
TV Program - Neděle 20. června

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Cartoon+TCM Cartoon+TCM
Craig od potoka

Další díl/opakování:
02.01.2022 v 06:50 (Cartoon+TCM)
03.01.2022 v 06:50 (Cartoon+TCM)
04.01.2022 v 06:50 (Cartoon+TCM)
05.01.2022 v 06:50 (Cartoon+TCM)
06.01.2022 v 06:50 (Cartoon+TCM)
07.01.2022 v 06:50 (Cartoon+TCM)
08.01.2022 v 06:50 (Cartoon+TCM)
09.01.2022 v 06:50 (Cartoon+TCM)

Seriál Craig od potoka pojednává o Craigovi a jeho dvou nejlepších kamarádech, Kelsey a JP. Děti se ...

Seriál Craig od potoka pojednává o Craigovi a jeho dvou nejlepších kamarádech, Kelsey a JP. Děti se vydávají na různá dobrodružství do nepokořené předměstské divočiny, která se rozléhá kolem místního potoka. V této dětské utopii různé dětské kmeny vládnou pevnostem či cyklo rampám a vytvářejí osobitou dětskou společnost.

TV program: Craig od potoka (Craig of the Creek)
Craig od potoka

Další díl/opakování:
02.01.2022 v 06:50 (Cartoon+TCM)
03.01.2022 v 06:50 (Cartoon+TCM)
04.01.2022 v 06:50 (Cartoon+TCM)
05.01.2022 v 06:50 (Cartoon+TCM)
06.01.2022 v 06:50 (Cartoon+TCM)
07.01.2022 v 06:50 (Cartoon+TCM)
08.01.2022 v 06:50 (Cartoon+TCM)
09.01.2022 v 06:50 (Cartoon+TCM)

V tónině potoka. Craig musí kvůli dešti zůstat doma, a tak si pomocí hraček a představivosti vytvoří...

V tónině potoka. Craig musí kvůli dešti zůstat doma, a tak si pomocí hraček a představivosti vytvoří vlastní dobrodružství v prvním hudebním díle Craiga od potoka!

TV program: Craig od potoka (Craig of the Creek)
Bakugan II
Haavik přichází. V Los Volmos přistane zákeřný mimozemský měňavec! A navíc má sebou skupinu mechanoi...

Haavik přichází. V Los Volmos přistane zákeřný mimozemský měňavec! A navíc má sebou skupinu mechanoidů, kteří mu pomáhají získat moc. Mezitím Dan přijal nabídku boje od dvou bojovníků, Chada a Treye.

TV program: Bakugan (Bakugan Battle Brawlers)
Bakugan II
Spojení frakcí. Chad a Trey jsou poníženi po poslední prohře, a proto vyzývají Dana na odvetu. Tento...

Spojení frakcí. Chad a Trey jsou poníženi po poslední prohře, a proto vyzývají Dana na odvetu. Tentokrát mají pár triků v rukávu a menší pomoc.

TV program: Bakugan (Bakugan Battle Brawlers)
Angelovy patálie

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 21:00 (Cartoon+TCM)
04.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
05.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
06.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
07.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
08.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
09.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
10.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)

Zaměstnanec měsíce. Angelo se stává brigádníkem v zábavním parku. Ale jeho vysněná práce není tak sk...

Zaměstnanec měsíce. Angelo se stává brigádníkem v zábavním parku. Ale jeho vysněná práce není tak skvělá jak se zdálo protože musí doopravdy… pracovat!

TV program: Angelovy patálie (Angelo Rules)
Angelovy patálie

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 21:00 (Cartoon+TCM)
04.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
05.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
06.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
07.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
08.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
09.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
10.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)

Figurky. Slečna Perla změní poškolu v kroužek pracovní terapie kde Angelo vyrábí skvělé sošky s velk...

Figurky. Slečna Perla změní poškolu v kroužek pracovní terapie kde Angelo vyrábí skvělé sošky s velkou hlavou ze kterých se stane ve škole hit. Výsledek: Angelo se dostává záměrně do problémů aby mohl zůstat po škole.

TV program: Angelovy patálie (Angelo Rules)
Angelovy patálie

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 21:00 (Cartoon+TCM)
04.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
05.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
06.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
07.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
08.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
09.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
10.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)

Tajný recept. Když Cathy zdraží svůj proslulý dortík Brooklynská bomba vydá se Lola v utajení hledat...

Tajný recept. Když Cathy zdraží svůj proslulý dortík Brooklynská bomba vydá se Lola v utajení hledat její tajný recept. Angelo a ostatní zjišťují že tajné recepty mohou mít někdy víc než jedno tajemství.

TV program: Angelovy patálie (Angelo Rules)
Angelovy patálie

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 21:00 (Cartoon+TCM)
04.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
05.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
06.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
07.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
08.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
09.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
10.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)

Angelo versus test. Angelo sděluje své tipy a triky jak profesionálně prokrastinovat místo učení se ...

Angelo versus test. Angelo sděluje své tipy a triky jak profesionálně prokrastinovat místo učení se na test. A jeho hlavním plánem je plýtvat časem při stavění helmy na čtení myšlenek!

TV program: Angelovy patálie (Angelo Rules)
Angelovy patálie

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 21:00 (Cartoon+TCM)
04.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
05.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
06.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
07.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
08.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
09.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
10.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)

Co teď? Díky své chytrosti a vytrvalosti Angelo vždy dostane co chce. Bude to takhle v životě vždy? ...

Co teď? Díky své chytrosti a vytrvalosti Angelo vždy dostane co chce. Bude to takhle v životě vždy? Angelo má existenciální krizi.

TV program: Angelovy patálie (Angelo Rules)
Angelovy patálie

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 21:00 (Cartoon+TCM)
04.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
05.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
06.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
07.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
08.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
09.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
10.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)

Dpmácí vězení. Elena a Angelo mají domácí vězení za to že se hádali. Musejí tak odložit své spory a ...

Dpmácí vězení. Elena a Angelo mají domácí vězení za to že se hádali. Musejí tak odložit své spory a spolupracovat aby utekli.

TV program: Angelovy patálie (Angelo Rules)
Angelovy patálie

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 21:00 (Cartoon+TCM)
04.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
05.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
06.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
07.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
08.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
09.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
10.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)

Holubi. Lola má strach z holubů. Doktor Angelo a doktor Sherwood ji z toho chtějí vyléčit.
TV program: Angelovy patálie (Angelo Rules)
Angelovy patálie

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 21:00 (Cartoon+TCM)
04.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
05.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
06.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
07.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
08.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
09.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
10.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)

Nejlepší sestra na světě. Na počest své starší sestry nabízejí Slinťáci vstupenky zdarma pro toho kd...

Nejlepší sestra na světě. Na počest své starší sestry nabízejí Slinťáci vstupenky zdarma pro toho kdo natočí nejlepší film o své starší sestře. Angelo je rozhodnutý vyhrát ale má jeden menší problém - Elena ho nemůže vystát.

TV program: Angelovy patálie (Angelo Rules)
Power Players
Zachraňte vojína Maska. Masko si vezme k srdci Axelovo přáni, aby byl disciplinovanější a během voje...

Zachraňte vojína Maska. Masko si vezme k srdci Axelovo přáni, aby byl disciplinovanější a během vojenského výcviku přijde o vlastní identitu. Stává se pouhým vojákem, který tupě poslouchá rozkazy, a který je rozhodnut, že sám porazí Madcapa!

