
TV Program - Středa 24. listopadu

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Cartoon+TCM Cartoon+TCM
Gumballův úžasný svět

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 13:40 (Cartoon+TCM)
04.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
05.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
06.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
07.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
08.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
09.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
10.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)

Triangl. Darwin dostane funkci sólisty ve školní kapele a Gumball začne žárlit. Není však sám kdo Da...

Triangl. Darwin dostane funkci sólisty ve školní kapele a Gumball začne žárlit. Není však sám kdo Darwinovi nepřeje úspěch.

TV program: Gumballův úžasný svět (The Amazing World of Gumball)
Gumballův úžasný svět

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 13:40 (Cartoon+TCM)
04.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
05.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
06.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
07.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
08.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
09.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
10.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)

Peníze. Wattersonovi se ocitnou na mizině a stojí před těžkou volbou – nemít nic nebo se zaprodat re...

Peníze. Wattersonovi se ocitnou na mizině a stojí před těžkou volbou – nemít nic nebo se zaprodat reklamě.

TV program: Gumballův úžasný svět (The Amazing World of Gumball)
Gumballův úžasný svět

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 13:40 (Cartoon+TCM)
04.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
05.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
06.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
07.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
08.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
09.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
10.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)

Návrat. Táta se má postarat aby děti v první školní den přišly do školy včas jenže zaspal a nemůže G...

Návrat. Táta se má postarat aby děti v první školní den přišly do školy včas jenže zaspal a nemůže Gumballa Darwina ani Anais najít.

TV program: Gumballův úžasný svět (The Amazing World of Gumball)
Gumballův úžasný svět

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 13:40 (Cartoon+TCM)
04.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
05.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
06.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
07.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
08.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
09.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
10.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)

Nepřítel. Gumball s Darwinem zjistí že Rob který jim kdysi přísahal pomstu se je už nějakou dobu sna...

Nepřítel. Gumball s Darwinem zjistí že Rob který jim kdysi přísahal pomstu se je už nějakou dobu snaží odrovnat… jenže jeho pasti nikdy nefungují. Slitují se nad ním a vytyčí si za cíl pomoct mu stát se perfektním úhlavním nepřítelem. Ale odvedou práci až moc dobře a stvoří superpadoucha který by se mohl vymknout jejich kontrole…

TV program: Gumballův úžasný svět (The Amazing World of Gumball)
Gumballův úžasný svět

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 13:40 (Cartoon+TCM)
04.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
05.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
06.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
07.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
08.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
09.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
10.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)

Parta. Gumball s Darwinem usoudí že je načase přidat se k někomu do party a shodnou se že nejdrsnějš...

Parta. Gumball s Darwinem usoudí že je načase přidat se k někomu do party a shodnou se že nejdrsnější gang v celém Elmoru jsou důchodci. Dělají co můžou aby mezi ně zapadli a neváhají zajít do krajnosti jen aby jim (pomalu a šouravě) nadběhli.

TV program: Gumballův úžasný svět (The Amazing World of Gumball)
Angelovy patálie

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 21:00 (Cartoon+TCM)
04.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
05.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
06.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
07.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
08.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
09.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
10.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)

Zaměstnanec měsíce. Angelo se stává brigádníkem v zábavním parku. Ale jeho vysněná práce není tak sk...

Zaměstnanec měsíce. Angelo se stává brigádníkem v zábavním parku. Ale jeho vysněná práce není tak skvělá jak se zdálo protože musí doopravdy… pracovat!

TV program: Angelovy patálie (Angelo Rules)
Angelovy patálie

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 21:00 (Cartoon+TCM)
04.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
05.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
06.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
07.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
08.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
09.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
10.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)

Figurky. Slečna Perla změní poškolu v kroužek pracovní terapie kde Angelo vyrábí skvělé sošky s velk...

Figurky. Slečna Perla změní poškolu v kroužek pracovní terapie kde Angelo vyrábí skvělé sošky s velkou hlavou ze kterých se stane ve škole hit. Výsledek: Angelo se dostává záměrně do problémů aby mohl zůstat po škole.

