike and the raccoons are going to have to join forces to defeat the ferocious feline.

TV program: Všemocný Mike (Mighty Mike)
Mighty Mike

Další díl/opakování:
30.09.2021 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
01.10.2021 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)

Muscle Mike. If only Mike were a little bit more muscular, Iris would definitely look at him in a ne...

Muscle Mike. If only Mike were a little bit more muscular, Iris would definitely look at him in a new light. At least that's what he tells himself when he sees Stephan's new workout bench. Unfortunately, it's not that easy. First, Mike needs to learn how to use it and the turtles and the racoons are doing everything they can to make the task more difficult. Muscles are one thing. Bruises are another.

TV program: Všemocný Mike (Mighty Mike)
Mighty Mike

Další díl/opakování:
30.09.2021 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
01.10.2021 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)

Photobombed! Louise snaps a photo of Mike while they play a game together. The only problem is that ...

Photobombed! Louise snaps a photo of Mike while they play a game together. The only problem is that Mike looks absolutely ridiculous in it. There's no way Mike can ever let Iris see it and he's going to do everything he possibly can to prevent the photo from falling into the wrong hands, but the raccoons have other ideas.

TV program: Všemocný Mike (Mighty Mike)
Mighty Mike

Další díl/opakování:
30.09.2021 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
01.10.2021 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)

The Garden Games. The turtles organize a sports contest and whoever wins gets a special trophy. Iris...

The Garden Games. The turtles organize a sports contest and whoever wins gets a special trophy. Iris volunteers a reluctant Mike to take part in the games. Mercury joins in so he doesn't miss out on the fun. Mike's going to have to step up his game if he has any chance of beating Mercury, but he's not the only one who wants the trophy. Freddy has his eyes on it and he's not afraid to break the rules to get it.

TV program: Všemocný Mike (Mighty Mike)
Mighty Mike

Další díl/opakování:
30.09.2021 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
01.10.2021 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)

Vampire Attack. The weather is miserable so Mike decides to stay in and catch up on his reading. How...

Vampire Attack. The weather is miserable so Mike decides to stay in and catch up on his reading. However the book he's reading on Vampires is scarier than he bargained for. Pretty soon he's jumping out of his seat at every noise and squeak. When the racoons break in to the house try and raid the refrigerator for some rainy day snacks Mike decides to use his newfound knowledge of vampires to scare the pesky thieves right out of the house.

TV program: Všemocný Mike (Mighty Mike)
Mighty Mike

Další díl/opakování:
30.09.2021 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
01.10.2021 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)

In The Box. Mike has his work cut out for him when Stephan leaves a beautiful gift for his wife on t...

In The Box. Mike has his work cut out for him when Stephan leaves a beautiful gift for his wife on the counter and goes to work for the day. The pesky raccoons decide to help themselves while the turtles fire up a huge game of Ice Hockey in the house and Fluffy also has eyes on the gift. Mike will need to pull out all the stops if he's going to rescue the gift from all the chaos.

TV program: Všemocný Mike (Mighty Mike)
Mighty Mike

Další díl/opakování:
30.09.2021 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
01.10.2021 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)

That Magnificent Mike! It's Iris's birthday and Mike wants to surprise her with a special party. Bal...

That Magnificent Mike! It's Iris's birthday and Mike wants to surprise her with a special party. Balloons, gifts, Piňata - the works! Everything has been perfectly planned but the relentless raccoons decide to crash the party and steal all the candy. The racoons discover the helium tank Mike used to blow up the balloons - taking the battle between Mike and the racoons up into the sky.

TV program: Všemocný Mike (Mighty Mike)
Mighty Mike

Další díl/opakování:
30.09.2021 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
01.10.2021 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)

Mikeyzushi. While Mike prepares a special sushi dinner to win Iris's heart, the racoons break into t...

Mikeyzushi. While Mike prepares a special sushi dinner to win Iris's heart, the racoons break into the garage intent on creating some mischief. Somehow Freddy accidentally locks himself in the freezer and when Mike goes to the fridge for a piece of fish, Mercury mistakenly thinks it's Freddy who is on Mike's menu. Mercury has to save his brother and Mike needs to save his dinner!

TV program: Všemocný Mike (Mighty Mike)
Mighty Mike

Další díl/opakování:
30.09.2021 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
01.10.2021 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)

Sneezed To Meet You! Mike has the perfect gift idea for Iris, flowers! The only snag is that Mike di...

Sneezed To Meet You! Mike has the perfect gift idea for Iris, flowers! The only snag is that Mike discovers he's horribly allergic and the raccoons use Mike's sneezing fits as an opportunity to rob the house. He's going to need all his ingenuity and resolve - and an extra large box of tissues - to defeat the raccoons and give the flowers to Iris.

TV program: Všemocný Mike (Mighty Mike)