TV program: Power Players
Power Players
S jinou hlavou. Axel musí pomoci Seržovi a Bobbie, naučit se bojovat jako ten druhý, protože jim Luk...

S jinou hlavou. Axel musí pomoci Seržovi a Bobbie, naučit se bojovat jako ten druhý, protože jim Luka nevědomky prohodil hlavy!

TV program: Power Players
Power Players
V temnotě. Axel musí pomoci Baribarovi překonat jeho tajný strach ze tmy, aby mu Dynamo neukradl jeh...

V temnotě. Axel musí pomoci Baribarovi překonat jeho tajný strach ze tmy, aby mu Dynamo neukradl jeho nově vytuněné vozítko.

TV program: Power Players
Power Players
Ze stoky. Axel se snaží hlídat Luku a při tom ubránit dům před nejnovější příšerou doktora Nautila, ...

Ze stoky. Axel se snaží hlídat Luku a při tom ubránit dům před nejnovější příšerou doktora Nautila, což jsou chapadla, která utočí z každé vodovodní trubky a odpadu v domě!

TV program: Power Players
Gumballův úžasný svět

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 13:40 (Cartoon+TCM)
04.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
05.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
06.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
07.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
08.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
09.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
10.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)

Vědomosti. Gumball a Darwin se snaží myslet víc zeleně a jejich školu v důsledku toho zaplaví popína...

Vědomosti. Gumball a Darwin se snaží myslet víc zeleně a jejich školu v důsledku toho zaplaví popínavé rostliny.

TV program: Gumballův úžasný svět (The Amazing World of Gumball)
Looney Tunes Cartoons
Siberian Sam / Hole Gag: Fishing Pole /… When Yosemite Sam loses his warm hat while dogsledding thro...

Siberian Sam / Hole Gag: Fishing Pole /… When Yosemite Sam loses his warm hat while dogsledding through frozen Siberia, he meets Bugs Bunny and decides he would make a great replacement hat. / In the third of a series of shorts, Elmer Fudd tries to catch Bugs Bunny, but Bugs dives into his rabbit hole. However, each time Elmer tries to extract Bugs from the hole, something new and unexpected happens. / Ralph the Wolf tries to trick Sam the Sheep Dog in order to steal some sheep. / In the third of a series of shorts, Marvin the Martian lands on a new planet and plants his flag, claiming the planet "in the name of Mars." However, each time Marvin plants the flag, something new and unexpected happens.

TV program: Looney Tunes: Animáky (Looney Tunes Cartoons)
Looney Tunes Cartoons
Grilled Rabbit / Cactus if You Can /… When Elmer's carrots are stolen, he interrogates his prime sus...

Grilled Rabbit / Cactus if You Can /… When Elmer's carrots are stolen, he interrogates his prime suspect: Bugs Bunny. / Wile E. Coyote tries to catch the Road Runner using a Super Suck machine (aka a vacuum). / When neighbors Porky and Daffy try to shower at the same time, they fight over hot water…and everything else.

TV program: Looney Tunes: Animáky (Looney Tunes Cartoons)
New Looney Tunes

Další díl/opakování:
04.11.2023 v 07:05 (NOVA)
05.11.2023 v 07:05 (NOVA)
11.11.2023 v 07:05 (NOVA)

Houston We Have a Duck Problem. Astronaut Porky is assigned to place a transmitter on Mars but gets ...

Houston We Have a Duck Problem. Astronaut Porky is assigned to place a transmitter on Mars but gets more than he bargains for when Daffy tags along.

TV program: Looney Tunes: Nové příběhy (Wabbit: A Looney Tunes Production)
New Looney Tunes

Další díl/opakování:
04.11.2023 v 07:05 (NOVA)
05.11.2023 v 07:05 (NOVA)
11.11.2023 v 07:05 (NOVA)

10-4 Good Bunny. Bugs and Squeaks are hauling a piano in a cross-country road trip when they are sid...

10-4 Good Bunny. Bugs and Squeaks are hauling a piano in a cross-country road trip when they are sidetracked by corrupt sheriff Yosemite Sam.

TV program: Looney Tunes: Nové příběhy (Wabbit: A Looney Tunes Production)
New Looney Tunes

Další díl/opakování:
04.11.2023 v 07:05 (NOVA)
05.11.2023 v 07:05 (NOVA)
11.11.2023 v 07:05 (NOVA)

Gold Medal Wabbit. Bugs unintentionally crashes the World Games and is forced to go up against an ov...

Gold Medal Wabbit. Bugs unintentionally crashes the World Games and is forced to go up against an overconfident Calzone.

TV program: Looney Tunes: Nové příběhy (Wabbit: A Looney Tunes Production)
New Looney Tunes

Další díl/opakování:
04.11.2023 v 07:05 (NOVA)
05.11.2023 v 07:05 (NOVA)
11.11.2023 v 07:05 (NOVA)

Cyrano de Bugs. When Leslie P. Lillylegs tries to woo rich widow Granny and steal her money Bugs dec...

Cyrano de Bugs. When Leslie P. Lillylegs tries to woo rich widow Granny and steal her money Bugs decides to foil his plan by giving him terrible romantic advice.

TV program: Looney Tunes: Nové příběhy (Wabbit: A Looney Tunes Production)

Další díl/opakování:
03.08.2024 v 22:20 (Disney Channel)
04.08.2024 v 05:40 (Disney Channel)
05.08.2024 v 05:40 (Disney Channel)

Showtime. Mrs. M is feeling quite inferior. All her friends' cats have won so many awards at cat sho...

Showtime. Mrs. M is feeling quite inferior. All her friends' cats have won so many awards at cat shows. She's got to win a trophy! So she registers Taffy in the biggest cat show, and decides to have Binikos train the cat.

TV program: Taffy

Další díl/opakování:
03.08.2024 v 22:20 (Disney Channel)
04.08.2024 v 05:40 (Disney Channel)
05.08.2024 v 05:40 (Disney Channel)

Old Home Reek. After inhaling a huge gourmet feast, Taffy feels nostalgia for his former home - the ...

Old Home Reek. After inhaling a huge gourmet feast, Taffy feels nostalgia for his former home - the dump. He goes back to throw a party, where he acts like the raccoon that he is! Mish and Mash are flabbergasted by the return of their pal as he rummages through the old neighborhood. Bentley knows if he can catch Taffy in the act of being himself he can get the deceptive raccoon out of Muchmore Manor for good.

TV program: Taffy

Další díl/opakování:
03.08.2024 v 22:20 (Disney Channel)
04.08.2024 v 05:40 (Disney Channel)
05.08.2024 v 05:40 (Disney Channel)

Factory Flaw. Mrs. Muchmore went against a counterfeit that she returned immediately. Bentley arrang...

Factory Flaw. Mrs. Muchmore went against a counterfeit that she returned immediately. Bentley arranges for Taffy to be part of the trip and get rid of the squatter. But in a hurry, the photo of Uncle Oswald also falls in the parcel: Mrs. Millesous would die if something happened to this picture! Bentley rushes after the package, to the factory, to return to the previous page.

TV program: Taffy

Další díl/opakování:
03.08.2024 v 22:20 (Disney Channel)
04.08.2024 v 05:40 (Disney Channel)
05.08.2024 v 05:40 (Disney Channel)

Robo House. Mrs. Muchmore has equipped her home with a defense system. During his sleep, Taffy and B...