TV program: Angelovy patálie (Angelo Rules)
Angelovy patálie

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 21:00 (Cartoon+TCM)
04.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
05.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
06.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
07.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
08.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
09.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
10.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)

Tajný recept. Když Cathy zdraží svůj proslulý dortík Brooklynská bomba vydá se Lola v utajení hledat...

Tajný recept. Když Cathy zdraží svůj proslulý dortík Brooklynská bomba vydá se Lola v utajení hledat její tajný recept. Angelo a ostatní zjišťují že tajné recepty mohou mít někdy víc než jedno tajemství.

TV program: Angelovy patálie (Angelo Rules)
Angelovy patálie

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 21:00 (Cartoon+TCM)
04.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
05.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
06.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
07.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
08.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
09.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
10.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)

Angelo versus test. Angelo sděluje své tipy a triky jak profesionálně prokrastinovat místo učení se ...

Angelo versus test. Angelo sděluje své tipy a triky jak profesionálně prokrastinovat místo učení se na test. A jeho hlavním plánem je plýtvat časem při stavění helmy na čtení myšlenek!

TV program: Angelovy patálie (Angelo Rules)
Angelovy patálie

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 21:00 (Cartoon+TCM)
04.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
05.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
06.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
07.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
08.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
09.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
10.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)

Co teď? Díky své chytrosti a vytrvalosti Angelo vždy dostane co chce. Bude to takhle v životě vždy? ...

Co teď? Díky své chytrosti a vytrvalosti Angelo vždy dostane co chce. Bude to takhle v životě vždy? Angelo má existenciální krizi.

TV program: Angelovy patálie (Angelo Rules)
Angelovy patálie

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 21:00 (Cartoon+TCM)
04.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
05.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
06.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
07.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
08.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
09.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
10.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)

Dpmácí vězení. Elena a Angelo mají domácí vězení za to že se hádali. Musejí tak odložit své spory a ...

Dpmácí vězení. Elena a Angelo mají domácí vězení za to že se hádali. Musejí tak odložit své spory a spolupracovat aby utekli.

TV program: Angelovy patálie (Angelo Rules)
Angelovy patálie

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 21:00 (Cartoon+TCM)
04.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
05.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
06.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
07.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
08.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
09.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
10.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)

Holubi. Lola má strach z holubů. Doktor Angelo a doktor Sherwood ji z toho chtějí vyléčit.
TV program: Angelovy patálie (Angelo Rules)
Angelovy patálie

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 21:00 (Cartoon+TCM)
04.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
05.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
06.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
07.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
08.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
09.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)
10.01.2022 v 01:10 (Cartoon+TCM)

Dortíkové války. Naproti Cathyině cukrárně otevře nový hipsterský podnik který jí odláká všechny zák...

Dortíkové války. Naproti Cathyině cukrárně otevře nový hipsterský podnik který jí odláká všechny zákazníky. Angelo s přáteli přijdou s plánem tak pomoci Cathy získat zákazníky zpět.

TV program: Angelovy patálie (Angelo Rules)
Power Players II
TV program: Power Players
Power Players II
TV program: Power Players
Power Players II
Chaos na dálkové ovládání
TV program: Power Players
Power Players II
Noční rytíř se vrací
TV program: Power Players
Gumballův úžasný svět

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 13:40 (Cartoon+TCM)
04.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
05.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
06.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
07.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
08.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
09.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
10.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)

Spolek. Gumball pojal podezření že ve škole existuje tajný spolek. Aby se do něj dostal je ochoten u...

Spolek. Gumball pojal podezření že ve škole existuje tajný spolek. Aby se do něj dostal je ochoten udělat cokoliv.

TV program: Gumballův úžasný svět (The Amazing World of Gumball)
Gumballův úžasný svět

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 13:40 (Cartoon+TCM)
04.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
05.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
06.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
07.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
08.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
09.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
10.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)

Spoiler. Gumball s Darwinem musí čekat celý týden než půjdou do kina na nový film. A celou tu dobu s...

Spoiler. Gumball s Darwinem musí čekat celý týden než půjdou do kina na nový film. A celou tu dobu se mají vyhýbat spojlerům.

