
TV Program - Středa 25. srpna

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Cartoon+TCM Cartoon+TCM
Gumballův úžasný svět

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 13:40 (Cartoon+TCM)
04.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
05.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
06.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
07.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
08.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
09.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
10.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)

TV program: Gumballův úžasný svět (The Amazing World of Gumball)
Gumballův úžasný svět

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 13:40 (Cartoon+TCM)
04.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
05.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
06.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
07.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
08.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
09.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
10.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)

TV program: Gumballův úžasný svět (The Amazing World of Gumball)
Gumballův úžasný svět

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 13:40 (Cartoon+TCM)
04.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
05.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
06.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
07.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
08.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
09.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
10.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)

TV program: Gumballův úžasný svět (The Amazing World of Gumball)
Gumballův úžasný svět

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 13:40 (Cartoon+TCM)
04.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
05.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
06.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
07.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
08.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
09.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
10.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)

TV program: Gumballův úžasný svět (The Amazing World of Gumball)
Gumballův úžasný svět

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 13:40 (Cartoon+TCM)
04.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
05.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
06.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
07.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
08.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
09.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
10.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)

TV program: Gumballův úžasný svět (The Amazing World of Gumball)
Angelovy patálie

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 21:00 (Cartoon+TCM)
04.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
05.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
06.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
07.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
08.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
09.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
10.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)

Dortíkové války. Naproti Cathyině cukrárně otevře nový hipsterský podnik který jí odláká všechny zák...

Dortíkové války. Naproti Cathyině cukrárně otevře nový hipsterský podnik který jí odláká všechny zákazníky. Angelo s přáteli přijdou s plánem tak pomoci Cathy získat zákazníky zpět.

TV program: Angelovy patálie (Angelo Rules)
Angelovy patálie

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 21:00 (Cartoon+TCM)
04.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
05.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
06.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
07.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
08.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
09.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
10.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)

Prezentace. Angelo hledá pro svou školní prezentaci ten nejlepší předmět.
TV program: Angelovy patálie (Angelo Rules)
Angelovy patálie

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 21:00 (Cartoon+TCM)
04.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
05.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
06.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
07.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
08.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
09.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
10.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)

Fotobomby. Angelovy fotobomby ho proslaví na internetu a on si užívá popularitu. Dokud nezačne více ...

Fotobomby. Angelovy fotobomby ho proslaví na internetu a on si užívá popularitu. Dokud nezačne více lajků sbírat Pišingr za své nechtěné fotobomby.

TV program: Angelovy patálie (Angelo Rules)
Angelovy patálie

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 21:00 (Cartoon+TCM)
04.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
05.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
06.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
07.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
08.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
09.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
10.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)

Zrušený tělocvik. Vybavení v tělocvičně pana Zonky je prohlášeno za nebezpečné proto je tělocvik úpl...

Zrušený tělocvik. Vybavení v tělocvičně pana Zonky je prohlášeno za nebezpečné proto je tělocvik úplně zrušený. Angelo se pokusí přesvědčit školu aby tělocvik zase zavedla.

TV program: Angelovy patálie (Angelo Rules)
Angelovy patálie

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 21:00 (Cartoon+TCM)
04.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
05.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
06.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
07.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
08.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
09.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
10.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)

Ollieho kouzlo. Nejoblíbenější skateboardista Ollie Van Dunk spadne při velikém závodě ztratí sebevě...

Ollieho kouzlo. Nejoblíbenější skateboardista Ollie Van Dunk spadne při velikém závodě ztratí sebevědomí a přestane jezdit. Angelo s příteli se ho snaží povzbudit aby se vrátil zpět na prkno.

TV program: Angelovy patálie (Angelo Rules)
Angelovy patálie

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 21:00 (Cartoon+TCM)
04.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
05.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
06.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
07.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
08.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
09.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
10.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)

Plot. Když musí Angelo natřít Staroušův starý a rozbitý plot objeví v sobě svého vnitřního Toma Sawy...

Plot. Když musí Angelo natřít Staroušův starý a rozbitý plot objeví v sobě svého vnitřního Toma Sawyera a dokáže přesvědčit všechny ostatní aby to udělali místo něj.

TV program: Angelovy patálie (Angelo Rules)
Angelovy patálie

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 21:00 (Cartoon+TCM)
04.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
05.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
06.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
07.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
08.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
09.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
10.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)

Svět podle Angela. Angelo s přáteli natáčí pilotní díl televizního seriálu nazvaného Angelovy patáli...

