
TV Program - Pátek 18. prosince

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Cartoon+TCM Cartoon+TCM
Totální Dramarama

Další díl/opakování:
10.01.2022 v 16:15 (Cartoon+TCM)
11.01.2022 v 16:15 (Cartoon+TCM)
12.01.2022 v 16:15 (Cartoon+TCM)
13.01.2022 v 16:15 (Cartoon+TCM)

Vraťe se do začátků celého drama! Mrkněnete na vaše oblíbené postavy z Total Drama jako malé prcky v...

Vraťe se do začátků celého drama! Mrkněnete na vaše oblíbené postavy z Total Drama jako malé prcky ve školce. Sice jsou ještě děti ale Duncan Leshawna Owen Beth Noah Izzy Jude Cody Bridgette Gwen a Courtney vyvádějí ještě větší skopičiny než obvykle. Dokáže Šéf tyhle divoké děti zkrotit?

TV program: Totální Dramarama (Total DramaRama)
Totální Dramarama

Další díl/opakování:
10.01.2022 v 16:15 (Cartoon+TCM)
11.01.2022 v 16:15 (Cartoon+TCM)
12.01.2022 v 16:15 (Cartoon+TCM)
13.01.2022 v 16:15 (Cartoon+TCM)

Vraťe se do začátků celého drama! Mrkněnete na vaše oblíbené postavy z Total Drama jako malé prcky v...

Vraťe se do začátků celého drama! Mrkněnete na vaše oblíbené postavy z Total Drama jako malé prcky ve školce. Sice jsou ještě děti ale Duncan Leshawna Owen Beth Noah Izzy Jude Cody Bridgette Gwen a Courtney vyvádějí ještě větší skopičiny než obvykle. Dokáže Šéf tyhle divoké děti zkrotit?

TV program: Totální Dramarama (Total DramaRama)
Totální Dramarama

Další díl/opakování:
10.01.2022 v 16:15 (Cartoon+TCM)
11.01.2022 v 16:15 (Cartoon+TCM)
12.01.2022 v 16:15 (Cartoon+TCM)
13.01.2022 v 16:15 (Cartoon+TCM)

Vraťe se do začátků celého drama! Mrkněnete na vaše oblíbené postavy z Total Drama jako malé prcky v...

Vraťe se do začátků celého drama! Mrkněnete na vaše oblíbené postavy z Total Drama jako malé prcky ve školce. Sice jsou ještě děti ale Duncan Leshawna Owen Beth Noah Izzy Jude Cody Bridgette Gwen a Courtney vyvádějí ještě větší skopičiny než obvykle. Dokáže Šéf tyhle divoké děti zkrotit?

TV program: Totální Dramarama (Total DramaRama)
Craig od potoka

Další díl/opakování:
02.01.2022 v 06:50 (Cartoon+TCM)
03.01.2022 v 06:50 (Cartoon+TCM)
04.01.2022 v 06:50 (Cartoon+TCM)
05.01.2022 v 06:50 (Cartoon+TCM)
06.01.2022 v 06:50 (Cartoon+TCM)
07.01.2022 v 06:50 (Cartoon+TCM)
08.01.2022 v 06:50 (Cartoon+TCM)
09.01.2022 v 06:50 (Cartoon+TCM)

Seriál Craig od potoka pojednává o Craigovi a jeho dvou nejlepších kamarádech, Kelsey a JP. Děti se ...

Seriál Craig od potoka pojednává o Craigovi a jeho dvou nejlepších kamarádech, Kelsey a JP. Děti se vydávají na různá dobrodružství do nepokořené předměstské divočiny, která se rozléhá kolem místního potoka. V této dětské utopii různé dětské kmeny vládnou pevnostem či cyklo rampám a vytvářejí osobitou dětskou společnost.

TV program: Craig od potoka (Craig of the Creek)
Craig od potoka

Další díl/opakování:
02.01.2022 v 06:50 (Cartoon+TCM)
03.01.2022 v 06:50 (Cartoon+TCM)
04.01.2022 v 06:50 (Cartoon+TCM)
05.01.2022 v 06:50 (Cartoon+TCM)
06.01.2022 v 06:50 (Cartoon+TCM)
07.01.2022 v 06:50 (Cartoon+TCM)
08.01.2022 v 06:50 (Cartoon+TCM)
09.01.2022 v 06:50 (Cartoon+TCM)

Evoluce Craiga. Craig zachrání pulce a rozhodne se z něho vychovat žábu 100. úrovně.
TV program: Craig od potoka (Craig of the Creek)

Další díl/opakování:
20.09.2022 v 06:00 (HBO2)
23.09.2022 v 06:00 (HBO2)
28.09.2022 v 06:00 (HBO2)

Nejlepší houbík. Seth je otrávený tím, že všichni houbíci jsou víc uchvácení soutěží Nejlepší houbík...

Nejlepší houbík. Seth je otrávený tím, že všichni houbíci jsou víc uchvácení soutěží Nejlepší houbík, než aby si vyslechli jeho varování před houbožravou bakterií. Rozhodne se soutěže zúčastnit, aby dostal prostor promluvit na pódiu. Ale když má konečně možnost, je rozptýlen a musí čelit následkům.

TV program: Houbíci! (The Fungies)

Další díl/opakování:
20.09.2022 v 06:00 (HBO2)
23.09.2022 v 06:00 (HBO2)
28.09.2022 v 06:00 (HBO2)

Seth umravňuje dvojčata. Seth zanedbává svoji povinnost hlídat dvojčata a dělá si svoje věci, a tak ...

Seth umravňuje dvojčata. Seth zanedbává svoji povinnost hlídat dvojčata a dělá si svoje věci, a tak mu armáda mravenců dvojčata unese! Rozhodnut získat dvojčata zpět, jde na tajnou misi, při které se naučí sourozence docenit, i když mu jdou občas na nervy.

TV program: Houbíci! (The Fungies)
Mladí Titáni do toho!

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 11:20 (Cartoon+TCM)
04.01.2022 v 06:00 (Cartoon+TCM)
05.01.2022 v 06:00 (Cartoon+TCM)
06.01.2022 v 06:00 (Cartoon+TCM)
07.01.2022 v 06:00 (Cartoon+TCM)
08.01.2022 v 06:00 (Cartoon+TCM)
09.01.2022 v 06:00 (Cartoon+TCM)
10.01.2022 v 06:00 (Cartoon+TCM)

Bum, část 1. Titáni se těší, až uvidí filmové zpracování svého oblíbeného pořadu Děti versus psi.
TV program: Mladí Titáni do toho! (Teen Titans Go!)
Mladí Titáni do toho!

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 11:20 (Cartoon+TCM)
04.01.2022 v 06:00 (Cartoon+TCM)
05.01.2022 v 06:00 (Cartoon+TCM)
06.01.2022 v 06:00 (Cartoon+TCM)
07.01.2022 v 06:00 (Cartoon+TCM)
08.01.2022 v 06:00 (Cartoon+TCM)
09.01.2022 v 06:00 (Cartoon+TCM)
10.01.2022 v 06:00 (Cartoon+TCM)

Bum, část 2. Titáni, inspirovaní pořadem Děti a psi, se rozhodnou natočit svůj vlastní hollywoodský ...

Bum, část 2. Titáni, inspirovaní pořadem Děti a psi, se rozhodnou natočit svůj vlastní hollywoodský film.

TV program: Mladí Titáni do toho! (Teen Titans Go!)
Mladí Titáni do toho!

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 11:20 (Cartoon+TCM)
04.01.2022 v 06:00 (Cartoon+TCM)
05.01.2022 v 06:00 (Cartoon+TCM)
06.01.2022 v 06:00 (Cartoon+TCM)
07.01.2022 v 06:00 (Cartoon+TCM)
08.01.2022 v 06:00 (Cartoon+TCM)
09.01.2022 v 06:00 (Cartoon+TCM)
10.01.2022 v 06:00 (Cartoon+TCM)

Kvantová zábava. Robin vezme ostatní Titány do světa kvantové fyziky.
TV program: Mladí Titáni do toho! (Teen Titans Go!)
Mladí Titáni do toho!

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 11:20 (Cartoon+TCM)
04.01.2022 v 06:00 (Cartoon+TCM)
05.01.2022 v 06:00 (Cartoon+TCM)
06.01.2022 v 06:00 (Cartoon+TCM)
07.01.2022 v 06:00 (Cartoon+TCM)
08.01.2022 v 06:00 (Cartoon+TCM)
09.01.2022 v 06:00 (Cartoon+TCM)
10.01.2022 v 06:00 (Cartoon+TCM)

Boj. Robin se snaží poučit ostatní Titány o realitách, ale je zajímá jen to, aby našli místo, kde mo...

Boj. Robin se snaží poučit ostatní Titány o realitách, ale je zajímá jen to, aby našli místo, kde mohou bojovat.

TV program: Mladí Titáni do toho! (Teen Titans Go!)
Mladí Titáni do toho!

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 11:20 (Cartoon+TCM)
04.01.2022 v 06:00 (Cartoon+TCM)
05.01.2022 v 06:00 (Cartoon+TCM)
06.01.2022 v 06:00 (Cartoon+TCM)
07.01.2022 v 06:00 (Cartoon+TCM)
08.01.2022 v 06:00 (Cartoon+TCM)
09.01.2022 v 06:00 (Cartoon+TCM)
10.01.2022 v 06:00 (Cartoon+TCM)

Džin prezident. Robin vymyslí plán jak zbohatnout na penny, ale Starfire věří, že jsou magické.
TV program: Mladí Titáni do toho! (Teen Titans Go!)
Gumballův úžasný svět

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 13:40 (Cartoon+TCM)
04.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
05.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
06.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
07.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
08.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
09.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
10.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)

Ticho. Když Gumballovi a Darwinovi dojdou náměty k hovoru obávají se že jejich přátelství skončilo. ...

Ticho. Když Gumballovi a Darwinovi dojdou náměty k hovoru obávají se že jejich přátelství skončilo. A tak hledají o čem by si mohli zase povídat jenomže nic nefunguje. Že by se jeden druhému odloučili?

TV program: Gumballův úžasný svět (The Amazing World of Gumball)
Gumballův úžasný svět

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 13:40 (Cartoon+TCM)
04.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
05.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
06.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
07.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
08.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
09.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
10.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)

Budoucnost. Gumball Darwin a Banán Joe vyšetřují tajuplné zmizení Banánky Barbary a odhalí tajemné p...

Budoucnost. Gumball Darwin a Banán Joe vyšetřují tajuplné zmizení Banánky Barbary a odhalí tajemné plány svého rivala.

TV program: Gumballův úžasný svět (The Amazing World of Gumball)
Power Players

Další díl/opakování:
27.06.2024 v 13:30 (ČT :D / ČT art)
28.06.2024 v 13:25 (ČT :D / ČT art)
01.07.2024 v 18:15 (ČT :D / ČT art)
03.07.2024 v 18:15 (ČT :D / ČT art)
06.07.2024 v 11:25 (ČT :D / ČT art)
07.07.2024 v 11:20 (ČT :D / ČT art)

Padouši na scénu. Axel, Zoe a parta bojují proti Madcapovi a jeho poskokům, kteří právě terorizují m...