TV program: Gumballův úžasný svět (The Amazing World of Gumball)
Gumballův úžasný svět

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 13:40 (Cartoon+TCM)
04.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
05.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
06.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
07.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
08.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
09.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
10.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)

Časomíra. Gumball a Darwin se děsí že budou vyloučeni ze školy za pozdní příchod a podniknou závod s...

Časomíra. Gumball a Darwin se děsí že budou vyloučeni ze školy za pozdní příchod a podniknou závod s časem aby se do školy dostali včas.

TV program: Gumballův úžasný svět (The Amazing World of Gumball)
Gumballův úžasný svět

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 13:40 (Cartoon+TCM)
04.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
05.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
06.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
07.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
08.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
09.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
10.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)

Nikdo. V domě Wattersonových se začnou ztrácet věci a Gumball s Darwinem jsou odhodláni najít viníka...

Nikdo. V domě Wattersonových se začnou ztrácet věci a Gumball s Darwinem jsou odhodláni najít viníka.

TV program: Gumballův úžasný svět (The Amazing World of Gumball)
Gumballův úžasný svět

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 13:40 (Cartoon+TCM)
04.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
05.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
06.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
07.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
08.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
09.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
10.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)

Protiva. Gumball ve špatné náladě vysloví přání aby jeho rodina zmizela a zůstane na celém světě sám...

Protiva. Gumball ve špatné náladě vysloví přání aby jeho rodina zmizela a zůstane na celém světě sám.

TV program: Gumballův úžasný svět (The Amazing World of Gumball)
Gumballův úžasný svět

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 13:40 (Cartoon+TCM)
04.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
05.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
06.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
07.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
08.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
09.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
10.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)

Vejce. Nicole pozve na návštěvu nóbl rodinu aby si Anais měla s kým hrát. A napne všechny síly aby n...

Vejce. Nicole pozve na návštěvu nóbl rodinu aby si Anais měla s kým hrát. A napne všechny síly aby na hosty udělala dobrý dojem.

TV program: Gumballův úžasný svět (The Amazing World of Gumball)
Gumballův úžasný svět

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 13:40 (Cartoon+TCM)
04.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
05.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
06.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
07.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
08.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
09.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
10.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)

Triangl. Darwin dostane funkci sólisty ve školní kapele a Gumball začne žárlit. Není však sám kdo Da...

Triangl. Darwin dostane funkci sólisty ve školní kapele a Gumball začne žárlit. Není však sám kdo Darwinovi nepřeje úspěch.

TV program: Gumballův úžasný svět (The Amazing World of Gumball)
Gumballův úžasný svět

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 13:40 (Cartoon+TCM)
04.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
05.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
06.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
07.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
08.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
09.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
10.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)

Peníze. Wattersonovi se ocitnou na mizině a stojí před těžkou volbou – nemít nic nebo se zaprodat re...

Peníze. Wattersonovi se ocitnou na mizině a stojí před těžkou volbou – nemít nic nebo se zaprodat reklamě.

TV program: Gumballův úžasný svět (The Amazing World of Gumball)
Gumballův úžasný svět

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 13:40 (Cartoon+TCM)
04.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
05.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
06.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
07.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
08.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
09.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)
10.01.2022 v 00:05 (Cartoon+TCM)

Návrat. Táta se má postarat aby děti v první školní den přišly do školy včas jenže zaspal a nemůže G...

Návrat. Táta se má postarat aby děti v první školní den přišly do školy včas jenže zaspal a nemůže Gumballa Darwina ani Anais najít.

TV program: Gumballův úžasný svět (The Amazing World of Gumball)
Pat the Dog

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 14:30 (BOOMERANG)
04.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
05.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
06.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
07.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
08.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
09.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
10.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)

The Automated House. The Guanos steal the TV remote control, thus locking Lola and Pat outside (wher...

The Automated House. The Guanos steal the TV remote control, thus locking Lola and Pat outside (where they ran to get it). Coast is clear to kidnap Hoodie. Pat has to get the remote back and save Hoodie.

TV program: Paf le Chien
Pat the Dog

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 14:30 (BOOMERANG)
04.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
05.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
06.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
07.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
08.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
09.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
10.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)

Tank Gets Amnesia. Victor asks Lola to look after Tank for the day. Because of the Guanos, Tank runs...