Svět podle Angela. Angelo s přáteli natáčí pilotní díl televizního seriálu nazvaného Angelovy patálie. Lola je produkční Sherwood režíruje Angelo je scenárista a Pišingr hraje Angela.

TV program: Angelovy patálie (Angelo Rules)
Angelovy patálie

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 21:00 (Cartoon+TCM)
04.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
05.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
06.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
07.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
08.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
09.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
10.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)

Ve hře. Když máma omezí angelův čas pro hraní videoher pokusí se Angelo změnit její názor. Rozhodne ...

Ve hře. Když máma omezí angelův čas pro hraní videoher pokusí se Angelo změnit její názor. Rozhodne se dokázat jí že hraní her je důležitá dovednost a stát se profesionálním hráčem může být lukrativní zaměstnání.

TV program: Angelovy patálie (Angelo Rules)
Power Players
Pískopast. Axel s partou se vydávají do pouštních dun pískoviště, zatímco se Madcap snaží vytvořit a...

Pískopast. Axel s partou se vydávají do pouštních dun pískoviště, zatímco se Madcap snaží vytvořit armádu ještěřích špionů stejných jako je Galileo.

TV program: Power Players
Power Players
Útok Termometronu 9000. Axel musí přesvědčit Galilea a Bobbie Blobby, aby vypnuli zblázněný termosta...

Útok Termometronu 9000. Axel musí přesvědčit Galilea a Bobbie Blobby, aby vypnuli zblázněný termostat, kterého před tím vylepšil Loudobot. V jedné části domu je totiž extrémně horko a jinde zase zima.

TV program: Power Players
Power Players
Dynamika Dynama. Serža s Maskem se předhánějí, co je důležitější v boji - zbraň a nebo ten, kdo ji d...

Dynamika Dynama. Serža s Maskem se předhánějí, co je důležitější v boji - zbraň a nebo ten, kdo ji drží. Po útoku Dynama se však usmíří!

TV program: Power Players
Power Players
Král Axel. Když se Axel dokouká na příběh o králi Artušovi, pozvedne svůj meč a prohlásí se za krále...

Král Axel. Když se Axel dokouká na příběh o králi Artušovi, pozvedne svůj meč a prohlásí se za krále. Dynamo však využije magnetismu, jeho meč mu sebere a jediný, kdo ho může zase pozvednout je Masko. To vnese do party pochyby o tom, kdo je vlastně skutečný vůdce.

TV program: Power Players
Gumballův úžasný svět

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 13:40 (Cartoon+TCM)
04.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
05.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
06.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
07.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
08.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
09.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
10.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)

Jméno. Když máma Gumballovi sdělí že jeho skutečné jméno je Zach stává se z něj otravný frajer. Rodi...

Jméno. Když máma Gumballovi sdělí že jeho skutečné jméno je Zach stává se z něj otravný frajer. Rodina se se snaží Gumballa získat zpátky ale jeho nové já Zach postupně začíná ovládat jeho život a vymazává jeho vzpomínky. Musí starého dobrého Gumballa zachránit včas jinak zmizí navždy a stane se z něj Zach!

TV program: Gumballův úžasný svět (The Amazing World of Gumball)
Gumballův úžasný svět

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 13:40 (Cartoon+TCM)
04.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
05.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
06.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
07.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
08.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
09.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
10.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)

Křoví. Gumball s Darwinem nemají co dělat a tak přichází chvíle slávy pro ostatní obyvatele Elmoru. ...

Křoví. Gumball s Darwinem nemají co dělat a tak přichází chvíle slávy pro ostatní obyvatele Elmoru. Všelijaké postavičky které se v seriálu objevují jen jako křoví se konečně dostanou ke slovu.

TV program: Gumballův úžasný svět (The Amazing World of Gumball)
Gumballův úžasný svět

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 13:40 (Cartoon+TCM)
04.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
05.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
06.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
07.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
08.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
09.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
10.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)

TV program: Gumballův úžasný svět (The Amazing World of Gumball)
Gumballův úžasný svět

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 13:40 (Cartoon+TCM)
04.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
05.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
06.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
07.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
08.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
09.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
10.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)

Dovolená. Wattersonovi si navzájem vyprávějí strašidelné příběhy na rodinné dovolené když se jejich ...