Padouši na scénu. Axel, Zoe a parta bojují proti Madcapovi a jeho poskokům, kteří právě terorizují místní supermarket.

TV program: Power Players
Power Players

Další díl/opakování:
27.06.2024 v 13:30 (ČT :D / ČT art)
28.06.2024 v 13:25 (ČT :D / ČT art)
01.07.2024 v 18:15 (ČT :D / ČT art)
03.07.2024 v 18:15 (ČT :D / ČT art)
06.07.2024 v 11:25 (ČT :D / ČT art)
07.07.2024 v 11:20 (ČT :D / ČT art)

Bowling pro kuželkáře. Axel s partou musí zasáhnout, když je ostrý souboj v bowlingu mezi Zoe a Cleo...

Bowling pro kuželkáře. Axel s partou musí zasáhnout, když je ostrý souboj v bowlingu mezi Zoe a Cleo LeMíčovou narušen Madcapem, Porcupunkem, a jejich novým komplicem darebně magnetickým Dynamem.

TV program: Power Players
The Tom and Jerry Show

Další díl/opakování:
02.09.2023 v 06:10 (NOVA)
03.09.2023 v 06:10 (NOVA)
09.09.2023 v 06:10 (NOVA)

Dinner Is Swerved. When Rick and Ginger leave Tom home alone Tom and Jerry decide to invite their la...

Dinner Is Swerved. When Rick and Ginger leave Tom home alone Tom and Jerry decide to invite their lady friends Toodles and Toots over for a romantic dinner. Things don't go as planned when they all start to get in each others' way. Food fights and tempers rise when dinner goes haywire.

TV program: Show Toma a Jerryho (The Tom and Jerry Show)
The Tom and Jerry Show

Další díl/opakování:
02.09.2023 v 06:10 (NOVA)
03.09.2023 v 06:10 (NOVA)
09.09.2023 v 06:10 (NOVA)

Bottled Up Emotions. Dr. Bigby works on creating a formula for a love potion which accidentally gets...

Bottled Up Emotions. Dr. Bigby works on creating a formula for a love potion which accidentally gets on Jerry when Napoleon tries to use it against Tom. Napoleon must work with Hamster and Bot to create the love potion spell to stop Tom from eating a lovestruck Jerry. Things go awry as his potions create a range of emotions from all the lab residents.

TV program: Show Toma a Jerryho (The Tom and Jerry Show)
The Tom and Jerry Show

Další díl/opakování:
02.09.2023 v 06:10 (NOVA)
03.09.2023 v 06:10 (NOVA)
09.09.2023 v 06:10 (NOVA)

Turn About. Butch locks Tom in the basement to keep him from attending a date with Toodles. When But...

Turn About. Butch locks Tom in the basement to keep him from attending a date with Toodles. When Butch shows up instead Toodles suprises him with babysitting her misbehaving nieces and nephews. Tom tries to escape from the basement but keeps getting blocked by Jerry and Tuffy who think it's a monster downstairs.

TV program: Show Toma a Jerryho (The Tom and Jerry Show)
The Tom and Jerry Show

Další díl/opakování:
02.09.2023 v 06:10 (NOVA)
03.09.2023 v 06:10 (NOVA)
09.09.2023 v 06:10 (NOVA)

The Plight Before Christmas. Tom accidentally puts a spell on Santa that transforms him into a cooki...

The Plight Before Christmas. Tom accidentally puts a spell on Santa that transforms him into a cookie. When he can't figure out how to transform him back Tom and Jerry volunteer to help Santa deliver gifts. A Christmas miracle occurs when Tom and Jerry sacrifice their own gifts for each other.

TV program: Show Toma a Jerryho (The Tom and Jerry Show)
Alice & Lewis
Giddy Up! As soon as she sets foot in Wonderland, this particular day, Alice causes an accident, sen...

Giddy Up! As soon as she sets foot in Wonderland, this particular day, Alice causes an accident, sending the Twins’ caravan rolling right into the Queen’s teatime table! Her Majesty is so upset, she banishes the caravan from the kingdom forever!... Unless Alice & Lewis can prove to her that the vehicle is faster than her SquealMobile! And so begins a crazy race wherein Alice goes all out to make that caravan a winning racer!

Alice & Lewis
Crazy Hide and Seek. Alice has bought herself a gorgeous new cap but gets laughed at when she wears ...

Crazy Hide and Seek. Alice has bought herself a gorgeous new cap but gets laughed at when she wears it to school. Seriously embarrassed, she escapes to Wonderland. Today just happens to be “Hide & Seek Day” in the kingdom – a game that has all the subjects quaking with fear. And for good reason: whoever remains unfound will vanish forever! Of course, Alice is unaware of this rule and hides so well that she doesn’t get spotted. She subsequently starts becoming more and more transparent, finally turning invisible! Her friends MUST find a way to make her visible again!

Pat the Dog

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 14:30 (BOOMERANG)
04.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
05.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
06.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
07.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
08.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
09.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
10.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)

Hoodie on the Loose. Lola is in her garden taking amusing pictures of Pat and Hoodie to share with f...

Hoodie on the Loose. Lola is in her garden taking amusing pictures of Pat and Hoodie to share with friends. But when covered in black make-up the little kitten decides to go walking around the neighborhood panic breaks out. Victor has been watching a documentary about felines and convinced the kitten is a prowling panther he relays the info to all social networks. The little rascal sets off with Tank in pursuit of the panther with the city's vet division also on its trail. Pat has to take swift action to make sure Hoodie doesn't become a hunting trophy…

TV program: Paf le Chien
Pat the Dog

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 14:30 (BOOMERANG)
04.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
05.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
06.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
07.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
08.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
09.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
10.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)

Invisible Enemy. Lola and her friends are due to visit the Wonder Fun park but Victor is coming down...

Invisible Enemy. Lola and her friends are due to visit the Wonder Fun park but Victor is coming down with the measles… Jealous of his healthy neighbor he plots to contaminate her with his germs so that she can't go. Pat finds himself confronted with the virulent invisible virus enemy. But our hero doesn't flinch. Armed with a special vacuum cleaner and home-made microscope goggles he sets about the germ mob and ultimately has to sacrifice himself in order to prevent Lola from getting sick. Little does he know that she already has the measles!

TV program: Paf le Chien
Pat the Dog

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 14:30 (BOOMERANG)
04.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
05.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
06.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
07.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
08.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
09.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
10.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)

Maxi-Golf. Lola discovers her mom was once a mini-golf champion. She gathers up her mothers' old gol...

Maxi-Golf. Lola discovers her mom was once a mini-golf champion. She gathers up her mothers' old golf clubs and decides to build a mini-golf course in the garden. But ever eager to wind the little girl up Victor convinces her that mini-golf is lame and the big thing right now is Maxi-Golf. It’s like street golf where the players choose a hole somewhere down the street. Like a mailbox or some old lady’s basket… In his role as the perfect caddie Pat does everything in his power to help his best friend win the game.

TV program: Paf le Chien
Kingdom Force
Runaway Train. Kingdom Force must rescue Hoover and Professor Dunbit from a speeding train before it...

Runaway Train. Kingdom Force must rescue Hoover and Professor Dunbit from a speeding train before it crashes.

TV program: Kingdom Force
Kingdom Force
Forecast: Chaos. Jabari accidentally sends a weather drone into overdrive, causing extreme weather s...

Forecast: Chaos. Jabari accidentally sends a weather drone into overdrive, causing extreme weather shifts to endanger the Five Kingdoms.

TV program: Kingdom Force
Mighty Mike

Další díl/opakování:
30.09.2021 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
01.10.2021 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)

Amnesia. Mercury suffers a huge blow to the head while trying to break into the Mikkelsen’s house. W...

Amnesia. Mercury suffers a huge blow to the head while trying to break into the Mikkelsen’s house. When he wakes up, to Mike’s great surprise, he seems to be acting like a dog. Now our hero has a new ally… one who quickly turns into a rival when he starts to flirt with Iris. Things get even more complicated when Freddy plots to bring his brother back to his old self, and more importantly… his partner in crime.

TV program: Všemocný Mike (Mighty Mike)
Mighty Mike

Další díl/opakování:
30.09.2021 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
01.10.2021 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)

Mike Unchained. Tom leaves his beautiful train set out in the house and the raccoons see it as a fan...

Mike Unchained. Tom leaves his beautiful train set out in the house and the raccoons see it as a fantastic way to ship their loot back to their den. Mike has other ideas. He's not about to let the pair of pesky varmints get away with it. It's a showdown between the good, the bad and the Fluffy.

TV program: Všemocný Mike (Mighty Mike)
Mighty Mike

Další díl/opakování:
30.09.2021 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
01.10.2021 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)

Petal To The Metal. Mike comes up with new plan to win Iris's affection by showering her with a casc...

Petal To The Metal. Mike comes up with new plan to win Iris's affection by showering her with a cascade of rose petals. To do it, he needs to borrow Stephan's leaf blower. The only snag is that the raccoons also want to use the leaf blower to rob the house and Fluffy can't resist getting on the act. Mike has to come up with a pretty crazy solution to win the day.

TV program: Všemocný Mike (Mighty Mike)
Mighty Mike

Další díl/opakování:
30.09.2021 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
01.10.2021 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)

Who's The Boss? Tom walks in and catches Mercury trying to break into in the garage. He thinks Mercu...

Who's The Boss? Tom walks in and catches Mercury trying to break into in the garage. He thinks Mercury would make the cool, exciting pet he’s always wanted. To Mike’s horror, Tom makes him promise to make sure nothing happens to Mercury while he’s at school. Mike, ever the obedient pooch, does his best but the turtles want Mercury out of the house. Mercury is making himself way too comfortable. Mike will need to use all his brainpower to kick the unwanted guest out of the house and enlists Freddy as an unlikely ally.

TV program: Všemocný Mike (Mighty Mike)
Mighty Mike

Další díl/opakování:
30.09.2021 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
01.10.2021 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)

Dog-Gone. Louise draws a bunch of hearts and flowers on Mike during a makeup game. Mike sees the res...

Dog-Gone. Louise draws a bunch of hearts and flowers on Mike during a makeup game. Mike sees the results and he's absolutely horrified. When Iris shows up, Mike has no choice but to hide. The raccoons take advantage of Mike's predicament to try to rob the house. Mike's only choice is to defeat the raccoons without being seen by anyone - especially Iris.

TV program: Všemocný Mike (Mighty Mike)
Mighty Mike

Další díl/opakování:
30.09.2021 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
01.10.2021 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)

The Fourth Turtle. Mike, Iris and the turtles are playing a game of ping pong when a mysterious aged...

The Fourth Turtle. Mike, Iris and the turtles are playing a game of ping pong when a mysterious aged turtle arrives on the patio and gets hit by the ball. Mike and Iris take the poor injured turtle inside to recuperate, but all is not what it seems. The turtle is a master thief and his injury was all made up to steal a shiny Faberge egg from the Mikkelsen's house. Can Mike figure it out before it's too late?