Tank Gets Amnesia. Victor asks Lola to look after Tank for the day. Because of the Guanos, Tank runs headfirst into a cabinet and the impact totally changes his behavior. Pat is going to have to make Tank come back to his senses...

TV program: Paf le Chien
Pat the Dog

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 14:30 (BOOMERANG)
04.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
05.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
06.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
07.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
08.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
09.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
10.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)

Guano Scooter. Lola helps Hugo learn how to ride a scooter. But the Guanos, drawn to the horn in the...

Guano Scooter. Lola helps Hugo learn how to ride a scooter. But the Guanos, drawn to the horn in the shape of a pigeon, and that they think is real, try to sabotage Lola. Pat to the rescue!

TV program: Paf le Chien
Pat the Dog

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 14:30 (BOOMERANG)
04.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
05.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
06.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
07.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
08.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
09.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
10.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)

Reducing Your Pawprint. Lola is going to be interviewed following a class presentation she did on re...

Reducing Your Pawprint. Lola is going to be interviewed following a class presentation she did on recycling. While she is getting ready for it, the Guanos start pelting Hoodie and Pat with garbage. Pat is going to have to get the Guanos under control while cleaning up the mess before the reporter arrives.

TV program: Paf le Chien
Pat the Dog

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 14:30 (BOOMERANG)
04.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
05.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
06.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
07.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
08.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
09.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
10.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)

The Friendship Letter. The friendly letter from Lucie addressed to Lola gets carried away in the win...

The Friendship Letter. The friendly letter from Lucie addressed to Lola gets carried away in the wind. Pat will bend over backwards to get it back and make sure that the Guanos, who are drawn to the “sticker” glued on it, don’t get it first.

TV program: Paf le Chien
Pat the Dog

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 14:30 (BOOMERANG)
04.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
05.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
06.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
07.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
08.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
09.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
10.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)

The Recruit. Lola has to recover her mother’s brooch that she hung around Hoodie’s neck, because Hoo...

The Recruit. Lola has to recover her mother’s brooch that she hung around Hoodie’s neck, because Hoodie has disappeared. He has been recruited by the Dobermanns who are convinced that he is part of the police force like them. Pat has to rescue Hoodie and the brooch.

TV program: Paf le Chien
Pat the Dog

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 14:30 (BOOMERANG)
04.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
05.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
06.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
07.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
08.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
09.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)
10.01.2022 v 00:00 (BOOMERANG)

Where Is My Phone? Lola is fed up with her mother always being glued to her smartphone. With help fr...

Where Is My Phone? Lola is fed up with her mother always being glued to her smartphone. With help from Pat, she hides it...but the Guanos find it. Pat has to quickly get the cell phone back because mommy is expecting a very important call.

TV program: Paf le Chien
Mush-Mush And The Mushables
Mushroomates. When ants invade Fung and Miff's tree, our Mushlers offer for them to move in... but t...

Mushroomates. When ants invade Fung and Miff's tree, our Mushlers offer for them to move in... but the two quickly turn out to be unbearable roommates. So when Fung and Miff break their trampoline, our friends decide it's time for them to go back to their homes. But first they need to get rid of the ants...

TV program: Muchomůrek a Muchlíci (Mush-Mush & the Mushables)
Mush-Mush And The Mushables
Race The Beast. Mush-Mush and his friends are determined to win the bark sledge race, but their esse...

Race The Beast. Mush-Mush and his friends are determined to win the bark sledge race, but their essential fourth team member drops out. Our friends ask Mushpot to step up from being their coach to racing with them. The Mushelder is reluctant at first but soon reveals the tough competitor he is!

TV program: Muchomůrek a Muchlíci (Mush-Mush & the Mushables)
Mush-Mush And The Mushables
Surprise, It's Spring. Puff doesn't like change much. And with spring about to burst forth and all t...

Surprise, It's Spring. Puff doesn't like change much. And with spring about to burst forth and all the changes spring brings, he is puffing out nervous fog which is blanketing the whole of Mushton. Mush-Mush and friends need to get Puff to relax and celebrate spring together with all the other Mushables!