Robo House. Mrs. Muchmore has equipped her home with a defense system. During his sleep, Taffy and Bentley use it against each other, in an escalation of traps and explosions. They end up triggering the self-destruction of the mansion, and need a Mrs. Muchmore deeply asleep to stop everything.

TV program: Taffy

Další díl/opakování:
03.08.2024 v 22:20 (Disney Channel)
04.08.2024 v 05:40 (Disney Channel)
05.08.2024 v 05:40 (Disney Channel)

Whisperer to a Scream. Forsythe, fed up with cleaning up all the Taffy-Bentley destruction, urges Mr...

Whisperer to a Scream. Forsythe, fed up with cleaning up all the Taffy-Bentley destruction, urges Mrs. M to bring in a "pet whisperer" to improve their behaviour. Mrs. M tells Forsythe not to worry, she has someone in mind. Taffy and Bentley independently overhear this and both fear the worst. If Bentley doesn't perform he'll be sent to the prison-esque "obedience school" Forsythe's always threatening him with. Taffy fears exposure as a raccoon once and for all. When a stranger arrives at the door they both immediately start competing at who can be the most well behaved pet.

TV program: Taffy

Další díl/opakování:
03.08.2024 v 22:20 (Disney Channel)
04.08.2024 v 05:40 (Disney Channel)
05.08.2024 v 05:40 (Disney Channel)

Bentley Of The Jungle. Bentley gets a huge bang on his head and when he wakes up... Doesn't know who...

Bentley Of The Jungle. Bentley gets a huge bang on his head and when he wakes up... Doesn't know who he is anymore! After thinking of another sneaky trap, Taffy realises it's the occasion to get rid of Bentley once and for all. Bentley thinks he's a racoon and should be living with his family and friends in the wild nature. His place isn't at the manor. Proud of his racoon nature, Bentley goes on a quest to find his siblings and Taffy can now enjoy the dream life at the Manor.

TV program: Taffy

Další díl/opakování:
03.08.2024 v 22:20 (Disney Channel)
04.08.2024 v 05:40 (Disney Channel)
05.08.2024 v 05:40 (Disney Channel)

Out Of The Woods. Mrs. M takes the family to a beautiful retreat in a pristine forest -- but they so...

Out Of The Woods. Mrs. M takes the family to a beautiful retreat in a pristine forest -- but they soon find themselves lost in the woods. When all their food falls into a ravine, neither Bikinos's tough guy antics nor Forsyth's meticulous reconstruction of their path to perdition are of any help. Only taffy's hidden raccoon skills will be their salvation. Can he rescue them all without blowing his cover?

TV program: Taffy
Grizzy and the Lemmings
Inspector Grizzy. A van pulls up to the ranger's cabin to deliver a full crate of jars of chocolate ...

Inspector Grizzy. A van pulls up to the ranger's cabin to deliver a full crate of jars of chocolate spread. While Grizzy and the Lemmings fight over a wrecking bar to open it, someone steals the crate. Grizzy and the Lemmings will have to carry out an investigation to find the trail of their treasure.

TV program: Méďa a lumíci (Grizzy et les Lemmings)
Grizzy and the Lemmings
No Entrance! Like usual, Grizzy picks the door of the Ranger's log cabin to come in and make himself...

No Entrance! Like usual, Grizzy picks the door of the Ranger's log cabin to come in and make himself comfortable, but this time it's impossible to enter! The Lemmings have requisitioned the cabin for a party and barricaded themselves inside. Grizzy has no intention of waiting for an invitation to find a way to get in.

TV program: Méďa a lumíci (Grizzy et les Lemmings)
Grizzy and the Lemmings
Lemmings Indigestion. The Lemmings have got their hands on a pack of white beans which have very str...

Lemmings Indigestion. The Lemmings have got their hands on a pack of white beans which have very strange properties: when mixed with soda, anyone who eats them turns into a bouncing ball. Grizzy realizes that if he wants to take a nap, he must first get rid of the magic beans.

TV program: Méďa a lumíci (Grizzy et les Lemmings)
Grizzy and the Lemmings
Sonata in Bear Major. Grizzy wants to get rid of the old piano in the garage at any cost, for the Le...

Sonata in Bear Major. Grizzy wants to get rid of the old piano in the garage at any cost, for the Lemmings love using it to make a dissonant racket. But when he happens to notice that the she-bear he's in love with likes the melody of "Für Elise," he decides to learn the piece like a real pro.

TV program: Méďa a lumíci (Grizzy et les Lemmings)
Grizzy and the Lemmings
Bear Fractions. The Lemmings inherit a crate that fell off a Canadian army convoy transporting ultra...

Bear Fractions. The Lemmings inherit a crate that fell off a Canadian army convoy transporting ultra-secret material. The case inside the crate emits a sort of laser beam that divides objects into multiple miniaturized versions of themselves. What if the Lemmings had to deal with lots of mini-Grizzys rather than just one big one?

TV program: Méďa a lumíci (Grizzy et les Lemmings)
Grizzy and the Lemmings
The Bear That Laid Golden Eggs. Near the supermarket, a machine hands out surprise eggs in exchange ...

The Bear That Laid Golden Eggs. Near the supermarket, a machine hands out surprise eggs in exchange for a coin. Amongst the lots to be won, there is a super firework rocket that makes the Lemmings dream, and a piece of costume jewelry that Grizzy imagines himself giving to his lady-love.

TV program: Méďa a lumíci (Grizzy et les Lemmings)
Grizzy and the Lemmings
Crash Training Course. At the Ranger's home, Grizzy finds a high-tech gadget that enables you to lea...

Crash Training Course. At the Ranger's home, Grizzy finds a high-tech gadget that enables you to learn anything at all - sewing, origami, Kung Fu, etc. - within only seconds thank to electrodes hooked to the brain. He can now become the perfect bear! But first, he first needs a program to learn how to get rid of the Lemmings.

TV program: Méďa a lumíci (Grizzy et les Lemmings)
Mr Magoo

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
04.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
05.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
06.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
07.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
08.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
09.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
10.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)

The Nanogamba Tribe. When Fizz and Weasel shoot an ad for their special new fragrance “Fizz Scent” F...

The Nanogamba Tribe. When Fizz and Weasel shoot an ad for their special new fragrance “Fizz Scent” Fizz falls into the sewers only to bump into Magoo who thinks he’s exploring the jungle. The latter mistakes Fizz for a lost child of the Nanoshrimp tribe.

TV program: Pan Magoo (Mr Magoo)
Mr Magoo

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
04.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
05.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
06.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
07.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
08.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
09.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
10.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)

Kung Fizz. Fizz and Weasel are after the president’s jokebook! But Magoo thinking he’s in his dojo e...

Kung Fizz. Fizz and Weasel are after the president’s jokebook! But Magoo thinking he’s in his dojo enters the high-security unit where it’s kept. When he mistakes Fizz for his kung-fu master assessing his level he accidentally helps Fizz get the book.

TV program: Pan Magoo (Mr Magoo)
Mr Magoo

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
04.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
05.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
06.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
07.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
08.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
09.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
10.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)

The Prophecy of the Goldensand's Dragon. Fizz is at the beach trying to build the most beautiful san...

The Prophecy of the Goldensand's Dragon. Fizz is at the beach trying to build the most beautiful sandcastle in history. Magoo thinks he is in the legendary land of Muddle Earth, where they are preparing to thwart an attack by an evil enemy riding a dragon. In reality, it's just the AeroFizz.