Dovolená. Wattersonovi si navzájem vyprávějí strašidelné příběhy na rodinné dovolené když se jejich auto porouchá v poušti. Nezbývá jim než důvěřovat úplně cizímu člověku který vypadá jako děsivý muž z mámina smyšleného příběhu. Když je přivede k opuštěné čerpací stanici Wattersonovi uvěří vlastnímu děsivým představám.

TV program: Gumballův úžasný svět (The Amazing World of Gumball)
Gumballův úžasný svět

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 13:40 (Cartoon+TCM)
04.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
05.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
06.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
07.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
08.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
09.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
10.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)

Podvodník. Když Gumball s Darwinem odhalí že diplom ředitele Browna je falešný ředitel to hodlá za k...

Podvodník. Když Gumball s Darwinem odhalí že diplom ředitele Browna je falešný ředitel to hodlá za každou cenu udržet to v tajnosti. Snaží se je všemožně podplatit aby mlčeli ale jim ve skutečnosti na pravosti diplomu nezáleží. Ředitel si jejich nezájem vyloží jako tvrdé vyjednávání a nezastaví se ani před zoufalými činy.

TV program: Gumballův úžasný svět (The Amazing World of Gumball)
Gumballův úžasný svět

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 13:40 (Cartoon+TCM)
04.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
05.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
06.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
07.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
08.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
09.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
10.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)

Díra. Gumball s Darwinem si ve škole všímají podivných nesrovnalostí a nakonec jim dojde že mívali s...

Díra. Gumball s Darwinem si ve škole všímají podivných nesrovnalostí a nakonec jim dojde že mívali spolužačku Molly která zmizela a nyní si na ni nikdo nevzpomíná. Pan Small potvrdí jejich podezření a bere je na návštěvu do jiné dimenze kam svět odklízí své omyly.

TV program: Gumballův úžasný svět (The Amazing World of Gumball)
Gumballův úžasný svět

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 13:40 (Cartoon+TCM)
04.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
05.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
06.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
07.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
08.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
09.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
10.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)

Šéf. Gumball s Darwinem pomáhají Rockymu získat kancelářskou práci aby si vydobyl přízeň svého otce....

Šéf. Gumball s Darwinem pomáhají Rockymu získat kancelářskou práci aby si vydobyl přízeň svého otce. Korporace Chanax však skrývá temné tajemství.

TV program: Gumballův úžasný svět (The Amazing World of Gumball)
Gumballův úžasný svět

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 13:40 (Cartoon+TCM)
04.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
05.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
06.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
07.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
08.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
09.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
10.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)

Hmat. Gumball a Darwin si předsevzali že odnaučí Claytona lhát. O svém tajném kungfu hmatu ale Clayt...

Hmat. Gumball a Darwin si předsevzali že odnaučí Claytona lhát. O svém tajném kungfu hmatu ale Clayton nelhal a najednou je třeba řešit úplně jiný problém.

TV program: Gumballův úžasný svět (The Amazing World of Gumball)
Gumballův úžasný svět

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 13:40 (Cartoon+TCM)
04.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
05.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
06.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
07.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
08.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
09.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
10.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)

Zákon. Šerif Kobliha přistihne Gumballa s Darwinem při přecházení na červenou a rozhodne se je za ka...

Zákon. Šerif Kobliha přistihne Gumballa s Darwinem při přecházení na červenou a rozhodne se je za každou cenu přesvědčit že být policistou je super.

TV program: Gumballův úžasný svět (The Amazing World of Gumball)
Mighty Mike

Další díl/opakování:
30.09.2021 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
01.10.2021 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)

The Ice Rink. It's sweltering outside and Mike has invited Iris onto the terrace for a cooling cockt...

The Ice Rink. It's sweltering outside and Mike has invited Iris onto the terrace for a cooling cocktail. But the raccoons steal the ice maker. A chase ensues and the ice maker ends up in the pool, transforming it into an ice rink. The turtles are in seventh heaven while Mike and the Raccoons fight for control of the ice maker. Hockey, Curling, Ice Skating…it's a Mike On Ice Special.

TV program: Všemocný Mike (Mighty Mike)
Mighty Mike

Další díl/opakování:
30.09.2021 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
01.10.2021 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)

Amnesia. Mercury suffers a huge blow to the head while trying to break into the Mikkelsen's house. W...