TV program: Muchomůrek a Muchlíci (Mush-Mush & the Mushables)
Mush-Mush And The Mushables
The Missing Mushlet. So Mushpie can take a break, Mush-Mush, Chep and Lilit offer to look after the ...

The Missing Mushlet. So Mushpie can take a break, Mush-Mush, Chep and Lilit offer to look after the Mushies, assuring her that everything will be fine. But a Mushie pops to become a Mushlet and escapes. Our friends find him in Muddler's clutches! Now, they must figure out a way to save the Mushlet and return the other Mushies to their cave before the return of Mushpie.

TV program: Muchomůrek a Muchlíci (Mush-Mush & the Mushables)
Power Players
Bobbie Not Blobby. Axel discovers that the culprit behind Bobbie Blobby's missing mech-suit is Masko...

Bobbie Not Blobby. Axel discovers that the culprit behind Bobbie Blobby's missing mech-suit is Masko who only wanted to clean out its clogged clay cannons but lets the suit fall into the hands (or tentacles) of Dr. Nautilus - intent on flooding the sewers!

TV program: Power Players
Power Players
King Axel. After a screening of the King Arthur tale, Axel holds out his sword and declares himself ...

King Axel. After a screening of the King Arthur tale, Axel holds out his sword and declares himself king, but when Dynamo uses his magnetism to steal the weapon and bestow it upon Masko it casts doubt among the team over who is the true leader.

TV program: Power Players
Power Players
The Other Side. Axel must 'save' Bobbie Blobby after she defects to Madcap's team tempted by Porcupu...

The Other Side. Axel must 'save' Bobbie Blobby after she defects to Madcap's team tempted by Porcupunk and his assertion that she belongs with the bad toys.

TV program: Power Players
Power Players
Savage Axel. Bearbarian helps Axel get in touch with his wild side as Orangutank liberates nature fr...

Savage Axel. Bearbarian helps Axel get in touch with his wild side as Orangutank liberates nature from an apartment building - tossing potted plants of all sizes out the window and onto innocent bystanders below!

TV program: Power Players
Power Players
Iced Out. Madcap's latest creation, the Ice Crusher, puts the whole city in a deep freeze forcing Ax...

Iced Out. Madcap's latest creation, the Ice Crusher, puts the whole city in a deep freeze forcing Axel and the team to face him in a game of high-stakes hockey or risk slip-sliding into another ice age!

TV program: Power Players

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 12:45 (BOOMERANG)
04.01.2022 v 01:50 (BOOMERANG)
05.01.2022 v 01:50 (BOOMERANG)
06.01.2022 v 01:50 (BOOMERANG)
07.01.2022 v 01:50 (BOOMERANG)
08.01.2022 v 01:50 (BOOMERANG)
09.01.2022 v 01:50 (BOOMERANG)
10.01.2022 v 01:50 (BOOMERANG)

Boss's Mom. Specs and Skinny get the day off from Lamput chasing, and receive a super important assi...

Boss's Mom. Specs and Skinny get the day off from Lamput chasing, and receive a super important assignment: go to the train station, and pick up the Boss' beloved mom. The Boss really needs to reassess his delegation choices; on the way to the station, the Docs get sidetracked by all the fancy buttons in the Boss' stretch limo, and manage to lose the photo of the old lady they're s'posed to bring back. All they have left is a picture of a grey bun, which, when it comes to old ladies, doesn't really narrow it down any. They cast a pretty wide (hair) net, but not wide enough; the Docs bring back a limo full of old ladies, but not the Boss' beloved mom. She's still left at the station without a ride. Luckily she's helped out by a kindly fellow traveller, who just happens to be orange and blob-shaped.

TV program: Lamput

Další díl/opakování:
08.10.2024 v 11:50 (Disney Channel)
09.10.2024 v 11:50 (Disney Channel)
10.10.2024 v 11:50 (Disney Channel)
11.10.2024 v 00:15 (Disney Channel)
12.10.2024 v 11:20 (Disney Channel)
14.10.2024 v 05:45 (Disney Channel)
15.10.2024 v 11:50 (Disney Channel)
17.10.2024 v 11:50 (Disney Channel)

Reach And Touche Someone. Mrs. M receives a visit from her old friend Racoon Ronald, a famous trappe...