TV program: Pan Magoo (Mr Magoo)
Mr Magoo

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
04.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
05.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
06.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
07.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
08.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
09.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
10.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)

Hornets Attack! Volunteer firefighter Magoo patrols the park. Fizz and Weasel perched on a fake clou...

Hornets Attack! Volunteer firefighter Magoo patrols the park. Fizz and Weasel perched on a fake cloud like two Cupids shoot people with arrows to make them fall in love with Fizz. But Magoo mistakes them for a giant hornet attacking the park-goers.

TV program: Pan Magoo (Mr Magoo)
Mr Magoo

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
04.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
05.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
06.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
07.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
08.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
09.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
10.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)

Star Man. Fizz rehearses a dance number that’ll make him the world’s greatest star. But when Weasel ...

Star Man. Fizz rehearses a dance number that’ll make him the world’s greatest star. But when Weasel catapults him next door onto the roof Magoo thinks he’s a stray alien. Weasel comes to save Fizz leading Magoo to think he is up against an evil scientist.

TV program: Pan Magoo (Mr Magoo)
Mr Magoo

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
04.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
05.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
06.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
07.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
08.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
09.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
10.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)

The Last Oak Tree Standing. Fizz and Weasel have set up their super-antenna in the middle of the des...

The Last Oak Tree Standing. Fizz and Weasel have set up their super-antenna in the middle of the desert. Magoo thinking he’s walking in the forest ends up beside them. He mistakes the antenna for the forest’s last oak tree and Weasel for a lumberjack ready to cut it down.

TV program: Pan Magoo (Mr Magoo)
Gumballův úžasný svět

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 13:40 (Cartoon+TCM)
04.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
05.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
06.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
07.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
08.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
09.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
10.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)

Rodiče. Nicole se usmíří se svými rodiči.
TV program: Gumballův úžasný svět (The Amazing World of Gumball)
Gumballův úžasný svět

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 13:40 (Cartoon+TCM)
04.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
05.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
06.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
07.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
08.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
09.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
10.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)

Zakladatel. Táta způsobí zmatek v budově firmy Chanax, kde si ho spletou s místním ředitelem. Máma a...

Zakladatel. Táta způsobí zmatek v budově firmy Chanax, kde si ho spletou s místním ředitelem. Máma a nespokojení zaměstnanci pak musí všechny zachránit před Richardovými nebezpečnými nápady.

TV program: Gumballův úžasný svět (The Amazing World of Gumball)
Gumballův úžasný svět

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 13:40 (Cartoon+TCM)
04.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
05.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
06.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
07.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
08.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
09.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
10.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)

Školení. Gumball a Darwin se na 5 minut ujmou Larryho práce a zjistí, jak je náročná.
TV program: Gumballův úžasný svět (The Amazing World of Gumball)
Gumballův úžasný svět

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 13:40 (Cartoon+TCM)
04.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
05.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
06.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
07.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
08.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
09.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
10.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)

Inteligence. Technika získá lidskou inteligenci, jenomže pak začne napodobovat lidské nedostatky a z...

Inteligence. Technika získá lidskou inteligenci, jenomže pak začne napodobovat lidské nedostatky a začne být nefunkční.

TV program: Gumballův úžasný svět (The Amazing World of Gumball)
Gumballův úžasný svět

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 13:40 (Cartoon+TCM)
04.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
05.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
06.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
07.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
08.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
09.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
10.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)

Lektvar. Hektor je nešťastný ze svojí výšky, a tak kluci použijí jeden z lektvarů paní Jotunheimové,...

Lektvar. Hektor je nešťastný ze svojí výšky, a tak kluci použijí jeden z lektvarů paní Jotunheimové, aby ho zmenšili, jenomže to dopadne katastrofálně.

TV program: Gumballův úžasný svět (The Amazing World of Gumball)
Angelovy patálie

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 21:00 (Cartoon+TCM)
04.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
05.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
06.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
07.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
08.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
09.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
10.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)

Netvor za dveřmi. Když Angelo zničí Burstovi jeviště musí za trest hrát v jeho neobvyklé umělecké hř...

Netvor za dveřmi. Když Angelo zničí Burstovi jeviště musí za trest hrát v jeho neobvyklé umělecké hře. Se Sherwoodovou a Lolinou pomocí v zákulisí navede Angelo hru úplně novým směrem.

TV program: Angelovy patálie (Angelo Rules)
Angelovy patálie

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 21:00 (Cartoon+TCM)
04.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
05.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
06.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
07.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
08.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
09.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
10.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)

Jako ve videohře. Když omylem rozbijí okno musí Angelo s přáteli udělat na oplátku spoustu pomocných...

Jako ve videohře. Když omylem rozbijí okno musí Angelo s přáteli udělat na oplátku spoustu pomocných prací pro městské centrum. Ale nevadí to protože Angelo chce udělat všechnu práci jako ve videohrách.

TV program: Angelovy patálie (Angelo Rules)
Angelovy patálie

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 21:00 (Cartoon+TCM)
04.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
05.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
06.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
07.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
08.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
09.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
10.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)

Hloupý telefon. Aby přesvědčil rodiče aby mu koupili telefon musí Angelo udělat ze své sestry závisl...

Hloupý telefon. Aby přesvědčil rodiče aby mu koupili telefon musí Angelo udělat ze své sestry závislé na textovkách vzornou uživatelku chytrého telefonu.

TV program: Angelovy patálie (Angelo Rules)
Angelovy patálie

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 21:00 (Cartoon+TCM)
04.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
05.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
06.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
07.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
08.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
09.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
10.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)

Král psaných vzkazů. Když pan Foot zabaví ve škole veškerou elektroniku musejí to Angelo s ostatními...

Král psaných vzkazů. Když pan Foot zabaví ve škole veškerou elektroniku musejí to Angelo s ostatními udělat postaru a ke komunikaci používat psané vzkazy.

TV program: Angelovy patálie (Angelo Rules)
Angelovy patálie

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 21:00 (Cartoon+TCM)
04.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
05.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
06.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
07.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
08.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
09.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
10.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)

Rockový táta. Sny se plní a Angelo s kamarády udělají z Angelova táty rockovou hvězdu.
TV program: Angelovy patálie (Angelo Rules)
Angelovy patálie

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 21:00 (Cartoon+TCM)
04.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
05.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
06.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
07.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
08.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
09.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
10.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)

Školní rada. Angelo se snaží diskrétně uklidit plesnivý sendvič plný mravenců který měl schovaný v p...

Školní rada. Angelo se snaží diskrétně uklidit plesnivý sendvič plný mravenců který měl schovaný v pokoji… aniž by ho někdo přistihl.

TV program: Angelovy patálie (Angelo Rules)
Angelovy patálie

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 21:00 (Cartoon+TCM)
04.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
05.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
06.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
07.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
08.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
09.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
10.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)

Přespání. Angelo sděluje své tipy a triky jak uspořádat nejlepší přespání na světě. Celý večer ale z...

Přespání. Angelo sděluje své tipy a triky jak uspořádat nejlepší přespání na světě. Celý večer ale zničí jeden telefonický vtípek.

TV program: Angelovy patálie (Angelo Rules)
Angelovy patálie

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 21:00 (Cartoon+TCM)
04.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
05.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
06.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
07.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
08.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
09.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
10.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)

Falešný kaskadér. Angelo se hloupě chlubí že jeho táta býval kaskadérem. A další den je táta pozvaný...