Amnesia. Mercury suffers a huge blow to the head while trying to break into the Mikkelsen's house. When he wakes up, to Mike's great surprise, he seems to be acting like a dog. Now our hero has a new ally... one who quickly turns into a rival when he starts to flirt with Iris. Things get even more complicated when Freddy plots to bring his brother back to his old self, and more importantly... his partner in crime.

TV program: Všemocný Mike (Mighty Mike)
Mighty Mike

Další díl/opakování:
30.09.2021 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
01.10.2021 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)

Mike Unchained. Tom leaves his beautiful train set out in the house and the raccoons see it as a fan...

Mike Unchained. Tom leaves his beautiful train set out in the house and the raccoons see it as a fantastic way to ship their loot back to their den. Mike has other ideas. He's not about to let the pair of pesky varmints get away with it. It's a showdown between the good, the bad and the Fluffy.

TV program: Všemocný Mike (Mighty Mike)
Mighty Mike

Další díl/opakování:
30.09.2021 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
01.10.2021 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)

Petal To The Metal. Mike comes up with new plan to win Iris's affection by showering her with a casc...

Petal To The Metal. Mike comes up with new plan to win Iris's affection by showering her with a cascade of rose petals. To do it, he needs to borrow Stephan's leaf blower. The only snag is that the raccoons also want to use the leaf blower to rob the house and Fluffy can't resist getting on the act. Mike has to come up with a pretty crazy solution to win the day.

TV program: Všemocný Mike (Mighty Mike)
Mighty Mike

Další díl/opakování:
30.09.2021 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
01.10.2021 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)

Abraca-disaster! There's nothing better than a little magic trick to impress your crush. Iris isn't ...

Abraca-disaster! There's nothing better than a little magic trick to impress your crush. Iris isn't the only one impressed when Mike puts on a magic show and multiples some objects with just a flick of his wand. The raccoons decide to steal his magic wand so they can turn their solitary chicken wing into a sumptuous feast. But the raccoons have underestimated Mike the Magic Trickster.

TV program: Všemocný Mike (Mighty Mike)
Mighty Mike

Další díl/opakování:
30.09.2021 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
01.10.2021 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)

Itchy Frenzy. The racoons have fleas! They head over to Mike's to find something they can use to rel...

Itchy Frenzy. The racoons have fleas! They head over to Mike's to find something they can use to relieve the itch and pass the fleas onto Mike in the process. The timing couldn't be worse because Mike has a special date with Iris! Now Mike must do everything to avoid Iris, sparking an epic game of hide and seek. Mike has to get rid of the tiny intruders before they meet.

TV program: Všemocný Mike (Mighty Mike)

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 12:45 (BOOMERANG)
04.01.2022 v 01:50 (BOOMERANG)
05.01.2022 v 01:50 (BOOMERANG)
06.01.2022 v 01:50 (BOOMERANG)
07.01.2022 v 01:50 (BOOMERANG)
08.01.2022 v 01:50 (BOOMERANG)
09.01.2022 v 01:50 (BOOMERANG)
10.01.2022 v 01:50 (BOOMERANG)

Arm Wrestling. Fugitive Lamput ends up in a seedy dive by the waterfront. It happens when you’re on ...

Arm Wrestling. Fugitive Lamput ends up in a seedy dive by the waterfront. It happens when you’re on the run. These thugs sure know how to have fun, though; people come from far and wide to be creamed at arm wrestling by gigantic Mr Moustache. It’s a jumpin’ scene - until those two dorks from the Lab walk in, and start kicking up a stink about the new extremely orange trophy that’s up for grabs. The Boss (apparently an old bikie at heart) is more than up for the arm wrestling challenge. It’s the bicep-off of the decade, with Lamput as the prize.

TV program: Lamput

Další díl/opakování:
13.07.2024 v 22:25 (Disney Channel)
14.07.2024 v 05:40 (Disney Channel)
15.07.2024 v 05:40 (Disney Channel)

A Minor Problem. Addie comes to visit her grandmother, but Mrs Muchmore has to rush off and leaves t...

A Minor Problem. Addie comes to visit her grandmother, but Mrs Muchmore has to rush off and leaves the toddler with Forsythe and the pets. To Bentley's delight, Addie seems to know that Taffy is a raccoon. Taffy tries to get rid of her before Mrs Muchmore return...