Reach And Touche Someone. Mrs. M receives a visit from her old friend Racoon Ronald, a famous trapper who holds the world record for most raccoons catched by anybody ever. Bur Ronald is old now, and blind. Which means that he will be able to tell if Taffy is a Raccoon just by touching him - bow or no bow! Taffy can't let Racoon Ronald touch him - no matter what!

TV program: Taffy

Další díl/opakování:
08.10.2024 v 11:50 (Disney Channel)
09.10.2024 v 11:50 (Disney Channel)
10.10.2024 v 11:50 (Disney Channel)
11.10.2024 v 00:15 (Disney Channel)
12.10.2024 v 11:20 (Disney Channel)
14.10.2024 v 05:45 (Disney Channel)
15.10.2024 v 11:50 (Disney Channel)
17.10.2024 v 11:50 (Disney Channel)

The White Gloves. Forsythe can not stand the battle between Taffy and Bentley anymore! He decides to...

The White Gloves. Forsythe can not stand the battle between Taffy and Bentley anymore! He decides to get rid of the pets but that's without counting on the perseverance of the two rivals...

TV program: Taffy

Další díl/opakování:
08.10.2024 v 11:50 (Disney Channel)
09.10.2024 v 11:50 (Disney Channel)
10.10.2024 v 11:50 (Disney Channel)
11.10.2024 v 00:15 (Disney Channel)
12.10.2024 v 11:20 (Disney Channel)
14.10.2024 v 05:45 (Disney Channel)
15.10.2024 v 11:50 (Disney Channel)
17.10.2024 v 11:50 (Disney Channel)

Machine Dreams. It's time for the annual International Butling Associate inspection. And each year F...

Machine Dreams. It's time for the annual International Butling Associate inspection. And each year Forsythe has received its highest honor the coveted White Glove award. He has never approved of animals in the house and with Taffy and Bentley it's a nightmare. To help him, Bentley and Taffy decide to order a robot which will prepare the mansion for the inspection.

TV program: Taffy

Další díl/opakování:
08.10.2024 v 11:50 (Disney Channel)
09.10.2024 v 11:50 (Disney Channel)
10.10.2024 v 11:50 (Disney Channel)
11.10.2024 v 00:15 (Disney Channel)
12.10.2024 v 11:20 (Disney Channel)
14.10.2024 v 05:45 (Disney Channel)
15.10.2024 v 11:50 (Disney Channel)
17.10.2024 v 11:50 (Disney Channel)

Taffyzilla. Binikos is concerned about Mrs. M's lack of strength, so he orders a special muscle-buil...

Taffyzilla. Binikos is concerned about Mrs. M's lack of strength, so he orders a special muscle-building machine. But Taffy crashes into it during one of their chases. Taffy emerges, and he's completely hulked out! A gigantic battle begins between the two pets...

TV program: Taffy

Další díl/opakování:
08.10.2024 v 11:50 (Disney Channel)
09.10.2024 v 11:50 (Disney Channel)
10.10.2024 v 11:50 (Disney Channel)
11.10.2024 v 00:15 (Disney Channel)
12.10.2024 v 11:20 (Disney Channel)
14.10.2024 v 05:45 (Disney Channel)
15.10.2024 v 11:50 (Disney Channel)
17.10.2024 v 11:50 (Disney Channel)

Laughy Taffy. Taffy has been eating too many sweets and has a cavity. He'll have to go to the vet an...

Laughy Taffy. Taffy has been eating too many sweets and has a cavity. He'll have to go to the vet and get a filling. Bentley tries to show to Dr. Hurtz that Taffy is a filthy racoon and not a cat! But for some reason, the normally dour vet keeps bursting into laughter.

TV program: Taffy

Další díl/opakování:
08.10.2024 v 11:50 (Disney Channel)
09.10.2024 v 11:50 (Disney Channel)
10.10.2024 v 11:50 (Disney Channel)
11.10.2024 v 00:15 (Disney Channel)
12.10.2024 v 11:20 (Disney Channel)
14.10.2024 v 05:45 (Disney Channel)
15.10.2024 v 11:50 (Disney Channel)
17.10.2024 v 11:50 (Disney Channel)

Pet Therapist. The vet comes for a stay at Muchmore Manor. She immediately declares Taffy and Bentle...