TV program: Všemocný Mike (Mighty Mike)
Pat the Dog

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 14:30 (BOOMERANG)
04.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
05.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
06.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
07.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
08.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
09.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
10.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)

Face the Music. Lola is rehearsing the flute recital she has to play this evening. A lady pigeon per...

Face the Music. Lola is rehearsing the flute recital she has to play this evening. A lady pigeon perches nearby to enjoy her playing and one of the Guanos falls head over heels in love with the pigeon at first sight. The lady pigeon is only interested in the sound of the flute so the Guanos decide to steal the instrument. Pat has to get Lola's flute back but the Guanos have other tricks up their sleeves and use ultrasound to paralyze our hero. Pat has to dig deep to overcome his foes!

TV program: Paf le Chien
Pat the Dog

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 14:30 (BOOMERANG)
04.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
05.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
06.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
07.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
08.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
09.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
10.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)

Fundraising for Furballs. Lola and her friends are organizing a food drive for the city’s kennel. Bu...

Fundraising for Furballs. Lola and her friends are organizing a food drive for the city’s kennel. But the food supplies soon attract the attention of Tank and the Guanos. Pat has to fight the thieves and at the same time protect Hoodie from collateral damage.

TV program: Paf le Chien
Pat the Dog

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 14:30 (BOOMERANG)
04.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
05.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
06.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
07.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
08.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
09.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
10.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)

Disaster for Dinner. Lola is planning a surprise dinner for her parents' wedding anniversary so she ...

Disaster for Dinner. Lola is planning a surprise dinner for her parents' wedding anniversary so she settles into the kitchen to prepare a nice meal. But Hoodie is interested in her prawn dish and as usual the Guanos have every intention of spoiling the party. Even Tank has his eyes set on the plate of sausages. To make sure everything runs smoothly Pat has to defend Lola on all fronts and finally succeeds in averting disaster. But his endeavors pay off when he sees his reward: a huge yummy sausage all to himself.

TV program: Paf le Chien
Ben 10 III
Co se rýmuje s Omnitrix? Hex použije kouzlo pro špatnou komunikaci, aby vyvolal spory.
TV program: Ben 10
Ben 10 III
Někoho mi připomínáš. Bena Gwen hledají nechvalně známé Budžambů.
TV program: Ben 10
Bakugan: Battle Planet

Další díl/opakování:
06.07.2024 v 06:40 (Nova Fun)
07.07.2024 v 06:40 (Nova Fun)
08.07.2024 v 07:05 (Nova Fun)
09.07.2024 v 07:00 (Nova Fun)
10.07.2024 v 07:00 (Nova Fun)
11.07.2024 v 07:00 (Nova Fun)
12.07.2024 v 07:00 (Nova Fun)
13.07.2024 v 06:55 (Nova Fun)

Bakugani se začnou probouzet ze zemské kůry během celosvětového fenoménu zvaného probuzení. Dan a je...

Bakugani se začnou probouzet ze zemské kůry během celosvětového fenoménu zvaného probuzení. Dan a jeho přátelé jsou v centru dění této nové éry. V post Bakuganím světě se musí zajímat o víc než jen o slávu.

TV program: Bakugan: Ozbrojená aliance (Bakugan: Battle Planet)
Bakugan: Battle Planet

Další díl/opakování:
06.07.2024 v 06:40 (Nova Fun)
07.07.2024 v 06:40 (Nova Fun)
08.07.2024 v 07:05 (Nova Fun)
09.07.2024 v 07:00 (Nova Fun)
10.07.2024 v 07:00 (Nova Fun)
11.07.2024 v 07:00 (Nova Fun)
12.07.2024 v 07:00 (Nova Fun)
13.07.2024 v 06:55 (Nova Fun)

Bakugani se začnou probouzet ze zemské kůry během celosvětového fenoménu zvaného probuzení. Dan a je...

Bakugani se začnou probouzet ze zemské kůry během celosvětového fenoménu zvaného probuzení. Dan a jeho přátelé jsou v centru dění této nové éry. V post Bakuganím světě se musí zajímat o víc než jen o slávu.

TV program: Bakugan: Ozbrojená aliance (Bakugan: Battle Planet)
Angelovy patálie

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 21:00 (Cartoon+TCM)
04.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
05.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
06.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
07.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
08.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
09.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
10.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)

Dokonalý den. Angelo sděluje své tipy a triky jak profesionálně prokrastinovat místo učení se na tes...

Dokonalý den. Angelo sděluje své tipy a triky jak profesionálně prokrastinovat místo učení se na test. A jeho hlavním plánem je plýtvat časem při stavění helmy na čtení myšlenek!

TV program: Angelovy patálie (Angelo Rules)
Angelovy patálie

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 21:00 (Cartoon+TCM)
04.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
05.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
06.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
07.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
08.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
09.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
10.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)

Zabezpečení domu. Když jede rodina na dovolenou Angelo nastraží všemožné pasti na potenciální zloděj...

Zabezpečení domu. Když jede rodina na dovolenou Angelo nastraží všemožné pasti na potenciální zloděje. Problémem je že po návratu ztratí Angelo svůj plánek pastí a návodů na jejich zneškodnění.

TV program: Angelovy patálie (Angelo Rules)
Angelovy patálie

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 21:00 (Cartoon+TCM)
04.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
05.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
06.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
07.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
08.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
09.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
10.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)

Prásk! Angelo s přáteli se pokusí vyjednat dohodu pro nesmyslný domácí komiks Petera a Coopera se sl...

Prásk! Angelo s přáteli se pokusí vyjednat dohodu pro nesmyslný domácí komiks Petera a Coopera se slavným komiksovým vydavatelem.

TV program: Angelovy patálie (Angelo Rules)
Angelovy patálie

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 21:00 (Cartoon+TCM)
04.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
05.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
06.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
07.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
08.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
09.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
10.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)

Volejte Angelovi. Angelo se pokouší vyhrát online hodnocení služeb aby vyhrál večeři zdarma ve skvěl...

Volejte Angelovi. Angelo se pokouší vyhrát online hodnocení služeb aby vyhrál večeři zdarma ve skvělé japonské restauraci.

TV program: Angelovy patálie (Angelo Rules)
Angelovy patálie

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 21:00 (Cartoon+TCM)
04.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
05.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
06.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
07.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
08.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
09.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
10.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)

Electra. Když táta někam založil ovladače Angelovy milované videohry a odjel na výlet svolá Angelo k...

Electra. Když táta někam založil ovladače Angelovy milované videohry a odjel na výlet svolá Angelo kamarády mámu a Petera aby ovladače našli za každou cenu.

TV program: Angelovy patálie (Angelo Rules)
Angelovy patálie

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 21:00 (Cartoon+TCM)
04.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
05.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
06.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
07.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
08.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
09.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
10.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)

Nejlepší přátelé. Když Angelo a Sherwood neuspějí v online kvízu pro nejlepší přátele odcizí se. Ang...

Nejlepší přátelé. Když Angelo a Sherwood neuspějí v online kvízu pro nejlepší přátele odcizí se. Angelo zjistí že kvíz byl podvod a pokusí se jejich přátelství zachránit.

TV program: Angelovy patálie (Angelo Rules)
Angelovy patálie

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 21:00 (Cartoon+TCM)
04.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
05.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
06.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
07.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
08.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
09.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
10.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)

Pekařská soutěž. Angelo s tátou se účastní soutěže v pečení koláčů jako parťáci ale po tvůrčích spor...

Pekařská soutěž. Angelo s tátou se účastní soutěže v pečení koláčů jako parťáci ale po tvůrčích sporech do toho jde každý sám.

TV program: Angelovy patálie (Angelo Rules)
Angelovy patálie

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 21:00 (Cartoon+TCM)
04.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
05.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
06.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
07.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
08.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
09.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
10.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)

Největší potenciál. Angelo a Lola spustí kampaň aby spolužáci zvolili Sherwooda nejnadějnějším žákem...

Největší potenciál. Angelo a Lola spustí kampaň aby spolužáci zvolili Sherwooda nejnadějnějším žákem namísto Tracy.

TV program: Angelovy patálie (Angelo Rules)
Ninjago: Mistři Spinjitzu

Další díl/opakování:
12.11.2021 v 12:15 (Cartoon+TCM)
13.11.2021 v 12:15 (Cartoon+TCM)
14.11.2021 v 12:15 (Cartoon+TCM)
15.11.2021 v 12:15 (Cartoon+TCM)
16.11.2021 v 12:15 (Cartoon+TCM)
17.11.2021 v 12:15 (Cartoon+TCM)
18.11.2021 v 12:15 (Cartoon+TCM)
19.11.2021 v 12:15 (Cartoon+TCM)

Sensei Wu a vaši čtyři oblíbení ninjové ovládnou svou moc živlů i zbraně spinjitzu aby ochránili Nin...

Sensei Wu a vaši čtyři oblíbení ninjové ovládnou svou moc živlů i zbraně spinjitzu aby ochránili Ninjago před zlým Lordem Garmadonem a plazivými serpentiny.

TV program: Ninjago (LEGO Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu)
Ninjago: Mistři Spinjitzu

Další díl/opakování:
12.11.2021 v 12:15 (Cartoon+TCM)
13.11.2021 v 12:15 (Cartoon+TCM)
14.11.2021 v 12:15 (Cartoon+TCM)
15.11.2021 v 12:15 (Cartoon+TCM)
16.11.2021 v 12:15 (Cartoon+TCM)
17.11.2021 v 12:15 (Cartoon+TCM)
18.11.2021 v 12:15 (Cartoon+TCM)
19.11.2021 v 12:15 (Cartoon+TCM)

Sensei Wu a vaši čtyři oblíbení ninjové ovládnou svou moc živlů i zbraně spinjitzu aby ochránili Nin...

Sensei Wu a vaši čtyři oblíbení ninjové ovládnou svou moc živlů i zbraně spinjitzu aby ochránili Ninjago před zlým Lordem Garmadonem a plazivými serpentiny.

TV program: Ninjago (LEGO Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu)
Gumballův úžasný svět

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 13:40 (Cartoon+TCM)
04.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
05.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
06.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
07.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
08.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
09.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
10.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)

TV program: Gumballův úžasný svět (The Amazing World of Gumball)
Gumballův úžasný svět

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 13:40 (Cartoon+TCM)
04.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
05.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
06.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
07.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
08.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
09.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
10.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)

TV program: Gumballův úžasný svět (The Amazing World of Gumball)
The Mr. Bean... III
The Big Freeze. Mr. Bean wakes up on a freezing cold winter’s morning to discover that the boiler is...

The Big Freeze. Mr. Bean wakes up on a freezing cold winter’s morning to discover that the boiler is broken and no sign of the repairman. He tries increasingly ridiculous ways to warm up his tea his toothpaste and himself before venturing out to discover somewhere to hunker down and get warm.