TV program: Taffy

Další díl/opakování:
13.07.2024 v 22:25 (Disney Channel)
14.07.2024 v 05:40 (Disney Channel)
15.07.2024 v 05:40 (Disney Channel)

Mrs Muchmore receives the great Mr Fuffernin for an inspection of the house. If anything goes wrong,...

Mrs Muchmore receives the great Mr Fuffernin for an inspection of the house. If anything goes wrong, Mrs Muchmore would see her reputation destroyed! But a shock to her head leaves her unable to lead the visit… Bentley and Taffy team up to save their beloved mistress reputation.

TV program: Taffy

Další díl/opakování:
13.07.2024 v 22:25 (Disney Channel)
14.07.2024 v 05:40 (Disney Channel)
15.07.2024 v 05:40 (Disney Channel)

The Highest Bidder. At a luxurious auction, Mrs. Muchmore enters a bidding war with a charming young...

The Highest Bidder. At a luxurious auction, Mrs. Muchmore enters a bidding war with a charming young man to acquire a priceless ruby brooch. She invites the young man for tea and discovers he's allergic to dogs, to Bentley's despair and Taffy's excitement!

TV program: Taffy

Další díl/opakování:
13.07.2024 v 22:25 (Disney Channel)
14.07.2024 v 05:40 (Disney Channel)
15.07.2024 v 05:40 (Disney Channel)

I Now Pronounce You Dog and Cat. It's movie night! Mrs. M screens her old wedding video for her pets...

I Now Pronounce You Dog and Cat. It's movie night! Mrs. M screens her old wedding video for her pets. As she steps away, the pets get in one of their usual fights and destroy the videotape. Bentley and Taffy team up to make the movie again not to upset their beloved Mrs Muchmore.

TV program: Taffy

Další díl/opakování:
13.07.2024 v 22:25 (Disney Channel)
14.07.2024 v 05:40 (Disney Channel)
15.07.2024 v 05:40 (Disney Channel)

Bentley's Girlfriend. Taffy witnesses Bentley and Mrs Muchmore sobbing in front of a romance scene o...

Bentley's Girlfriend. Taffy witnesses Bentley and Mrs Muchmore sobbing in front of a romance scene on television. What would happen to Bentley if he met his true love?

TV program: Taffy

Další díl/opakování:
13.07.2024 v 22:25 (Disney Channel)
14.07.2024 v 05:40 (Disney Channel)
15.07.2024 v 05:40 (Disney Channel)

DNA. Mrs. Muchmore wants to find out her pet's lineage so she send Taffy and Bentley's hair to be te...

DNA. Mrs. Muchmore wants to find out her pet's lineage so she send Taffy and Bentley's hair to be tested. Taffy, anxious that she finds out he's a raccoon struggles to destroy the hair before it's tested.

TV program: Taffy

Další díl/opakování:
13.07.2024 v 22:25 (Disney Channel)
14.07.2024 v 05:40 (Disney Channel)
15.07.2024 v 05:40 (Disney Channel)

Staycation. When Forsythe loads the limo up for Mrs Muchmore and the pets' vacation, Taffy and Bentl...

Staycation. When Forsythe loads the limo up for Mrs Muchmore and the pets' vacation, Taffy and Bentley get accidentally locked in the basement. The pets must use twice as much imagination to get out unharmed by the tenacious security system.

TV program: Taffy
Grizzy and the Lemmings
Bear Countdown. Grizzy finds a vintage stopwatch in the garage which lets him wind back the minute t...

Bear Countdown. Grizzy finds a vintage stopwatch in the garage which lets him wind back the minute that has just passed by, and can even stop time and movement in one's surroundings. This will give him an advantage over the Lemmings, provided of course they don't get their hands on it.

TV program: Méďa a lumíci (Grizzy et les Lemmings)
Grizzy and the Lemmings
Lemming Airlines. Grizzy is disturbed in the middle of his TV-snack by a flow of strange objects tha...

Lemming Airlines. Grizzy is disturbed in the middle of his TV-snack by a flow of strange objects that have been transformed into hot-air balloons. When he sees the Lemmings on-board these curious Zeppelins, Grizzy understands that he will quickly have to confiscate their helium tank and balloons if he wants to relax in front of the TV.

TV program: Méďa a lumíci (Grizzy et les Lemmings)
Grizzy and the Lemmings
Relax Bear. Grizzy discovers with great delight that the ranger has purchased a brand new multifunct...