Pet Therapist. The vet comes for a stay at Muchmore Manor. She immediately declares Taffy and Bentley have big issues. She knows because she can talk to animals. Or so she says... Bentley really believes this and hopes to expose Taffy's fraud.

TV program: Taffy

Další díl/opakování:
08.10.2024 v 11:50 (Disney Channel)
09.10.2024 v 11:50 (Disney Channel)
10.10.2024 v 11:50 (Disney Channel)
11.10.2024 v 00:15 (Disney Channel)
12.10.2024 v 11:20 (Disney Channel)
14.10.2024 v 05:45 (Disney Channel)
15.10.2024 v 11:50 (Disney Channel)
17.10.2024 v 11:50 (Disney Channel)

There Kitty Kitty. A new kitten is found into the mansion. Now Mrs. M is in love with the kitten and...

There Kitty Kitty. A new kitten is found into the mansion. Now Mrs. M is in love with the kitten and Taffy must try to do him in but something is weird. Taffy has to find what's going on with this cute lovable kitten.

TV program: Taffy

Další díl/opakování:
08.10.2024 v 11:50 (Disney Channel)
09.10.2024 v 11:50 (Disney Channel)
10.10.2024 v 11:50 (Disney Channel)
11.10.2024 v 00:15 (Disney Channel)
12.10.2024 v 11:20 (Disney Channel)
14.10.2024 v 05:45 (Disney Channel)
15.10.2024 v 11:50 (Disney Channel)
17.10.2024 v 11:50 (Disney Channel)

A Star is Born. Fuffernin is looking for a star for his next movie! Mrs M is in a hurry ... But firs...

A Star is Born. Fuffernin is looking for a star for his next movie! Mrs M is in a hurry ... But first and foremost, Bentley must succeed his casting. Taffy, jealous, will work to sabotage Bentley's moment of glory!

TV program: Taffy

Další díl/opakování:
08.10.2024 v 11:50 (Disney Channel)
09.10.2024 v 11:50 (Disney Channel)
10.10.2024 v 11:50 (Disney Channel)
11.10.2024 v 00:15 (Disney Channel)
12.10.2024 v 11:20 (Disney Channel)
14.10.2024 v 05:45 (Disney Channel)
15.10.2024 v 11:50 (Disney Channel)
17.10.2024 v 11:50 (Disney Channel)

Makeover Fakeover. Taffy must clear his jam-packed eating schedule to make Mish and Mash birthday pa...

Makeover Fakeover. Taffy must clear his jam-packed eating schedule to make Mish and Mash birthday party or risk losing their friendships for good! Unfortunately their party turns out to be at the exact same time Mrs. M is having a photographer over from a magazine to take photos of Taffy to show off her little niece Addie's makeover skills.

TV program: Taffy
Alice & Lewis

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 14:00 (BOOMERANG)
04.01.2022 v 04:00 (BOOMERANG)
05.01.2022 v 04:00 (BOOMERANG)
06.01.2022 v 04:00 (BOOMERANG)
07.01.2022 v 04:00 (BOOMERANG)
08.01.2022 v 04:00 (BOOMERANG)
09.01.2022 v 04:00 (BOOMERANG)
10.01.2022 v 04:00 (BOOMERANG)

Tiny Guest. Lewis is very proud when the Queen asks him to watch over little Charlie until teatime! ...

Tiny Guest. Lewis is very proud when the Queen asks him to watch over little Charlie until teatime! Only problem is, Charlie is insisting on helping the rabbit feed his clock’s cogs and he's way too small! So Lewis calls on Alice so she can look after the boy while Lewis is busy. Miffed, Charlie gulps down what he thought was growing syrup: oops, it was actually shrinking syrup! Then he runs into the jungle of cogs inside the clock. Upshot: Alice and Lewis have no choice but to drink some of the same syrup and head off to look for Charlie in among the turning cogs and gears

TV program: Alice & Lewis
Alice & Lewis

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 14:00 (BOOMERANG)
04.01.2022 v 04:00 (BOOMERANG)
05.01.2022 v 04:00 (BOOMERANG)
06.01.2022 v 04:00 (BOOMERANG)
07.01.2022 v 04:00 (BOOMERANG)
08.01.2022 v 04:00 (BOOMERANG)
09.01.2022 v 04:00 (BOOMERANG)
10.01.2022 v 04:00 (BOOMERANG)

The Pastry-Making Painters. Alice is convinced she’s a really talented painter! But when it’s time t...