Mr Bean: The Animated Series

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 13:00 (BOOMERANG)
04.01.2022 v 13:00 (BOOMERANG)
05.01.2022 v 13:00 (BOOMERANG)
06.01.2022 v 13:00 (BOOMERANG)
07.01.2022 v 13:00 (BOOMERANG)
08.01.2022 v 13:00 (BOOMERANG)
09.01.2022 v 13:00 (BOOMERANG)
10.01.2022 v 13:00 (BOOMERANG)

No Pets. His landlady smells a fish when Mr Bean gets a bird.
TV program: Mr. Bean: Animované příběhy (Mr. Bean: The Animated Series)
Mr Bean: The Animated Series

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 13:00 (BOOMERANG)
04.01.2022 v 13:00 (BOOMERANG)
05.01.2022 v 13:00 (BOOMERANG)
06.01.2022 v 13:00 (BOOMERANG)
07.01.2022 v 13:00 (BOOMERANG)
08.01.2022 v 13:00 (BOOMERANG)
09.01.2022 v 13:00 (BOOMERANG)
10.01.2022 v 13:00 (BOOMERANG)

Ray of Sunshine. Sunbathing proves a more strenuous pursuit for Mr Bean.
TV program: Mr. Bean: Animované příběhy (Mr. Bean: The Animated Series)
Mr Bean: The Animated Series

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 13:00 (BOOMERANG)
04.01.2022 v 13:00 (BOOMERANG)
05.01.2022 v 13:00 (BOOMERANG)
06.01.2022 v 13:00 (BOOMERANG)
07.01.2022 v 13:00 (BOOMERANG)
08.01.2022 v 13:00 (BOOMERANG)
09.01.2022 v 13:00 (BOOMERANG)
10.01.2022 v 13:00 (BOOMERANG)

Birthday Bear. Mr Bean forgets his teddy’s Birthday - then gives him a treat to remember.
TV program: Mr. Bean: Animované příběhy (Mr. Bean: The Animated Series)

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 12:45 (BOOMERANG)
04.01.2022 v 01:50 (BOOMERANG)
05.01.2022 v 01:50 (BOOMERANG)
06.01.2022 v 01:50 (BOOMERANG)
07.01.2022 v 01:50 (BOOMERANG)
08.01.2022 v 01:50 (BOOMERANG)
09.01.2022 v 01:50 (BOOMERANG)
10.01.2022 v 01:50 (BOOMERANG)

Skinny's Dance Night. It’s the night of the Big Dance, and Skinny has some serious moves ready to go...

Skinny's Dance Night. It’s the night of the Big Dance, and Skinny has some serious moves ready to go. Shame we’ll never get to see them; Skinny practices so hard that he renders himself unconscious. Luckily Skinny has a guardian angel in the form of a morphing orange blob. Lamput tries everything to wake Skinny back up, but nothing works; Lamput is gonna have to go above and beyond. Skinny (still out cold) shows up to the dance in a bright orange suit that seems to have a life of its own, and proceeds to tear up the dancefloor. When Skinny finally comes to, he finds out he was the hit of the big dance. Skinny walks off with the trophy and the gal. No-one thinks to thank lil’ Lamput. For a sworn enemy, this blob sure is a good friend.

TV program: Lamput
New Looney Tunes

Další díl/opakování:
04.11.2023 v 07:05 (NOVA)
05.11.2023 v 07:05 (NOVA)
11.11.2023 v 07:05 (NOVA)

Computer Bugs. A computer virus invades Bugs' computer. Bugs goes inside the mainframe to fight him....

Computer Bugs. A computer virus invades Bugs' computer. Bugs goes inside the mainframe to fight him.

TV program: Looney Tunes: Nové příběhy (Wabbit: A Looney Tunes Production)
New Looney Tunes

Další díl/opakování:
04.11.2023 v 07:05 (NOVA)
05.11.2023 v 07:05 (NOVA)
11.11.2023 v 07:05 (NOVA)

Oils Well That Ends Well. Bugs mistakes the makeshift oil field of thieving oil tycoon Ivana for the...

Oils Well That Ends Well. Bugs mistakes the makeshift oil field of thieving oil tycoon Ivana for the Burning Man Festival. As she tries to make off with the oil Bugs spoils all her fun.

TV program: Looney Tunes: Nové příběhy (Wabbit: A Looney Tunes Production)
New Looney Tunes

Další díl/opakování:
04.11.2023 v 07:05 (NOVA)
05.11.2023 v 07:05 (NOVA)
11.11.2023 v 07:05 (NOVA)

Your Bunny or Your Life. Grim is after Bugs again. A chase ensues including power water and a lotter...

Your Bunny or Your Life. Grim is after Bugs again. A chase ensues including power water and a lottery ticket

TV program: Looney Tunes: Nové příběhy (Wabbit: A Looney Tunes Production)
New Looney Tunes

Další díl/opakování:
04.11.2023 v 07:05 (NOVA)
05.11.2023 v 07:05 (NOVA)
11.11.2023 v 07:05 (NOVA)

Misjudgment Day. A terminator robot is sent to destroy Bugs. None of Bugs usual gags work. Michigan ...

Misjudgment Day. A terminator robot is sent to destroy Bugs. None of Bugs usual gags work. Michigan Frog is the mastermind

TV program: Looney Tunes: Nové příběhy (Wabbit: A Looney Tunes Production)
New Looney Tunes

Další díl/opakování:
04.11.2023 v 07:05 (NOVA)
05.11.2023 v 07:05 (NOVA)
11.11.2023 v 07:05 (NOVA)

Splashwater Bugs. Slugsworthy bullies everyone at a waterpark. Bugs and squeaks fight for their righ...

Splashwater Bugs. Slugsworthy bullies everyone at a waterpark. Bugs and squeaks fight for their rights.

TV program: Looney Tunes: Nové příběhy (Wabbit: A Looney Tunes Production)
New Looney Tunes

Další díl/opakování:
04.11.2023 v 07:05 (NOVA)
05.11.2023 v 07:05 (NOVA)
11.11.2023 v 07:05 (NOVA)

Fwee Wange Wabbit. Nit-picky foodie Vera the Vulture wants to eat rabbit and will stop at nothing to...

Fwee Wange Wabbit. Nit-picky foodie Vera the Vulture wants to eat rabbit and will stop at nothing to get her chance.

TV program: Looney Tunes: Nové příběhy (Wabbit: A Looney Tunes Production)
New Looney Tunes

Další díl/opakování:
04.11.2023 v 07:05 (NOVA)
05.11.2023 v 07:05 (NOVA)
11.11.2023 v 07:05 (NOVA)

Beaver Fever. An angry beaver has declared the lake BEAVERS ONLY and none of the animals can swim…in...

Beaver Fever. An angry beaver has declared the lake BEAVERS ONLY and none of the animals can swim…including Bugs

TV program: Looney Tunes: Nové příběhy (Wabbit: A Looney Tunes Production)
New Looney Tunes

Další díl/opakování:
04.11.2023 v 07:05 (NOVA)
05.11.2023 v 07:05 (NOVA)
11.11.2023 v 07:05 (NOVA)

Coyote.Rabbit.Squirrel. Squeaks accidentally stumbles into Wile's secret laboratory and Bugs must co...

Coyote.Rabbit.Squirrel. Squeaks accidentally stumbles into Wile's secret laboratory and Bugs must come to the rescue.

TV program: Looney Tunes: Nové příběhy (Wabbit: A Looney Tunes Production)
New Looney Tunes

Další díl/opakování:
04.11.2023 v 07:05 (NOVA)
05.11.2023 v 07:05 (NOVA)
11.11.2023 v 07:05 (NOVA)

Pain and Treasure. Bugs demands Taz's participation in their yearly Prank Week and before you know i...

Pain and Treasure. Bugs demands Taz's participation in their yearly Prank Week and before you know it they're off to the ruses.

TV program: Looney Tunes: Nové příběhy (Wabbit: A Looney Tunes Production)
Grizzy and the Lemmings
Bear Countdown. Grizzy finds a vintage stopwatch in the garage which lets him wind back the minute t...

Bear Countdown. Grizzy finds a vintage stopwatch in the garage which lets him wind back the minute that has just passed by, and can even stop time and movement in one's surroundings. This will give him an advantage over the Lemmings, provided of course they don't get their hands on it.

TV program: Méďa a lumíci (Grizzy et les Lemmings)
Grizzy and the Lemmings
Lemming Airlines. Grizzy is disturbed in the middle of his TV-snack by a flow of strange objects tha...

Lemming Airlines. Grizzy is disturbed in the middle of his TV-snack by a flow of strange objects that have been transformed into hot-air balloons. When he sees the Lemmings on-board these curious Zeppelins, Grizzy understands that he will quickly have to confiscate their helium tank and balloons if he wants to relax in front of the TV.

TV program: Méďa a lumíci (Grizzy et les Lemmings)
Grizzy and the Lemmings
Relax Bear. Grizzy discovers with great delight that the ranger has purchased a brand new multifunct...

Relax Bear. Grizzy discovers with great delight that the ranger has purchased a brand new multifunction Stressless recliner. But even an armchair designed for well-being - the ultimate in relaxation - can used for other purposes by the Lemmings, who transform it into a fearsome multi-game chair.

TV program: Méďa a lumíci (Grizzy et les Lemmings)
Grizzy and the Lemmings
Bear Gliding. The Lemmings play kite-surf with a homemade kite. Grizzy notices that the she-bear he'...

Bear Gliding. The Lemmings play kite-surf with a homemade kite. Grizzy notices that the she-bear he's in love with watches the kite perform arabesques in the sky with admiration.

TV program: Méďa a lumíci (Grizzy et les Lemmings)
Grizzy and the Lemmings
The Sound of a Lemming. Grizzy snatches the last jar of chocolate spread out from under the noses of...

The Sound of a Lemming. Grizzy snatches the last jar of chocolate spread out from under the noses of the Lemmings. In exchange, he offers them the toy stuck inside the lid: a mini-flute. When the Lemmings blow into the flute, the shrill notes that come out paralyze anyone whose ears aren't plugged for several seconds. They decide to play a tune for Grizzy in order to recover their share of chocolate spread.

TV program: Méďa a lumíci (Grizzy et les Lemmings)
Grizzy and the Lemmings
Bear in the Wind. The Lemmings play a new game floating like flags in the breeze from the fan set on...

Bear in the Wind. The Lemmings play a new game floating like flags in the breeze from the fan set on maximum. But Grizzy quickly rids the living room of this interference.

TV program: Méďa a lumíci (Grizzy et les Lemmings)
Grizzy and the Lemmings
Construction Bear. The Lemmings have a grand old time tearing down their Kapla block buildings, whic...

Construction Bear. The Lemmings have a grand old time tearing down their Kapla block buildings, which they rebuild just as fast. Grizzy remarks that the she-bear he's in love with is impressed by the Lemmings' construction and makes believe that it's his work of art. But when the building collapses yet again, the she-bear walks off. Grizzy decides to build an even bigger one.

TV program: Méďa a lumíci (Grizzy et les Lemmings)
My Knight and Me

Další díl/opakování:
19.02.2021 v 03:00 (BOOMERANG)
20.02.2021 v 03:00 (BOOMERANG)
21.02.2021 v 03:00 (BOOMERANG)
22.02.2021 v 03:00 (BOOMERANG)
23.02.2021 v 03:00 (BOOMERANG)
24.02.2021 v 03:00 (BOOMERANG)
25.02.2021 v 03:00 (BOOMERANG)
26.02.2021 v 03:00 (BOOMERANG)

Not So Fast. When Jimmy loses Torpedo in a bet with Lance, Lance trades Henri's beloved horse to the...