Falešný kaskadér. Angelo se hloupě chlubí že jeho táta býval kaskadérem. A další den je táta pozvaný do školy aby vyprávěl Angelově třídě o své práci. Jej!

TV program: Angelovy patálie (Angelo Rules)
Power Players
Zachraňte vojína Maska. Masko si vezme k srdci Axelovo přáni, aby byl disciplinovanější a během voje...

Zachraňte vojína Maska. Masko si vezme k srdci Axelovo přáni, aby byl disciplinovanější a během vojenského výcviku přijde o vlastní identitu. Stává se pouhým vojákem, který tupě poslouchá rozkazy, a který je rozhodnut, že sám porazí Madcapa!

TV program: Power Players
Power Players
S jinou hlavou. Axel musí pomoci Seržovi a Bobbie, naučit se bojovat jako ten druhý, protože jim Luk...

S jinou hlavou. Axel musí pomoci Seržovi a Bobbie, naučit se bojovat jako ten druhý, protože jim Luka nevědomky prohodil hlavy!

TV program: Power Players
Power Players
V temnotě. Axel musí pomoci Baribarovi překonat jeho tajný strach ze tmy, aby mu Dynamo neukradl jeh...

V temnotě. Axel musí pomoci Baribarovi překonat jeho tajný strach ze tmy, aby mu Dynamo neukradl jeho nově vytuněné vozítko.

TV program: Power Players
Power Players
Ze stoky. Axel se snaží hlídat Luku a při tom ubránit dům před nejnovější příšerou doktora Nautila, ...

Ze stoky. Axel se snaží hlídat Luku a při tom ubránit dům před nejnovější příšerou doktora Nautila, což jsou chapadla, která utočí z každé vodovodní trubky a odpadu v domě!

TV program: Power Players
Gumballův úžasný svět

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 13:40 (Cartoon+TCM)
04.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
05.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
06.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
07.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
08.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
09.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
10.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)

Šéf. Gumball s Darwinem pomáhají Rockymu získat kancelářskou práci aby si vydobyl přízeň svého otce....

Šéf. Gumball s Darwinem pomáhají Rockymu získat kancelářskou práci aby si vydobyl přízeň svého otce. Korporace Chanax však skrývá temné tajemství.

TV program: Gumballův úžasný svět (The Amazing World of Gumball)
Gumballův úžasný svět

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 13:40 (Cartoon+TCM)
04.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
05.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
06.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
07.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
08.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
09.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
10.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)

Hmat. Gumball a Darwin si předsevzali že odnaučí Claytona lhát. O svém tajném kungfu hmatu ale Clayt...

Hmat. Gumball a Darwin si předsevzali že odnaučí Claytona lhát. O svém tajném kungfu hmatu ale Clayton nelhal a najednou je třeba řešit úplně jiný problém.

TV program: Gumballův úžasný svět (The Amazing World of Gumball)
Gumballův úžasný svět

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 13:40 (Cartoon+TCM)
04.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
05.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
06.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
07.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
08.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
09.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
10.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)

Zákon. Šerif Kobliha přistihne Gumballa s Darwinem při přecházení na červenou a rozhodne se je za ka...

Zákon. Šerif Kobliha přistihne Gumballa s Darwinem při přecházení na červenou a rozhodne se je za každou cenu přesvědčit že být policistou je super.

TV program: Gumballův úžasný svět (The Amazing World of Gumball)
Gumballův úžasný svět

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 13:40 (Cartoon+TCM)
04.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
05.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
06.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
07.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
08.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
09.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
10.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)

Alergie. Po polštářové bitvě u Darwina propukne silná alergie. Zatímco s Gumballem zjišťuje co ji zp...

Alergie. Po polštářové bitvě u Darwina propukne silná alergie. Zatímco s Gumballem zjišťuje co ji způsobilo začíná být nebezpečný svému okolí.

TV program: Gumballův úžasný svět (The Amazing World of Gumball)
Gumballův úžasný svět

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 13:40 (Cartoon+TCM)
04.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
05.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
06.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
07.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
08.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
09.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
10.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)

Matky. Na svátek matek Gumball se spolužáky podrobí své mámy zkoušce aby zjistili která z nich je ta...

Matky. Na svátek matek Gumball se spolužáky podrobí své mámy zkoušce aby zjistili která z nich je ta nejlepší na světě.

TV program: Gumballův úžasný svět (The Amazing World of Gumball)
Gumballův úžasný svět

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 13:40 (Cartoon+TCM)
04.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
05.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
06.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
07.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
08.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
09.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
10.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)

Heslo. Když Gumball a Darwin zjistí že je Anais tátovo nejoblíbenější dítě udělají všechno aby ji o ...

Heslo. Když Gumball a Darwin zjistí že je Anais tátovo nejoblíbenější dítě udělají všechno aby ji o tuto pozici připravili.

TV program: Gumballův úžasný svět (The Amazing World of Gumball)
Gumballův úžasný svět

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 13:40 (Cartoon+TCM)
04.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
05.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
06.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
07.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
08.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
09.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
10.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)

Prokrastinátoři. Gumball s Darwinem mají za úkol vynést odpadky do pěti hodin a hledají všechny mysl...

Prokrastinátoři. Gumball s Darwinem mají za úkol vynést odpadky do pěti hodin a hledají všechny myslitelné způsoby prokrastinace.

TV program: Gumballův úžasný svět (The Amazing World of Gumball)
Gumballův úžasný svět

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 13:40 (Cartoon+TCM)
04.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
05.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
06.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
07.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
08.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
09.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
10.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)

Skořápka. Gumball nechtěně rozbije Pennyinu skořápku a spatří její skutečné já. Zbývá přesvědčit Pen...

Skořápka. Gumball nechtěně rozbije Pennyinu skořápku a spatří její skutečné já. Zbývá přesvědčit Penny že její pravé já je úžasné.

TV program: Gumballův úžasný svět (The Amazing World of Gumball)
Gumballův úžasný svět

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 13:40 (Cartoon+TCM)
04.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
05.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
06.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
07.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
08.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
09.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
10.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)

Zrcadlo. Gumball obdrží děsivý e-mail od strašlivého ducha a rozhodne se ho ignorovat navzdory Darwi...

Zrcadlo. Gumball obdrží děsivý e-mail od strašlivého ducha a rozhodne se ho ignorovat navzdory Darwinově radě. Odmítá to přiznat ale prokletí se stane skutečností a celou rodinu to vtáhne do jiné dimenze. Gumball a Darwin s pomocí Carrie ale rodinu zachrání.

TV program: Gumballův úžasný svět (The Amazing World of Gumball)
Mighty Mike

Další díl/opakování:
30.09.2021 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
01.10.2021 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)

Robot-attack. Mike gets a stroke of artistic inspiration and decides to sculpt a life-sized statue o...

Robot-attack. Mike gets a stroke of artistic inspiration and decides to sculpt a life-sized statue of Iris. Meanwhile the raccoons decide they need to steal Tom’s robot from the house so they can effortlessly transport their future stolen loot back to their lair. A confrontation is inevitable so Mike turns his sculpting skills to build himself a suit of armor so he can defend he territory and retrieve Tom’s robot.

TV program: Všemocný Mike (Mighty Mike)
Mighty Mike

Další díl/opakování:
30.09.2021 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
01.10.2021 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)

Private Eye Mike. Stephan has lost his keys again but he doesn't think Mike is the right dog for the...