Relax Bear. Grizzy discovers with great delight that the ranger has purchased a brand new multifunction Stressless recliner. But even an armchair designed for well-being - the ultimate in relaxation - can used for other purposes by the Lemmings, who transform it into a fearsome multi-game chair.

TV program: Méďa a lumíci (Grizzy et les Lemmings)
Grizzy and the Lemmings
Bear Gliding. The Lemmings play kite-surf with a homemade kite. Grizzy notices that the she-bear he'...

Bear Gliding. The Lemmings play kite-surf with a homemade kite. Grizzy notices that the she-bear he's in love with watches the kite perform arabesques in the sky with admiration. He decides to make a kite that is far more sophisticated than the Lemmings kite.

TV program: Méďa a lumíci (Grizzy et les Lemmings)
Grizzy and the Lemmings
The Sound of a Lemming. Grizzy snatches the last jar of chocolate spread out from under the noses of...

The Sound of a Lemming. Grizzy snatches the last jar of chocolate spread out from under the noses of the Lemmings. In exchange, he offers them the toy stuck inside the lid: a mini-flute. When the Lemmings blow into the flute, the shrill notes that come out paralyze anyone whose ears aren't plugged for several seconds. They decide to play a tune for Grizzy in order to recover their share of chocolate spread.

TV program: Méďa a lumíci (Grizzy et les Lemmings)
Grizzy and the Lemmings
Bear in the Wind. The Lemmings play a new game, floating like flags in the breeze from the fan which...

Bear in the Wind. The Lemmings play a new game, floating like flags in the breeze from the fan which is set at maximum. Grizzy, who has decided to watch his favorite TV documentary on salmon fish, quickly rids the living room of this interference. But he didn't anticipate that the Lemmings would continue their game on the roof with the wind pump and TV antenna, and that the interference would reappear... inside the TV!

TV program: Méďa a lumíci (Grizzy et les Lemmings)
Grizzy and the Lemmings
Construction Bear. The Lemmings have a grand old time tearing down their Kapla block buildings, whic...

Construction Bear. The Lemmings have a grand old time tearing down their Kapla block buildings, which they rebuild just as fast. Grizzy remarks that the she-bear he's in love with is impressed by the Lemmings' construction and makes believe that it's his work of art. But when the building collapses yet again, the she-bear walks off. Grizzy decides to build an even bigger one.

TV program: Méďa a lumíci (Grizzy et les Lemmings)
Grizzy and the Lemmings
Kung Fu Lemmings. The Lemmings draw inspiration from lessons they find in a martial arts book and st...

Kung Fu Lemmings. The Lemmings draw inspiration from lessons they find in a martial arts book and start breaking every wooden object they can get their hands on into two. When Grizzy tries to stop them, they go on to the next lesson and get him in a judo hold. Grizzy understands that he needs the book so that he too can become a pro.

TV program: Méďa a lumíci (Grizzy et les Lemmings)
Grizzy and the Lemmings
Midsummer Bear's. Grizzy dreams that he's a valiant knight who has just delivered his beloved. As he...

Midsummer Bear's. Grizzy dreams that he's a valiant knight who has just delivered his beloved. As he is about to take her in his arms, he is woken by the din of the Lemmings, who have chosen this particular day to blast music. Grizzy has only one desire: pick up his dream where he left off. But first, he'll have to stop the Lemmings' fiesta.

TV program: Méďa a lumíci (Grizzy et les Lemmings)
Mr Magoo

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
04.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
05.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
06.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
07.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
08.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
09.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
10.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)

The Last Groundhog. Magoo mistakes Weasel (in an animal costume) for a groundhog being hunted and co...

The Last Groundhog. Magoo mistakes Weasel (in an animal costume) for a groundhog being hunted and confiscates the hunter’s gun. In reality he steals a camera from Fizz which the latter was using to make a super cute video to attract millions of views online.

TV program: Pan Magoo (Mr Magoo)
Mr Magoo

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
04.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
05.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
06.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
07.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
08.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
09.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
10.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)

Home Havoc. Magoo can't find the book that Linda lent him and he's ready to turn the house upside do...

Home Havoc. Magoo can't find the book that Linda lent him and he's ready to turn the house upside down to find it. The problem is that he is not in his house but in Fizz's loft. He makes such a ruckus that the hamster starts believing he's got a ghost in the house.