Not So Fast. When Jimmy loses Torpedo in a bet with Lance, Lance trades Henri's beloved horse to the Black Rats. It's not a good time, as Henri is supposed to deliver a peace agreement to enemies of Epic far away, before sunset. And he can't do that without the fastest steed in Epic!

TV program: My Knight and Me
My Knight and Me

Další díl/opakování:
19.02.2021 v 03:00 (BOOMERANG)
20.02.2021 v 03:00 (BOOMERANG)
21.02.2021 v 03:00 (BOOMERANG)
22.02.2021 v 03:00 (BOOMERANG)
23.02.2021 v 03:00 (BOOMERANG)
24.02.2021 v 03:00 (BOOMERANG)
25.02.2021 v 03:00 (BOOMERANG)
26.02.2021 v 03:00 (BOOMERANG)

Princess Jimmy. When Cat and Cynthia bicker in class, Lady Fontaine assigns them as partners who hav...

Princess Jimmy. When Cat and Cynthia bicker in class, Lady Fontaine assigns them as partners who have to make a gown together for the upcoming fashion show. But when the girls enlist Jimmy to model their gown, Bad Jack mistakes him for a princess and kidnaps him! It's up to Cat, Cynthia and Henri to save "Princess Jimmy".

TV program: My Knight and Me
My Knight and Me

Další díl/opakování:
19.02.2021 v 03:00 (BOOMERANG)
20.02.2021 v 03:00 (BOOMERANG)
21.02.2021 v 03:00 (BOOMERANG)
22.02.2021 v 03:00 (BOOMERANG)
23.02.2021 v 03:00 (BOOMERANG)
24.02.2021 v 03:00 (BOOMERANG)
25.02.2021 v 03:00 (BOOMERANG)
26.02.2021 v 03:00 (BOOMERANG)

Kurt The Shining Squire. Jimmy wants to make a squire out of the school’s doormat Kurt and teach him...

Kurt The Shining Squire. Jimmy wants to make a squire out of the school’s doormat Kurt and teach him how to stand up for himself.

TV program: My Knight and Me
My Knight and Me

Další díl/opakování:
19.02.2021 v 03:00 (BOOMERANG)
20.02.2021 v 03:00 (BOOMERANG)
21.02.2021 v 03:00 (BOOMERANG)
22.02.2021 v 03:00 (BOOMERANG)
23.02.2021 v 03:00 (BOOMERANG)
24.02.2021 v 03:00 (BOOMERANG)
25.02.2021 v 03:00 (BOOMERANG)
26.02.2021 v 03:00 (BOOMERANG)

Old Red. When Jimmy accidentally spills the beans to the Red Knight’s visiting father that Red is a ...

Old Red. When Jimmy accidentally spills the beans to the Red Knight’s visiting father that Red is a gym teacher and not First Knight Grandpa Red expresses his disapproval. To impress his father the Red Knight sets off on a dangerous quest to defeat Bad Jack. Colbert assigns Henri to substitute teach while Red is gone but when Red gets captured by the dragon Jimmy comes up with a plan for the class to go on a field trip to the Dark Lands and rescue Red…

TV program: My Knight and Me
Gumballův úžasný svět

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 13:40 (Cartoon+TCM)
04.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
05.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
06.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
07.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
08.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
09.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
10.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)

TV program: Gumballův úžasný svět (The Amazing World of Gumball)
Gumballův úžasný svět

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 13:40 (Cartoon+TCM)
04.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
05.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
06.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
07.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
08.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
09.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
10.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)

Počátek. Když se máma s tátou snaží malému hyperaktivnímu Gumballovi zabránit v tom aby jim věčně ni...

Počátek. Když se máma s tátou snaží malému hyperaktivnímu Gumballovi zabránit v tom aby jim věčně ničil dům a vyčerpával je rozhodnou se koupit mu domácího mazlíčka. Problém je v tom že všechny zlaté rybky které mu koupí brzy končí spláchnuté do záchodu.

TV program: Gumballův úžasný svět (The Amazing World of Gumball)
Gumballův úžasný svět

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 13:40 (Cartoon+TCM)
04.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
05.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
06.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
07.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
08.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
09.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
10.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)

Počátek 2. část. Darwin zjistí že se po spláchnutí do záchodu dostal kanály až do moře. Je vyděšený ...

Počátek 2. část. Darwin zjistí že se po spláchnutí do záchodu dostal kanály až do moře. Je vyděšený ale odhodlaný vrátit se zpátky domů k Wattersonovým. Ryba se však po souši moc daleko nedostane a tak musí Darwin během pouhých pár hodin překonat mnoho milionů let evoluce aby se do svého nového domova mohl v pořádku vrátit.

TV program: Gumballův úžasný svět (The Amazing World of Gumball)
Gumballův úžasný svět

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 13:40 (Cartoon+TCM)
04.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
05.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
06.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
07.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
08.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
09.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
10.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)

Zrádce. Alan se vykašlal na Gumballa aby se věnoval něčemu zábavnějšímu a tak se ho Gumball ze všech...

Zrádce. Alan se vykašlal na Gumballa aby se věnoval něčemu zábavnějšímu a tak se ho Gumball ze všech sil snaží vypátrat a potrestat za jeho zradu. Gumball se sebezapřením připravil pro Alana báječnou večeři jako omluvu za to jak se k němu dříve choval. Když Alan večeři odvolá je Gumball radostí bez sebe. Pak ale příspěvek na Elmore Plus odhalí že Alan jen lhal že je jeho máma nemocná a místo toho si s rodinou užívá den plný zábavy. Gumball zrádce vystopuje aby mu to vytmavil ale když zjistí že jeho máma je nemocná doopravdy musí mu to nějak vynahradit.

TV program: Gumballův úžasný svět (The Amazing World of Gumball)
Gumballův úžasný svět

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 13:40 (Cartoon+TCM)
04.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
05.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
06.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
07.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
08.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
09.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
10.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)

Rada. Panu Smallovi připadá že děti z Elmorské osmiletky dostatečně neinspiruje a tak mu Gumball s D...

Rada. Panu Smallovi připadá že děti z Elmorské osmiletky dostatečně neinspiruje a tak mu Gumball s Darwinem chtějí zvednout náladu. Aby měl pan Small pocit že své žáky inspiroval snaží se kluci řídit všemi jeho radami. Když však jeho neurčitá klišé vedou jen k tomu že ve škole nadělají spoušť musejí tu pohromu před ním zatajit aby mu nedošlo jak příšerné jeho rady byly.

TV program: Gumballův úžasný svět (The Amazing World of Gumball)
Angelovy patálie

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 21:00 (Cartoon+TCM)
04.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
05.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
06.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
07.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
08.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
09.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
10.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)

Čas na vědu. Na Angela a Lolu zbyde jako partner ve vědeckém projektu Manetti. Jediným způsobem jak ...

Čas na vědu. Na Angela a Lolu zbyde jako partner ve vědeckém projektu Manetti. Jediným způsobem jak uspět je udělat vědecký projekt z Manettiho.

TV program: Angelovy patálie (Angelo Rules)
Angelovy patálie

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 21:00 (Cartoon+TCM)
04.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
05.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
06.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
07.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
08.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
09.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
10.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)

Ruka. Tracy tvrdí že jí Angelo zlomil ruku. Angelovým trestem je stát se Tracyiným sluhou.
TV program: Angelovy patálie (Angelo Rules)
Angelovy patálie

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 21:00 (Cartoon+TCM)
04.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
05.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
06.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
07.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
08.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
09.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
10.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)

Výměna koček. Angelo zjistí že Cathyinu kočku a Joe Mamu u veterináře omylem vyměnili. Ale nikdo Ang...

Výměna koček. Angelo zjistí že Cathyinu kočku a Joe Mamu u veterináře omylem vyměnili. Ale nikdo Angelovi nevěří.

TV program: Angelovy patálie (Angelo Rules)
Angelovy patálie

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 21:00 (Cartoon+TCM)
04.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
05.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
06.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
07.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
08.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
09.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
10.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)

Poštovní přítel. Angelo si vymyslí falešného dopisního přítele z Guatemaly aby ho pan Foot nenechal ...

Poštovní přítel. Angelo si vymyslí falešného dopisního přítele z Guatemaly aby ho pan Foot nenechal propadnout.

TV program: Angelovy patálie (Angelo Rules)
Angelovy patálie

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 21:00 (Cartoon+TCM)
04.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
05.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
06.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
07.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
08.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
09.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
10.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)

Zaměstnanec měsíce. Angelo se stává brigádníkem v zábavním parku. Ale jeho vysněná práce není tak sk...

Zaměstnanec měsíce. Angelo se stává brigádníkem v zábavním parku. Ale jeho vysněná práce není tak skvělá jak se zdálo protože musí doopravdy… pracovat!

TV program: Angelovy patálie (Angelo Rules)
Angelovy patálie

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 21:00 (Cartoon+TCM)
04.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
05.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
06.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
07.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
08.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
09.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
10.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)

Figurky. Slečna Perla změní poškolu v kroužek pracovní terapie kde Angelo vyrábí skvělé sošky s velk...

Figurky. Slečna Perla změní poškolu v kroužek pracovní terapie kde Angelo vyrábí skvělé sošky s velkou hlavou ze kterých se stane ve škole hit. Výsledek: Angelo se dostává záměrně do problémů aby mohl zůstat po škole.

TV program: Angelovy patálie (Angelo Rules)
Angelovy patálie

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 21:00 (Cartoon+TCM)
04.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
05.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
06.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
07.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
08.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
09.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
10.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)

Tajný recept. Když Cathy zdraží svůj proslulý dortík Brooklynská bomba vydá se Lola v utajení hledat...

Tajný recept. Když Cathy zdraží svůj proslulý dortík Brooklynská bomba vydá se Lola v utajení hledat její tajný recept. Angelo a ostatní zjišťují že tajné recepty mohou mít někdy víc než jedno tajemství.

TV program: Angelovy patálie (Angelo Rules)
Angelovy patálie

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 21:00 (Cartoon+TCM)
04.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
05.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
06.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
07.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
08.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
09.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
10.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)

Angelo versus test. Angelo sděluje své tipy a triky jak profesionálně prokrastinovat místo učení se ...

Angelo versus test. Angelo sděluje své tipy a triky jak profesionálně prokrastinovat místo učení se na test. A jeho hlavním plánem je plýtvat časem při stavění helmy na čtení myšlenek!