The Pastry-Making Painters. Alice is convinced she’s a really talented painter! But when it’s time to help Lewis paint the Queen’s Not-Birthday cake, it becomes painfully clear that she was mistaken! Fortunately, one of the Queen’s Cards is an ace cake-maker and offers to get them out of this fix by giving them one of his creations. Accepting his offer, our friends learn that trying to pass oneself off as something one is not really isn’t a good idea!

TV program: Alice & Lewis
Alice & Lewis

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 14:00 (BOOMERANG)
04.01.2022 v 04:00 (BOOMERANG)
05.01.2022 v 04:00 (BOOMERANG)
06.01.2022 v 04:00 (BOOMERANG)
07.01.2022 v 04:00 (BOOMERANG)
08.01.2022 v 04:00 (BOOMERANG)
09.01.2022 v 04:00 (BOOMERANG)
10.01.2022 v 04:00 (BOOMERANG)

Budding Gardeners. Mr. Bompoint gives his students some seeds to take home and nurture. Alice goes a...

Budding Gardeners. Mr. Bompoint gives his students some seeds to take home and nurture. Alice goes and asks Lewis to help her get her seed to germinate as fast as possible. But she’s so impatient that she uses growing syrup, turning it into a huge jumping seed. It bounces into the Queen, who thinks it’s cheese and wants to confiscate it. She finally agrees to give it back to Alice and Lewis on one condition: that they bring her flowers at teatime, without fail!

TV program: Alice & Lewis
Alice & Lewis

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 14:00 (BOOMERANG)
04.01.2022 v 04:00 (BOOMERANG)
05.01.2022 v 04:00 (BOOMERANG)
06.01.2022 v 04:00 (BOOMERANG)
07.01.2022 v 04:00 (BOOMERANG)
08.01.2022 v 04:00 (BOOMERANG)
09.01.2022 v 04:00 (BOOMERANG)
10.01.2022 v 04:00 (BOOMERANG)

The Royal Teddybear. When Alice goes to Wonderland, she finds Lewis and the Twins cleaning up the Qu...

The Royal Teddybear. When Alice goes to Wonderland, she finds Lewis and the Twins cleaning up the Queen’s stuff. To gain time, she decides to lend them a hand. But in her haste to get the job done fast, she throws everything into a toy box, including the Queen’s plush toy! Unfortunately, the box in question works a bit like the blue doors that are dotted around Wonderland: the only way to recover the objects is to think of the place where you want them to go while you’re putting them in. Of course, Alice didn’t know this... And so, here we have the Queen’s plush toy royally lost! If Alice and the Twins don’t find it fast, Lewis is going to wind up the Queen’s plush toy from here on out!

TV program: Alice & Lewis
Alice & Lewis

Další díl/opakování:
03.01.2022 v 14:00 (BOOMERANG)
04.01.2022 v 04:00 (BOOMERANG)
05.01.2022 v 04:00 (BOOMERANG)
06.01.2022 v 04:00 (BOOMERANG)
07.01.2022 v 04:00 (BOOMERANG)
08.01.2022 v 04:00 (BOOMERANG)
09.01.2022 v 04:00 (BOOMERANG)
10.01.2022 v 04:00 (BOOMERANG)

The Big Royal Quiz. Alice & Lewis team up to win the Great Royal Quiz, an obstacle course combined w...

The Big Royal Quiz. Alice & Lewis team up to win the Great Royal Quiz, an obstacle course combined with a questionnaire about Wonderland. But Charlie notices their training routine and infallible winning technique and gets jealous. Acting as the referee, the Queen decides to cheat in order to give her nephew the upper hand. Our two friends are going to have to remain a tight team till the bitter end in order to avoid all the pitfalls along the way!

TV program: Alice & Lewis