Private Eye Mike. Stephan has lost his keys again but he doesn't think Mike is the right dog for the job to find them. Mike sets out to prove his owner wrong, sparking an investigation worthy of an episode of CSI. As the clues pile up, the raccoons look like the most likely suspects. Elementary my dear Mike? Not at all.

TV program: Všemocný Mike (Mighty Mike)
Mighty Mike

Další díl/opakování:
30.09.2021 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
01.10.2021 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)

Chickie's Return. Mike’s worst nightmare comes true when Louise digs out her old toy Chiky from her ...

Chickie's Return. Mike’s worst nightmare comes true when Louise digs out her old toy Chiky from her trunk. Chiky is a horrifying squeaky toy that used to haunt Mike’s dreams when he was a pup. Mike can’t bear to be anywhere near it and the raccoons discover the perfect solution to keep Mike out of their way. Mike’s going to have to use his other senses if he has any chance of overcoming hsi fear and defeating the raccoons.

TV program: Všemocný Mike (Mighty Mike)
Mighty Mike

Další díl/opakování:
30.09.2021 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
01.10.2021 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)

Feline A Little Racoon. Mike's yoga session is rudely interrupted when Fluffy comes to annoy him. Mi...

Feline A Little Racoon. Mike's yoga session is rudely interrupted when Fluffy comes to annoy him. Mike pushes him away and Fluffy ends up landing in a bag of charcoal. When Fluffy steps out he looks just like a baby racoon! His disguise is so good that Freddy and Mercury are both convinced he's an aspiring thief just like them. Now Mike is forced to face not just two masked thieves… but three.

TV program: Všemocný Mike (Mighty Mike)
Mighty Mike

Další díl/opakování:
30.09.2021 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
01.10.2021 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)

Electric Turtles. The turtles are struck by lightning during a storm, turning them into positively c...

Electric Turtles. The turtles are struck by lightning during a storm, turning them into positively charged projectiles zapping everything they touch and setting off all the appliances in the house. Mike gets locked outside by the raccoons who were freezing their little butts off in their lair. By the time Mike gets back inside all hell has broken loose, but Mike might have figured out how he can get rid of the raccoons and de-electrify the turtles at the same time.

TV program: Všemocný Mike (Mighty Mike)
Mighty Mike

Další díl/opakování:
30.09.2021 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
01.10.2021 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)

Rescuing Roxanne. Playing with Louise and her doll gives Mike an idea. He decides to stage a rescue ...

Rescuing Roxanne. Playing with Louise and her doll gives Mike an idea. He decides to stage a rescue mission with the doll from the roof of the Mikkelson’s house so he can be a hero and impress Iris. But as he prepares to show Iris that he’s a real-life superhero, the racoons arrive and ruin his plans. Mercury falls in love with the doll the minute he lays eyes on it while Freddy sets his sights on her sparkly tiara. Now Mike has a real rescue on his hands, all under Iris’s watchful gaze. The stakes couldn’t be higher.

TV program: Všemocný Mike (Mighty Mike)

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 12:45 (BOOMERANG)
04.01.2022 v 01:50 (BOOMERANG)
05.01.2022 v 01:50 (BOOMERANG)
06.01.2022 v 01:50 (BOOMERANG)
07.01.2022 v 01:50 (BOOMERANG)
08.01.2022 v 01:50 (BOOMERANG)
09.01.2022 v 01:50 (BOOMERANG)
10.01.2022 v 01:50 (BOOMERANG)

Sleepwalking. Specs will never learn about watching horror movies before bed. He can never sleep aft...

Sleepwalking. Specs will never learn about watching horror movies before bed. He can never sleep afterwards. He jumps at every strange noise - including the ones Skinny's making downstairs, as he blends up a smoothie IN HIS SLEEP. Skinny sleepwalks into trouble all night, and with Specs gibbering in terror, it falls to Lamput to keep the slumbering nerd out of trouble. Apparently you shouldn't wake sleepwalkers. Turning into a rubber band and flinging them at the moon? That's fine.

TV program: Lamput

Další díl/opakování:
03.08.2024 v 22:20 (Disney Channel)
04.08.2024 v 05:40 (Disney Channel)
05.08.2024 v 05:40 (Disney Channel)

A Minor Problem. Addie comes to visit her grandmother, but Mrs Muchmore has to rush off and leaves t...

A Minor Problem. Addie comes to visit her grandmother, but Mrs Muchmore has to rush off and leaves the toddler with Forsythe and the pets. To Bentley's delight, Addie seems to know that Taffy is a raccoon. Taffy tries to get rid of her before Mrs Muchmore return...

TV program: Taffy

Další díl/opakování:
03.08.2024 v 22:20 (Disney Channel)
04.08.2024 v 05:40 (Disney Channel)
05.08.2024 v 05:40 (Disney Channel)

Mrs Muchmore receives the great Mr Fuffernin for an inspection of the house. If anything goes wrong,...

Mrs Muchmore receives the great Mr Fuffernin for an inspection of the house. If anything goes wrong, Mrs Muchmore would see her reputation destroyed! But a shock to her head leaves her unable to lead the visit… Bentley and Taffy team up to save their beloved mistress reputation.

TV program: Taffy

Další díl/opakování:
03.08.2024 v 22:20 (Disney Channel)
04.08.2024 v 05:40 (Disney Channel)
05.08.2024 v 05:40 (Disney Channel)

The Highest Bidder. At a luxurious auction, Mrs. Muchmore enters a bidding war with a charming young...

The Highest Bidder. At a luxurious auction, Mrs. Muchmore enters a bidding war with a charming young man to acquire a priceless ruby brooch. She invites the young man for tea and discovers he's allergic to dogs, to Bentley's despair and Taffy's excitement!

TV program: Taffy

Další díl/opakování:
03.08.2024 v 22:20 (Disney Channel)
04.08.2024 v 05:40 (Disney Channel)
05.08.2024 v 05:40 (Disney Channel)

I Now Pronounce You Dog and Cat. It's movie night! Mrs. M screens her old wedding video for her pets...

I Now Pronounce You Dog and Cat. It's movie night! Mrs. M screens her old wedding video for her pets. As she steps away, the pets get in one of their usual fights and destroy the videotape. Bentley and Taffy team up to make the movie again not to upset their beloved Mrs Muchmore.

TV program: Taffy

Další díl/opakování:
03.08.2024 v 22:20 (Disney Channel)
04.08.2024 v 05:40 (Disney Channel)
05.08.2024 v 05:40 (Disney Channel)

Bentley'S Girlfriend. Taffy witnesses Bentley and Mrs Muchmore sobbing in front of a romance scene o...

Bentley'S Girlfriend. Taffy witnesses Bentley and Mrs Muchmore sobbing in front of a romance scene on television. What would happen to Bentley if he met his true love?

TV program: Taffy

Další díl/opakování:
03.08.2024 v 22:20 (Disney Channel)
04.08.2024 v 05:40 (Disney Channel)
05.08.2024 v 05:40 (Disney Channel)

DNA. Mrs. Muchmore wants to find out her pet's lineage so she send Taffy and Bentley's hair to be te...

DNA. Mrs. Muchmore wants to find out her pet's lineage so she send Taffy and Bentley's hair to be tested. Taffy, anxious that she finds out he's a raccoon struggles to destroy the hair before it's tested.

TV program: Taffy

Další díl/opakování:
03.08.2024 v 22:20 (Disney Channel)
04.08.2024 v 05:40 (Disney Channel)
05.08.2024 v 05:40 (Disney Channel)

Staycation. When Forsythe loads the limo up for Mrs Muchmore and the pets' vacation, Taffy and Bentl...