TV program: Angelovy patálie (Angelo Rules)
Mocné Magimeče

Další díl/opakování:
30.12.2021 v 12:30 (Cartoon+TCM)
31.12.2021 v 12:30 (Cartoon+TCM)
01.01.2022 v 09:15 (Cartoon+TCM)
02.01.2022 v 09:15 (Cartoon+TCM)
03.01.2022 v 09:15 (Cartoon+TCM)
04.01.2022 v 12:30 (Cartoon+TCM)
05.01.2022 v 12:30 (Cartoon+TCM)
06.01.2022 v 12:30 (Cartoon+TCM)

Válečníci k službám
TV program: Mocné Magimeče (Mighty Magiswords)
Ninjago: Mistři Spinjitzu

Další díl/opakování:
12.11.2021 v 12:15 (Cartoon+TCM)
13.11.2021 v 12:15 (Cartoon+TCM)
14.11.2021 v 12:15 (Cartoon+TCM)
15.11.2021 v 12:15 (Cartoon+TCM)
16.11.2021 v 12:15 (Cartoon+TCM)
17.11.2021 v 12:15 (Cartoon+TCM)
18.11.2021 v 12:15 (Cartoon+TCM)
19.11.2021 v 12:15 (Cartoon+TCM)

Rádio Svobodné Ninjago. Lloyd se musí vzchopit aby televizi ve městě Ninjago vyzval lidi k odporu. V...

Rádio Svobodné Ninjago. Lloyd se musí vzchopit aby televizi ve městě Ninjago vyzval lidi k odporu. V První říši bere Železobaron ninji na lov draků.

TV program: Ninjago (LEGO Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu)
Ninjago: Mistři Spinjitzu

Další díl/opakování:
12.11.2021 v 12:15 (Cartoon+TCM)
13.11.2021 v 12:15 (Cartoon+TCM)
14.11.2021 v 12:15 (Cartoon+TCM)
15.11.2021 v 12:15 (Cartoon+TCM)
16.11.2021 v 12:15 (Cartoon+TCM)
17.11.2021 v 12:15 (Cartoon+TCM)
18.11.2021 v 12:15 (Cartoon+TCM)
19.11.2021 v 12:15 (Cartoon+TCM)

Jak postavit draka. Zatímco Lloyd a rebelové oslavují úspěšný úder proti císaři Garmadonovi v Říši O...

Jak postavit draka. Zatímco Lloyd a rebelové oslavují úspěšný úder proti císaři Garmadonovi v Říši Oni a Draka ninjové vymýšlí jak se dostat ze spárů Železobarona a jeho lovců draků.

TV program: Ninjago (LEGO Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu)
Gumballův úžasný svět

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 13:40 (Cartoon+TCM)
04.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
05.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
06.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
07.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
08.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
09.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
10.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)

Párovačka. Sarah najde sešit ze super obchodu který funguje tak že se všechno co do něj nakreslí sku...

Párovačka. Sarah najde sešit ze super obchodu který funguje tak že se všechno co do něj nakreslí skutečně stane. Bohužel do něj začne kreslit bizarní milostné příběhy nejrůznějších obyvatel Elmoru.

TV program: Gumballův úžasný svět (The Amazing World of Gumball)
Gumballův úžasný svět

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 13:40 (Cartoon+TCM)
04.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
05.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
06.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
07.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
08.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
09.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
10.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)

Puch. Když Gumball a Darwin odhalí pokrytectví pana Smalla vydá se jejich učitel žít do divočiny.
TV program: Gumballův úžasný svět (The Amazing World of Gumball)
Gumballův úžasný svět

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 13:40 (Cartoon+TCM)
04.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
05.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
06.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
07.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
08.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
09.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
10.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)

Vědomosti. Gumball a Darwin se snaží myslet víc zeleně a jejich školu v důsledku toho zaplaví popína...

Vědomosti. Gumball a Darwin se snaží myslet víc zeleně a jejich školu v důsledku toho zaplaví popínavé rostliny.

TV program: Gumballův úžasný svět (The Amazing World of Gumball)
Gumballův úžasný svět

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 13:40 (Cartoon+TCM)
04.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
05.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
06.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
07.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
08.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
09.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
10.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)

TV program: Gumballův úžasný svět (The Amazing World of Gumball)
Gumballův úžasný svět

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 13:40 (Cartoon+TCM)
04.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
05.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
06.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
07.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
08.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
09.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
10.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)

Zakladatel. Táta způsobí zmatek v budově firmy Chanax kde si ho spletou s místním ředitelem. Máma a ...

Zakladatel. Táta způsobí zmatek v budově firmy Chanax kde si ho spletou s místním ředitelem. Máma a nespokojení zaměstnanci pak musí všechny zachránit před Richardovými nebezpečnými nápady.

TV program: Gumballův úžasný svět (The Amazing World of Gumball)
Gumballův úžasný svět

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 13:40 (Cartoon+TCM)
04.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
05.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
06.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
07.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
08.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
09.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
10.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)

Školení. Gumball a Darwin se na 5 minut ujmou Larryho práce a zjistí jak je náročná.
TV program: Gumballův úžasný svět (The Amazing World of Gumball)
Gumballův úžasný svět

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 13:40 (Cartoon+TCM)
04.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
05.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
06.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
07.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
08.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
09.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
10.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)

Inteligence. Technika získá lidskou inteligenci jenomže pak začne napodobovat lidské nedostatky a za...

Inteligence. Technika získá lidskou inteligenci jenomže pak začne napodobovat lidské nedostatky a začne být nefunkční.

TV program: Gumballův úžasný svět (The Amazing World of Gumball)
Gumballův úžasný svět

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 13:40 (Cartoon+TCM)
04.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
05.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
06.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
07.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
08.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
09.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
10.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)

Lektvar. Hektor je nešťastný ze svojí výšky a tak kluci použijí jeden z lektvarů paní Jotunheimové a...

Lektvar. Hektor je nešťastný ze svojí výšky a tak kluci použijí jeden z lektvarů paní Jotunheimové aby ho zmenšili jenomže to dopadne katastrofálně.

TV program: Gumballův úžasný svět (The Amazing World of Gumball)
Gumballův úžasný svět

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 13:40 (Cartoon+TCM)
04.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
05.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
06.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
07.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
08.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
09.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
10.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)

Vedlejší. Gumballův nepřítel Rob si přeje se ho jednou provždy zbavit a tak divákům navrhuje celou ř...

Vedlejší. Gumballův nepřítel Rob si přeje se ho jednou provždy zbavit a tak divákům navrhuje celou řadu pořadů s jinými hlavními postavami než je Gumball. Bohužel pro Roba je jeden horší než druhý…

TV program: Gumballův úžasný svět (The Amazing World of Gumball)
Gumballův úžasný svět

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 13:40 (Cartoon+TCM)
04.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
05.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
06.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
07.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
08.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
09.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
10.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)

Proměna. Rodiče Penny jsou nespokojení že se rozhodla zbavit své skořápky. Penny si přeje aby i celá...

Proměna. Rodiče Penny jsou nespokojení že se rozhodla zbavit své skořápky. Penny si přeje aby i celá její rodina konečně opustila své skořápky. Rodina neví na koho se má v této vyostřené situaci obrátit. Řešení je však nasnadě. Přece na Gumballa! I když tohle mu asi nebude moc příjemné...

TV program: Gumballův úžasný svět (The Amazing World of Gumball)

Další díl/opakování:
06.07.2024 v 22:50 (Disney Channel)
08.07.2024 v 05:40 (Disney Channel)
13.07.2024 v 22:25 (Disney Channel)
14.07.2024 v 05:40 (Disney Channel)

Phony Pony. When Mrs M welcomes a new resident to the Manor, Taffy and Bentley don't stand for this ...

Phony Pony. When Mrs M welcomes a new resident to the Manor, Taffy and Bentley don't stand for this new pet that appeals all their mistress's attentions. They decide to join forces to get rid of this too adorable little pony. But the pony has more than one trick up your sleeve...

TV program: Taffy

Další díl/opakování:
06.07.2024 v 22:50 (Disney Channel)
08.07.2024 v 05:40 (Disney Channel)
13.07.2024 v 22:25 (Disney Channel)
14.07.2024 v 05:40 (Disney Channel)

Squeakophobia. Bentley is about to unmask Taffy. But suddenly this one runs away totally horrified.....

Squeakophobia. Bentley is about to unmask Taffy. But suddenly this one runs away totally horrified... Bentley would not have a 'squeakophobia' ?!

TV program: Taffy

Další díl/opakování:
06.07.2024 v 22:50 (Disney Channel)
08.07.2024 v 05:40 (Disney Channel)
13.07.2024 v 22:25 (Disney Channel)
14.07.2024 v 05:40 (Disney Channel)

Clone Sweet Clone. Mrs. M. decides to clone Taffy : here are 4 Taffy at the manor ! Even more worrie...

Clone Sweet Clone. Mrs. M. decides to clone Taffy : here are 4 Taffy at the manor ! Even more worries for Bentley but also for Taffy : he doen't recognize himself in his clones, at all ! Won't they reveal his true identity by their clumsiness and inexperience, even their diabolical side! Taffy and company will they manage to save the face?

TV program: Taffy

Další díl/opakování:
06.07.2024 v 22:50 (Disney Channel)
08.07.2024 v 05:40 (Disney Channel)
13.07.2024 v 22:25 (Disney Channel)
14.07.2024 v 05:40 (Disney Channel)

Silence of the Slams. Mrs. M is laid out. Her ears are sooooo sensitive that the slightest sound in ...

Silence of the Slams. Mrs. M is laid out. Her ears are sooooo sensitive that the slightest sound in the air makes her howl with pain. Anyone who makes a sound will be banished. Taffy sees this as the perfect opportunity to get rid of Bentley forever. So, he sets traps around the house designed to make Bentley shriek.

TV program: Taffy

Další díl/opakování:
06.07.2024 v 22:50 (Disney Channel)
08.07.2024 v 05:40 (Disney Channel)
13.07.2024 v 22:25 (Disney Channel)
14.07.2024 v 05:40 (Disney Channel)

Enter the Kitty. Scraggs the raccoon disguises himself as a cute cat to enter the luxurious Muchmore...

Enter the Kitty. Scraggs the raccoon disguises himself as a cute cat to enter the luxurious Muchmore manor. Bentley, the dog of house, isn’t fooled and tries to kick him out of the house in every possible way.

TV program: Taffy

Další díl/opakování:
06.07.2024 v 22:50 (Disney Channel)
08.07.2024 v 05:40 (Disney Channel)
13.07.2024 v 22:25 (Disney Channel)
14.07.2024 v 05:40 (Disney Channel)

A Minor Problem. Addie comes to visit her grandmother, but Mrs Muchmore has to rush off and leaves t...

A Minor Problem. Addie comes to visit her grandmother, but Mrs Muchmore has to rush off and leaves the toddler with Forsythe and the pets. To Bentley’S delight, Addie seems to know that Taffy is a raccoon. Taffy tries to get rid of her before Mrs Muchmore return…

TV program: Taffy

Další díl/opakování:
06.07.2024 v 22:50 (Disney Channel)
08.07.2024 v 05:40 (Disney Channel)
13.07.2024 v 22:25 (Disney Channel)
14.07.2024 v 05:40 (Disney Channel)

Mrs Muchmore receives the great Mr Fuffernin for an inspection of the house. If anything goes wrong,...