TV program: Pan Magoo (Mr Magoo)
Mr Magoo

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
04.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
05.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
06.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
07.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
08.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
09.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
10.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)

Pinkbeard's Treasure. Magoo hunting for Pinkbeard’s treasure mistakes the park for an island. Fizz a...

Pinkbeard's Treasure. Magoo hunting for Pinkbeard’s treasure mistakes the park for an island. Fizz and Weasel are there selling ice cream that never falls on the ground. Magoo messes up their plans confusing Weasel for Pinkbeard and the icebox for treasure.

TV program: Pan Magoo (Mr Magoo)
Mr Magoo

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
04.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
05.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
06.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
07.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
08.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
09.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
10.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)

Mistaken Identity. At the supermarket, Magoo mixes his shopping cart up with a baby stroller. Fizz d...

Mistaken Identity. At the supermarket, Magoo mixes his shopping cart up with a baby stroller. Fizz decides to save the toddler and become a media star. But to do that, he'll have to get the baby out of Magoo's hands before he goes home to cook up a pork roast for Marnie!

TV program: Pan Magoo (Mr Magoo)
Mr Magoo

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
04.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
05.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
06.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
07.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
08.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
09.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
10.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)

Hamster Fishing. Fizz is at the municipal pool, he wants to revolution the world of sub-marine haird...

Hamster Fishing. Fizz is at the municipal pool, he wants to revolution the world of sub-marine hairdressing!But Magoo, thinking that he is actually fishing in a lake, starts trying to catch Weasel, who he thinks is a magnificent, huge fish, thereby sabotaging the hamster's efforts everytime he tries to think

TV program: Pan Magoo (Mr Magoo)
Mr Magoo

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
04.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
05.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
06.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
07.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
08.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
09.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
10.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)

Whiter Than White. Magoo thinking he’s at the laundromat wanders into a candy factory where Fizz and...

Whiter Than White. Magoo thinking he’s at the laundromat wanders into a candy factory where Fizz and Weasel are creating a bubblegum that makes Fizz-shaped bubbles. Magoo mistakes Fizz for a sweater that his neighbor has come to wash and offers help.

TV program: Pan Magoo (Mr Magoo)
Mr Magoo

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
04.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
05.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
06.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
07.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
08.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
09.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
10.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)

Poolwatch! Magoo thinks that the whole neighborhood has been flooded when in fact he is just at the ...

Poolwatch! Magoo thinks that the whole neighborhood has been flooded when in fact he is just at the local swimming pool. He starts trying to rescue all of the swimmers and sabotage Fizz’s plan to become the greatest super hero lifeguard the world has ever seen!

TV program: Pan Magoo (Mr Magoo)
Mr Magoo

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
04.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
05.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
06.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
07.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
08.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
09.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)
10.01.2022 v 21:00 (BOOMERANG)

Hibernafizz. Magoo comes across Fizz encased in ice and thinks he has found a prehistoric man. He th...

Hibernafizz. Magoo comes across Fizz encased in ice and thinks he has found a prehistoric man. He thaws him out and acts like a Cro-Magnon so as not to distress him. When Weasel tries to save Fizz Magoo mistakes him for an ill-intentioned scientist.

TV program: Pan Magoo (Mr Magoo)
Mighty Mike

Další díl/opakování:
30.09.2021 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
01.10.2021 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)

In the Box. Mike has his work cut out for him when Stephan leaves a beautiful gift for his wife on t...

In the Box. Mike has his work cut out for him when Stephan leaves a beautiful gift for his wife on the counter and goes to work for the day. The pesky raccoons decide to help themselves while the turtles fire up a huge game of Ice Hockey in the house and Fluffy also has eyes on the gift. Mike will need to pull out all the stops if he's going to rescue the gift from all the chaos.

TV program: Všemocný Mike (Mighty Mike)
Mighty Mike

Další díl/opakování:
30.09.2021 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
01.10.2021 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)

That Magnificent Mike! It's Iris's birthday and Mike wants to surprise her with a special party. Bal...

That Magnificent Mike! It's Iris's birthday and Mike wants to surprise her with a special party. Balloons, gifts, Piňata - the works! Everything has been perfectly planned but the relentless raccoons decide to crash the party and steal all the candy. The racoons discover the helium tank Mike used to blow up the balloons - taking the battle between Mike and the racoons up into the sky.