Staycation. When Forsythe loads the limo up for Mrs Muchmore and the pets' vacation, Taffy and Bentley get accidentally locked in the basement. The pets must use twice as much imagination to get out unharmed by the tenacious security system.

TV program: Taffy
Grizzy and the Lemmings III
Sand Lemmings. The Lemmings have fun taking potshots at sand statues depicting Grizzy. Outraged, he ...

Sand Lemmings. The Lemmings have fun taking potshots at sand statues depicting Grizzy. Outraged, he catapults them far into the distance. Grizzy takes advantage of their absence to erect a monumental sculpture of himself. But just as he takes a selfie in front of the sculpture, Grizzy realizes that the Lemmings have laid hands on… a pirate cannon!

TV program: Méďa a lumíci (Grizzy et les Lemmings)
Grizzy and the Lemmings III
Non-Peaceful Coaching. After being hit over the head, the Lemmings become hypnotized by a fitness po...

Non-Peaceful Coaching. After being hit over the head, the Lemmings become hypnotized by a fitness poster and take themselves for sports coaches. They are determined to forcefully train Grizzy, who would much rather lounge around than do push-ups and squats. But the Lemmings' new personality makes them particularly overbearing.

TV program: Méďa a lumíci (Grizzy et les Lemmings)
Grizzy and the Lemmings III
Bear In Troubled Waters. Nothing seems to be biting Grizzy's fishing rod and the bear is in despair....

Bear In Troubled Waters. Nothing seems to be biting Grizzy's fishing rod and the bear is in despair. Suddenly he spots a fabulous swordfish swimming in the lagoon. The bear is already licking his chops, when he sees the Lemmings straddling the fish in a rodeo game. From inside the cabin he uses as a mooring post, Grizzy manages to snare the swordfish and is about to pull it in, but the Lemmings are riding it toward the high seas. Each party tugs hard. And the cabin starts to slide…

TV program: Méďa a lumíci (Grizzy et les Lemmings)
Grizzy and the Lemmings III
Earthquake-Proof Bear. The Lemmings discover that several drops of Tabasco sauce poured into a rock ...

Earthquake-Proof Bear. The Lemmings discover that several drops of Tabasco sauce poured into a rock fault releases powerful sprays of steam that propel them high into the sky on a pot lid. Except that the entire volcanic island shudders each time the drops are poured. Grizzy, who has decided to take a nap in his hammock, confiscates the bottle before realizing that the Lemmings have an entire stock !

TV program: Méďa a lumíci (Grizzy et les Lemmings)
Grizzy and the Lemmings III
The Spirit Of Competition. The Lemmings have decided to organize a race with two sand yachts they fo...

The Spirit Of Competition. The Lemmings have decided to organize a race with two sand yachts they found on the beach. The only thing missing, is a worthy adversary. They put Grizzy, who was taking a nap, on one of the yachts without waking him up. And the race is off. Grizzy wakes up in shock onboard his sand yacht.

TV program: Méďa a lumíci (Grizzy et les Lemmings)
Grizzy and the Lemmings III
Outboard Cabin. While trying to avoid the Lemmings' outboard speedboat, Grizzy punctures his air mat...

Outboard Cabin. While trying to avoid the Lemmings' outboard speedboat, Grizzy punctures his air mattress and is propelled into a hidden grotto where he finds a conch decorated with Maori symbols that can control whales. Grizzy returns, proudly straddling his cetacean and chases the Lemmings from his peaceful spot. But the Lemmings' imagination is equal to the size of this potential new playmate!

TV program: Méďa a lumíci (Grizzy et les Lemmings)
Grizzy and the Lemmings III
Odd-Job Crab. Grizzy has run out of ideas to open his coconut until he sees the Lemmings' new friend...

Odd-Job Crab. Grizzy has run out of ideas to open his coconut until he sees the Lemmings' new friend the crab open one with a simple snip of the claw. He confiscates the crustacean and uses it to take the tops off his coconuts. As they fight over the crab, the characters discover a remote-control device in a secret grotto that operates a giant crab. Grizzy takes over the controls, but the Lemmings want to play with the joystick too!

TV program: Méďa a lumíci (Grizzy et les Lemmings)
Grizzy and the Lemmings III
Ordeal Of Comfort. A helicopter takes off from the beach, leaving behind installations for a TV game...

Ordeal Of Comfort. A helicopter takes off from the beach, leaving behind installations for a TV game, namely lots of food supplies – which are locked up. To access the keys and the food, participants must win team tests under the surveillance of a drone. The Lemmings are the yellow team. The red team is comprised of Grizzy, an oar, and a flabbergasted crab!

TV program: Méďa a lumíci (Grizzy et les Lemmings)
Grizzy and the Lemmings III
Lemming Fortune. When Grizzy propels the Lemmings out of the log cabin perched on the Great Wall of ...

Lemming Fortune. When Grizzy propels the Lemmings out of the log cabin perched on the Great Wall of China, the critters land on a small traditional house in a bamboo forest where they discover a box filled with fortune cookies. One Lemming gets super lucky after eating one. Armed with their magic cookies, the Lemmings set out to confront Grizzy. But each cookie represents a power… or a curse!

TV program: Méďa a lumíci (Grizzy et les Lemmings)
Mr Magoo

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
04.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
05.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
06.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
07.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
08.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
09.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
10.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)

The Golden Fizz. Fizz plans on replacing the statue from an Oscar-like award's ceremony, with a stat...

The Golden Fizz. Fizz plans on replacing the statue from an Oscar-like award's ceremony, with a statue in his effigy. But Magoo grabs it, thinking he has found a magnificent object in a home decoration store. Fizz tries to get it back, but no way Magoo found it first!

TV program: Pan Magoo (Mr Magoo)
Mr Magoo

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
04.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
05.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
06.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
07.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
08.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
09.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
10.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)

Saving the Gnomes of Astroturf. Magoo mistakes some kids at the park for gnomes in a magic forest. F...

Saving the Gnomes of Astroturf. Magoo mistakes some kids at the park for gnomes in a magic forest. Fizz uses a remote to immobilize them to win over their parents. Magoo steals this “magic scepter” that put a spell on the gnomes.

TV program: Pan Magoo (Mr Magoo)
Mr Magoo

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
04.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
05.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
06.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
07.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
08.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
09.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
10.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)

Dusk of the Cucumber. Fizz invents a cucumber that turns whoever is holding it into an object of hum...

Dusk of the Cucumber. Fizz invents a cucumber that turns whoever is holding it into an object of human worship. When Magoo sees hypnotized passers-by being drawn towards Fizz and Weasel he thinks it’s the zombie apocalypse and grabs the cucumber as a makeshift weapon.

TV program: Pan Magoo (Mr Magoo)
Mr Magoo

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
04.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
05.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
06.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
07.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
08.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
09.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
10.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)

Spinning Headlock Elbow Drop. Magoo thinks that he is auditioning for a circus troop but he is actua...

Spinning Headlock Elbow Drop. Magoo thinks that he is auditioning for a circus troop but he is actually in a professional wrestling ring in the middle of a fight against…Fizz who is decked out in a super-muscle-bound outfit ready to knock the little man out for the count.

TV program: Pan Magoo (Mr Magoo)
Mr Magoo

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
04.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
05.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
06.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
07.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
08.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
09.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
10.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)

Mega Magoo vs Dr. Fizz. Fizz controlling a robot distributes free ice cream to everyone in the city....