Mrs Muchmore receives the great Mr Fuffernin for an inspection of the house. If anything goes wrong, Mrs Muchmore would see her reputation destroyed! But a shock to her head leaves her unable to lead the visit… Bentley and Taffy team up to save their beloved mistress reputation.

TV program: Taffy

Další díl/opakování:
06.07.2024 v 22:50 (Disney Channel)
08.07.2024 v 05:40 (Disney Channel)
13.07.2024 v 22:25 (Disney Channel)
14.07.2024 v 05:40 (Disney Channel)

The Highest Bidder. At a luxurious auction, Mrs Muchmore enters a bidding war with a charming young ...

The Highest Bidder. At a luxurious auction, Mrs Muchmore enters a bidding war with a charming young man to acquire a priceless ruby brooch. She invites the young man for tea and discovers he’s allergic to dogs, to Bentley’s despair and Taffy’S excitement!

TV program: Taffy

Další díl/opakování:
06.07.2024 v 22:50 (Disney Channel)
08.07.2024 v 05:40 (Disney Channel)
13.07.2024 v 22:25 (Disney Channel)
14.07.2024 v 05:40 (Disney Channel)

I Now Pronounce You Dog and Cat. It’s movie night! Mrs. M screens her old wedding video for her pets...

I Now Pronounce You Dog and Cat. It’s movie night! Mrs. M screens her old wedding video for her pets. As she steps away, the pets get in one of their usual fights and destroy the videotape. Bentley and Taffy team up to make the movie again not to upset their beloved Mrs Muchmore.

TV program: Taffy
Grizzy and the Lemmings II
Lemming Gum. The Lemmings find a pack of icy mints that literally chill your breath. One blast from ...

Lemming Gum. The Lemmings find a pack of icy mints that literally chill your breath. One blast from anyone who eats them freezes everything in sight. Grizzy does not particularly care for this frosty ambiance and tries to take their candy away.

TV program: Méďa a lumíci (Grizzy et les Lemmings)
Grizzy and the Lemmings II
Lemming Juice. Grizzy can't believe it: he has just swallowed a spoonful of his favorite food chocol...

Lemming Juice. Grizzy can't believe it: he has just swallowed a spoonful of his favorite food chocolate spread and he hates it!

TV program: Méďa a lumíci (Grizzy et les Lemmings)
Grizzy and the Lemmings II
Zen Bear. Grizzy discovers the fondness of his beloved she-bear for meditation. To seduce her, he se...

Zen Bear. Grizzy discovers the fondness of his beloved she-bear for meditation. To seduce her, he sets out to prove to her that he too can attain the Zen attitude. This demands practice, of course, but it especially demands lots of willpower and concentration to get rid of the rowdy Lemmings without losing one's temper.

TV program: Méďa a lumíci (Grizzy et les Lemmings)
Grizzy and the Lemmings II
Ctrl+Alt+Bear. Grizzy and the Lemmings discover a super-secret Canadian Army prototype which resembl...

Ctrl+Alt+Bear. Grizzy and the Lemmings discover a super-secret Canadian Army prototype which resembles a simple computer keyboard. It has only several command keys: select, cut and paste, and delete, but the keys act directly on surrounding elements... as well as on living beings!

TV program: Méďa a lumíci (Grizzy et les Lemmings)
Grizzy and the Lemmings II
Lemming Bowling. The Lemmings are having a blast with a bowling game they found in the Ranger's stor...

Lemming Bowling. The Lemmings are having a blast with a bowling game they found in the Ranger's storeroom. Grizzy hastens to destroy the pins to ensure his peace and quiet. But the Lemmings discover a remote-control device that can modify the ball's weight. By setting it on maximum, the ball could knock over much more than pins: furniture, a bear and even a log cabin!

TV program: Méďa a lumíci (Grizzy et les Lemmings)
Grizzy and the Lemmings II
Mushroom Hunt. After the rains, to the great delight of the Lemmings, strange bouncing mushrooms hav...

Mushroom Hunt. After the rains, to the great delight of the Lemmings, strange bouncing mushrooms have sprouted in the yard. To put an end to the Lemmings' noisy games - which prevent Grizzy from enjoying his peace and quiet - Grizzy tramples the mushrooms. Only to realize that each crushed mushroom frees a cloud of spores that instantly creates… a bunch of identical mushrooms.

TV program: Méďa a lumíci (Grizzy et les Lemmings)
Grizzy and the Lemmings II
Flying Bear. The Lemmings have laid hand on special magnets which turn any object they are stuck to ...

Flying Bear. The Lemmings have laid hand on special magnets which turn any object they are stuck to into flying objects. Grizzy bears the consequences and is ejected out of the cabin on his couch, which has turned into a flying-couch. Upon landing, Grizzy discovers by chance that the magnet stuck to his forehead enables him to fly like Peter Pan.

TV program: Méďa a lumíci (Grizzy et les Lemmings)
Grizzy and the Lemmings II
Big Top Bear. With a lion-tamer's whip, a sugar bowl and lots of work, the Lemmings have successfull...

Big Top Bear. With a lion-tamer's whip, a sugar bowl and lots of work, the Lemmings have successfully trained a caribou to go through their obstacle course. Grizzy cannot help but admire the performance. He decides to steal their idea, and the caribou, to create his own circus act and impress his lovely she-bear.

TV program: Méďa a lumíci (Grizzy et les Lemmings)
Grizzy and the Lemmings II
Electro Ranger Lemming. Grizzy happens onto the electronic version of the "Ranger Lemming" toy which...

Electro Ranger Lemming. Grizzy happens onto the electronic version of the "Ranger Lemming" toy which is capable of reproducing the movements one teaches it, like a smart robot. Grizzy immediately grasps the potential of a robot that could perform chores with rapidity and precision, but the Lemmings would rather teach it to dance.

TV program: Méďa a lumíci (Grizzy et les Lemmings)
Pat the Dog

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 14:30 (BOOMERANG)
04.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
05.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
06.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
07.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
08.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
09.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
10.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)

Bird-Brain Buffet. Lola looks on as an old lady throws seed to the birds and observes how the Guanos...

Bird-Brain Buffet. Lola looks on as an old lady throws seed to the birds and observes how the Guanos use their brute force to push other birds out of the way to hog the food. Shocked by the injustice the little girl decides to launch a bird restaurant open for all birds regardless of size or pecking order. The Guanos of course have other plans and are already plotting to raid the restaurant. Pat however is keeping a close eye on the seed stock and intends to repel the pigeons’ forays by any means necessary to ensure food security for all.

TV program: Paf le Chien
Pat the Dog

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 14:30 (BOOMERANG)
04.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
05.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
06.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
07.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
08.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
09.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
10.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)

Phantom of the Park. Lola has to play a violin solo during the big show tonight. When she is on stag...

Phantom of the Park. Lola has to play a violin solo during the big show tonight. When she is on stage Victor creates an accident as a pretext to make Lola believe the place is haunted. A series of mysterious mishaps occur one after the other and to cap it all Lola’s violin disappears. Pat soon finds out that Victor is behind the story and that the Guanos stole Lola’s violin to lure Hoodie into a trap. Pat has to go soloist to save the day!

TV program: Paf le Chien
Pat the Dog

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 14:30 (BOOMERANG)
04.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
05.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
06.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
07.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
08.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
09.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
10.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)

Iron Pat. Lola’s mother has just received the latest prototype for a food processor to test. Even th...

Iron Pat. Lola’s mother has just received the latest prototype for a food processor to test. Even though Lola promises to wait till evening before trying it the little girl switches it on just to see what it can do. But the kitchen device takes hold of Hoodie and chaos ensues. The Guanos notice and decide it is the perfect opportunity to rid themselves of the kitten and take control of the robot. Pat has to fight ruthlessly against the infernal machine to get the kitten back so that Lola isn't punished when her mother comes home.

TV program: Paf le Chien
Pat the Dog

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 14:30 (BOOMERANG)
04.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
05.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
06.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
07.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
08.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
09.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
10.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)

Piece of Cake. A renowned pastry chef has organized a pie tasting contest. The winner will get to pr...

Piece of Cake. A renowned pastry chef has organized a pie tasting contest. The winner will get to present a TV show with him. Lola is naturally taking part in the contest as she loves to cook. Victor who loves showing off is also taking part. And he has plans to win the contest – by switching his pie for Lola’s pie. Pat is keeping close watch however especially since the delicious aroma emanating from Lola’s cake has attracted the greedy Guanos' attention. Lola wins the day and the famous pastry chef is delighted with her pie. To celebrate she bakes a special Pat-shaped cake in honor of her faithful friend!

TV program: Paf le Chien
Pat the Dog

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 14:30 (BOOMERANG)
04.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
05.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
06.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
07.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
08.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
09.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
10.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)

Robopat. Today is the big Robot Battle day! Lola’s robot which looks like Pat has to face down Victo...

Robopat. Today is the big Robot Battle day! Lola’s robot which looks like Pat has to face down Victor’s. But the boy cheats and breaks RoboPat. However Pat decides to sneak inside the broken robot shell and takes control of the machine to fight for his best friend’ honor. There's going to be a rumble in the robot jungle!

TV program: Paf le Chien
Pat the Dog

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 14:30 (BOOMERANG)
04.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
05.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
06.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
07.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
08.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
09.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
10.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)

The Cat Tree. Lola has found herself a fun activity for the afternoon: to break a Guinness World rec...

The Cat Tree. Lola has found herself a fun activity for the afternoon: to break a Guinness World record. To do so she intends to build the biggest cat tree ever seen on earth. Of course the Guanos have other ideas and are outraged that Hoodie might get to parade around only inches from their airspace. Pat manages to thwart their destructive intentions. So the birds bring in Tank to halt construction of the cat tree and kidnap Hoodie into the bargain.

TV program: Paf le Chien
Pat the Dog

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 14:30 (BOOMERANG)
04.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
05.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
06.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
07.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
08.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
09.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
10.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)

My Dog the Hero. Lola has to write an essay on the theme My Hero Pet. It's not easiest task in the w...

My Dog the Hero. Lola has to write an essay on the theme My Hero Pet. It's not easiest task in the world for her she explains to Victor for while Pat is the loveliest animal on earth she doesn't see him as much of an adventurer. While Lola is sharing her reservations Pat sets out to save Hoodies skin again and again sees off the Guanos. Not an adventurer? Me? After saving the kitten he discovers a nest with a baby bird inside teetering dangerously in the branches of a tree. Pat fetches Lola and the pair saves the bird. At last Lola has the subject she's been looking for. Being a hero doesn't always mean leaping without looking or whitewater rafting. Sometimes the little things we do day-to-day can be heroic. Which makes Pat a superhero.

TV program: Paf le Chien
Pat the Dog

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 14:30 (BOOMERANG)
04.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
05.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
06.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
07.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
08.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
09.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
10.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)

Smoothie Party. Lola leaves the supermarket with all the ingredients for a super smoothie party. But...

Smoothie Party. Lola leaves the supermarket with all the ingredients for a super smoothie party. But disaster! She realizes she has forgotten the milk. She entrusts the shopping to Pat and heads off to the milk section. But the Guanos have their eyes on her provisions and move into attack. While our hero has to ward off the pigeons' forays by air and land Lola has to tussle with Victor for the last bottle of milk. With great courage and the use of one of his latest inventions Pat saves the day.