TV program: Všemocný Mike (Mighty Mike)
Mighty Mike

Další díl/opakování:
30.09.2021 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
01.10.2021 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)

Mikeyzushi. While Mike prepares a special sushi dinner to win Iris's heart, the racoons break into t...

Mikeyzushi. While Mike prepares a special sushi dinner to win Iris's heart, the racoons break into the garage intent on creating some mischief. Somehow Freddy accidentally locks himself in the freezer and when Mike goes to the fridge for a piece of fish, Mercury mistakenly thinks it's Freddy who is on Mike's menu. Mercury has to save his brother and Mike needs to save his dinner!

TV program: Všemocný Mike (Mighty Mike)
Mighty Mike

Další díl/opakování:
30.09.2021 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
01.10.2021 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)

Sneezed To Meet You! Mike has the perfect gift idea for Iris, flowers! The only snag is that Mike di...

Sneezed To Meet You! Mike has the perfect gift idea for Iris, flowers! The only snag is that Mike discovers he's horribly allergic and the raccoons use Mike's sneezing fits as an opportunity to rob the house. He's going to need all his ingenuity and resolve - and an extra large box of tissues - to defeat the raccoons and give the flowers to Iris.

TV program: Všemocný Mike (Mighty Mike)
Mighty Mike

Další díl/opakování:
30.09.2021 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
01.10.2021 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)

Mike Crooner. Mike decides to try to win Iris's affection by singing her a romantic musical number. ...

Mike Crooner. Mike decides to try to win Iris's affection by singing her a romantic musical number. As Mike has zero musical ability he uses Stephan's old vinyl records, but things don't go as planned because to Mike's horror, Fluffy and Mercury decide to hijack the proceedings and try their hand at being DJs. However, Mike's not going to let them spoil things. The show must go on!

TV program: Všemocný Mike (Mighty Mike)
Mighty Mike

Další díl/opakování:
30.09.2021 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
01.10.2021 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)

Duchess. Mike's over the moon! He's going to spend the afternoon with the neighbor's dog. Except tha...

Duchess. Mike's over the moon! He's going to spend the afternoon with the neighbor's dog. Except that it's not Iris, it's Ginette, a pug just like Mike and she instantly falls in love with our hero. Uh oh! The raccoons meanwhile are trying to break into the house and Ginette is trying to help. Mike panics. What if Iris discovers her new rival?

TV program: Všemocný Mike (Mighty Mike)
Mighty Mike

Další díl/opakování:
30.09.2021 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
01.10.2021 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)

Fun Fur. Mike recreates a fun fair on the patio as a great way to impress Iris. He decorates the ter...

Fun Fur. Mike recreates a fun fair on the patio as a great way to impress Iris. He decorates the terrace and invites her over. However, there's no way the raccoons are going to miss such a fantastic opportunity to rob the house. Between the ghost train, coconut shy and the raccoons, Mike is going to have his hands full.

TV program: Všemocný Mike (Mighty Mike)
Mighty Mike

Další díl/opakování:
30.09.2021 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
01.10.2021 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)

Robotix 3000. Mike's chess game with Iris is rudely interrupted by a loud commotion from the house. ...

Robotix 3000. Mike's chess game with Iris is rudely interrupted by a loud commotion from the house. Fluffy has found the robotic vacuum and is riding it around the house like a stunt cat. Meanwhile, the racoons use the distraction to try to get their hands on their very own Holy Grail - a huge sausage xxx is saving for dinner. Mike will need every ounce of his smarts to chase the raccoons from the house and save Fluffy from the clutches of the demonic vacuum.

TV program: Všemocný Mike (Mighty Mike)
Mighty Mike

Další díl/opakování:
30.09.2021 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
01.10.2021 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)

Rancid Raccoons. Mercury is rummaging through the trash bin and digs out a piece of rotten, disgusti...

Rancid Raccoons. Mercury is rummaging through the trash bin and digs out a piece of rotten, disgusting Camembert. He wolfs the rancid cheese down, turning his breath into a weapon of mass destruction. Thinking quickly, Freddy uses Mercury's pungent breath to help them rob the Mikklesens. This mortifies Mike, who is having Iris over for dinner. Mike has no choice but to fight fire with fire. A stinky fight breaks out and there can only be one winner!

TV program: Všemocný Mike (Mighty Mike)