Mega Magoo vs Dr. Fizz. Fizz controlling a robot distributes free ice cream to everyone in the city. When Magoo mistakes him for a destructive monster he gets sprayed with ice cream; now believing he’s been given superpowers he uses them to get rid of the monster.

TV program: Pan Magoo (Mr Magoo)
Mr Magoo

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
04.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
05.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
06.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
07.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
08.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
09.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
10.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)

Ghost Hunt. Fizz has invented a machine which stops toast from landing butter-side down. Magoo payin...

Ghost Hunt. Fizz has invented a machine which stops toast from landing butter-side down. Magoo paying his neighbor a visit sees some floating toast and believes a ghost is haunting their house. He refuses to leave until the ghost has disappeared!

TV program: Pan Magoo (Mr Magoo)
Mr Magoo

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
04.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
05.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
06.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
07.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
08.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
09.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
10.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)

Love Thy Neighbour. Magoo thinks he is housesitting for Weasel while the latter is on vacation. When...

Love Thy Neighbour. Magoo thinks he is housesitting for Weasel while the latter is on vacation. When he sees him returning from the grocery store with Fizz he thinks they’re burglars. He locks himself inside the house to stop them from coming in.

TV program: Pan Magoo (Mr Magoo)
Mr Magoo

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
04.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
05.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
06.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
07.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
08.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
09.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
10.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)

Dances with Walruses. Magoo thinks he’s herding cattle through the desert but is in fact on an ice f...

Dances with Walruses. Magoo thinks he’s herding cattle through the desert but is in fact on an ice floe with walruses. He takes Fizz and Weasel for cattle rustlers when they’re just trying to put on a show with the walruses to dazzle the planet.

TV program: Pan Magoo (Mr Magoo)
Mighty Mike

Další díl/opakování:
30.09.2021 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
01.10.2021 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)

The Fourth Turtle. Mike, Iris and the turtles are playing a game of ping pong when a mysterious aged...

The Fourth Turtle. Mike, Iris and the turtles are playing a game of ping pong when a mysterious aged turtle arrives on the patio and gets hit by the ball. Mike and Iris take the poor injured turtle inside to recuperate, but all is not what it seems. The turtle is a master thief and his injury was all made up to steal a shiny Faberge egg from the Mikkelsen's house. Can Mike figure it out before it's too late?

TV program: Všemocný Mike (Mighty Mike)
Mighty Mike

Další díl/opakování:
30.09.2021 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
01.10.2021 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)

Trojan Racoons. The raccoons find a brilliant way of getting into the Mikkelsen’s house without anyo...

Trojan Racoons. The raccoons find a brilliant way of getting into the Mikkelsen’s house without anyone noticing by getting mailed to the house inside in a cardboard box. Mike falls for it and the raccoons are free to steal whatever they want in their few minutes of freedom inside the house. The racoons skedaddle back to their lair, but instead of stealing the loot, Mercury brings back an old grandfather clock that belonged to the family’s grandmother. Now Mike has to break into the raccoon’s lair, retrieve the family heirloom and give the raccoons a taste of their own medicine.

TV program: Všemocný Mike (Mighty Mike)
Mighty Mike

Další díl/opakování:
30.09.2021 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
01.10.2021 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)

Mike's Paws. Mike is running around like a headless chicken – saving Fluffy from danger, stopping th...

Mike's Paws. Mike is running around like a headless chicken – saving Fluffy from danger, stopping the turtles from breaking everything in the house, and fighting the raccoons. He’s in serious need of a break. Seeing how overworked Mike is, Iris and the turtles decide to take over Mike’s duties for the day so the exhausted pooch can get a well-deserved rest. The friends mean well but they might have underestimated just how hard Mike’s job is!

TV program: Všemocný Mike (Mighty Mike)
Mighty Mike

Další díl/opakování:
30.09.2021 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
01.10.2021 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)

Sauna. It's cold and grey outside. Mike invites Iris over to warm up over a hot chocolate. The racco...

Sauna. It's cold and grey outside. Mike invites Iris over to warm up over a hot chocolate. The raccoons sneak into the house and damage the Mikkelsen's home Automation Temperature regulator in the process. Now the house is randomly flipping between blistering hot to freezing cold. Mike has to face danger, overcome challenges, and battle the elements in order to boot the raccoons out of the house.

TV program: Všemocný Mike (Mighty Mike)
Mighty Mike

Další díl/opakování:
30.09.2021 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
01.10.2021 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)

The Wrong Mike. The raccoons steal Iris’s favorite toy but accidentally drop it on the terrace durin...

The Wrong Mike. The raccoons steal Iris’s favorite toy but accidentally drop it on the terrace during their escape. Mike picks it up while cleaning, thinking it’s Fluffys. Iris notices and thinks Mike stole it. She stomps over to the house to get it back, but Fluffy has already made off with it. By the time Mike has figured it all out, the raccoons have stolen it back again. Mike needs to get the toy back if he wants Iris to ever forgive him.

TV program: Všemocný Mike (Mighty Mike)
Mighty Mike

Další díl/opakování:
30.09.2021 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
01.10.2021 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)

The Rival. Mike’s plans to hang out with Iris are cruelly dashed when he trots out onto the patio to...

The Rival. Mike’s plans to hang out with Iris are cruelly dashed when he trots out onto the patio to find her playing with a hunky other dog. Mike is crushed. This means war! The boys begin a merciless fight for Iris’s affection while she watches horrified. But when the raccoons break into the house armed with an air horn, the two romantic rivals have to team up to overcome their differences to eject the raccoons from the house.

TV program: Všemocný Mike (Mighty Mike)
Mighty Mike

Další díl/opakování:
30.09.2021 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
01.10.2021 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)

The Prank. It's April Fool's Day. Mike has invited Iris over for a romantic dinner but instead of ro...

The Prank. It's April Fool's Day. Mike has invited Iris over for a romantic dinner but instead of romance, Iris is more interested in pranking Mike. Mike does his best to take it in his stride and keep the evening on track. Meanwhile, the raccoons have their sights set on the dinner. Mike and Iris team up to create the ultimate prank obstacle course around the house and the joke is on the raccoons.

TV program: Všemocný Mike (Mighty Mike)
Mighty Mike

Další díl/opakování:
30.09.2021 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
01.10.2021 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)

White Cat. A cute white cat turns up on the Mikkelsen’s patio. Everyone thinks it’s super-duper ador...

White Cat. A cute white cat turns up on the Mikkelsen’s patio. Everyone thinks it’s super-duper adorable, especially Iris. It looks like Fluffy has found a new friend, but for some reason Fluffy seems to be finding himself in increasingly life-threatening situations. Thankfully, Mike is on top of it and saves Fluffy’s life more than once. But curiously, that cute new kitty is always around. Is he trying to replace the family’s cat and become the new favorite?

TV program: Všemocný Mike (Mighty Mike)
Mighty Mike

Další díl/opakování:
30.09.2021 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
01.10.2021 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)

The Party. It's Mike's birthday and he's excited to be spending the day with Iris. But instead of a ...

The Party. It's Mike's birthday and he's excited to be spending the day with Iris. But instead of a private party - Iris has invited the entire neighbourhood. As soon as the raccoons learn there's a party, they resolve to crash it and steal Mike's birthday cake and presents. Mike has his work cut out for him. He has to get rid of raccoons and throw a great birthday party.

TV program: Všemocný Mike (Mighty Mike)