TV program: Paf le Chien
Pat the Dog

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 14:30 (BOOMERANG)
04.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
05.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
06.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
07.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
08.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
09.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
10.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)

Collector. Lola’s father has just received a collector’s issue of his fave comic book. Marcus is goi...

Collector. Lola’s father has just received a collector’s issue of his fave comic book. Marcus is going to devise a strategy to get his hands on it. Pat is going to have it out with Squizel in order to get it back.

TV program: Paf le Chien
My Knight and Me

Další díl/opakování:
19.02.2021 v 03:00 (BOOMERANG)
20.02.2021 v 03:00 (BOOMERANG)
21.02.2021 v 03:00 (BOOMERANG)
22.02.2021 v 03:00 (BOOMERANG)
23.02.2021 v 03:00 (BOOMERANG)
24.02.2021 v 03:00 (BOOMERANG)
25.02.2021 v 03:00 (BOOMERANG)
26.02.2021 v 03:00 (BOOMERANG)

Princess Jimmy. When Cat and Cynthia bicker in class, Lady Fontaine assigns them as partners who hav...

Princess Jimmy. When Cat and Cynthia bicker in class, Lady Fontaine assigns them as partners who have to make a gown together for the upcoming fashion show. But when the girls enlist Jimmy to model their gown, Bad Jack mistakes him for a princess and kidnaps him! It's up to Cat, Cynthia and Henri to save "Princess Jimmy".

TV program: My Knight and Me
My Knight and Me

Další díl/opakování:
19.02.2021 v 03:00 (BOOMERANG)
20.02.2021 v 03:00 (BOOMERANG)
21.02.2021 v 03:00 (BOOMERANG)
22.02.2021 v 03:00 (BOOMERANG)
23.02.2021 v 03:00 (BOOMERANG)
24.02.2021 v 03:00 (BOOMERANG)
25.02.2021 v 03:00 (BOOMERANG)
26.02.2021 v 03:00 (BOOMERANG)

Kurt The Shining Squire. Jimmy wants to make a squire out of the school’s doormat Kurt and teach him...

Kurt The Shining Squire. Jimmy wants to make a squire out of the school’s doormat Kurt and teach him how to stand up for himself.

TV program: My Knight and Me
My Knight and Me

Další díl/opakování:
19.02.2021 v 03:00 (BOOMERANG)
20.02.2021 v 03:00 (BOOMERANG)
21.02.2021 v 03:00 (BOOMERANG)
22.02.2021 v 03:00 (BOOMERANG)
23.02.2021 v 03:00 (BOOMERANG)
24.02.2021 v 03:00 (BOOMERANG)
25.02.2021 v 03:00 (BOOMERANG)
26.02.2021 v 03:00 (BOOMERANG)

Old Red. When Jimmy accidentally spills the beans to the Red Knight’s visiting father that Red is a ...

Old Red. When Jimmy accidentally spills the beans to the Red Knight’s visiting father that Red is a gym teacher and not First Knight Grandpa Red expresses his disapproval. To impress his father the Red Knight sets off on a dangerous quest to defeat Bad Jack. Colbert assigns Henri to substitute teach while Red is gone but when Red gets captured by the dragon Jimmy comes up with a plan for the class to go on a field trip to the Dark Lands and rescue Red…

TV program: My Knight and Me
My Knight and Me

Další díl/opakování:
19.02.2021 v 03:00 (BOOMERANG)
20.02.2021 v 03:00 (BOOMERANG)
21.02.2021 v 03:00 (BOOMERANG)
22.02.2021 v 03:00 (BOOMERANG)
23.02.2021 v 03:00 (BOOMERANG)
24.02.2021 v 03:00 (BOOMERANG)
25.02.2021 v 03:00 (BOOMERANG)
26.02.2021 v 03:00 (BOOMERANG)

Jimmy Works Out. Jimmy is afraid that being a "shrimp" will prevent him from getting knight missions...

Jimmy Works Out. Jimmy is afraid that being a "shrimp" will prevent him from getting knight missions when he grows up. He becomes a gym rat, and gets totally "ripped". But Jimmy is so over-confident in his strength that he doesn't think anymore. It allows the Black Rats to steal Epic's most precious cheddar and kidnap him, Cat and Henri.

TV program: My Knight and Me
My Knight and Me

Další díl/opakování:
19.02.2021 v 03:00 (BOOMERANG)
20.02.2021 v 03:00 (BOOMERANG)
21.02.2021 v 03:00 (BOOMERANG)
22.02.2021 v 03:00 (BOOMERANG)
23.02.2021 v 03:00 (BOOMERANG)
24.02.2021 v 03:00 (BOOMERANG)
25.02.2021 v 03:00 (BOOMERANG)
26.02.2021 v 03:00 (BOOMERANG)

Sleeping Jack. While Bad Jack gets some long awaited sleep he leaves Bjorn to guard his treasure. Bj...

Sleeping Jack. While Bad Jack gets some long awaited sleep he leaves Bjorn to guard his treasure. Bjorn enlists help from Jimmy and Cat who suggest to keep thieves away Bjorn pretends Bad Jack is awake by simulating an attack on a convoy carrying a diamond for the Queen. But Bjorn can’t help stealing the precious stone for real. Henri Wilfried and all the knights immediately go and confront Bad Jack. They discover the truth and seize Jack’s treasure leaving Jimmy Cat and Henri to set things right.

TV program: My Knight and Me

Další díl/opakování:
06.07.2024 v 22:50 (Disney Channel)
08.07.2024 v 05:40 (Disney Channel)
13.07.2024 v 22:25 (Disney Channel)
14.07.2024 v 05:40 (Disney Channel)

Phony Pony. When Mrs M welcomes a new resident to the Manor, Taffy and Bentley don't stand for this ...

Phony Pony. When Mrs M welcomes a new resident to the Manor, Taffy and Bentley don't stand for this new pet that appeals all their mistress's attentions. They decide to join forces to get rid of this too adorable little pony. But the pony has more than one trick up your sleeve...

TV program: Taffy

Další díl/opakování:
06.07.2024 v 22:50 (Disney Channel)
08.07.2024 v 05:40 (Disney Channel)
13.07.2024 v 22:25 (Disney Channel)
14.07.2024 v 05:40 (Disney Channel)

Squeakophobia. Bentley is about to unmask Taffy. But suddenly this one runs away totally horrified.....

Squeakophobia. Bentley is about to unmask Taffy. But suddenly this one runs away totally horrified... Bentley would not have a 'squeakophobia' ?!

TV program: Taffy

Další díl/opakování:
06.07.2024 v 22:50 (Disney Channel)
08.07.2024 v 05:40 (Disney Channel)
13.07.2024 v 22:25 (Disney Channel)
14.07.2024 v 05:40 (Disney Channel)

Clone Sweet Clone. Mrs. M. decides to clone Taffy : here are 4 Taffy at the manor ! Even more worrie...

Clone Sweet Clone. Mrs. M. decides to clone Taffy : here are 4 Taffy at the manor ! Even more worries for Bentley but also for Taffy : he doen't recognize himself in his clones, at all ! Won't they reveal his true identity by their clumsiness and inexperience, even their diabolical side! Taffy and company will they manage to save the face?

TV program: Taffy

Další díl/opakování:
06.07.2024 v 22:50 (Disney Channel)
08.07.2024 v 05:40 (Disney Channel)
13.07.2024 v 22:25 (Disney Channel)
14.07.2024 v 05:40 (Disney Channel)

Silence of the Slams. Mrs. M is laid out. Her ears are sooooo sensitive that the slightest sound in ...

Silence of the Slams. Mrs. M is laid out. Her ears are sooooo sensitive that the slightest sound in the air makes her howl with pain. Anyone who makes a sound will be banished. Taffy sees this as the perfect opportunity to get rid of Bentley forever. So, he sets traps around the house designed to make Bentley shriek.

TV program: Taffy

Další díl/opakování:
06.07.2024 v 22:50 (Disney Channel)
08.07.2024 v 05:40 (Disney Channel)
13.07.2024 v 22:25 (Disney Channel)
14.07.2024 v 05:40 (Disney Channel)

Enter the Kitty. Scraggs the raccoon disguises himself as a cute cat to enter the luxurious Muchmore...

Enter the Kitty. Scraggs the raccoon disguises himself as a cute cat to enter the luxurious Muchmore manor. Bentley, the dog of house, isn’t fooled and tries to kick him out of the house in every possible way.

TV program: Taffy

Další díl/opakování:
06.07.2024 v 22:50 (Disney Channel)
08.07.2024 v 05:40 (Disney Channel)
13.07.2024 v 22:25 (Disney Channel)
14.07.2024 v 05:40 (Disney Channel)

A Minor Problem. Addie comes to visit her grandmother, but Mrs Muchmore has to rush off and leaves t...

A Minor Problem. Addie comes to visit her grandmother, but Mrs Muchmore has to rush off and leaves the toddler with Forsythe and the pets. To Bentley’S delight, Addie seems to know that Taffy is a raccoon. Taffy tries to get rid of her before Mrs Muchmore return…

TV program: Taffy

Další díl/opakování:
06.07.2024 v 22:50 (Disney Channel)
08.07.2024 v 05:40 (Disney Channel)
13.07.2024 v 22:25 (Disney Channel)
14.07.2024 v 05:40 (Disney Channel)

Mrs Muchmore receives the great Mr Fuffernin for an inspection of the house. If anything goes wrong,...

Mrs Muchmore receives the great Mr Fuffernin for an inspection of the house. If anything goes wrong, Mrs Muchmore would see her reputation destroyed! But a shock to her head leaves her unable to lead the visit… Bentley and Taffy team up to save their beloved mistress reputation.

TV program: Taffy

Další díl/opakování:
06.07.2024 v 22:50 (Disney Channel)
08.07.2024 v 05:40 (Disney Channel)
13.07.2024 v 22:25 (Disney Channel)
14.07.2024 v 05:40 (Disney Channel)

The Highest Bidder. At a luxurious auction, Mrs Muchmore enters a bidding war with a charming young ...

The Highest Bidder. At a luxurious auction, Mrs Muchmore enters a bidding war with a charming young man to acquire a priceless ruby brooch. She invites the young man for tea and discovers he’s allergic to dogs, to Bentley’s despair and Taffy’S excitement!

TV program: Taffy

Další díl/opakování:
06.07.2024 v 22:50 (Disney Channel)
08.07.2024 v 05:40 (Disney Channel)
13.07.2024 v 22:25 (Disney Channel)
14.07.2024 v 05:40 (Disney Channel)

I Now Pronounce You Dog and Cat. It’s movie night! Mrs. M screens her old wedding video for her pets...

I Now Pronounce You Dog and Cat. It’s movie night! Mrs. M screens her old wedding video for her pets. As she steps away, the pets get in one of their usual fights and destroy the videotape. Bentley and Taffy team up to make the movie again not to upset their beloved Mrs Muchmore.

TV program: Taffy